27 resultados para Mediated Cell-Adhesion

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Cell adhesion, which is mediated by the receptor-ligand bonds, plays an essential role in various biological processes. Previous studies often described the force-extension relationship of receptor-ligand bond with linear assumption. However, the force-extension relationship of the bond is intrinsically nonlinear, which should have significant influence on the mechanical behavior of cell adhesion. In this work, a nonlinear mechanical model for cell adhesion is developed, and the adhesive strength was studied at various bond distributions. We find that the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the receptor-ligand bonds is crucial to the adhesive strength and stability. This nonlinear behavior allows more bonds to achieve large bond force simultaneously, and therefore the adhesive strength becomes less sensitive to the change of bond density at the outmost periphery of the adhesive area. In this way, the strength and stability of cell adhesion are soundly enhanced. The nonlinear model describes the cell detachment behavior better than the linear model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV)-based thin films are biologically active for cell culture. Using layer-by-layer assembly of CPMV and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), quantitatively scalable biomolecular surfaces were constructed, which were well characterized using quartz crystal microbalance, UV-vis and atomic force microscopy. The surface coverage of CPMV nanoparticles depended on the adsorption time and pH of the virus solution, with a greater amount of CPMV adsorption occurring near its isoelectric point. It was found that the adhesion and proliferation of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts can be controlled by the coverage of viral particles using this multilayer technique.


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Two-dimensional (2D) kinetics of receptor-ligand interactions governs cell adhesion in many biological processes. While the dissociation kinetics of receptor-ligand bond is extensively investigated, the association kinetics has much less been quantified. Recently receptor-ligand interactions between two surfaces were investigated using a thermal fluctuation assay upon biomembrane force probe technique (Chen et al. in Biophys J 94:694-701, 2008). The regulating factors on association kinetics, however, are not well characterized. Here we developed an alternative thermal fluctuation assay using optical trap technique, which enables to visualize consecutive binding-unbinding transition and to quantify the impact of microbead diffusion on receptor-ligand binding. Three selectin constructs (sLs, sPs, and PLE) and their ligand P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 were used to conduct the measurements. It was indicated that bond formation was reduced by enhancing the diffusivity of selectin-coupled carrier, suggesting that carrier diffusion is crucial to determine receptor-ligand binding. It was also found that 2D forward rate predicted upon first-order kinetics was in the order of sPs > sLs > PLE and bond formation was history-dependent. These results further the understandings in regulating association kinetics of surface-bound receptor-ligand interactions.


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Cell adhesion is crucial to many biological processes, such as inflammatory responses, tumor metastasis and thrombosis formation. Recently a commercial surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based BIAcore biosensor has been extended to determine cell binding mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. How such cell binding is quantitatively governed by kinetic rates and regulating factors, however, has been poorly understood. Here we developed a novel assay to determine the binding kinetics of surface-bound biomolecular interactions using a commercial BIAcore 3000 biosensor. Human red blood cells (RBCs) presenting blood group B antigen and CM5 chip bearing immobilized anti-B monoclonal antibody (mAb) were used to obtain the time courses of response unit, or sensorgrams, when flowing RBCs over the chip surface. A cellular kinetic model was proposed to correlate the sensorgrams with kinetic rates. Impacts of regulating factors, such as cell concentration, flow duration and rate, antibody-presenting level, as well as pH value and osmotic pressure of suspending medium were tested systematically, which imparted the confidence that the approach can be applied to kinetic measurements of cell adhesion mediated by surface-bound biomolecular interactions. These results provided a new insight into quantifying cell binding using a commercial SPR-based BIAcore biosensor.


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Receptor/ligand interactions are basic issues to cell adhesion, which are important to many physiological and pathological processes such as lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, tumor metastasis and inflammatory reactionl. Selectin/carbohydrate ligand bindings have been found to mediate the fast rolling of leukocytes on activated endothelial monolayer. Kinetic rate and binding affinity constants are essential determinants of cell adhesion...


