14 resultados para Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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With long-term marine surveys and research, and especially with the development of new marine environment monitoring technologies, prodigious amounts of complex marine environmental data are generated, and continuously increase rapidly. Features of these data include massive volume, widespread distribution, multiple-sources, heterogeneous, multi-dimensional and dynamic in structure and time. The present study recommends an integrative visualization solution for these data, to enhance the visual display of data and data archives, and to develop a joint use of these data distributed among different organizations or communities. This study also analyses the web services technologies and defines the concept of the marine information gird, then focuses on the spatiotemporal visualization method and proposes a process-oriented spatiotemporal visualization method. We discuss how marine environmental data can be organized based on the spatiotemporal visualization method, and how organized data are represented for use with web services and stored in a reusable fashion. In addition, we provide an original visualization architecture that is integrative and based on the explored technologies. In the end, we propose a prototype system of marine environmental data of the South China Sea for visualizations of Argo floats, sea surface temperature fields, sea current fields, salinity, in-situ investigation data, and ocean stations. An integration visualization architecture is illustrated on the prototype system, which highlights the process-oriented temporal visualization method and demonstrates the benefit of the architecture and the methods described in this study.


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This study investigated the method of the focus identification in Chinese text discourse and the relationship between accent and focus, large corpus analysis and decision tree were used in the research. The main results are: 1. Based on the concept of the Focus and understanding of the discourse, Foci identification is consistent and steady; 2. Special Focus markers and specific Focus constructions have greater influence than special constituent order on identifying Focus in Chinese discourse; while information states also have great influence on focus identifying; part of speech,information state, the relative position in the sentence, focus-sensitive operator, specific Focus constructions, contrast relations, relations between the sentences are important factors to focus identifying; 3. Using multi-dimensional tagging and knowledge discovery, it is a feasible way to construct and employ decision trees by computing tagging results to identify Focus; 4. Focus predicting also depends on literal types and styles of the discourse, several types of decision trees should be constructed for different literal types; 5. In the monologue discourse, the most prominent accent is located on the Focus word or in the scope of the Focus; there are some kinds of rules on accent assignment in broad Focus; it is necessary to analyze and classify focus structure for the research of relations between accent and Focus.


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Adiabatic shear localization is a mode of failure that occurs in dynamic loading. It is characterized by thermal softening occurring over a very narrow region of a material and is usually a precursor to ductile fracture and catastrophic failure. This reference source is the first detailed study of the mechanics and modes of adiabatic shear localization in solids, and provides a systematic description of a number of aspects of adiabatic shear banding. The inclusion of the appendices which provide a quick reference section and a comprehensive collection of thermomechanical data allows rapid access and understanding of the subject and its phenomena. The concepts and techniques described in this work can usefully be applied to solve a multitude of problems encountered by those investigating fracture and damage in materials, impact dynamics, metal working and other areas. This reference book has come about in response to the pressing demand of mechanical and metallurgical engineers for a high quality summary of the knowledge gained over the last twenty years. While fulfilling this requirement, the book is also of great interest to academics and researchers into materials performance.

