111 resultados para Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), commun carp (Cyprinus carpio), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) Risk of environmental contamination

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A 12-week growth trial was conducted in a flow-through system to investigate the chronic toxic effect of dietary intake of cyanobacteria on growth, feed utilization and microcystins accumulation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) (initial body weight: 5.6 g). Six isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were formulated to include different contents of cyanobacteria with the dietary microcystins increasing from 0 to 5460.06 ng/g diet. The results showed that dietary intake of cyanobacteria could increase the growth of tilapia while there are no impacts on feed conversion efficiency or mortality. Feeding rate was higher for the diets containing highest cyanobacteria. Microcystins were mostly accumulated in fish liver. The relationship between microcystins contents in muscle, liver, spleen and dietary intake could be described by quadratic equations. Microcystins content in the muscle of Nile tilapia in present study exceeded the upper limit of the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of microcystins suggested by the WHO (0.04 mu g/kg body weight/d). It is suggested that Nile tilapia fed on toxic cyanobacteria is not suitable for human food. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A growth trial was conducted at 30 degrees C to investigate the effect of body size on growth and energy budget of Nile tilapia. The average initial body weights of the four size groups tested were 9.3, 34.1, 80.3 and 172.4 g, respectively. Fish were fed to satiation twice a day with a diet containing 35.6% crude protein. Food consumption (C-max: kJ/day) increased with body size (W: g) according to the relationship: Ln C-max = 1.45 + 0.42 LnW. The final body contents of dry matter, crude protein and ash per unit body weight increased with increasing body size while contents of fat and energy were independent of body size. Specific growth rates of wet weight, dry weight, protein and energy decreased as the fish increased in size. Feed efficiencies in wet weigh, dry weight and crude protein decreased with increasing body size, while that of energy remained unchanged. The proportions of energy intake allocated to the various components (faecal energy, excretory energy, heat production and recovered energy) of the energy budget were not significantly affected by body size, and the average budget was: 100IE-18.5(+/- 1.33)FE + 5.9 (+/- 3.09)(ZE + UE) + 49.3(+/- 3.77)HE + 26.3(+/- 6.23)RE, where IE, FE, (ZE + UE), HE and RE represent gross energy intake, faecal energy, excretory (non-faecal) energy loss, heat production and recovered energy (growth), respectively. It is suggested that the decrease in growth rate in larger fish is mainly due to the decrease in relative food intake. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Nile tilapia weighing 8.29-11.02 g were fed a practical diet at seven ration levels (starvation, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4% body weight per day and satiation) twice a day at 30 degrees C. Feed consumption, apparent digestibility, nitrogenous excretion and growth were determined directly, and heat production was calculated by difference of energy budget. The relationship between specific growth rate in wet weight (SGR(w), percentage per day) and ration size (RL, percentage per day) was a decelerating curve described as SGR(w) = 2.98 (1 - e(-0.61(RL-0.43))). The apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter and protein showed a decreasing pattern with increasing ration while the apparent digestibility coefficient of energy was not significantly affected by ration size. The proportion of gross energy intake lost in nitrogenous excretion tended to decrease with increasing ration. Feed efficiency was highest, and the proportion of gross energy intake channelled to heat production was lowest, at an intermediate ration level (2% per day). The energy budget at the satiation level was: 100IE = 16.9FE + 1.2(ZE + UE) + 62.3HE + 19.6RE, where IE, FE, (ZE + UE), HE and RE represent gross energy intake, faecal energy, excretory (non-faecal) energy loss, heat production and recovered energy (growth), respectively. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The residues of enrofloxacin and its metabolite in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were studied after oral dose of 50 mg/kg for 7 days. To find the differences between Nile tilapia and Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis), the residues of enrofloxacin in P chinensis were also studied under the same conditions. The results showed that enrofloxacin metabolized into ciprofloxacin in both Nile tilapia and P chinensis, the maximal concentration of enrofloxacin in muscle, liver and plasma of Nile tilapia were 3.61 mu g/g, 5.96 mu g/g, 1.25 mu g/ml respectively, and ciprofloxacin in muscle was 0.22 mu g/g. The maximal concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in P chinensis were 1.68 mu g/g and 0.07 mu g/g respectively. The predicted withdrawal time for Nile tilapia was 22 days, and P. chinensis was 12 days under our experiment conditions. The residues of fitrazolidone [3-(5-nitrofurfurylidenamino)-2-oxazolidinone] and its main metabolite 3-amina-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in Nile tilapia were first determined by HPLC/MS. Results showed that after oral dose of 30 mg/kg for 7 days, the maximum concentration of farazolidone in Nile tilapia was 413 mu g/kg after 6 h, whereas AOZ residue reached its maximum (31 mu g/kg) right after stopping treatment. In contrast to the high metabolic rate of furazolidone, AOZ was very difficult to eliminate in vivo, thus the withdrawal time of furazolidone in Nile tilapia was 22 days at least. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sonic hedgehog (Shh), one of important homologous members of the hedgehog (Hh) family in vertebrates, encodes a signaling molecule that is involved in short- or long-range patterning processes during embryogenesis. In zebrafish, maternal activity of Hh was found to be contributing to the formation of primary motoneurons. However, we found that all of the known Hh members were not maternally expressed in zebrafish. In the present study, full-length cDNA of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Shh (cShh) was gained by degenerate reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Sequence comparison shows that cShh coding sequence shares 93.4% identity with zebrafish Shh coding sequence, and their corresponding protein sequences have 91.9% similarity. Comparative analysis of Shh genomic sequences and Hh protein sequences from different species revealed that the genomic structures of Hh are conserved from invertebrate to vertebrate. In contrast to zebrafish Shh, cShh transcripts were detectable from one-cell stage by RT-PCR analysis. Whole mount in situ hybridization verified the maternal expression of Shh in common carp, which is, to our knowledge, the first report of that in vertebrates, suggesting that Shh might be responsible for the maternal Hh activity in common carp.


