9 resultados para Mines subsidences

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The two major issues in mining industry are work safety and protection of ground environment when carrying on underground mining activities. Cut-and-fill mining method is increasingly applied in China owing to its advantages of controlling ground pressure and protecting the ground environment effectively. However, some cut-and-fill mines such as Jinchuan nickel mine which has big ore body, broken rock mass and high geostress have unique characteristics on the law of ground pressure and rock mass movement that distinguish from other mining methods. There are still many problems unknown and it is necessary for the further analysis. In this dissertation, vast field survey, geology trenching and relative data analysis are carried out. The distribution of ground fissures and the correlation of the fissures with the location of underground ore body is presented. Using of monitoring data by three-dimension fissure meter and GPS in Jinchuan Deposit Ⅱ, the rule of the surface deformation and the reason of ground fissures generation are analyzed. It is shown that the stress redistribution in surrounding rocks resulting from mining, the existence of the void space underground and the influence of on-going mining activities are three main reasons for the occurrence of ground fissures. Based on actual section planes of No.1 ore body, a large-scale 3D model is established. By this model, the complete process of excavation and filling is simulated and the law of rock mass movement and stability caused by Cut-and-fill Mining is studied. According to simulation results, it is concluded that the deformation of ground surface is still going on developing; the region of subsidence on the ground surface is similar with a circle; the area on the hanging wall side is larger than one on the lower wall side; the contour plots show the centre of subsidence lay on the hanging wall side and the position is near the ore body boundary of 1150m and 1250m where ore body is the thickest. Along strike-line of Jinchuan Deposit Ⅱ, the deformation at the middle of filling body is larger than that in the two sides. Because of the irregular ore body, stress concentrates at the boundary of ore body. With the process of excavation and filling, the high stress release and the stress focus disappear on the hanging wall side. The cut-and-fill mechanism is studied based on monitoring data and numerical simulation. The functions of filling body are discussed. In this dissertation, it is concluded that the stress of filling body is just 2MPa, but the stress of surrounding rock mass is 20MPa. We study the surface movement influenced by the elastic modulus of backfill. The minimal value of the elastic modulus of backfill which can guarantee the safety production of cut-and-fill mine is obtained. Finally, based on the real survey results of the horizontal ore layer and numerical simulation, it is indicated that the horizontal ore layer has destroyed. Key words: cut-and-filling mining, 3D numerical simulation, field monitoring, rock mass movement, cut-and-filling mechanism, the elastic modulus of backfill, the horizontal ore layer


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The West Shandong Uplift and its adjacent basins, with same evolutional history before Mesozoic, are an important basin-orogenic systems in North China. After late Mesozoic, tectonic differentiation between basin and orogenic belt gradually displayed in the study area. The Boxing sag is a part of Jiyang Depression near to West Shandong Uplift, in which the whole Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are preserved. Based on the analysis of sedimentary records in the Boxing sag, the Cenozoic structural and sedimentary evolutions in Boxing Sag and its response to Western Shandong uplift are discussed in this dissertation. The main conclusions in this research are presented as follows. Based on Seismic and well logging profile interpretation, fault growth index, thickness difference between bottom wall and top wall and fault activity rate from Eocene to Pliocene are studied. Boxing sag had three main faults, NE, NW and NEE trending faults. Research shows that the activity of the NW trending fault in the Boxing sag became weaken from E1-2S4 to N2m gradually. The evolution of NE and the NEE trending fault can be divided into three episodes, from E1-2k to E2s4, from E2s3 to E3s1, from N2m to E3d. The analysis of Paleogene samples of heavy mineral assemblages shows that metamorphic rocks represented by garnet, intermediate-acid igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of apatite, zircon and tourmaline became less from E1-2k to N2g, and sedimentary rocks represented by the assemblage of pyrite, barite and limonite also became less. Intermediate-basic igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of leucoxene, rutile and ilmenite and metamorphic rocks represented by epidote became more and more. Electronic microprobe analysis shows that glaucophane and barroisite are existed in Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation, and they demonstrate that Western Shandong and Eastern Shandong are all the source regions of the Boxing Sag, and they also indicate that oceanic crust existed before the collision between the Yangtze and North China continent. The fact that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag also indicates that Western Shandong was not high enough to prevent sediment from Eastern Shandong at E1-2k and E2s4. The results of the dating of five detrital zircons of Boxing Sag show Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation have the age peaks of 2800Ma and 700-800. It means that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag at early Paleogene and Western Shandong is not high enough to prevent the sediment from Eastern Shandong. The ages of 160-180 and 220-260 Ma, which exist in the Guantao Formation and Paleogene, are common in Eastern Shandong and rare in Western Shandong,and it implied that Western Shandong is a low uplift at 24Ma. The Paleogene strata have almost same age groups, while the Guantao Formation has significant variations of age groups, and this indicates that Boxing Sag and Western Shandong uplift had taken place tremendous changes. The results of apatite fission track in Boxing sag show that three times uplifts happened at the source region at 60 Ma, 45Ma and 15Ma respectively, and the Boxing sag experienced two subsidences at 60Ma, 45Ma and one uplift at 20Ma.


