187 resultados para Nuclear explosions.

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This paper reports that Coulomb explosions taken place in the experiment of heteronuclear deuterated methane clusters ((CD4)(n)) in a gas jet subjected to intense femtosecond laser pulses (170 mJ, 70 fs) have led to table-top laser driven DD nuclear fusion. The clusters produced in supersonic expansion had an average energies of deuterons produced in the laser-cluster interaction were 60 and 1.5 KeV, respectively. From DD collisons of energetic deuterons, a yield of 2.5(+/-0.4)x10(4) fusion neutrons of 2.45 MeV per shot was realized, giving rise to a neutron production efficiency of about 1.5 x 10(5) per joule of incident laser pulse energy. Theoretical calculations were performed and a fairly good agreement of the calculated neutron yield with that obtained from the present experiment was found.


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The spray of emulsified fuel, composed of diesel fuel, water and methanol can make micro-explosion under high temperature conditions, and the viscosity and the atomization characteristics of emulsion have significant effects on the micro- explosion of emulsions. To clarify the combustion mechanism of water-in-oil emulsion sprays, combustion bomb experiments were carried out, and the droplet group micro- explosions in W/O fuel emulsion sprays in a high-pressure, high-temperature bomb were observed clearly by a multi-pulsed, off-axis, image-plane ruby laser holocamera and continuously by a high-speed CCD camera.The viscosity and atomization characteristics of emulsions were also studied experimentally. The experimental results show that the higher concentration of the aqueous phase (water-methanol) (<50%) increases the viscosity of the emulsions, especially for higher agent concentration, and higher aqueous phase concentration and higher viscosity results in lager Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). The experiment results also show that the different kinds of emulsifying agents, with different Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance (HLB) values, have significant influence on the viscosity of the emulsions.


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Using time-of-flight spectrometry, the interaction of intense femtosecond laser pulses with argon clusters has been studied by measuring the energy and yield of emitted ions. With two different supersonic nozzles, the dependence of average ion energy (E) over bar on cluster size (n) over bar in a large range of (n) over bar approximate to 3 x 10(3) similar to 3 x 10(6) has been measured. The experimental results indicate that when the cluster size (n) over bar <= 3 x 10(5), the average ion energy (E) over bar proportional to (n) over bar (0.5), Coulomb explosion is the dominant expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, the average ion energy gets saturated gradually, the clusters exhibit a mixed Coulomb-hydrodynamic expansion behavior. We also find that with the increasing gas backing pressure, there is a maximum ion yield, the ion yield decreases as the gas backing pressure is further increased.


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Neutron production from a thin deuterium-tritium (D-T) foil irradiated by two intense femtosecond laser pulses from opposite sides with zero phase difference is studied analytically and numerically. For the interaction of a laser pulse of amplitude a = 7, focal area 100 mu m(2) and areal density 4.4 x 10(18) cm(-2) with a D-T plasma foil, about 1.17 x 10(21) neutron s(-1) can be obtained, much more than from other methods. The profiles of the ion and electron densities are also calculated.


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We propose a plasma channel scheme to obtain an improved table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield as a result of explosions of large deuterium clusters irradiated by an intense laser pulse. A cylindrical plasma channel is created by two moderate intensity laser prepulses at the edge of a deuterium cluster jet along which an intense main laser pulse propagates several nanoseconds later. With the aid of this plasma channel, the main laser pulse will be allowed to deposit its energy into the central region of the deuterium gas jet where the cluster sizes are larger and the atomic density is higher. The plasma channel formation and its impact on the deuterium ion energy spectrum and the consequent fusion neutron yield have been investigated. The calculated results show that a remarkable increase of the table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield would be expected.


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The effect of the laser spot size on the neutron yield of table-top nuclear fusion from explosions of a femtosecond intense laser pulse heated deuterium clusters is investigated by using a simplified model, in which the cluster size distribution and the energy attenuation of the laser as it propagates through the cluster jet are taken into account. It has been found that there exists a proper laser spot size for the maximum fusion neutron yield for a given laser pulse and a specific deuterium gas cluster jet. The proper spot size, which is dependent on the laser parameters and the cluster jet parameters, has been calculated and compared with the available experimental data. A reasonable agreement between the calculated results and the published experimental results is found.


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The pure Coulomb explosions of the methane clusters (CA(4))(n), (light atom A = H or D) have been investigated by a simplified electrostatic model for both a single cluster and an ensemble of clusters with a given cluster size distribution. The dependence of the energy of ions produced from the explosions on cluster size and the charge state of the carbon ions has been analysed. It is found that, unlike the average proton energy which increases with the charge q of the carbon ions, the average deuteron energy tends to saturate as q becomes larger than 4. This implies that when the laser intensity is sufficiently high for the (CD4)(n) to be ionized to a charge state of (C4+D4+)(n), the neutron yield from a table-top laser-driven Coulomb explosion of deuterated methane clusters (CD4)(n) could be increased significantly by increasing the interaction volume rather than by increasing the laser intensity to produce the higher charge state (C6+D4+)(n). The flight-time spectra of the carbon ions and the light ions have also been studied.


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The dependence of the maximum and average energies of protons, which were produced in the interaction of an intense laser pulse (similar to 1 x 10(16) W cm(-2), 65 fs) with hydrogen clusters in a gas jet backed up to 80 bar at liquid nitrogen temperature (similar to 80 K), on the backing pressure has been studied. The general trend of the proton energy dependence on the square of the average cluster radius, which is determined by a calibrated Rayleigh scattering measurement, is similar to that described by theory under the single size approximation. Calculations are made to fit the experimental results under a simplified model by taking into account both a log-normal cluster size distribution and the laser intensity attenuation in the interaction volume. A very good agreement between the experimental proton energy spectra and the calculations is obtained in the high- energy part of the proton energy distributions, but a discrepancy of the fits is revealed in the low-energy part at higher backing pressures which are associated with denser flows. A possible mechanism which would be responsible for this discrepancy is discussed. Finally, from the fits, a variation of the cluster size distributions was revealed to be dependent on the gas backing pressure as well as on the evolving time of the gas flow of clusters.