11 resultados para On-road driving assessment

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A mechanical model of a laser transformation hardening specimen with a crack in the middle of the hardened layer is developed to quantify the effects of the residual stress and hardness gradient on crack driving force in terms of J-integral. It is assumed


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The kinetics of facilitated ion-transfer (FIT) reactions at high driving force across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (W/DCE) interface is investigated by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The transfers of lithium and sodium ions facilitated by dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) across the polarized W/DCE interface are chosen as model systems because they have the largest potential range that can be controlled externally. By selecting the appropriate ratios of the reactant concentrations (Kr c(M)+/c(DB18C6)) and using nanopipets as the SECM tips, we obtained a series of rate constants (k(f)) at various driving forces (Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') - Es, Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') is the formal potential of facilitated ion transfer and Es is the potential applied externally at the substrate interface) based on a three-electrode system. The FIT rate constants k(f) are found to be dependent upon the driving force. When the driving force is low, the dependence of 1n k(f) on the driving force is linear with a transfer coefficient of about 0.3. It follows the classical Butler-Volmer theory and then reaches a maximum before it decreases again when we further increase the driving forces. This indicates that there exists an inverted region, and these behaviors have been explained by Marcus theory.


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The complexes [Cu(dnpb)(DPEphos)](+)(X-) (dnpb and DPEphos are 2,9-di-n-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline and bis[2-(diphenyl-phosphino)phenyl]ether, respectively, and X- is BF4-, ClO4-, or PF6-) can form high quality films with photoluminescence quantum yields of up to 71 +/- 7%. Their electroluminescent properties are studied using the device-structure indium tin oxide (ITO)/complex/metal cathiode. The devices emit green light efficiently, with an emission maximum of 523 nm, and work in the mode of light-emitting electrochemical cells. The response time of the devices greatly depends on the driving voltage, the counterions, and the thickness of the complex film. After pre-biasing at 25 V for 40 s, the devices turn on instantly, with a turn-on voltage of ca. 2.9 V. A current efficiency of 56 cd A(-1) and an external quantum efficiency of 16% are realised with Al as the cathode. Using a low-work-function metal as the cathode can significantly enhance the brightness of the device almost without affecting the turn-on voltage and current efficiency. With a Ca cathode, a brightness of 150 cd m(-2) at 6 V and 4100 cd m(-2) at 25 V is demonstrated. The electroluminescent performance of these types of complexes is among the best so far for transition metal complexes with counterions.


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One of the most important kinds of queries in Spatial Network Databases (SNDB) to support location-based services (LBS) is the shortest path query. Given an object in a network, e.g. a location of a car on a road network, and a set of objects of interests, e.g. hotels,gas station, and car, the shortest path query returns the shortest path from the query object to interested objects. The studies of shortest path query have two kinds of ways, online processing and preprocessing. The studies of preprocessing suppose that the interest objects are static. This paper proposes a shortest path algorithm with a set of index structures to support the situation of moving objects. This algorithm can transform a dynamic problem to a static problem. In this paper we focus on road networks. However, our algorithms do not use any domain specific information, and therefore can be applied to any network. This algorithm’s complexity is O(klog2 i), and traditional Dijkstra’s complexity is O((i + k)2).


