29 resultados para Missing Covariates

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Problems involving coupled multiple space and time scales offer a real challenge for conventional frameworks of either particle or continuum mechanics. In this paper, four cases studies (shear band formation in bulk metallic glasses, spallation resulting from stress wave, interaction between a probe tip and sample, the simulation of nanoindentation with molecular statistical thermodynamics) are provided to illustrate the three levels of trans-scale problems (problems due to various physical mechanisms at macro-level, problems due to micro-structural evolution at macro/micro-level, problems due to the coupling of atoms/molecules and a finite size body at micro/nano-level) and their formulations. Accordingly, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, coupled trans-scale equations and simultaneous solutions, and trans-scale algorithms based on atomic/molecular interaction are suggested as the three possible modes of trans-scale mechanics.


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Tianjin University of Technology


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In the hybrid approach of large-eddy simulation (LES) and Lighthill’s acoustic analogy for turbulence-generated sound, the turbulence source fields are obtained using an LES and the turbulence-generated sound at far fields is calculated from Lighthill’s acoustic analogy. As only the velocity fields at resolved scales are available from the LES, the Lighthill stress tensor, serving as a source term in Lighthill’s acoustic equation, has to be evaluated from the resolved velocity fields. As a result, the contribution from the unresolved velocity fields is missing in the conventional LES. The sound of missing scales is shown to be important and hence needs to be modeled. The present study proposes a kinematic subgrid-scale (SGS) model which recasts the unresolved velocity fields into Lighthill’s stress tensors. A kinematic simulation is used to construct the unresolved velocity fields with the imposed temporal statistics, which is consistent with the random sweeping hypothesis. The kinematic SGS model is used to calculate sound power spectra from isotropic turbulence and yields an improved result: the missing portion of the sound power spectra is approximately recovered in the LES.


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Phase locking of a two-dimensional fiber laser array is experimentally demonstrated by using a self-imaging resonator and a spatial filter. The stable beam profiles of in-phase mode and out-of-phase mode are observed by controlling the position of spatial filter. The phase locking fiber array with in-phase mode has produced 26 W coherent output. An antisymmetric eigenmode is also observed in our experiments. The phase locking is not sensitive to power variations among the pump beams and the configuration has the ability to repair a missing element. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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  土壤呼吸是全球碳循环中的一个重要环节,其对全球碳平衡的影响是近年来人们关注的焦点之一。探讨碳素的失汇(missing sink)问题,对陆地生态系统土壤呼吸的研究是必不可少的。环境因子与土壤呼吸之间的关系可以用于将土壤呼吸从“chamber”水平的测量放大到整个生态系统或更大尺度。而温度、水分和植被状况都是对土壤呼吸有重要影响的因子,随着全球气候的变化,这些因子也会发生相应的改变,在这种情况下,它们极有可能与土壤CO2排放之间形成正反馈。温带草原是主要的陆地生态系统类型之一,目前非常缺乏有关土壤呼吸的研究资料。因此,在2001年生长季,我们在内蒙古锡林河流域南部集水区设定了一条东西长约160km、南北宽约30km的样带,从中选择了11个不同的植物群落,采用碱液吸收法周期性地对这些群落的土壤呼吸速率进行同步测定,并对土壤呼吸的时空动态及其与温度、土壤水分和植被状况之间的关系进行了研究。现将主要研究结果概述如下:   ①锡林河流域南部集水区的土壤呼吸表现出明显的季节变化和空间变异。温度是影响土壤呼吸季节变化的主要因子之一,指数模型能够较好地揭示各群落土壤呼吸对温度变化的响应,但低温时模型的拟合效果更好。各群落土壤呼吸的季节动态与温度变化不完全同步,表明温度并不是影响土壤呼吸的唯一因子 。   ②土壤呼吸的温度敏感性在各群落之间存在着一定的差异。春小麦群落的Q10值高于草原群落,说明不同的土地利用方式会影响到土壤呼吸对温度变化的敏感程度。水分对土壤呼吸的温度敏感性有重要影响,秩相关分析的结果表明,土壤水分与Q10值之间存在着显著的正相关关系。此外,依据不同土壤层次的温度得出的Q10值各不相同,基于变化幅度大的浅层土壤温度和气温得出的Q10值较小,而根据变化幅度小的深层土壤温度得出的Q10值较大。   ③水分对各群落的土壤呼吸也有较大影响,但其影响程度有一定的季节差异,生长旺季水分对土壤呼吸的影响显著高于其它季节。从各群落的具体情况来看,水分对土壤呼吸的影响明显受制于群落的水分供应状况。水分供应状况比较好的和水分变化幅度小的群落中,土壤呼吸与水分之间没有显著的函数关系,而水分相对欠缺的群落则存有显著的线性关系。消除温度的影响后,这种线性关系显著增强。土壤水分含量较低的芨芨草群落中,土壤呼吸与表层水分之间的关系也不明显,这与芨芨草根系分布较深,能够利用土壤中较深层次的水分有关。   ④土壤呼吸季节变化与植被之间的关系与各群落内水分状况以及植被对水分的利用机制有关。所有群落土壤呼吸速率随着绿色活体生物量的增长有上升趋势,且在水分供应充足的群落和植被较为耐旱或能够利用深层土壤水的群落中,这二者之间呈显著或极显著的指数关系,其它群落中相关关系不够显著。由于植被立枯量大小反映了水热的综合状况,所以群落的土壤呼吸速率随立枯量的增长呈下降趋势,二者之间的关系也可以用指数方程来表示。   ⑤土壤呼吸在锡林河流域南部的空间变异主要受水分和植被状况的影响。总体来看,土壤水分含量高、地上生物量(包括绿色活体生物量)大或地上净第一性生产力高的草地群落,其土壤呼吸速率也较高。基础呼吸速率对于改进土壤呼吸模型在时间和空间上的预测精度有重要意义。我们的研究结果表明,在平均温度低、水分状况好、地上和地下生物量大、地上净第一性生产力高的地方,基础土壤呼吸速率也相应较高。