Table of Contents

1.1What is an Adiabatic Shear Band?1
1.2The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bands6
1.3Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occur10
1.4Historical Aspects of Shear Bands11
1.5Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Maps14
1.6Scope of the Book20
2Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bands24
2.1General Features24
2.2Deformed Bands27
2.3Transformed Bands28
2.4Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Banding35
2.5Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metals44
3Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bands54
3.1Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracture54
3.2Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bands57
3.3Metallurgical Implications69
3.4Effects of Stress State73
4Testing Methods76
4.1General Requirements and Remarks76
4.2Dynamic Torsion Tests80
4.3Dynamic Compression Tests91
4.4Contained Cylinder Tests95
4.5Transient Measurements98
5Constitutive Equations104
5.1Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviour104
5.2Strain-Rate History Effects110
5.3Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviour114
5.4Constitutive Equations for Non-Metals124
6Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bands125
6.1Empirical Criteria125
6.2One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysis134
6.3Localization Analysis140
6.4Experimental Verification146
7Formation and Evolution of Shear Bands155
7.1Post-Instability Phenomena156
7.2Scaling and Approximations162
7.3Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipation167
7.4The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands171
7.5Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphology179
7.6Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress States187
8Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bands194
8.1Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulations194
8.2One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Banding199
8.3Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methods213
8.4Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress State218
9Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics229
9.1Planar Impact230
9.5Ignition of Explosives261
9.6Explosive Welding268
10Selected Topics in Metalworking273
10.1Classification of Processes273
AQuick Reference298
BSpecific Heat and Thermal Conductivity301
CThermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence312
DMaterials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands335
ESpecification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands341
FConversion Factors357
 Author Index369
 Subject Index375


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The forming mechanism of the three - dimensional structures of proteins,i.e.the mechanism of protein folding,is a basic problem in molecular biology which is still unsolved unitl now. In which a core problem is whether there is the three – dimensional genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. However, the research on this field has mot yet been reported. Recently,we made a comparative study on the folded structures of more than 70 mature messeneger RNAs (mRNAs) and the three - dimensional structures of the proteins encoded by them,it has been found that there exist marked correspondences between their featured structures in the following aspects: 1.The number of the structural units. An RNA molecule can form a secondary structure(stem and loop structure) by the folding and the base pairing of itself. The elementary structural unit of an RNA secondary structure is hairpin(or compound hair pin).The regular structural unit in the secondary structure of a protein is # alpha # - helix or #beta# - sheet . We have found that the hairpin number in the secondary structure of each mature mRNA is equal or approximately equal to the number of the regular secondary structural unis of the encoded protein. 2 .Turning region. Turn is a main structrual element in the secondary structure of a protein, which decides the backbone orientation of a protein molecule to some extent .Our analysis shows that the nucleotide sequence segments in an mRNA which encode the turns of the corresponding protein are overall situated in the turning regions of the mRNA secondary structure such as haipin,bulge loop or multibaranch loops. 3 .The arrangement of structural elements in space. In order to understand the backbone orientation of an RNA molecule and the arangement of its structural elements in space,we have modeled the three一dimensional structure of the mRNA molecule on SGI workstation based on its secondary structure.The result shows that the spatial arrangement of most of the nucleotide sequence segments encoding the structural elements of a protein is consistent with that of these stretural exements in the protein. For instance,the nucleotide sequences corresponding to each pleated sheet of a # beta # - sheet structure are close to each other in the mRNA secondary stucture and in the three - dimensional structure,although some of the nucleotide segments are far apart from each other in the one - dimensional sequence. For another instance,the two triplet codons of cysteines which form a disulphide bridge geneal1y are very close to each other in the mRNA folded structure. In addition,we also analyzed the locations of the codons proline - coding and the distrbution of the nucleotide sequences #alpha# - helix - coding in the folded structures of mRNAs . Some distribution laws have been found. All of these results suggest that the transfer of the genetic information from mRNA to protein not only is one – dimensional but also is three - dime ns ional. That is,there exists the genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. To a certain extent,we could say that the mRNA folding detemines the protein folding. Based on these results,it would be possible to predict the three - dimensional structures of proteins from the primary,secondary and tertiary structures of the m RNAs at a higher accuracy.And more important is that a new clue has been provided to uncover the“spatial coding" of the genetic information.


