51 resultados para Multi Domain Information Model

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Many physical experiments have shown that the domain switching in a ferroelectric material is a complicated evolution process of the domain wall with the variation of stress and electric field. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of ferroelectric ceramic and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u (i) , electric displacement D (i) and volume fraction rho (I) of the domain switching for the variant I. Mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion. On the basis of the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for the volume fraction rho (I) of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. Then a single domain mechanical model is proposed in this paper. The poled ferroelectric specimen is considered as a transversely isotropic single domain. By using the partial experimental results, the hardening relation between the driving force of domain switching and the volume fraction of domain switching can be calibrated. Then the electromechanical response can be calculated on the basis of the calibrated hardening relation. The results involve the electric butterfly shaped curves of axial strain versus axial electric field, the hysteresis loops of electric displacement versus electric filed and the evolution process of the domain switching in the ferroelectric specimens under uniaxial coupled stress and electric field loading. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results given by Lynch.


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A multi-plate (NIP) mathematical model was proposed by frontal analysis to evaluate nonlinear chromatographic performance. One of its advantages is that the parameters may be easily calculated from experimental data. Moreover, there is a good correlation between it and the equilibrium-dispersive (E-D) or Thomas models. This shows that it can well accommodate both types of band broadening that is comprised of either diffusion-dominated processes or kinetic sorption processes. The MP model can well describe experimental breakthrough curves that were obtained from membrane affinity chromatography and column reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Furthermore, the coefficients of mass transfer may be calculated according to the relationship between the MP model and the E-D or Thomas models. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ferroelectric specimen is considered as an aggregation of many randomly oriented domains. According to this mechanism, a multi-domain mechanical model is developed in this paper. Each domain is represented by one element. The applied stress and electric field are taken to be the stress and electric field in the formula of the driving force of domain switching for each element in the specimen. It means that the macroscopic switching criterion is used for calculating the volume fraction of domain switching for each element. By using the hardening relation between the driving force of domain switching and the volume fraction of domain switching calibrated, the volume fraction of domain switching for each element is calculated. Substituting the stress and electric field and the volume fraction of domain switching into the constitutive equation of ferroelectric material, one can easily get the strain and electric displacement for each element. The macroscopic behavior of the ferroelectric specimen is then directly calculated by volume averaging. Meanwhile, the nonlinear finite element analysis for the ferroelectric specimen is carried out. In the finite element simulation, the volume fraction of domain switching for each element is calculated by using the same method mentioned above. The interaction between different elements is taken into account in the finite element simulation and the local stress and electric field for each element is obtained. The macroscopic behavior of the specimen is then calculated by volume averaging. The computation results involve the electric butterfly shaped curves of axial strain versus the axial electric field and the hysteresis loops of electric displacement versus the electric field for ferroelectric specimens under the uniaxial coupled stress and electric field loading. The present theoretical prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results.


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The grey system theory studies the uncertainty of small sample size problems. This paper using grey system theory in the deformation monitoring field, based on analysis of present grey forecast models, developed the spatial multi-point model. By using residual modification, the spatial multi-point residual model eras developed in further study. Then, combined with the sedimentation data of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam, the results are compared and analyzed, the conclusion has been made and the advantages of the residual spatial multi-point model has been proved.


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分析了现有的网格认证框架中存在的问题,提出了一种基于身份的多信任域网格认证模型.该模型以基于身份的PKI为基础,避免了基于传统PKI的认证框架的诸多缺点.同时,该模型提供了跨信任域的双向实体认证功能.模拟试验表明,该认证模型比基于传统PKI的认证框架更轻量、更高效.而且由于该模型可以在多信任域的环境下工作,故而比W Mao提出的只能在单一信任域中工作的认证框架更符合网格认证的实际需要.