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英文摘要: Rosetting, or forming a cell aggregate between a single target nucleated cell and a number of red blood cells (RBCs), is a simple assay for cell adhesion-mediated by specific receptor-ligand interaction. For example, rosette formation between sheep RBC and human lymphocytes has been used to differentiate T cells from B cells. Rosetting assay is commonly used to determine the interaction of Fc gamma-receptors (Fc gamma R) expressed on inflammatory cells and IgG-coated on RBCs. Despite its wide use in measuring cell adhesion, the biophysical parameters of rosette formation have not been well characterized. Here we developed a probabilistic model to describe the distribution of rosette sizes, which is Poissonian. The average rosette size is predicted to be proportional to the apparent two-dimensional binding affinity of the interacting receptor-ligand pair and their site densities. The model has been supported by experiments of rosettes mediated by four molecular interactions: Fc gamma RIII interacting with IgG, T cell receptor and coreceptor CD8 interacting with antigen peptide presented by major histocompatibility molecule, P-selectin interacting with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), and L-selectin interacting with PSGL-1. The latter two are structurally similar and are different from the former two. Fitting the model to data enabled us to evaluate the apparent effective two-dimensional binding affinity of the interacting molecular pairs: 7.19x10(-5) mu m(4) for Fc gamma RIII-IgG interaction, 4.66x10(-3) mu m(4) for P-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction, and 0.94x10(-3) mu m(4) for L-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction. These results elucidate the biophysical mechanism of rosette formation and enable it to become a semiquantitative assay that relates the rosette size to the effective affinity for receptor-ligand binding.


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Cell adhesion, mediated by specific receptor-ligand interactions, plays an important role in biological processes such as tumor metastasis and inflammatory cascade. For example, interactions between beta(2)-integrin ( lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 and/or Mac-1) on polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and ICAM-1 on melanoma cells initiate the bindings of melanoma cells to PMNs within the tumor microenvironment in blood flow, which in turn activate PMN-melanoma cell aggregation in a near-wall region of the vascular endothelium, therefore enhancing subsequent extravasation of melanoma cells in the microcirculations. Kinetics of integrin-ligand bindings in a shear flow is the determinant of such a process, which has not been well understood. In the present study, interactions of PMNs with WM9 melanoma cells were investigated to quantify the kinetics of beta(2)-integrin and ICAM-1 bindings using a cone-plate viscometer that generates a linear shear flow combined with a two-color flow cytometry technique. Aggregation fractions exhibited a transition phase where it first increased before 60 s and then decreased with shear durations. Melanoma-PMN aggregation was also found to be inversely correlated with the shear rate. A previously developed probabilistic model was modified to predict the time dependence of aggregation fractions at different shear rates and medium viscosities. Kinetic parameters of beta(2)-integrin and ICAM-1 bindings were obtained by individual or global fittings, which were comparable to respectively published values. These findings provide new quantitative understanding of the biophysical basis of leukocyte-tumor cell interactions mediated by specific receptor-ligand interactions under shear flow conditions.


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Cell adhesion is crucial to many pathophysiological processes, such as inflammatory reaction and tumor metastasis. It is mediated by specific interactions between receptors and ligands, and provides the physical linkages among cells. For example, interactions between selectins and glycoconjugate ligands mediate leukocyte initially tethering to and subsequently rolling on vascular surfaces in sites of inflammation or injury, which is determined by their fast kinetic rates. To mediate cell adhesion, the interacting receptors and ligands must anchor to apposing surfaces of two cells or a cell and the substratum, i.e. , the so-called two-dimensional (2D) binding, which differs from interactions in the fluid phase, i.e. , the three-dimensional (3D) binding. How structural variations and surface environments of interacting molecules affect their 2D kinetics, and how external forces manipulate their dissociation has little been known quantitatively, and nowadays attracts more and more attentions.


