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A dimensionless relation of the form for collating fatigue crack starting growth data is proposed in which Δkth represents the stress intensity factor range at the threshold. Based on experimental results, this relation attains the value of 0.6 for a fatigue crack to start growth in the Austenitic stainless steel investigated in this work. Metallurgical examinations were also carried out to show a transgranular shear mode of cyclic cleavage and plastic shear.


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Diatoms are one of the predominant contributors to global carbon fixation by accounting for over 40% of total oceanic primary production and dominate export production. They play a significant role in marine biogeochemistry cycle. The diatom mat deposits are results of vast diatoms bloom. By analysis of diatom mats in 136 degrees 00'-140 degrees 00'E, 15 degrees 00'-21 degrees 00'N, Eastern Philippines Sea, we identified the species of the diatoms as giant Ethmodiscus rex (Wallich) Hendey. AMS C-14 dating shows that the sediments rich in diatom mats occurred during 16000-28600 a B.P., which means the bloom mainly occurred during the last glacial period, while there are no diatom mat deposits in other layers. Preliminary analysis indicates that Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) expanded northward and brought silicate-rich water into the area, namely, silicon leakage processes caused the bloom of diatoms. In addition, the increase of iron input is one of the main reasons for the diatom bloom.


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The integrated absorption cross section Sigma(abs), I peak emission cross section sigma(cmi), Judd-Ofeld intensity parameters Omega(iota) ( t = 2,4,6), and spontaneous emission probability A(R) of Er3+ ions were determined for Erbium doped alkali and alkaline earth phosphate glasses. It is found the compositional dependence of sigma(emi) 5 almost similar to that of Sigma(abs), which is determined by the sum, of Omega(1) (3 Omega(2) + 10 Omega(4) + 21 Omega(6)). In addition, the compositional dependence of Omega(1) was studied in these glass systems. As a result, compared with. Omega(4) and Omega(6) the Omega(2) has a stronger compositional dependence on the ionic radius and content of modifers. The covalency of Er-O bonds in phosphate glass is weaker than that in silicate glass, germanate glass, aluminate glass, and tellurate glass, since Omega(6) of phosphate glass is relatively large. A(R) is affected by the covalency of the Er3+ ion sites and corresponds to the Omega(6) value.


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本论文研究的创新之处是在高分辨率的地层层序上选定3米X3米的工作剖面,逐层采集标本,定量研究山旺中新世古气候的变化过程。主要有以下新的认识和结论: 植物化石的数量和种类在地层层序上的变化很大。第5层、第6层、第7层、第13层、第15层和第16层的标本丰富,可以进行CLAMP分析。 第5层、第6层和第7层的泥岩中保存有丰富的植物化石,运用荧光显微分析技术可以清晰地观察到泥岩中植物的气孔和表皮细胞形态。 山旺地区中新世年均温(MAT)在9.5℃和11.3℃之间。较热月份平均温度(WMMT)在19.9 ℃和22.4 ℃之间。生长季月数(GSL)为5.9--6.9个月。生长季节平均降水量(MGSP)为860--1770 mm。生长季月平均降水量(MMGSP)为152--253mm,生长季三个连续最湿的月份降水量(3-WET)为530--920mm,三个连续最旱的月份的降水量(3-DRY)为286--687mm。相对湿度(Rel. Hum)在73%以上,高达80%。特殊湿度(q-Specific Humidity)在5.9--6.7之间,热熵值(H-Enthalpy)为298.5--304.5。 气候参数在地层层序上存在变化。CLAMP分析的结论与最近亲缘种分析(NLR)的结论相似。CLAMP分析的年均温比现在山旺的年均温12.5℃低,比同层的线性分析结果低3℃。与海底有孔虫氧同位素的研究结论一致。山东山旺中新世古气候的研究可以作为中中新世全球气候变化研究的一个标尺。