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We report improved whole-genome shotgun sequences for the genomes of indica and japonica rice, both with multimegabase contiguity, or almost 1,000-fold improvement over the drafts of 2002. Tested against a nonredundant collection of 19,079 full-length cDNAs, 97.7% of the genes are aligned, without fragmentation, to the mapped superscaffolds of one or the other genome. We introduce a gene identification procedure for plants that does not rely on similarity to known genes to remove erroneous predictions resulting from transposable elements. Using the available EST data to adjust for residual errors in the predictions, the estimated gene count is at least 38,000 - 40,000. Only 2% - 3% of the genes are unique to any one subspecies, comparable to the amount of sequence that might still be missing. Despite this lack of variation in gene content, there is enormous variation in the intergenic regions. At least a quarter of the two sequences could not be aligned, and where they could be aligned, single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) rates varied from as little as 3.0 SNP/kb in the coding regions to 27.6 SNP/kb in the transposable elements. A more inclusive new approach for analyzing duplication history is introduced here. It reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication, a recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12, and massive ongoing individual gene duplications. We find 18 distinct pairs of duplicated segments that cover 65.7% of the genome; 17 of these pairs date back to a common time before the divergence of the grasses. More important, ongoing individual gene duplications provide a never-ending source of raw material for gene genesis and are major contributors to the differences between members of the grass family.


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A total of 62 variable osteological and external characters was found among the five currently recognized species of Epalzeorhynchos. When the genera Crossocheilus and Paracrossocheilus are combined as the outgroup, only 30 of these characters can be polarized. This includes six autapomorphies. The remaining 24 polarized characters form a data matrix which yields a single, 26-step tree with a Consistency Index (CI) of 1 and a Retention Index (RI) of 1, The analysis was also performed on a combined dataset in which the 32 unpolarized characters (characters for which the combined outgroup was dimorphic) were added and coded as missing data (i.e., "?"), Analyzing this data matrix with all multistate characters ordered generates the same single most-parsimonious tree with a length of 63 steps, a CI of 0.98 and a RI of 0.97, When either Crossocheilus or Paracrossocheilus is used as the sole outgroup, the same single most-parsimonious tree is produced although the numbers of informative characters and some of the polarities differ. Evidence is presented to support the following hypotheses: (1) E, kalopterus + E, frenatus + E. bicolor + E. munensis form a monophyletic group; (2) E. frenatus + E, bicolor + E, munensis form a monophyletic group with E, kalopterus as its sister group; this speciation event is congruent with the predictions of vicariant speciation mode I; and (3) E. bicolor and E. munensis are sister groups, again congruent with vicariant speciation mode I, Evidence presented here also supports the zoogeographical hypothesis that the faunas of the Indochinese region and the Greater Sundas are more closely related to each other than either of them is to the lower Salween basin fauna and that the lower Mekong, Chao Phraya, and Mac Khlong basin faunas are more closely related to each other than any of them is to the Greater Sundas, In addition, the monophyly of Epalzeorhynchos is also preliminarily discussed by including either Paracrossocheilus or Crossocheilus in the ingroup. It is demonstrated that E. bicornis clusters with Paracrossocheilus when Paracrossocheilus is included in the ingroup. It seems likely that the taxonomic position of E. bicornis will be resolved as more fishes of the Crossocheilus group are included in future studies.