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The complete cytochrome b and the control region of mtDNA (about 2070 bp in total) of 10 strains belonging to three subspecies of the common carp, including three wild subspecies (the Yangtze River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio haematopterus, Yuanjiang River wild common carp Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus and Volga River wild common carp - Cyprinus carpio carpio) and seven domestic strains (Xingguo red carp, Russian scattered scaled mirror carp, Qingtian carp, Japanese Koi carp, purse red carp, Big-belly carp, German mirror carp) were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the 10 strains form three distinct clades, corresponding to C. c. haematopterus, C. c. rubrofuscus and C. c. carpio respectively. Purse red carp, an endemic domestic strain in Jiangxi province of China, showed a higher evolution rate in comparison with the other strains of C. c. haematopterus, most probably because of intensive selection and a long history of domestication. Base variation ratios among the three subspecies varied from 0.78% (between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus) to 1.47%(between C. c. carpio and C. c. rubrofuscus). The topography of the phylogenetic tree and the geographic distribution of three subspecies closely resemble each other. The divergence time between C. c. carpio and the other two subspecies was estimated to be about 0.9 Myr and about 0.5 Myr between C. c. haematopterus and C. c. rubrofuscus. Based on phylogenetic analysis, C. c. rubrofuscus might have diverged from C. c. haematopterus.


