13 resultados para Model systems

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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To investigate the seasonal and interannual variations in biological productivity in the South China Sea (SCS), a Pacific basin-wide physical - biogeochemical model has been developed and used to estimate the biological productivity and export flux in the SCS. The Pacific circulation model, based on the Regional Ocean Model Systems (ROMS), is forced with daily air-sea fluxes derived from the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis between 1990 and 2004. The biogeochemical processes are simulated with a carbon, Si(OH)(4), and nitrogen ecosystem (CoSiNE) model consisting of silicate, nitrate, ammonium, two phytoplankton groups (small phytoplankton and large phytoplankton), two zooplankton grazers (small micrograzers and large mesozooplankton), and two detritus pools. The ROMS-CoSiNE model favourably reproduces many of the observed features, such as ChI a, nutrients, and primary production (PP) in the SCS. The modelled depth-integrated PP over the euphotic zone (0-125 m) varies seasonally, with the highest value of 386 mg C m (-2) d (-1) during winter and the lowest value of 156 mg C m (-2) d (-1) during early summer. The annual mean value is 196 mg C m (-2) d (-1). The model-integrated annual mean new production (uptake of nitrate), in carbon units, is 64.4 mg C m (-2) d (-1) which yields an f-ratio of 0.33 for the entire SCS. The modelled export ratio (e-ratio: the ratio of export to PP) is 0.24 for the basin-wide SCS. The year-to-year variation of biological productivity in the SCS is weaker than the seasonal variation. The large phytoplankton group tends to dominate over the smaller phytoplankton group, and likely plays an important role in determining the interannual variability of primary and new production.


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Shear deformation can induce normal stress or hydrostatic stress in metallic glasses [ Nature Mater. 2 ( 2003) 449, Intermetallics 14 ( 2006) 1033]. We perform the bulk deformation of three-dimensional Cu46Zr54 metallic glass (MG) and Cu single crystal model systems using molecular dynamics simulation. The results indicate that hydrostatic stress can incur shear stress in MG, but not in crystal. The resultant pronounced asymmetry between tension and compression originates from this inherent shear-dilatation coexistence in MG.


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Spherical nano-indentations of Cu46Zr54 bulk metallic glass (BMG) model systems were performed using molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations, focusing specifically on the physical origin of serrated plastic flow. The results demonstrate that there is a direct correlation between macroscopic flow serration and underlying irreversible rearrangement of atoms, which is strongly dependent on the loading (strain) rate and the temperature. The serrated plastic flow is, therefore, determined by the magnitude of such irreversible rearrangement that is inhomogeneous temporally. A dimensionless Deborah number is introduced to characterize the effects of strain rate and temperature on serrations. Our simulations are shown to compare favorably with the available experimental observations.


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Pancreatic ribonuclease (RNASE1) is a digestive enzyme that has been recognized to be one of the most attractive model systems for molecular evolutionary studies. The contribution of RNASE1 gene duplication to the functional adaptation of digestive physio


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The kinetics of facilitated ion-transfer (FIT) reactions at high driving force across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (W/DCE) interface is investigated by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The transfers of lithium and sodium ions facilitated by dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) across the polarized W/DCE interface are chosen as model systems because they have the largest potential range that can be controlled externally. By selecting the appropriate ratios of the reactant concentrations (Kr c(M)+/c(DB18C6)) and using nanopipets as the SECM tips, we obtained a series of rate constants (k(f)) at various driving forces (Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') - Es, Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') is the formal potential of facilitated ion transfer and Es is the potential applied externally at the substrate interface) based on a three-electrode system. The FIT rate constants k(f) are found to be dependent upon the driving force. When the driving force is low, the dependence of 1n k(f) on the driving force is linear with a transfer coefficient of about 0.3. It follows the classical Butler-Volmer theory and then reaches a maximum before it decreases again when we further increase the driving forces. This indicates that there exists an inverted region, and these behaviors have been explained by Marcus theory.