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本文对山旺中新世孢粉植物群进行了详细的研究。在22,95米厚的山旺硅藻土剖面上系统地采集了130块孢粉样品,样品之间的采样距离为10-30厘米。鉴定出孢粉类型111种。以此为基础,对山旺碰藻土沉积期间的古气候和古生态进行了高分辨率定量的恢复和重建。 根据每种孢粉类型的生物地层信息,山旺中新世孢粉植物群形成的时代为中中新世。这个年龄值也与同位素测年的结果16.78-14.11 Ma,以及根据哺乳动物划分的生物地层带MN4-MN5相一致。 运用共存分析法定量重建了山旺中新世孢粉植物群形成时的各项气候参数的定量值。所包括的10个古气候参数值分别为: 年平均温度(MAT) 15.6-17.2ºC,最冷月平均温度(TCM)5.0-6.6 0 C,最热月平均温度(TWM) 24.6-27.8 ºC,温度的年较差( TD) 20. 0-25.5 0 C,年平均降雨量(MAP) 1162-1308mm,最热月份的平均降雨量( PwarmM)108-lllmm,最湿月份的平均降雨量(PwetM) 148-180mm,最干月份的平均降雨量(PDM) 16-59mm,最干及最 湿月份降雨量的差值(DP) 81-153mm,平均相对湿度(RH) 72-74%,共存分析的结果表明,在整个22.95米厚的研究剖面上,从底部到顶部的古植物群形成期间的古气候有一个轻微的波动,其中年平均温度的波动范围大约在3度左右,最热月平均温度的波动范围在l度左右, 最冷月平均温度的波动范围在4度左右, 年平均降雨量的波动范围在100毫米左右。 山旺中新世时的气候应属于Koppen's的“Cfa”气候类型,与现今武汉与芜湖地区的气候相似。 与现代山旺地区气候上的区别主要在于年平均降雨量、降雨量的分配,以及最冷月份的平均温度。 通过应用多元分析的方法,对山旺中新世时期的植被进行了重建。山旺中新世时期的古植被为“混交中生林”,在研究剖面从底部到顶部的时间轴上,“混交中生林”经历了“湿润环境下的混交中生林”,“干旱环境下的混交中生林”,“湿润湖岸环境下的混交中生林”,“山地、湿润及碱性环境下的混交中生林”,和“碱性环境下的混交中生林”等5个阶段的变化。山旺剖面所代表的山旺湖周围的地形在断裂构造运动的控制下,也经历了一系列的变化。


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定量重建地球生态系统的气候参数是当前国际古气候研究的目标之一. 自20世纪70年代以来, 尤其是在海洋学研究领域, 新技术的不断应用使得定量的古气候研究蓬勃发展. 相比之下陆地古气候参数的重建要困难得多, 陆地植物作为对环境的良好记录,一直备受重视. 近数十年来, 国际上广泛开展了利用植物材料定量研究气候的探索, 大量新的方法层出不穷. 德国科学家Mosbrugger和Utescher在1997年倡导的共存分析法(The Coexistence Approach)就是其中之一, 它依据现存最近亲缘类群原理以及植物分布与气候的关系原理, 找到化石植物群中各类群的现存最近亲缘类群对各气候参数的耐受范围; 并将各亲缘类群对同一气候参数的耐受范围叠加一起, 获得对该气候参数的共存区间, 用该区间作为对古气候参数的精确估测. 