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Using knowledge of geology, geochemistry, coal petrology, mineralogy, by means of a variety of advanced measuring methods such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectrometer(SEM-EDS), sequential chemical extract and density fractions, the characteristics of trace elements and minerals in Jurassic Beipiao coal mine under inland limnetic sedimentary environment and in late Permian Jianxin and Qiaotou coal mines under paralic swamp sedimentary environment were studied. Compared with the average concentration in the world bituminous coals, the Beipiao coal was characterized by relatively high contents of Sc, Ti, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Se, Sr, Zr, Y, Ba, REE and Th, and lower contents of V, Rb, Cd, Sn, Pb, Bi and U; while the Jianxin coal was relatively enriched in Li, Sc, Ga, Sr, Y, Nb, Sb, Th and U, with low concentration of Be, Co, Ni, Cu, Ge, Zr, Mo, Cd, Cs, Ba, Pb and Bi; and the Qiaotou coal was enriched in Li, Sc, Sr, Nb, Ta, Zr, REE, Hf, Th and U, with low concentration of Be, V, Co, Ni, Cu, Ge, Mo, Cd, Cs, Ba, Tl, Pb and Bi. The concentrations of Ca, Mg and K in Beipiao coal are higher than those in Jianxin coal and Qiaotou coal, while Fe, S and Ti in Beipiao coal are lower than those in Jianxin coal and Qiaotou coal. The proximate analysis of coal samples was carried out, which indicated that Beipiao coal was medium- to high- ash (5.92-60.68%) with low sulphur coal, and Jianxin coal and Qiaotou coal was medium to high ash (8.85-46.33%) with high sulphur. The reflectivity was measured, which explained that Beipiao coal belonged to high volatile bituminous coal, Jianxin coal was low volatile bituminous coal and Qiaotou coal was low volatile anthracite. Quantitative maceral analyses were studied. The characteristics of rare earth elements (REE) were investigated, which showed that the total contents of REE were higher than that of the world's average content. With the increase of coal's metamorphic grade, the total contents of REE decreased from 98.5 X 10"6 of Beipiao coal to 94.2 X 10"6 of Jianxin coal, and to 75.9 X 10"6 of Qiaotou coal, and 5Eu reduced which indicated that the element Eu depleted. The characteristics of REE was controlled by the metamorphic grade of coal. And REE were mainly absorbed in clay minerals in Beipiao coal samples, while in Jianxin and Qiaotou coal mines, REE were primarily related to clay mineral and pyrite. The variation of trace elements in vertical direction of coal seams was studied, and the results showed that different trace elements differed greatly. The correlation between trace elements and ash were determined. Four major trace elements (aluminium-silicates, sulphide, carbonate and phosphate) accounted for the occurrence and distribution of most elements studied were determined. Coal samples were separated by density fraction, which showed that Cr, Cu, Mo and Pb were closely related to inorganic matters mainly distributed in P >2.6 and dropped remarkably in the density fractions P <2.3 . The occurrences of Co, Cr, Ni, As, Se, Mo, U were studied directly and quantitatively using sequential chemical extract with six steps, which showed that Co. Ni, Mo and U were mainly in the form of mineral, and As, Se chiefly in the form of organic state, while Cr mostly in the form of organic state and mineral. Major mineral phases presented in the Beipiao coal were Kaolinite, illite, quartz, calcite, and small amount of siderite, barite. While major mineral phases in Jianxin and Qiaotou coal were pyrite, kaolinite, and small amount of marcasite, rutile, sphalerite. This is the first time that the chromite in the coal was discovered in China, which indicates that Cr occurrence appeared in the form of chromite. The ratio of Sr/Ba, Sr/Ca and V/Ni in Beipiao coal mine under inland limnetic is smaller than that of in Jianxin and Qiaotou coal mines under paralic swamp. The ratio of K/Na and Th/U of Beipiao coal mine is higher than that of Jianxin and Qiaotou coal mine, which proved that Beipiao coal was not affected by sea water and Jianxin and Qiaotou coal were affected by sea water. Trace elements such as Cr, Ni, Mo in minerals were analyzed by SEM-EDS. The factors controlling the enrichment of trace elements can be divided into syngenetic stage factors and epigenetic stage factors.


