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Giant panda hair samples obtained by noninvasive methods served as a source of DNA for amplification of seven giant panda microsatellite loci utilizing the polymerase chain reaction. Thirteen giant pandas held in Chinese zoos were tested for identification of paternity. Some males listed as sires have been excluded as the biological father of captive-born giant pandas. Because of the death of some potential sires, paternity is still not assigned for some giant pandas, although there is a high likelihood that paternity assignment could be made if postmortem samples are available for genetic analysis. The DNA microsatellite variation assayed by the test we have developed provides a rapid, highly informative, and noninvasive method for paternity identification in giant pandas. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
长期以来,远场光学荧光显微镜凭借其非接触、无损伤、可探测样品内部等优点,一直是生命科学中最常用的观测工具。但由于衍射极限的存在,使传统的宽场光学显微镜横向和纵向的分辨率分别仅约为230 nm和1000 nm。为了揭示细胞内分子尺度的动态和结构特征,提高光学显微镜分辨率成为生命科学发展的迫切要求,在远场荧光显微镜的基础上,科学家们已经发展出许多实用的提高分辨率甚至超越分辨率极限的成像技术。例如,采用横向结构光照明提高横向分辨率到约100 nm,利用纵向驻波干涉效应将纵向分辨率提高5~10倍。然而,直到在光学荧光显微镜中引入非线性效应后,衍射极限才被真正突破,如受激荧光损耗显微镜利用非线性效应实现了30~50 nm的三维分辨率。另外应用荧光分子之间能量转移共振原理以及单荧光分子定位技术也可以突破衍射极限,甚至可以将分子定位精度提高到几个纳米的量级。
采用非损伤性DNA基因分型技术(Noninvasive DNA genotyping),对我国珍稀灵长类动物黑冠长臂猿11个个体的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区159bp的片段进行了序列分析。根据分子系统树,结合形态学方面的资料,提出对中国黑冠长臂猿新的分类观点,即现生的中国黑冠长臂猿应为3个种(H. concalor; H. leucogenys; H. hainanus),其中 H. concolor含3个亚种(H.c.concolor, H.c.jingdongensis, H.c.furvogaster)。同时,针对该类珍稀动物保护,提出将上述黑冠长臂猿的种和亚种作为不同的进化显著性单元(Evolutionarilly Sigificant Units, ESU)进行保护和遗传管理。
Urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80HdG) has been considered as an excellent marker of individuals at high risk of developing cancer. Until now, urinary 80HdG has largely been measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. A new method for the analysis of urinary 80HdG by high-performance capillary electrophoresis has been developed and optimized in our laboratory. A single step solid-phase extraction procedure was optimized and used for extracting 80HdG from human urine. Separations were performed in an uncoated silica capillary (50 cm x 50 tm i.d.) using a P/ACE MDQ system with UV detection. The separation of 80HdG from interfering urinary matrix components is optimized with regard to pH, applied voltage, pressure injection time and concentration of SDS in running buffer. The detection limit of this method is 0.4 mug/ml, the linear range is 0.8-500 mug/ml, the correlation coefficients levels is better than 0.999. The developed method is simple, fast and good reproducibility, furthermore, it requires a very small injection volumes and low costs of analysis, which makes it possible to provide a new noninvasive assay for an indirect measurement of oxidative DNA damage.