28 resultados para Maxillary sinus lifting

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设计了一种能够使蛇形机器人运动更灵巧、奇异点更少和运动能力更强的机构 ,对具有三个自由度的新型蛇形机器人单元进行了改进 ,在单元上增加被动轮机构 ,使其具有万向机构的特点。该单元不仅能够用被动轮驱动机器人运动 ,而且增加了类似于主动轮的驱动机构 ,克服了被动轮驱动能力弱的缺点 ,增强了机器人的运动能力。在分析非完整约束的基础上 ,对蛇形机器人的运动学和冗余度进行分析 ,提出了控制该类蛇形机器人运动的分解矩阵方法和分组交替运动法。


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Gas film lubrication of a three-dimensional flat read-write head slider is calculated using the information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, respectively. The pressure distributions on the head slider surface at different velocities and flying heights obtained by the two methods are in excellent agreement. IP method is also employed to deal with head slider with three-dimensional complex configuration. The pressure distribution on the head slider surface and the net lifting force obtained by the IP method also agree well with those of DSMC method. Much less (of the order about 10(2) less) computational time (the sum of the time used to reach a steady stage and the time used in sampling process) is needed by the IP method than the DSMC method and such an advantage is more remarkable as the gas velocity decreases.


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Raman spectroscopy was used to study the molecular structure of a series of selected rare earth (RE) silicate crystals including Y2SiO5 (YSO), LU2SiO5 (LSO), (Lu0.5Y0.5)(2)SiO5 (LYSO) and their ytterbium-doped samples. Raman spectra show resolved bands below 500 cm(-1) region assigned to the modes of SiO4 and oxygen vibrations. Multiple bands indicate the nonequivalence of the RE-O bonds and the lifting of the degeneracy of the RE ion vibration. Low intensity bands below 500 cm(-1) are an indication of impurities. The (SiO4)(4-) tetrahedra are characterized by bands near 200 cm(-1) which show a separation of the components of nu(4) and nu(2), in the 500-700 cm(-1) region which are attributed to the distorting bending vibration and in the 880-1000 cm(-1) region which are attributed to the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrational modes. The majority of the bands in the 300-610 cm(-1) region of Re2SiO5 were found to arise from vibrations involving both Si and RE ions, indicating that there is considerable mixing of Si displacements with Si-O bending modes and RE-0 stretching modes. The Raman spectra of RE silicate crystals were analyzed in terms of the molecular structure of the crystals, which enabled separation of the bands attributed to distinct vibrational units. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Species of the genus Vibrissaphora are unique among all annurans in that males exhibit external cornified spines in the maxillary region during the breeding season. They were separated from species of the genus Leptobrachium based on this unique character. We construct a phylogeny using the 16S, ND4, and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes of 42 individuals from eight species of Vibrissaphora and five species of Leptobrachium from mainland China, Southeast Asia, and Hainan Island. Species of both Oreolalax and Scutiger were used as outgroups. The results indicate that: L. huashen and L. chapaense form a clade that is nested within Vibrissaphora, and L. hainanense is the sister taxon to the clade comprising all Vibrissaphora plus L. chapaense and L. huashen; V. boringiae is grouped with a clade consisting of V. leishanensis, V. liui, and V. yaoshanensis; and V. yaoshanensis is a species separate from V. liui. We propsed taxonomix changes that reflect these findings. Also based on the resulting phylogenetic trees, we propose that the mustache toads originated in the trans-Himalayan region of southwest China, and that the evolution of maxillary spines, large body size, and reverse sexual size dimorphism in these frogs was influenced by intrasexual selection due to adopting a resource-defense polygyny matting system.


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<正> 在本世纪初,Oka(1902)通过对蛭纲几个主要科的代表属进行的比较解剖学研究,提出了体腔与血管系统在蛭纲中演替的理论,从而纠正了前人对蛭纲循环系统的错误认识。他所得出的结论有:1.在整个蛭纲中都有体腔存在,但在舌蛭科和鱼蛭科中比在医蛭科和石蛭科中要明显得多。这个体腔随着结缔组织的扩大而逐渐缩小成为体腔窦(coelomic sinus)。人们所说的医蛭科和石蛭科中的血管,实际上只是缩小成管状的体腔部分。2.只有在舌蛭科和鱼蛭科中才有真正的血管系统。这种血管系统是完全封闭的,它


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Pseudobagrus fui Miao is a valid bagrid species that can be separated from all its congeners in having 27-33 anal-fin rays. Among the species of Pseudobagrus, it forms part of a group of approximately 20 species putatively characterized by having a smooth anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine and short maxillary barbels not extending to the base of the pectoral-fin spine. Pseudobagrus fui, together with P. nitidus and P. vachelli, can be differentiated from all other fork-tailed species of this group by having no fewer than 20 branched anal-fin rays, the posterior end of the anal-fin base posterior to the vertical through the posterior end of the adipose-fin base, and anal-fin base longer than the adipose-fin base. It further differs from P. nitidus in having a gas bladder without beaded lateral and posterior margins, and from P. vachelli in having short maxillary barbels not extending to the base of the pectoral-fin spine. Pseudobagrus fui is currently known from the main stream of the upper Yangtze River and its tributaries, the Min River, Jialing River, Tuo River, Wu River and Chishui River in Sichuan Province, Guizhou Province, and the Chongqing City. The identity and nomenclature of Pseudobagrus nitidus is also discussed.