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Strong mechanical forces can, obviously, disrupt cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions, e.g., cyclic uniaxial stretch induces instability of cell adhesion, which then causes the reorientation of cells away from the stretching direction. However, recent experiments also demonstrated the existence of force dependent adhesion growth (rather than dissociation). To provide a quantitative explanation for the two seemingly contradictory phenomena, a microscopic model that includes both integrin-integrin interaction and integrin-ligand interaction is developed at molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The integrin clustering dynamics and integrin-ligand binding dynamics are then simulated within one unified theoretical frame with Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the focal adhesion will grow when the traction force is higher than a relative small threshold value, and the growth is dominated by the reduction of local chemical potential energy by the traction force. In contrast, the focal adhesion will rupture when the traction force exceeds a second threshold value, and the rupture is dominated by the breaking of integrin-ligand bonds. Consistent with the experiments, these results suggest a force map for various responses of cell adhesion to different scales of mechanical force. PMID: 20542514


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It has been shown that prenatal light exposure and corticosterone improve memory retention of dark hatched chicks. The object of this study was to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the effect of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention of chicks. To detect the effect of different prenatal treatments on memory retention of chicks, we used one-trial passive avoidance model. To examine the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) and polysialic acid (PSA) in HV and LPO of chick brain, we used immunohistochemical method. Prenatal light exposure and glucocorticoid (corticosterone, dexamthesone) administered in embryonic day 20 (E20) markedly improve memory retention in dark hatched chicks. Light plays a critical role in improving memory. The critical exposure period is E19 and E20. The effect of these two hormones and light exposure can be significantly blocked by their receptor antagonist administration respectively. The light, corticosterone and particularly darkness significantly up-regulated the level of GR; the expression of NCAM and GAP-43 in HV and LPO peaked in E20 in normal hatched chicks and was significantly increased by light exposure and corticosterone. Protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin markedly reduced the effect of light exposure but partially reduced the effect of corticosterone; light exposure and corticosterone in E20 significantly up-regulated PSA expression. Removing PSA from NCAM significantly retarded the effect of corticosterone on memory retention in chicks. Therefore, The effects of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention are mediated via both corticosteroid receptors. The effects of both prenatal light and corticosterone might at first change the plasticity of the brain by up-regulation the synthesis and modification of proteins, and then influence the behavior performance of the chicks.


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Mechano-chemical coupling is a common phenomenon that exists in various biological processes at different physiological levels. Bone tissue remodeling strongly depends on the local mechanical load. Leukocytes are sheared to form the transient aggregates with platelets or other leukocytes in the circulation. Flow pattern affects the signal transduction pathways in endothelial cells. Receptor/ligand interactions are important to cell adhesion since they supply the physical linkages...


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Forced dissociation of selectin-ligand bonds is crucial to such biological processes as leukocyte recruitment, thrombosis formation, and tumor metastasis. Although the bond rupture has been well known at high loading rate r(f) (>= 10(2) pN/s), defined as the product of spring constant k and retract velocity v, how the low r(f) (< 10(2) pN/s) or the low k regulates the bond dissociation remains unclear. Here an optical trap assay was used to quantify the bond rupture at r(f) <= 20 pN/s with low k (similar to 10(-3)-10(-2) pN/nm) when P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) were respectively coupled onto two glass microbeads. Our data indicated that the bond rupture force f retained the similar values when r(f) increased up to 20 pN/s. It was also found that f varied with different combinations of k and v even at the same r(f). The most probable force, f


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Mechanics and surface microtopology of the molecular carrier influence cell adhesion, but the mechanisms underlying these effects are not well understood. We used a micropipette adhesion frequency assay to quantify how the carrier stiffness and microtopology affected two-dimensional kinetics of interacting adhesion molecules on two apposing surfaces. Interactions of P-selectin with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) were used to demonstrate such effects by presenting the molecules on three carrier systems: human red blood cells (RBCs), human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells, and polystyrene beads. Stiffening the carrier alone or in cooperation with roughing the surface lowered the two-dimensional affinity of interacting molecules by reducing the forward rate but not the reverse rate, whereas softening the carrier and roughing the surface had opposing effects in affecting two-dimensional kinetics. In contrast, the soluble antibody bound with similar three-dimensional affinity to surface-anchored P-selectin or PSGL-1 constructs regardless of carrier stiffness and microtopology. These results demonstrate that the carrier stiffness and microtopology of a receptor influences its rate of encountering and binding a surface ligand but does not subsequently affect the stability of binding. This provides new insights into understanding the rolling and tethering mechanism of leukocytes onto endothelium in both physiological and pathological processes.