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本文考察了若尔盖高寒泥炭湿地公路对高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)、倭蛙(Narorana pleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)的生态影响。分析了公路对两栖动物空间分布和栖息地利用的影响,并用IBM模型探讨其可能作用机制,考察了两栖动物公路死亡的季节差异及影响公路死亡空间分布的景观因素。最后通过对若尔盖高寒湿地两栖动物陆地核心栖息地的分析,为若尔盖路域栖息地的管理提供依据。 1. 对公路周边6个沼泽水凼群进行了调查,每个样地设置5条样线(距离公路10m、20m、50m、100m和150m)。调查表明,在繁殖季节(5月),距离公路距离对高原林蛙和倭蛙的相对数量都有显著作用,其效应明显大于其他各项栖息地环境参数。公路导致高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边种群密度降低,其相对数量从距离公路100m处到公路边缘一直呈现逐渐降低的趋势。在繁殖季节,若尔盖高寒湿地的公路生态影响域大约在100-150m之间,这一距离远远大于森林栖息地中公路对两栖类的生态影响域(35-40 m)。 在繁殖后期(9月),对公路周边16个草地样点的样线调查表明,公路对周边高原林蛙和倭蛙密度分布并未造成显著影响。 2. 二次模型的拟合表明繁殖季节高原林蛙和倭蛙在公路周边的密度分布符合钟型曲线。前人对森林公路两侧两栖类分布的研究也显示了类似的规律。我们通过基于个体的模型,模拟在了公路边缘100单位距离内的栖息地空间,栖息地环境质量呈梯度变化,动物个体在其中通过随机运动寻找适宜的栖息地。拟合结果表明,动物个体仅仅依照简单的运动规则寻找适宜栖息地,这种活动就可以导致公路周边栖息地中的动物分布曲线出现3个局部峰。公路周边两栖动物的钟型分布曲线可能仅仅是个体寻找适宜栖息地过程中出现的临时性群体分布模式。 3. 在若尔盖高寒湿地,公路交通造成了大量两栖类死亡。但是公路两栖类动物死亡的季节分布很不均匀:5月、8月和9月死亡数量很高,而7月和10月死亡数量却很低。这种季节性差异和两栖类各个生活史阶段的迁移运动有密切的关系。利用景观参数的逻辑斯蒂回归模型显示,距离公路1000-2000m范围内的湿草地比例对三种两栖类公路死亡概率均有很强的贡献。湿草地这一栖息地类型分类中有大量的沼泽水体,是两栖类重要的繁殖点和取食点。两栖类公路死亡概率湿草地的关系从一个侧面表明,要维持一个区域较高的两栖类种群数量,需要1000-2000m半径范围内存在大面积的湿草地。 4. 高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍不同性别和年龄个体分布点的水体距离存在显著差异。不同种类、年龄的两栖类分布点距离水体距离的差异可能是由于对水体的依赖性造成的。而相同种类、年龄段的个体中,高原林蛙雌性、岷山蟾蜍亚成体和雌性的体重与分布点距水体距离有显著负相关,这可能是因为体重更大的个体对水体的依赖性更弱。考虑到过大的陆地核心栖息地面积在实际保护工作中存在操作上的困难,因此我们认为可以以水体周边90%个体的分布区为低限确定3种两栖类的最小陆地核心栖息地。但是,在同样的水体距离-两栖类密度分布格局下,水体的面积和分形参数对最小陆地核心栖息地半径的确定有一定影响。 Ecological effects of alpine wetland road on Rana kukunoris, Narorana pleskei, Bufo minshanicus was studied in Zoige wetland. The effects of road on distribution of amphibians and its possible underline mechanism was discussed based on empirical data and computer simulation. Road killed amphibians was surveyed in different season and those landscape factor which could have impact on road killing distribution was analyses. Core terrestrial habitat of amphibians in Zoige wetland was discussed in the consideration of conservation management. 1. Six pool groups was investigated in breeding season (May) of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei. Five transects at distance of 10m, 20m, 50m, 100m and 150m from road edge was surveyed in each pool groups. There was a significant effects of distance from road edge on relative counts of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei, which is much important than effects of other environmental factors. Road caused the density of R. kukunoris, N. pleskei decreased from distance of 100m from road to 10m from road. Road ecological effect zone of alpine wetland for amphibians is about 100-150m. It is much wider than those of forest roads, which is about 35-40m. However, studies on 16 grassland near road showed no significant effect of road on amphibians after breeding season (Sep.). 2. Quadratic model fit indicated that the distribution of R. kukunoris and N. Pleskei followed a hump like curve. Previous studies on forest road showed similar results. A 100×100 habitat with gradual environment besides road was simulated with a individual-based model, and animal seek for suitable habitat with stochastic locomotion in it. Simulation results indicated that 3 density peak of animal distribution can emergent followed a simply rules. The hump like density cure could be a temporal swarm pattern during the process of individual seeking for habitat. 3. Road traffic caused mass death of amphibians in Zoige wetland. There was much road killed amphibians in May, Aug and Sep than those in July and Oct. The fluctuation of road kill could be related with migration of amphibians between seasons. Logistic regression of landscape variables indicated that wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential to predict the probability of road kill. Wet grassland is an important breeding and forage habitat for amphibians. It also indicated that mass wet grassland in 1000-2000m is essential for maintain a big amphibian population. 4. There was significant differences among distance from aquatic site of subadults, female and males of R. kukunoris and B. Minshanicus. Possibly, it was because of their dependence on water. There was a significant negative relationship between distance from aquatic site and individuals body mass. Estimates of core habitat that are too large may make it difficult to establish protective regulations. The smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats were defined as the terrestrial habitats used during migration to and from the wetlands, and for foraging by 90% of any life stage (adults, and subadults) in a season. However, even with the same amphibian distribution pattern along the distance from aquatic sites, the radii of smallest suitable terrestrial core habitats will be varied with the fractal parameters of aquatic site.


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介绍了国内外土壤侵蚀预报模型的主要研究成果。所介绍的国外土壤侵蚀预报模型除众所周知的USL E/ RUSL E,WEPP,L ISEM和 EUROSEM外 ,还有浅沟侵蚀预报模型 (EGEM)和切沟侵蚀预报模型。国内的侵蚀预报模型主要有在 GIS支持下的陡坡地包括浅沟侵蚀的坡面侵蚀预报模型、有一定物理成因的坡面侵蚀预报模型和流域预报模型。在总结和评价国内外土壤侵蚀预报模型的基础上 ,提出了中国今后土壤侵蚀预报模型研究的设想。


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That the dodecahedral water cluster (DWC) can adsorb dissolved methane molecules, an important phenomenon related to the hydrate nucleation study, has been observed through molecular dynamics simulations, but it has not been explained satisfactorily [Guang-Jun Guo; Yi-Gang Zhang; Hua Liu. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 2595]. In order to explain this phenomenon by using the potential of mean force (PMF) between the DWC and the dissolved methane, we perform several series of constrained molecular dynamics simulations in the methane-water system. The distance between the center of DWC and the methane molecule is constrained from 5 Å to 18 Å by adding 0.2 Å every time. For each fixed distance, we perform 20 independent simulations to improve the statistical precision. We first get the constraint force between the DWC and the dissolved methane in each simulation and then calculate the PMF by integrating these forces. Subsequently, the radial distribution function (RDF) is obtained from the PMF through an equation of statistical mechanics. The results show that the RDF has a sharp peak at about 6.2 Å, successfully explaining why the DWC adsorbs dissolved methane molecules. The preferential binding coefficient is a positive value (=2.05±0.5), indicates that the DWC tends to adsorb dissolved methane rather than water molecules in methane aqueous solutions. The curve of PMF for the DWC encaging a methane almost coincides that for the empty DWC, meaning that it is the DWC rather than the encaged methane who could adsorb dissolved methane molecules. By comparing the curves of PMF for different directions of the DWC relative to the dissolved methane, we find that it is the cage face rather than the cage edge or vertex that plays an essential role when the DWC adsorbing dissolved methane. This research sheds light on the driving force for the methane adsorption, and it is helpful in understanding the nucleation process of methane hydrate.