本文首先阐述在原文位于展开讨论的共存分析的理论基础——探讨植物分布与气候之间关系的耐受性理论. 并以此为指导, 对在该方法中气候台站的选用方法作了改进, 气象台站的选择应以植物的标本记录点为基础: 即使在某一特定的植物分布区内部也应该查看气象台站所在县级行政区域是否有该植物的标本采集信息, 并以此为依据来决定是否选用该气象台站的记录; 选用的气象台站的数量多寡应该以植物分布点的多少来决定. 以此为基础, 我们采用中国的植物分布与气象记录数据, 利用孢粉学的研究结果,定量重建了我国新生代三个地点的古气候参数, 结果如下: 1.内蒙古呼伦湖地区全新世初期气候 MAT: 4.4~10.2℃; MWMT: 22.9~24.1℃; MCMT: -18~-9.1℃; DT: 33.5~40.9℃; MAP: 354.3~686.7mm; MMaP: 103.8~191.9mm; MMiP: 2.7~7.3mm. 我们以扎赉诺尔地区的孢粉学研究为基础, 依据孢粉和盘星藻(Pediastrum Meyen)提供的环境信息并结合前人工作, 恢复了全新世初升温期的植被变化; 定量重建了10.4~10.2kaB.P.时的气候, 为全面理解呼伦湖地区的气候变化以及东亚的夏季风变化提供新的依据. 2.云南洱源上新世气候 MAT: 13.3~18.6℃; MWMT: 24.6~27.5℃; MCMT: 1.9~12.1℃; DT: 14.2~16.6℃; MAP: 619.9~1484.3mm; MMaP: 143.8~245.6mm; MMiP: 12.7~16.4mm. 该结果与羊邑、龙陵上新世古气候及三地的现代气候分析对比表明, 在上新世, 三地年均温符合纬向变化, 而降水量则基本一致. 在现代,洱源与羊邑在气候与植被上很相近, 且与上新世相差不大; 而龙陵地区则发生了显著的变化, 年均温比上新世低, 而降水量则大幅增加. 该变化指示了上新世以来作为青藏高原东部边缘的龙陵地区可能出现了地形的抬升. 3.吉林珲春始新世和中新世气候 始新世: MAT: 14.3~14.9℃; MWMT: 25~26.3℃; MCMT: 1.9~3.7℃; DT: 21.7~23℃; MAP: 797.5~1344mm; MMaP: 185.3~209.8mm; MMiP: 14.2~16.4mm. 中新世: MAT: 14.3~14.9℃; MWMT: 24.3~25.4℃; MCMT: 2.1~3.7℃; DT: 21.7~22.7℃; MAP: 658.7~817.7mm; MMaP: 158.9~174.6mm; MMiP: 7.4~7.6mm. 通过对两个时段的气候参数对比, 始新世时, 吉林珲春地区的气候属于北亚热带气候; 中新世时气候发生了改变, 归属于暖温带南部的气候, 改变了前人关于中新世也归属于被亚热带的认识, 这反映了我国东北部地区与全球新生代降温总趋势具有一定的同步性.