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Abstract. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a document level language model. In general, LDA employ the symmetry Dirichlet distribution as prior of the topic-words’ distributions to implement model smoothing. In this paper, we propose a data-driven smoothing strategy in which probability mass is allocated from smoothing-data to latent variables by the intrinsic inference procedure of LDA. In such a way, the arbitrariness of choosing latent variables'priors for the multi-level graphical model is overcome. Following this data-driven strategy,two concrete methods, Laplacian smoothing and Jelinek-Mercer smoothing, are employed to LDA model. Evaluations on different text categorization collections show data-driven smoothing can significantly improve the performance in balanced and unbalanced corpora.


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     Over the past two decades, magnetoclimatological studies of loess-paleosol sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) have made outstanding achievements, which greatly promote the understanding of East Asian paleomonsoon evolution, inland aridification of Asia, and past global climate changes. Loess magnetic properties of the CLP have been well studied. In contrast, loess magnetic properties from outside the CLP in China have not been fully understood. We have little knowledge about the magnetic properties of loess in the Ili Basin, an intermontane depression of the Tianshan (or Tien Shan) Mountains. Here, we present the results of rock magnetic measurements of the Ili loess including mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), high/low temperature dependence of susceptibility (TDS) and hysteresis, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) for mineral analysis. Based on the comparison with loess-paleosol sequences in the CLP (hereafter referred to as the Chinese loess), we discuss the possible magnetic susceptibility enhancement mechanism of the Ili loess. The results show that 1) the total magnetic mineral concentration of the Ili loess is far lower than that of the Chinese loess, though they have similar magnetic mineral compositions. The ferrimagnetic minerals in the Ili loess are magnetite and maghemite, and the antiferromagnetic mineral is hematite; XRD analysis also identifies the presence of ilmenite. The ratio of maghemite is lower in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess, but the ratios of magnetite and hematite are higher in the Ili loess than in the Chinese loess. 2) The granularity of magnetic minerals in the Ili loess, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) and multi-domain (MD) grains, is generally much coarser than that of the Chinese loess. Ultrafine pedogenically-produced magnetic grains have a very limited contribution to the susceptibility enhancement. Rather, PSD and MD particles of magnetite and maghemite are the main contributors to the enhancement of susceptibility in the Ili loess. 3) The susceptibility enhancement mechanism for the Ili loess is complicated and superimposes both a wind velocity/vigor model (Alaskan or Siberian model) and the in situ ultrafine grain pedogenic model; the former might play an important role in the Ili loess. 4) Magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Ili loess are related not only to the eolian input of the source area, but also to the local climate, landform, and geological background. Therefore, great care should be taken when reconstructing paleoclimate using magnetic susceptibility data from the Ili loess.


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The explicit expression between composition and mechanical properties of silicone rubber was derived from the physics of polymer elasticity, the implicit expression among material composition, reaction conditions and reaction efficiency was obtained from chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, and then an implicit multi-objective optimization model was constructed. Genetic algorithm was applied to optimize material composition and reaction conditions, and the finite element method of cross-linking reaction processes was used to solve multi-objective functions, on the basis of which a new optimization methodology of crosslinking reaction processes was established. Using this methodology, rubber materials can be designed according to pre-specified requirements.