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随着软件对社会各领域、各层次的渗透,软件逐渐转变为一种对社会团体、 甚至对社会公众的服务,软件的规模越来越大、用户需求越来越多、功能和性能 要求也越来越复杂。因此,对软件的可用性、可靠性、可信性等质量要求不断提 高。伴随着软件业的逐渐发展,软件过程技术逐渐被应用于软件产品的开发当中。 “质量形成于产品的生产过程”这一理念逐渐被软件组织所接受。其核心思想体 现在通过对软件过程的策划、控制和改进来保证软件产品的质量,进而提高软件 组织的经营业绩。软件过程度量作为软件过程管理和过程改进的关键活动,越来 越为软件组织所重视。 通过实施过程管理,能够刻画项目或过程目标的满足程度,找到造成过程 或产品重大偏差的根本原因,进而实施过程改进。然而,在软件过程度量实施期 间,软件组织面对不同的软件开发过程、众多的过程性能度量指标、复杂的统计 分析方法,既要考虑量化管理方法的合理性和复杂程度,又要权衡量化管理的实 施成本,这使得实施有效的过程度量充满挑战。本文基于经验软件工程方法,提 出一种多粒度多维度软件过程度量框架,以及实现该框架的关键技术:软件过程 性能基线的建立和维护方法;同时介绍了该框架下的软件项目进度量化控制模 型,支持软件组织实施有效的过程管理和改进。 本文的主要贡献包括: 提出了一种多粒度多维度软件过程度量框架(Multi-granularity Multi-dimensional software Process Measurement Framework,M2-PMF),该框架通 过综合考虑软件过程管理和改进的必要信息所属的特征维度和软件组织的过程 管理粒度,自底向上的通过实体层、度量分析层和目标层指导软件组织建立一套 可以覆盖软件全生命周期的、开放的、支持过程改进的综合指标体系和模型。支 持软件组织裁减和定制确定环境下的度量体系,清晰了解其软件过程能力和性 能,提高软件组织对软件过程的控制能力,保障软件开发过程和软件产品的质量。 提出了基于统计分析的过程性能基线的建立和改进方法(Baseline – Statistic - Refinement, BSR),该方法可以有效地建立和维护过程性能基线,支持软件 组织从定性管理提升到定量管理。该方法应用波动图,在过程尚不稳定、数据样 本不足的情况下尽可能多的获得过程改进信息,识别过程改进机会,确定过程改 进途径,帮助软件组织高效地改进其过程中明显的弱项。在过程逐步稳定之后, 利用控制图、排列图、因果图、散点图等统计工具,分析过程性能,建立过程性 多粒度多维度软件过程度量和改进方法研究 ii 能基线,并不断精化。 在M2-PMF 框架下,提出了基于统计过程控制(Statitical Process Control, SPC)和挣值管理(Earned Value Management,EVM)的项目进度量化控制模型 SEVM,该方法通过对项目进度指数的统计控制,分析其稳定性,并通过估算模 型,根据项目当前挣值数据推算项目总进度偏差,并加以控制。支持软件组织对 项目进度进行量化控制,提高了项目按期交付的可能性。 最后,介绍了本文提出的过程度量框架和量化管理方法在国内多家软件组 织中的实际应用。应用案例表明,本文的方法和模型具有广泛的适应性和高度的 可操作性。应用本文方法能够对项目进行有效的估算、度量和控制,进而提高产 品质量并改善客户满意度。


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Conventional 3D seismic exploration cannot meet the demand of high yield and high efficiency safe production in coal mine any more. Now it is urgent to improve the discovery degree of coal mine geological structures for coal production in China. Based on 3D3C seismic exploration data, multi-component seismic information is fully excavated. First systematic research on 3D3C seismic data interpretation of coal measure strata is carried out. Firstly, by analyzing the coal measure strata, the seismic-geologic model of coal measure strata is built. Shear wave logging is built by using regression analysis. Horizon calibration methods of PP-wave and PS-wave are studied and the multi-wave data are used together to interpret small faults. Using main amplitude analysis technology, small faults which cannot be found from PP-wave sections can be interpreted from the low frequency PS-wave sections. Thus, the purpose to applying PS-wave data to fine structure assistant interpretation is achieved. Secondly, PP- and PS-wave post-stack well constrained inversion methods of coal measure strata are studied. Joint PP- and PS-wave post-stack inversion flow is established. More attribute parameters, which are applied in fine lithology interpretation of coal measure strata, are obtained from combinations of the inversion results. Exploring the relation between rock with negative Poisson’s ratio and anisotropy, fracture development in coal seam are predicted. Petrophysical features of coal measure strata are studied, and the relations between elastic parameters and lithology, fluid and physical properties are established. Inversions of the physical parameters such as porosity, permeability and water saturation, which reflect lithology and fluid property, are obtained. Finally, the approaches of shear wave splitting and Thomsen parameters inversion, which provide new ideas for seismic anisotropy interpretation of coal measure strata, are studied to predict fracture development. The results of practical application indicate that the methods in this paper have good feasibility and applicability. They have positive significance for high yield and high efficiency safe production in coal mine.