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细胞黏附在机体的生理和病理过程中起着重要的作用。作为细胞内、外信息交流和传递的通道,细胞黏附斑具有独特的力敏感性。实验表明,在力的作用下,黏附斑不仅可以生长、成熟和破坏,而且还能感知外部环境的力学性质,如基底硬度、硬度梯度和形貌等等。细胞黏附如何响应不同的力学刺激,物理机理是什么,如何定量描述这些物理机理?这些问题是细胞生物学和细胞力学中的重要问题。本论文通过在分子和亚细胞尺度上的力学建模研究了黏附斑的力敏感性机理,主要包括以下几方面的内容: (1) 发展了一个非线性的撕裂模型,研究了细胞黏附的稳定性和边缘依赖性。通过引入黏附分子键的非线性本构关系,并考虑黏附分子键的多种分布形式,我们发现黏附分子键的非线性效应对维持细胞黏附的稳定性起着至关重要的作用。黏附分子键的非线性力学性质使黏附分子键可以同时承载,降低了细胞对黏附分子键分布的依赖性,大大提高了细胞的黏附强度。本文的预测结果与实验结果一致。 (2) 建立了细胞黏附的细观力学模型,研究了在力作用下黏附斑生长和失稳的分子机理。在细观力学模型中,引入了“整联蛋白的聚集”和“整联蛋白-配体的反应”两个分子作用机理,并用两个化学反应来描述。通过基于Monte Carlo思想的Gillespie算法模拟了细胞黏附在不同载荷下的响应。我们发现黏附斑只能在一定范围的张力下生长,在这个范围内整联蛋白的聚集机制占主导。而当张力大于某个临界值时,黏附斑将失稳并导致破坏,这时整联蛋白-配体分子键的解离机制占主导。因此,黏附斑对作用力的不同响应,是不同分子作用机制在力作用下相互消长的结果。同时我们还建立了一个唯象的热力学模型中,验证了我们的细观力学模型。 (3) 基于细胞黏附的细观力学模型,研究了周期性载荷下细胞的重排和转向机理。在细观力学模型中,通过黏附块(adhesion plaque),将整联蛋白-配体分子键和细胞骨架联系起来。基于Monte Calro模拟,我们发现存在一个载荷临界值,当外载大于临界值时,细胞将进行重排。细胞重排的原因是在周期性载荷下黏附斑的失稳。通过引入整联蛋白-配体成键的化学反应动力学和应力纤维的粘弹性性质,解释了细胞黏附稳定性的频率依赖性。本文预测的细胞转向临界载荷和重排方向,与实验结果一致。