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This paper reports on a successful application of the concept of nanoreactors to effectively controlling the selectivity of the free radical grafting of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto polypropylene (PP) in the melt, an industrially relevant process. More specifically, a free radical initiator of type ROOR was first confined into (or encapsulated by) the galleries of an organically modified montmorillonite (o-MMT) whose interdistance was 2.4 nm. Primary free radicals (RO center dot) formed inside the o-MMT galleries had to diffuse out before they could react with the PP backbone. The controlled release of the primary free radicals significantly increased the grafting degree of MAH onto PP and greatly reduced the level of the chain scission of the latter. Those results were better understood by electron spin resonance studies on model systems and by Monte Carlo simulations.


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A meso material model for polycrystalline metals is proposed, in which the tiny slip systems distributing randomly between crystal slices in micro-grains or on grain boundaries are replaced by macro equivalent slip systems determined by the work-conjugate principle. The elastoplastic constitutive equation of this model is formulated for the active hardening, latent hardening and Bauschinger effect to predict macro elastoplastic stress-strain responses of polycrystalline metals under complex loading conditions. The influence of the material property parameters on size and shape of the subsequent yield surfaces is numerically investigated to demonstrate the fundamental features of the proposed material model. The derived constitutive equation is proved accurate and efficient in numerical analysis. Compared with the self-consistent theories with crystal grains as their basic components, the present theory is much simpler in mathematical treatment.


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The joint time-frequency analysis method is adopted to study the nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response for a class of S.D.O.F nonlinear system. A time-frequency masking operator, together with the conception of effective time-frequency region of the asymptotic signal are defined here. Based on these mathematical foundations, a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) is constructed which has similar nonlinear characteristics with the nonlinear system. Two skeleton curves are deduced which can indicate the stiffness and damping in the nonlinear system. The relationship between the SLM and the nonlinear system, both parameters and solutions, is clarified. Based on this work a new identification technique of nonlinear systems using the nonstationary vibration data will be proposed through time-frequency filtering technique and wavelet transform in the following paper.


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To evaluate the dynamical effects of the screened interaction in the calculations of quasiparticle energies in many-electron systems a two-delta-function generalized plasma pole model (GPP) is introduced to simulate the dynamical dielectric function. The usual single delta-function GPP model has the drawback of over simplifications and for the crystals without the center of symmetry is inappropriate to describe the finite frequency behavior for dielectric function matrices. The discrete frequency summation method requires too much computation to achieve converged results since ab initio calculations of dielectric function matrices are to be carried out for many different frequencies. The two-delta GPP model is an optimization of the two approaches. We analyze the two-delta GPP model and propose a method to determine from the first principle calculations the amplitudes and effective frequencies of these delta-functions. Analytical solutions are found for the second order equations for the parameter matrices entering the model. This enables realistic applications of the method to the first principle quasiparticle calculations and makes the calculations truly adjustable parameter free.


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A refined version of the edge-to-edge matching model is described here. In the original model, the matching directions were obtained from the planes with all the atomic centers that were exactly in the plane, or the distance from the atomic center to the plane which was less than the atomic radius. The direction-matching pairs were the match of straight rows-straight rows and zigzag rows-zigzag rows. In the refined model, the matching directions were obtained from the planes with all the atomic centers that were exactly in the plane.


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With the aid of thermodynamics of Gibbs, the expression of the spinodal was derived for the polydisperse polymer-solvent system in the framework of Sanchez-Lacombe Lattice Fluid Theory (SLLFT). For convenience, we considered that a model polydisperse polymer contains three sub-components. According to our calculation, the spinodal depends on both weight-average ((M) over bar (w)) and number-average ((M) over bar (n)) molecular weights of the polydisperse polymer, but the z-average molecular weight ((M) over bar (z)) dependence on the spinodal is invisible. The dependence of free volume on composition, temperature, molecular weight, and its distribution results in the effect of (M) over bar (n) on the spinodal. Moreover, it has been found that the effect of changing (M) over bar (w) on the spinodal is much bigger than that of changing (M) over bar (n) and the extrema of the spinodal increases with the rise of the weight-average molecular weight of the polymer in the solutions with upper critical solution temperature (UCST). However, the effect of polydispersity on the spinodal can be neglected for the polymer with a considerably high weight-average molecular weight. A more simple expression of the spinodal for the polydisperse polymer solution in the framework of SLLFT was also derived under the assumption of upsilon(*)=upsilon(1)(*)=upsilon(2)(*) and (1/r(1)(0))-(1/r(2i)(0))-->(1/r(1)(0)).