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Synthetic Geology Information System (SGIS) is an important constituent part of the theory of Engineering Geomechanics Mate-Synthetic (EGMS), and is the information system more suited for the collection, storage, management, analysis and processing to the information coming from engineering geology,' geological engineering and geotechnical engineering. Its contents involve various works and methods of the investigation, design, and construction in different stages of the geological engineering. Engineering geological and three-dimensional modeling and visualization is the fundamental part of the SGIS, and is a theory, method and technique by which, adopting the computer graphics and image processing techniques, the data derived from engineering geological survey and the calculated results obtained from the geomechanical numerical simulation and analysis are converted to the graphics and images displayed on the computer screen and can be processed interactively. In this paper, the significance and realizing approaches of the three-dimensional modeling and visualization for the complex geological mass in the engineering geology are discussed and the methods of taking advantage of the interpolation and fitting for the scattered and field-surveyed data to simulate the geological layers, such as the topography and earth surface, the groundwater table and the stratum boundary, are researched into. At the mean time, in mind the characteristics of the structure of the basic data for three-dimensional modeling, its visual management can be resolved into the engineering surveyed database management module, plot parameter management module and data output module and the requirement for basic data management can be fulfilled. In the paper, the establishment and development of the three-dimensional geological information system are probed tentatively, and an instance of three-dimensional visual Engineering Distribution Information System (EDIS), theConstruction Management Information System for an airport, in which the functions, such as the real-time browse among the three-dimensional virtual-reality landscapes of the airport construction from start to finish, the information query to the airport facility and the building in the housing district and the recording and playback of the animation sets for the browse and the takeoff and landing of the planes, is developed by applying the component-mode three-dimensional virtual-reality geological information system (GIS) software development kits (SDK), so the three-dimensional visual management platform is provided for the airport construction. Moreover, in the gaper, integrated with the three-dimensional topography visualization and its application in the Sichuan-Tibet Highways, the method of the digital elevation model (DEM) data collection from the topographic maps is described, and the three-dimensional visualization and the roaming about the terrain along the highway are achieved through computer language programming. Understanding to the important role played by the varied and unique topographical condition in the gestation and germination of the highly-dense, frequently-arising and severely-endangered geological hazards can be deepened.