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细胞生物学研究的一个重要方向是动态地控制细胞在基底上的黏附。最近,随着表面化学的研究深入,尤其是对烷基硫醇在金基底上形成自组装单层膜(self-assembled monolayers, SAMs)这一体系的研究,使得人们能在分子水平的表面上控制细胞黏附。精氨酸-甘氨酸-天冬氨酸(arginine-glycine-aspartate, RGD)序列首先是从细胞外基质蛋白中分离出来的,能够识别并非共价结合细胞膜表面的整合素受体,从而促进细胞黏附。以前的一些工作已经证实,将含有RGD的肽链连接到SAMs表面之后,能够生物特异性地黏附动物细胞。已有的手段比如光照、电压、加热、微电极、微流控以及表面纳米形貌的梯度变化,都不能真正实现可逆地控制细胞黏附,原因是这些方法所用的化学有限;这些方法也不能得到完全抗拒细胞黏附的表面,原因是这些方法产生的表面缺陷等不完整。用两种不同波长的光(紫外光和可见光)照射偶氮苯,偶氮苯会发生可逆的光致异构变化,因此,偶氮苯的光致异构性质可以用来可逆地控制细胞在表面黏附。运用含有偶氮苯的混合SAMs,偶氮苯的末端连接GRGDS肽,混合SAMs中是以末端为六聚乙二醇的硫醇为背景,该SAMs修饰而成的表面能够黏附或者抗拒细胞黏附,其表面黏附性质取决于SAMs中偶氮苯的构象。该方法提供了一种在分子水平的表面上我们所了解到的唯一能可逆控制细胞黏附的方法,该方法需要用到的光源来自于标准荧光显微镜所配置的汞灯。 为了实现在金基底表面可逆的控制细胞黏附,我们合成了如下三个化合物: 由于化合物1的溶解性很差,几乎在所有溶剂里都不溶,所以不能直接用化合物1制备SAMs;化合物2能高效地抗拒细胞的黏附;化合物3的偶氮苯末端是活化酯,能够连接GRGDS肽,从而控制细胞黏附。 将化合物2和化合物3以一定的比例均匀混合在金基底表面形成SAMs,然后将GRGDS肽连接到偶氮苯(反式)的末端(通过GRGDS肽的甘氨酸上的伯胺基与偶氮苯末端的活化酯反应),从而得到细胞黏附的表面。用紫外光照射该细胞黏附表面5-10小时,随着偶氮苯的构象由反式变为顺式,偶氮苯末端的GRGDS肽淹没在化合物2的六聚乙二醇中,得到抗拒细胞黏附的惰性表面。再用可见光照射该惰性表面1个小时,随着偶氮苯的构象由顺式变为反式,原先埋没在六聚乙二醇中的GRGDS肽伸展至单层膜的末端,又得到了细胞黏附的表面。因此,该表面能完全可逆地控制细胞在金表面黏附。 An important area in cell biology is the dynamic control of cell adhesion on substrates. Recent advancements in surface chemistry, in particular, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of alkanethiols on gold substrates, have permitted unprecedented control of cell adhesion via molecularly defined surfaces. The tri-peptide sequence arginine-glycine-aspartate (RGD), initially isolated from the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, can recognize and non-covalently bind with integrin receptors on cell membranes to promote cell adhesion. Some previous work has demonstrated that RGD peptide grafted on SAMs can allow bio-specific adhesion of mammalian cells that mimic natural adhesion. Existing technologies such as light, voltage, heat, microelectrodes, microfluidic systems and surface gradient of nanotopography, either cannot realize fully reversible control of cell adhesion, due to the limitation in the chemistry used, or cannot yield a surface completely resistant against cell adhesion, due to the imperfection of surfaces. Azobenzenes undergo reversible photo-induced isomerization rapidly at two different wavelengths of light (UV and visible light), it therefore potentially allows the reversible control of cell adhesion on a surface. By using a mixed SAMs presenting azobenzene groups terminated in GRGDS peptides in a background of hexa(ethylene glycol) groups, the surface can either accommodate or resist cell adhesion depending on the conformation of the azobenzene embedded in SAMs. This method provides the only means we know to control cell adhesion reversibly on a molecularly well-defined surface by using light generated by a mercury lamp equipped on standard fluorescence microscopes. To realize the reversible control of cell adhesion on gold surface, we synthesized three kinds of compounds as following, We found that it was difficult to obtain SAMs directly from compound 1 because of its poor solubility in almost all kinds of solvents; compound 2 can resist cell adhesion efficiently; compound 3 presents an azobenzene terminated with NHS-activated ester, which can couple with a GRGDS peptide to control cell adhesion. After coating a gold surface with compound 2 and 3 in appropriate ratios to form a SAM followed by coupling the GRGDS peptides with NHS-activated esters at the end of azobenzene (E configuration) resulted in a cell-adhesive SAM. Irradiating this cell-adhesive SAM with UV light for 5-10 h converted the E configuration of azobenzene into the Z form, the GRGDS peptides becoming masked in the PEG, resulting in a cell-resistant surface. These SAM could again support cell adhesion as a result of the conformational switch of azobenzene from Z to E with the irradiation of visible light for 1 h. This surface, therefore, allows completely reversible control of cell adhesion on a gold surface.