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In this study, an alternative splicing transcript GtH-alpha 291 was identified by RT-PCR, which is 291 nt and exists not only in the pituitary but also in the ovary in common carp Cyprinus carpio. The analysis of GtH-alpha 291 amino acid sequence by the SignalP server predicted that the 'missing segment' might characterize as a signal peptide. In the secretion experiment, GtH-alpha 357 subunit could be secreted out of HeLa cells while GtH-alpha 291 could not, which confirmed the prediction. Co-immunoprecipitation assay proved that GtH-alpha 291 subunit is able to interact with both FSH-beta and LH-beta as GtH-alpha 357 does. This is the first report concerning an alternative splicing transcript of a GtH alpha subunit. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the specific role of this variant in the regulation of gonadal development and sexual maturation. (c) 2007 The Authors.


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The type species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo was misidentified as Varicorhinus tungting, and the species under the generic name belong to Bangana and Linichthys. In order to make Sinilabeo available, its type species is fixed under Article 70.3.2 of the 1999 edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature as S. hummeli, a new species herein described from the upper Yangtze River basin in Chongqing City and Sichuan Province, South China. A re-definition is provided for Sinilabeo. It resembles Qianlabeo in having an upper lip only present in the side of the upper jaw and uncovered by the rostral fold, but missing in the median part of the upper jaw that, instead, bears a thin, flexible, and cornified sheath, covered by the rostral fold, a character that can separate both from all other existing genera of Asian labeonins. However, Sinilabeo is distinguished from Qianlabeo in the presence of a rostral fold disconnected from the lower lip; a broadly interrupted postlabial groove only restricted to the side of the lower jaw; an upper lip, which is only present in the side of the upper separated from it by a groove; 9-10 branched dorsal-fin rays; two pairs of tiny maxillary barbels.


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The electronic structure of a microporous titanosilicate framework, ETS-10 is calculated by means of a first-principles self-consistent method. It is shown that without the inclusion of the alkali atoms whose positions in the framework are unknown, ETS-10 is an electron deficient system with 32 electrons per unit cell missing at the top of an otherwise semiconductor-like band structure. The calculated density of slates are resolved into partial components. It is shown that the states of the missing electrons primarily originate from the Ti-O bond. The local density of states of the Ti-3d orbitals in the ETS-10 framework is quite different from the perovskite BaTiO3. The possibilities of ETS-10 crystal being ferroelectric or having other interesting properties are discussed.


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科学评估森林土壤CO2释放通量是解决大气碳平衡中“missing carbon”问题的关键。以往,人们对土壤碳过程的研究过多注重在生长季,而对非生长季的碳过程研究很少。 本文以欧亚大陆东北部的典型植被类型—长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,通过对冬季土壤CO2通量的测定,分析与估算冬季土壤的碳释放量;利用压力脉动模型模拟土壤释放的CO2在雪层中的扩散过程以及由气压波动引起的空气对流运动对穿过雪层的CO2通量的影响。主要结论如下: (1)冬季积雪期,经历几次降雪过程,土壤CO2通量迅速下降,由原来1μmolm-2s-1 量级降至 0.1μmolm-2s-1量级。期间,土壤CO2通量与土壤温度呈极显著的指数相关关系(p<0.01)。进入雪覆盖期后,土壤CO2通量仍呈缓慢下降的趋势,但变化幅度很小,直到积雪开始融化土壤CO2通量才开始缓慢上升。在整个冬季,土壤CO2通量的日变化规律不明显。 (2)雪层表面的气压波动引起的雪层中周期性的空气对流运动,在短时间尺度上能对雪层表面的CO2通量造成显著影响,有时甚至出现负值现象;但是当时间尺度达到小时以上,空气对流运动对通量的直接贡献几乎可以忽略。 (3)风和气压的作用下,雪层表面的CO2通量与“雪-土壤”界面处的CO2通量可能存在差异,即使是小时平均值也是如此;但是随着时间尺度的不断增大,其差异逐渐减小,当时间尺度达到天以上时,差异几乎可以忽略。 (4)利用2004年12月至2005年3月的土壤CO2通量数据,估算冬季阔叶红松林土壤的碳释放量约为22.7 g m-2。


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Within a chiral constituent quark model approach, η-meson production on the proton via electromagnetic and hadron probes is studied. With few parameters, the differential cross section and polarized beam asymmetry for γp → ηp and differential cross section for π − p → ηn processes are calculated and successfully compared with the data in the center-of-mass energy range from threshold up to 2 GeV. The five known resonances S11(1535), S11(1650), P13(1720),D13(1520), and F15(1680) are found to be dominant in the reaction mechanisms in both channels. Possible roles played by new resonances are also investigated; and in the photoproduction channel, significant contribution from S11 and D15 resonances, with masses around 1715 and 2090 MeV, respectively, are deduced. For the so-called missing resonances, no evidence is found within the investigated reactions. The helicity amplitudes and decay widths of N ∗ → πN, ηN are also presented and found to be consistent with the Particle Data Group values.