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The Second Round of Oil & Gas Exploration needs more precision imaging method, velocity vs. depth model and geometry description on Complicated Geological Mass. Prestack time migration on inhomogeneous media was the technical basic of velocity analysis, prestack time migration on Rugged surface, angle gather and multi-domain noise suppression. In order to realize this technique, several critical technical problems need to be solved, such as parallel computation, velocity algorithm on ununiform grid and visualization. The key problem is organic combination theories of migration and computational geometry. Based on technical problems of 3-D prestack time migration existing in inhomogeneous media and requirements from nonuniform grid, parallel process and visualization, the thesis was studied systematically on three aspects: Infrastructure of velocity varies laterally Green function traveltime computation on ununiform grid, parallel computational of kirchhoff integral migration and 3D visualization, by combining integral migration theory and Computational Geometry. The results will provide powerful technical support to the implement of prestack time migration and convenient compute infrastructure of wave number domain simulation in inhomogeneous media. The main results were obtained as follows: 1. Symbol of one way wave Lie algebra integral, phase and green function traveltime expressions were analyzed, and simple 2-D expression of Lie algebra integral symbol phase and green function traveltime in time domain were given in inhomogeneous media by using pseudo-differential operators’ exponential map and Lie group algorithm preserving geometry structure. Infrastructure calculation of five parts, including derivative, commutating operator, Lie algebra root tree, exponential map root tree and traveltime coefficients , was brought forward when calculating asymmetry traveltime equation containing lateral differential in 3-D by this method. 2. By studying the infrastructure calculation of asymmetry traveltime in 3-D based on lateral velocity differential and combining computational geometry, a method to build velocity library and interpolate on velocity library using triangulate was obtained, which fit traveltime calculate requirements of parallel time migration and velocity estimate. 3. Combining velocity library triangulate and computational geometry, a structure which was convenient to calculate differential in horizontal, commutating operator and integral in vertical was built. Furthermore, recursive algorithm, for calculating architecture on lie algebra integral and exponential map root tree (Magnus in Math), was build and asymmetry traveltime based on lateral differential algorithm was also realized. 4. Based on graph theory and computational geometry, a minimum cycle method to decompose area into polygon blocks, which can be used as topological representation of migration result was proposed, which provided a practical method to block representation and research to migration interpretation results. 5. Based on MPI library, a process of bringing parallel migration algorithm at arbitrary sequence traces into practical was realized by using asymmetry traveltime based on lateral differential calculation and Kirchhoff integral method. 6. Visualization of geological data and seismic data were studied by the tools of OpenGL and Open Inventor, based on computational geometry theory, and a 3D visualize system on seismic imaging data was designed.


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Scale matching method means adjusting information with different scale to the same level. This thesis focuses on scale unification of information with different frequency bandwidth. Well-seismic cooperate inversion is an important component of reservoir geophysics; multiple prediction & subtraction is a development of multiple attenuation in recent years. The common ground of these two methods is that they both related to different frequency bandwidth unification. Well log、cross-hole seismic、VSP、3D seismic and geological information have different spatial resolution, we can decrease multi-solution of reservoir inversion and enhance the vertical and lateral resolution of the geological object by integrate those information together; Compare the predicted multiple generated by SRME with the real multiple, we find the predicted multiple convolutes at least one wavelet more, which brings frequency bandwidth difference between them. So the subtraction method also relates to multi-scale information unification. This thesis gives a method of well constrained seismic high resolution processing basing on auto gain control modulation. It uses base function method which utilizes original well-seismic match result as initial condition and processed seismic trace as initial model to extrapolate the high frequency information of the well logs to the seismic profiles. In this way we can broaden the bandwidth of the seismic and make the high frequency gain geological meaning. In this thesis we introduce the revised base function method to adaptive subtraction and verify the validity of the method using models. Key words: high frequency reconstruction, scale matching, base function, multiple, SRME prediction & subtraction