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This article is an important part of "95" technological subject of SINOPEC. It has a large number of difficulties and workloads, and has significant theoretical meanings and practical value. The study area is composed of sandstone & conglomerate reservoir of alluvial fan & fan delta, which belong to Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member of lower tertiary of Yong'an Town Oilfield in Dongying Depression. The target stataum develops in the hanging wall of the synsedimentary fault in the scarp zone of Dongying Depression. The frequently intense movements result in the variation of sandstone and conglomerate reservoir and the evolution of the time and space of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member in Yong'an Town Oilfield. As a result, it is difficult for the individual reservoir correlation at the root of fan, which bring about a tackle problem for the exploitation of oilfield. In this background, the research of fluid units will be more difficult. In this article, the new concepts, the new methods, and the new techniques of sedimentology, petroleum geology, reservoir geology, physics of crystal surface, dynamic & static state reservoir description and well logging geology are synthetically applied, and the computer technology are made full uses of, and the identifying, dividing and appraising of the two-formation-type sandstone & conglomerate reservoir fluid units of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member systemically analyzed in Yong'an Town Oilfield, Dongying Depression. For the first time, the single-well model, the section model, the plane model, the nuclear magnetism log model, the microcosmic network model, the 4-D geology model and the simulation model of the two-formation-type reservoir fluid units of the of sandstone & conglomerate reservoir of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member are established, and the formative mechanism and distributing & enrichment laws of oil-gas of the two type of sandstone and conglomerate reservoir fluid units are revealed. This article established the optimizing, identifying, classifying and appraising standard of the two-formation-type reservoir fluid units of the of sandstone and conglomerate reservoir of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member, which settles the substantial foundations for static state model of the fluid units, reveals the macroscopic & microcosmic various laws of geometrical static state of the fluid units, and instructs the oil exploitation. This article established static state model of the two-formation-type sandstone and conglomerate reservoir fluid units by using the multi-subject theories, information and techniques, and reveals the geometrical configuration, special distribution and the oil-gas enrichment laws of the sandstone and conglomerate reservoir fluid units. For the first time, we established the nuclear magnetism log model of the two-formation-type sandstone and conglomerate reservoir of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member, which reveals not only the character and distributing laws of the porosity and permeability, bat also the formation and distribution of the movable fluid. It established six type of microcosmic net model of the two-formation-type sandstone and conglomerate reservoir of Sha3 lower member and Sha4 upper member in the working area by using the advanced theories, such as rock thin section, SEM, image analysis, intrusive mercury, mold, rock C.T. measure & test image etc., which reveals the microcosmic characteristic of porosity & throat, filterate mode and microcosmic oil-gas enrichment laws of the sandstone and conglomerate reservoir. For the first time, it sets up the 4-D model and mathematic model of the sandstone and conglomerate reservoir, which reveals the distributing and evolving laws of macroscopic & microcosmic parameters of the two-formation-type sandstone and conglomerate reservoir and oil-gas in 4-D space. At the same time, it also forecasts the oil-gas distribution and instructs the oilfield exploitation. It established reservoir simulation model, which reveals the filterate character and distributing laws of oil-gas in different porosity & throat net models. This article established the assistant theories and techniques for researching, describing, indicating and forecasting the sandstone and conglomerate reservoir fluid units, and develops the theories and techniques of the land faces faulted basin exploitation geology. In instructing oilfield exploitation, it had won the notable economic & social benefits.


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We proposed a novel methodology, which firstly, extracting features from species' complete genome data, using k-tuple, followed by studying the evolutionary relationship between SARS-CoV and other coronavirus species using the method, called "High-dimensional information geometry". We also used the mothod, namely "caculating of Minimum Spanning Tree", to construct the Phyligenetic tree of the coronavirus. From construction of the unrooted phylogenetic tree, we found out that the evolution distance between SARS-CoV and other coronavirus species is comparatively far. The tree accurately rebuilt the three groups of other coronavirus. We also validated the assertion from other literatures that SARS-CoV is similar to the coronavirus species in Group I.


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Digitization is the main feature of modern Information Science. Conjoining the digits and the coordinates, the relation between Information Science and high-dimensional space is consanguineous, and the information issues are transformed to the geometry problems in some high-dimensional spaces. From this basic idea, we propose Computational Information Geometry (CIG) to make information analysis and processing. Two kinds of applications of CIG are given, which are blurred image restoration and pattern recognition. Experimental results are satisfying. And in this paper, how to combine with groups of simple operators in some 2D planes to implement the geometrical computations in high-dimensional space is also introduced. Lots of the algorithms have been realized using software.


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A new non-linear comparison method of charge-division readout scheme is conceived and the first design of a multi-hit two-dimensional position-sensitive energy spectrum Si(Au) surface barrier detector with a continuous sensitive area is proposed.


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