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Pseudobagrus brachyrhabdion sp. nov., from the Yuan Jiang and Xiang Jiang of the middle Yangtze River drainage in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces, South China, is described herein. It is distinguished from all other Pseudobagrus species with a truncate or slightly emarginated caudal fin by an unique combination of the following characters: supraoccipital plate and nuchal plate broadly interspaced and covered with skin; nasal barbels only at most reaching anterior margin of eye; maxillary barbels reaching slightly beyond posterior margin of eye; outer mandibular barbels extending to posterior margin of eye; dorsal fin with a somewhat convex distal margin, origin nearer to pectoral-fin insertion than to pelvic-fin insertion; dorsal-fin spine shorter than pectoral spine, with a somewhat serrated posterior margin; pectoral-fin spine with a smooth anterior margin; anal fin with 20-23 rays, base length 23.8-32.0% of standard length, posterior end of anal-fin base anterior to posterior end of adipose fin base; no longitudinal black band extending along flank; eyes large, diameter 16.3-23.7% of head length; and number of vertebrae 5 + 43-46.


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A new genus and two new species are described from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi Province, South China. Hongshuia, new genus, can be distinguished from all other Asian genera of the Labeonini by having a lower lip with its median lobe modified into a round, fleshy plate peripherally greatly protruded so as to form a ring-like fold that is posteromedially continuous with the mental region, and centrally sunken so as to form a round, flat, fleshy pad. This genus is distinct from all other Asian labeonine genera of the Garrina except for one newly described species of Parasinilabeo ( P. longibarbus), Pseudocrossocheilus, and Sinocrossocheilus, in the presence of well-developed maxillary barbels. Hongshuia differs from the above three genera in the lower lip morphology, and further from both Pseudocrossocheilus and Qianlabeo in the number of pharyngeal tooth rows and from Sinocrossocheilus in the colour pattern. Two new species, H. banmo and H. paoli, differ in the distribution density and degree of development of papillae on the rostral fold, depth of indentations on the distal edge of the rostral fold, presence or absence of papillae on the lower lip, size and shape of tubercles on the tip of the snout and anterior portion of the lachrymal, length, position and colour pattern of the dorsal fin, and snout length.


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A new genus of Cobitinae, Bibarba gen. n., and a new species, B. bibarba sp. n., were discovered and are described for the Chengjiang River, a tributary of the Hongshuihe River in Guangxi Province of southern China. This river region is characterized by a Karst landscape, and the river that is inhabited by the new genus is a slowly moving stream with arenaceous and cobblestone beds. The new genus resembles Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758 (subfamily Cobitinae) in the shape and pigmentation pattern of their body, the absence of scales on their head, and the presence of a suborbital spine, but differs from it by a single Lamina circularis on the third pectoral fin ray instead of on the base of the second pectoral fin ray; two pairs of barbels (one rostral pair and one maxillo-mandibular pair) instead of three pairs of barbels (one rostral pair, one maxillary pair, and one maxillo-mandibular pair); a relatively thick and short suborbital spine with a strong medio-lateral process instead of a suborbital spine without or with a weakly formed medio-lateral process as in Cobitis; and the lack of a black stripe extending from the occiput through the eye to the insertion of the rostral barbel. The first two characters have not been reported in any other genus of the subfamily Cobitinae. A morphometric character analysis based on PCA reveals differences between B. bibarba and C. sinensis in body size, barbel length, interorbital width, pectoral fin length in males, and the position of the dorsal and ventral fins. Type specimens of the new species are kept in the Freshwater Fishes Museum of the Institute of Hydrobiology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, Hubei Province. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We explore the intrafamilial relationships of East Asian bagrid catfishes (Hemibagrus, Pseudobagrus, Pelteobagrus, and Leiocassis) based on 245 sequences of 1092 bp mitochondrial cytochrome b fragments. Four haplotypes were found to be shared by Pseudobagrus ussuriensis, Pelteobagrus vachelli and Pelteobagrus nitidus. Phylogenetic trees were performed using the neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian likelihood methods. The phylogenetic trees based on NJ, MP, ML and BL inferences strongly support polyphyleticism for the currently recognized genera Pseudobagrus, Pelteobagrus and Leiocassis. However, the species currently assigned to these three genera form a robustly monophyletic group with relatively low genetic divergence. The structure of maxillary barbels and serrations on the anterior edge of the pectoral spines seem to be indicatory of appropriate phylogenetic traits. We propose that only Hemibagrus and Pseudobagrus are the only valid genera of East Asian bagrids.