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The freshwater, bloom-forming cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Microcystis aeruginosa produces a peptide hepatotoxin, which causes the damage of animal liver. Recently, toxic Microcystis blooms frequently occur in the eutrophic Dianchi Lake (300 km(2) and located in the South-Westem of China). Microcystin-LR from Microcystis in Dianchi was isolated and purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its toxicity to mouse and fish liver was studied (Li et al., 2001). In this study, six biochemical parameters (reactive oxygen species, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxide and glutathione S-transferase) were determined in common carp hepatocytes when the cells were exposed to 10 mug microcystin-LR per litre. The results showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents increased by more than one-time compared with the control after 6 h exposure to the toxin. In contrast, glutathione (GSH) levels in the hepatocytes exposed to microcystin-LR decreased by 47% compared with the control. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxide (GSH-Px) increased significantly after 6 h exposure to microcystin-LR, but glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity showed no difference from the control. These results suggested that the toxicity of microcystin-LR caused the increase of ROS contents and the depletion of GSH in hepatocytes exposed to the toxin and these changes led to oxidant shock in hepatocytes. Increases of SOD, CAT and GSH-Px activities revealed that these three kinds of antioxidant enzymes might play important roles in eliminating the excessive ROS. This paper also examined the possible toxicity mechanism of microcystin-LR on the fish hepatocytes and the results were similar to those with mouse hepatocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Partial cDNA sequences of TCR gamma and CD3 gamma/delta were isolated from the thymus of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Subsequently the full length cDNAs of carp TCR gamma and CD3 gamma/delta were obtained by means of 3' RACE and 5' RACE, respectively. The full length of carp TCR gamma chain is 1368 bp and encodes 326 amino acids including a signal peptide region of 19 amino acids and a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids at the C-terminal region from aa 291 to 313. The V region of carp TCR gamma contains 109 amino acids, the core motif FGXG in J segment was also found in carp TCR gamma. The C region of carp TCR gamma contains the characteristic CX6PX6WX45C motif. The CP region of carp TCR C gamma contains 37 amino acids. The full length of carp CD3 gamma/delta is 790 bp and encodes 175 amino acids including a signal peptide region of 17 amino acids and a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids from aa 93 to 115. Similar to other known CD3 gamma/delta s, four cysteine residues in the extracellular domain and an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif ITAM (YxxL/Ix6-8YxxL/I) in the intracellular domain are also included in carp CD3 gamma/delta. Differing from other known CD3 gamma/delta s, carp CD3 gamma/delta tacks the CXXCXE motif in the extracellular domain. RTPCR analysis demonstrated that the expression of TCR gamma gene was mainly in the thymus and gill of 6-month carp, but in 18-month carp, TCR gamma gene was detected in all the examined tissues. The expression of CD3 gamma/delta gene was detected in all examined tissues of 6 and 18-month carp; among them, the highest expression level was in the thymus of 6-month carp. In situ hybridization showed that CD3 gamma/delta-expressing cells were widely distributed in the head kidney, spleen and kidney of carp, whereas in the thymus, they were densely distributed in the lymphoid outer zone and scattered in the epithelioid inner zone. (c) 2007 Published by Etsevier Ltd.


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Abstract—Burst-and-coast is the most common locomotion type in freely routine swimming of koi carps (Cyprinus carpio koi), which consists of a burst phase and a coast phase in each cycle and mostly leads to a straight-line trajectory. Combining with the tracking experiment, the flow physics of koi carp’s burst-andcoast swimming is investigated using a novel integrated CFD method solving the body-fluid interaction problem. The dynamical equations of a deforming body are formulated. Following that, the loose-coupled equations of the body dynamics and the fluid dynamics are numerically solved with the integrated method. The two burst modes, MT (Multiple Tail-beat) and HT (Half Tail-beat), which have been reported by the experiments, are investigated by numerical simulations in this paper. The body kinematics is predicted and the flow physics is visualized, which are in good agreement with the corresponding experiments. Furthermore, the optimization on the energy cost and several critical control mechanisms in burst-and-coast swimming of koi carps are explored, by varying the parameters in its selfpropelled swimming. In this paper, energetics is measured by the two mechanical quantities, total output power CP and Froude efficiency Fr. Results and discussion show that from the standpoint of mechanical energy, burst-and-coast swimming does not actually save energy comparing with steady swimming at the same average speed, in that frequently changing of speed leads to decrease of efficiency.


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It has been demonstrated that growth hormone (GH) transgenic fish often posses a trait for fast growth. Here, we investigated the growth of F-4 'all-fish' GH transgenic carp Cyprinus carpio and their serum GH levels for a year. The results showed that F-4 all-fish GH transgenic carp were significantly larger in body mass (c. two-fold, P < 0 center dot 001) and body length (c. 1 center dot 3 fold, P < 0 center dot 001), compared with the non-transgenic group. The discrepancy of serum GH levels between the transgenic carp group and control group is 54 fold, when the water temperature was 12-34 degrees C. When the water temperature decreased to 3 center dot 5 degrees C in January, the discrepancy was 256 fold. The serum GH level of the transgenic group was relatively constant, while that of control varied greatly based on month and water temperature. The changes of growth rates between the transgenic group and the control group were similar for a year. Taken together, the results indicated that F-4 all-fish GH transgenic carp had not only higher and constant serum GH levels but also a significant fast-growing effect, compared with the control. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a one-year investigation of growth trait and serum growth hormone level in F-4 all-fish GH transgenic carp.