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Numerical modeling of groundwater is very important for understanding groundwater flow and solving hydrogeological problem. Today, groundwater studies require massive model cells and high calculation accuracy, which are beyond single-CPU computer’s capabilities. With the development of high performance parallel computing technologies, application of parallel computing method on numerical modeling of groundwater flow becomes necessary and important. Using parallel computing can improve the ability to resolve various hydro-geological and environmental problems. In this study, parallel computing method on two main types of modern parallel computer architecture, shared memory parallel systems and distributed shared memory parallel systems, are discussed. OpenMP and MPI (PETSc) are both used to parallelize the most widely used groundwater simulator, MODFLOW. Two parallel solvers, P-PCG and P-MODFLOW, were developed for MODFLOW. The parallelized MODFLOW was used to simulate regional groundwater flow in Beishan, Gansu Province, which is a potential high-level radioactive waste geological disposal area in China. 1. The OpenMP programming paradigm was used to parallelize the PCG (preconditioned conjugate-gradient method) solver, which is one of the main solver for MODFLOW. The parallel PCG solver, P-PCG, is verified using an 8-processor computer. Both the impact of compilers and different model domain sizes were considered in the numerical experiments. The largest test model has 1000 columns, 1000 rows and 1000 layers. Based on the timing results, execution times using the P-PCG solver are typically about 1.40 to 5.31 times faster than those using the serial one. In addition, the simulation results are the exact same as the original PCG solver, because the majority of serial codes were not changed. It is worth noting that this parallelizing approach reduces cost in terms of software maintenance because only a single source PCG solver code needs to be maintained in the MODFLOW source tree. 2. P-MODFLOW, a domain decomposition–based model implemented in a parallel computing environment is developed, which allows efficient simulation of a regional-scale groundwater flow. The basic approach partitions a large model domain into any number of sub-domains. Parallel processors are used to solve the model equations within each sub-domain. The use of domain decomposition method to achieve the MODFLOW program distributed shared memory parallel computing system will process the application of MODFLOW be extended to the fleet of the most popular systems, so that a large-scale simulation could take full advantage of hundreds or even thousands parallel processors. P-MODFLOW has a good parallel performance, with the maximum speedup of 18.32 (14 processors). Super linear speedups have been achieved in the parallel tests, indicating the efficiency and scalability of the code. Parallel program design, load balancing and full use of the PETSc were considered to achieve a highly efficient parallel program. 3. The characterization of regional ground water flow system is very important for high-level radioactive waste geological disposal. The Beishan area, located in northwestern Gansu Province, China, is selected as a potential site for disposal repository. The area includes about 80000 km2 and has complicated hydrogeological conditions, which greatly increase the computational effort of regional ground water flow models. In order to reduce computing time, parallel computing scheme was applied to regional ground water flow modeling. Models with over 10 million cells were used to simulate how the faults and different recharge conditions impact regional ground water flow pattern. The results of this study provide regional ground water flow information for the site characterization of the potential high-level radioactive waste disposal.


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This paper is belonging to Chinese Petrochemical Corporation's key project. Although it is difficult and great workload, it has important theoretical and practical value. Its targets is to establish 4 dimension stress fields of complex fault block groups, and then to predict the forming mechanism and distribution rule of petroleum pools, by applying the most advanced theories, methods and technology and the most sophisticated software in highly explored zones. By means of multi-discipline theories, methods, technologies and multi-source information, using computer with maximum efforts, investigating the strata framework, structure framework, petroleum pool forming mechanism and forming mode of complex fault block groups, several results have been achieved as following: The fastigiated mode of Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, pointed out the control function of pool accumulate in Xianhe complex fault block groups Xianhe fastigiated complex fault block groups are the results of combining stress of extending, slipping and reversing, which formed in early Shahejie stage, changed and perplexed during Dongying stage and that control the forming and destruction of petroleum pools. By measuring the earth stress and rock mechanics parameters in the research region, the model of 4 dimension stress field and potential fields of migrating fluids was established from ES3 stage to current, with their space distribution and time evolve and petroleum accumulate. The fault-sealing model in Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, which reveal the sealing mechanism of petroleum about control-fault, made for petroleum pool prediction in complex fault block. The petroleum pool forming mode and mechanism in complex fault block was established. Petroleum distribution were predicted in three stress inverse zones, and remaining oil were point out in the high points of 2 micro-structures and the region with strong fault-sealing capabilities. (6). A set of theories, technology and methods of complex fault block petroleum pool have been developed, bring on an improvement of the development geology theory in continental fault depression lake basin, good economic benefits have been obtained by applying on both east and west areas of our country.


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In brittle composites, such as whisker reinforced ceramics, the sliding of reinforcing fibers against the frictional resistance of matrix is of a pseudo-plastic deformation mechanism. High aspect-ratio whiskers possess larger pseudo-plastic deformation ability but are usually sparse, while, low aspect-ratio ones were distributed widely in the matrix and show low pseudo-plastic deformation ability (engagement effect), also. A comparative investigation was carried out in present study based on a multi-scale network model. The results indicate that the effect of low aspect-ratio whiskers is of most importance. Improving the engagement coefficient by raising the compactness of material seems a more practical way for optimization of discontinuous fiber-reinforced brittle composites in the present technological condition.