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The Sawuer gold belt is located in the transition belt between Siberian plate and Kazakhstan-Junggar plate. Based on the geological and geochemical studies on the Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits, in Sawuer gold mineralization belt, the time-space structure of mineralization and mineralizing factor are studied, the metallogenic regularity is concluded in thistheses. The ore bodies have the regularity that orebody are of the extensive and compressive in the sallow and depth of volcanic apparatue, respectively, and the vertical extension of orebody is more intensive than the horizontal extension. The gold deposits were controlled by the fractures of volcanic apparatus and regional faults, and featured by the hydrothermal alteration and metasomatism type disseminated mineralization and filling type vein mineralization. By virtue of the geological and geochemical studies on the two deposits that the formation of the two deposits are significantly related to the volcanic activity, we propose new ideas about their origin: (1) the two deposits are located in the same strata, and share the same genesis. (2) both of two deposits are volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits. Based on mapping of volcanic lithofacies and structure for the first time, it is discovered that a volcanic apparatus existed in the study area. Volcanic-intrusive activity can be divided into three cycles and nine lithofacies. where the two deposits are hosted in the same volcanic cycle, in this case, the wall-rock should belong to the same strata. The 40Ar-39Ar age method is employed in this work to analyze the fluid inclusions of quartz in the ore bodies from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits. The results show that the main mineralization occurred in 332.05 + 2.02-332.59 + 0.5IMa and 335.53 + 0.32Ma~336.78 + 0.50Ma for Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits respectively, indicating that the two deposits are formed almost at the same time, and the metallogenic epoch of the tow deposits are close to those of the hosting rocks formed by volcanic activity of Sawuer gold belt. This geochronological study supplies new evidence for determining the timing of gold mineralization, the geneses of gold deposits? and identifies that in Hercynian period, the Altai developed tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Early Carboniferous period, except known two metallogenic mineralization periods including tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization of Devonian period and Late Carboniferous-Permian period respectively. The study of fluid inclusions indicates that the ore-forming fluid is a type of NaCl-HbO fluid with medium-low temperature and low salinity, Au is transported by the type of auric-sulfur complex (Au (HS)2-), the ore is formed in reduction condition. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of fluid inclusions in the major mineralizating stage show that the solutions mainly originated from magmatic water and meteoric water. The fluid mixing and water-rock reaction cause the deposition of Au. The helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions hosted in pyrite have been measured from Kuoerzhenkuola and Buerkesidai gold deposits in Sawuer gold belt. The results show that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source and is a mixture of mantle- and partial meteoric water-derived fluid, and the reliability of He and Ar isotopic compositions in Hercynian period is discussed. Isotopic studies including H, O, He, C, S, Pb and Sr reveal the same result that the ore-forming fluids of two deposits possessed the same source: the water derived mainly from magmatic water, partially from meteoric water; the mineralizers and ore materials derived mainly from mantle beneath the island arc, and partially from crust. The ore-forming fluids of two deposits are a mixture of mantle-derived fluids being incorporated by crust-derived fluid, and shallow partial meteoric water. Based on these results, it is proposed that the geneses of the two gold deposits are the same, being volcanogenic late-stage hydrothermal gold deposits that the ore-forming fluids filled in fractures of volcanic apparatus and metasomatized the host rocks in the volcanic apparatus. It is the first time we carried out the geophysical exploration, that is, the EH-4 continuous electrical conductivity image system measurement, the results show that relative large-size mineralizing anomalies in underground have been discovered.lt can confirm the law and genesis of the deposits mentioned above, and change the two abandoned mines to current large-size potenial exploration target.