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无根萍属(Wolffia )隶属于浮萍科天南星目,是世界上最小的被子植物。该属植物繁殖速度快;易于培养;结构简单,只具有一个雄蕊和一个雌蕊;自然状态下通常为克隆繁殖,遗传结构高度一致,具备特定研究目的模式植物的特点,正在或已经成为一些实验室研究光合作用、生物反应器、毒理学、生态修复和环境监测等的重要模式生物材料;同时还被作为建造航天生活仓和地外生命支撑系统的首选植物。该属植物蛋白含量高且氨基酸组分平衡,营养价值可与大豆相媲美。但该属植物一直是分类学界的疑难类群,不同的学者对该属的分类处理比较混乱;其次,对该属的生物地理研究也很不够,尤其是对国产类群的研究;另外,W. globosa 作为该属中国分布的物种,其生理学特性和形态结构发育还缺乏研究。为此,本文通过mat K 基因测序、RAPD 标记等手段,结合野外和室内的长期观测,对其分类和中国的地理分布以及生理学特性进行了研究。针对浮萍科植物作为水生植物,其对重金属和芳香烃衍生物的耐受逆境能力大小,和对淡水水体环境生态的指示作用。本文研究了W. globosa 具解毒功能的谷胱甘肽转硫酶的活性;最后,探索了从黄鳝(Monpterus albus Zuiew )中分离纯化GSTs 的技术与方法并对maGST 的部分特性进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. Wolffia 系统分类学研究 前人认为,Wolffia 柱头的颜色是重要的分组、分种检索性状。我们对其长期、活体、原位、实时跟踪观测结果表明,柱头颜色是Wolffia 个体发育上的变化过程,不是一个稳定性状,用作Wolffia subgroup 内组的划分特征和种的鉴别特征是不适合的。在此基础上我们重新修定了该属的分种检索表。利用形态分类学性状——气孔、长/宽、高/宽以及最大宽度在水面上还是水面下等性状,认为中国分布的类群应是W. globosa,但亦有W. neglecta 存在的证据。mat K 基因片段结果支持形态学的结论。通过广泛的野外采集,在我国北京、河北和吉林发现Wolffia 的新分布。 2. 中国Wolffia 居群遗传学研究 以RAPD 分子标记对广泛分布的居群遗传多样性研究表明,无根萍属植物主要以无性繁殖方式繁育,居群主要由单一克隆后代组成,如海河流域以及松花江流域居群;但一些居群亦兼有性繁殖方式,并具较高的遗传多样性,如武汉、海南居群。利用MVSP, Popgene 和Ntsys 等分析方法探讨了中国产Wolffia 居群遗传多样性和地理分布格局间关系。 3. W. globosa 的生理学研究 建立了较为完善的W. globosa 的无菌培养和保存体系。W. globosa 在逆境中,会形成休眠体;同时,发现不同居群甚至不同克隆系之间其抗逆性和生长速度存在着显著差异,差异最大的如海南文昌居群的生长速率,是长春居群的4.19 倍;不同的时间统计生长周期存在着不同结果,生长节律每天有两个生长高峰呈双“S”型;W. globosa 的耐受温度范围和pH 范围广;低浓度的IAA,GA,6-BA, EDDHA-Fe 以及EDTA 等物质具有促进W. globosa 生长的特性;但是,所有这些处理均没能促使W. globosa 从营养生长转入生殖生长。 4. W. globosa 的解剖学研究 W. globosa 通常是进行克隆繁殖,通过组织切片发现无性分枝子体还未伸出母株之前就已经完成分化,与此同时分枝子体中又分化出新的子体,分枝呈聚伞状,子体生长方向彼此相对;另外,生殖生长结构的分化也是在母体中完成的;生殖生长点与营养生长点不是同一生长点。 5. 浮萍科植物的毒理学研究 以重金属Cr3+和芳香烃衍生物CDNB 溶液处理Wolffia,Spirodela 和Lemna, 三种水生生物,结果表明Wolffia 比Spirodela, Lemna 对重金属和芳香烃衍生物有更强的抗逆能力,如在同等条件下对于Cr3+Wolffia 的半致死剂量800GB(≈ 80mg/L),而Spirodela 和Lemna 则分别为10mg/L;20mg/L;表明W. globosa 是一个优良的生态环境修复植物。与此同时,研究了W. globosa 中具有解毒功能的GSTs 粗酶液活力在不同浓度的重金属离子(Cu2+和Cd2+)以及芳香烃衍生物(CDNB 和NBD-Cl)随处理时间的变化情况。 6. 从水生生物黄鳝Monpterus albus Zuiew 中分离纯化GSTs 的研究GSTs 活性的变化是环境监测的一个Biomarker,为此研究从M. albus 中分离 纯化GSTs 的技术与方法。经GSH 亲和层析纯化的酶活力为粗酶液的207 倍,进而鉴定了maGST 的部分特性。SDS-PAGE 电泳和MALDI-TOF/MS 表明MaGST 为同源二聚体,分子量约为52kDa,单亚基分子量约为26 kDa。maGST 酶动力学表明对CDNB 为13.07 ± 0.37 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对NBD-Cl 为5.54 ± 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对ECA、4-NPA 几乎没有活性。在GSH 底物饱和,CDNB 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.32 mM 和16.19 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;CDNB 底物饱和,GSH 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.44 mM 和28.83 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白。maGST 的酶活性pH 值较宽,温度范围广:在pH7.0-7.5 具有最大速度,在pH6.5 和pH8.5 时分别具有65%和72%的酶活力;在45℃时具有最大活性,30℃和55℃时为最大活力的80%,60℃几乎完全丧失酶活力。