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Food consumption, number of movements and feeding hierarchy of juvenile transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and their size-matched non-transgenic conspecifics were measured under conditions of limited food supply. Transgenic fish exhibited 73 center dot 3% more movements as well as a higher feeding order, and consumed 1 center dot 86 times as many food pellets as their non-transgenic counterparts. After the 10 day experiment, transgenic C. carpio had still not realized their higher growth potential, which may be partly explained by the higher frequency of movements of transgenics and the 'sneaky' feeding strategy used by the non-transgenics. The results indicate that these transgenic fish possess an elevated ability to compete for limited food resources, which could be advantageous after an escape into the wild. It may be that other factors in the natural environment (i.e. predation risk and food distribution), however, would offset this advantage. Thus, these results need to be assessed with caution.


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A 115 days feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary cyanobacteria on growth, microcystins (MCs) accumulation in hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus) and the recovery when the fish were free of cyanobacteria. Three experimental diets were formulated: the control (cyanobacteria free diet); one test diet with cyanobacteria from Lake Taihu (AMt 80.0 mu g MCs g(-1) diet) and one with cyanobacteria from Lake Dianchi (AMd, 410.0 rho g MCs g(-1) diet). Each diet was fed to fish for 60 days and then all fish were free of cyanobacteria for another 55 days. A significant increase in feeding rate (FR) was observed in fish fed AMd diet after a first 30-day exposure (1(st) EP), and in fish fed both AMt diet and AMd diet after a second 30-day exposure (2(nd) EP). Specific growth rates (SGR) of fish fed AMt diet and AMd diet were both obviously affected after the first 30-day exposure, but SGR was only significantly affected in fish fed AMt diet after the second 30-day exposure. After a 55-day recovery, there were no significant differences among diets in the indices mentioned above. Much higher concentrations of MCs were accumulated in tissues of all fish exposed to cyanobacteria. After the 55-day recovery, MC concentrations in fish tissues were significantly lower than those on day 60. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Natural killer (NK) cell enhancing factor (NKEF) belongs to the newly defined peroxiredoxin (Prx) family. Its functions are to enhance NK cell cytotoxicity and to protect DNA and proteins from oxidative damage. In this study, a partial cDNA sequence of carp NKEF-B was isolated from thymus cDNA library. Subsequently, the full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was obtained by means of 3' and 5' RACE, respectively. The full-length cDNA of carp NKEF-B was 1022 bp, consisting of a 73 bp 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR), a 355 bp T-terminal UTR, and a 594 bp open reading frame coding for a protein of 197 amino acids. Carp NKEF-B contained two consensus Val-Cys-Pro (VCP) motifs and three consensus cysteine (Cys-51, Cys-70 and Cys-172) residues. Sequence comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of carp NKEF-B had an overall similarity of 74-96% to that of other species homologues. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that carp NKEF-B forms a cluster with other known teleost NKEF-Bs. Then, by PCR we obtained a 5.1 -k long genomic DNA of carp NKEF-B containing six exons and five introns. Realtime RT-PCR results showed that carp NKEF-B gene was predominantly detected in kidney and head kidney under un-infected conditions. Whereas under SVCV-infection condition, the expression of NKEF-B gene was significantly increased in blood cells, gill, intestine and spleen, but maintained in liver, and decreased significantly in kidney and head kidney. Finally, the rNKEF-B was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. By using an antibody against carp rNKEF-B, immunohistochemical study further indicated that NKEF-B positive cells are mainly some RBCs and a few epithelial cells in gill and intestine, and that under SVCV-infection condition, these positive cells or positive products in their cytoplasm were mainly increased in gill and spleen sections of carp. The results obtained in the present study will help to understand the function of NKEF-B in teleost innate immunity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Critical swimming speeds (U-crit) and morphological characters were compared between the F-4 generation of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and the non-transgenic controls. Transgenic fish displayed a mean absolute U-crit value 22.3% lower than the controls. Principal component analysis identified variations in body shape, with transgenic fish having significantly deeper head, longer caudal length of the dorsal region, longer standard length (L-S) and shallower body and caudal region, and shorter caudal length of the ventral region. Swimming speeds were related to the combination of deeper body and caudal region, longer caudal length of the ventral region, shallower head depth, shorter caudal length of dorsal region and L-S. These findings suggest that morphological variations which are poorly suited to produce maximum thrust and minimum drag in GH-transgenic C. carpio may be responsible for their lower swimming abilities in comparison with non-transgenic controls.