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Recent transcription profiling studies have revealed an unexpectedly large proportion of antisense transcripts in eukaryotic genomes. These antisense genes seem to regulate gene expression by interacting with sense genes. Previous studies have focused on the non-coding antisense genes, but the possible regulatory role of the antisense protein is poorly understood. In this study, we found that a protein encoded by the antisense gene ADF1 acts as a transcription suppressor, regulating the expression of sense gene MDF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on the evolutionary, genetic, cytological and biochemical evidence, we show that the protein-coding sense gene MDF1 most likely originated de novo from a previously non-coding sequence and can significantly suppress the mating efficiency of baker's yeast in rich medium by binding MAT alpha 2 and thus promote vegetative growth. These results shed new light on several important issues, including a new sense-antisense interaction mechanism, the de novo origination of a functional gene, and the regulation of yeast mating pathway.


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Hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells based on blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and TiO2 nanotubes or dye(N719) modified TiO2 nanotubes were processed from solution and characterized to research the nature of organic/inorganic hybrid materials. Compared with the pristine polymer P3HT and TiO2 nanoparticles/P3HT solar cells, the TiO2 nanotubes/P3HT hybrid solar cells show obvious performance improvement, due to the formation of the bulk heterojunction and charge transport improvement. A further improvement in the device performance can be achieved by modifying TiO2 nanotube surface with a standard dye N719 which can play a role in the improvement of both the light absorption and charge dissociation. Compared with the non-modified TiO2 nanotubes solar cells, the modified ones have better power conversion efficiency under 100 mW/cm(2) illumination with 500W Xenon lamp. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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InAs self-organized nanostructures were grown with variant deposition thickness and growth rate on closely matched InAlAs/InP by molecular-beam epitaxy. The structural properties. of InAs and InAlAs layer were studied. It is found that the InAs morphology is insensitive to the growth conditions. Transmission electron microscopy and reflectance difference spectroscopy measurements show that the InAlAs matrix presents lateral composition modulation which gives birth to surface anisotropy. Based on the dependence of the InAs morphology on the anisotropy of the InAlAs layer, a modified Stranski-Krastanow growth mode is presented to describe the growth of the nanostructure on a composition-modulated surface.


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GaN epilayers were grown on Si(111) substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. By using the Al-rich AlN buffer which contains Al beyond stoichiometry, crack-free GaN epilayers with 1 mum thickness were obtained. Through x-ray diffraction (XRD) and secondary ion mass spectroscopy analyses, it was found that a lot of Al atoms have diffused into the under part of the GaN epilayer from the Al-rich AlN buffer, which results in the formation of an AlxGa1-xN layer at least with 300 nm thickness in the 1 mum thick GaN epilayer. The Al fraction x was estimated by XRD to be about 2.5%. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth analysis was also applied to investigate the stoichiometry in the Al-rich buffer before GaN growth. It is suggested that the underlayer AlxGa1-xN originated from Al diffusion probably provides a compressive stress to the upper part of the GaN epilayer, which counterbalances a part of tensile stress in the GaN epilayer during cooling down and consequently reduces the cracks of the film effectively. The method using the Al diffusion effect to form a thick AlGaN layer is really feasible to achieve the crack-free GaN films and obtain a high crystal quality simultaneously. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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An in situ energy dispersive x-ray diffraction study on nanocrystalline ZnS was carried out under high pressure up to 30.8 GPa by using a diamond anvil cell. The phase transition from the wurtzite to the zinc-blende structure occurred at 11.5 GPa, and another obvious transition to a new phase with rock-salt structure also appeared at 16.0 GPa-which was higher than the value for the bulk material. The bulk modulus and the pressure derivative of nanocrystalline ZnS were derived by fitting the Birch-Murnaghan equation. The resulting modulus was higher than that of the corresponding bulk material, indicating that the nanomaterial has higher hardness than the bulk material.


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Proton-implanted and annealed p-type Si wafers were investigated by using both transmission electron microscopy and spreading resistivity probe. The novel pn junction [Li et al., Mat. Res. Sec. Symp, Proc. 396 (1996) 745], as obtained by using n-type Si subjected to the process as this work, was not observed in the p-type Si wafers in this work. A drop of superficial resistivity in the sample was found and is explained by the proposed models interpreting the novel pn junction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) has been used to study asymmetric bilayer InAs quantum dot (QD) structures grow by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates. The two InAs layers were separated by a 7-nm-thick GaAs spacer layer and were grown at different substrate temperature. We took advantage of the intrinsic nonuniformity of the molecular beams to grow the seed layer with an average InAs coverage of 2.0 ML. Then the seed layer thickness could be divided into three areas: below, around and above the critical thickness of the 2D-3D transition along the 11101 direction of the substrate. Correspondingly, the nucleation mechanisms of the upper InAs layer (UIL) could be also divided into three areas: temperature-controlled, competition between temperature-controlled and strain-induced, and strain-induced (template-controlled) nucleation. Small quantum dots (QDs) with a large density around 5 x 10(10) cm(-2) are found in the temperature-controlled nucleation area. The QD size distributions undergo a bimodal to a unimodal transition with decreasing QD densities in the strain-induced nucleation area, where the QD densities vary following that of the seed layer (templating effect). The optimum QD density with the UIL thickness fixed at 2.4 ML is shown to be around 1.5 x 10(10) cm(-2), for which the QD size distribution is unimodal and PL emission peaks at the longest wavelength. The QDs in the in-between area exhibit a broad size distribution with small QDs and strain-induced large QDs coexisting.