39 resultados para Mass balance model

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Although studies on carbon burial in lake sediments have shown that lakes are disproportionately important carbon sinks, many studies on gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface have demonstrated that lakes are supersaturated with CO2 and CH4 causing a net release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. In order to more accurately estimate the net carbon source/sink function of lake ecosystems, a more comprehensive carbon budget is needed, especially for gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface. Using two methods, overall mass balance and gas exchange and carbon burial balance, we assessed the carbon source/sink function of Lake Donghu, a subtropical, eutrophic take, from April 2003 to March 2004. With the overall mass balance calculations, total carbon input was 14 905 t, total carbon output was 4950 1, and net carbon budget was +9955 t, suggesting that Lake Donghu was a great carbon sink. For the gas exchange and carbon burial balance, gaseous carbon (CO2 and CH4) emission across the water-air interface totaled 752 t while carbon burial in the lake sediment was 9477 t. The ratio of carbon emission into the atmosphere to carbon burial into the sediment was only 0.08. This low ratio indicates that Lake Donghu is a great carbon sink. Results showed good agreement between the two methods with both showing Lake Donghu to be a great carbon sink. This results from the high primary production of Lake Donghu, substantive allochthonous carbon inputs and intensive anthropogenic activity. Gaseous carbon emission accounted for about 15% of the total carbon output, indicating that the total output would be underestimated without including gaseous carbon exchange. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ion-exchange equilibrium of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to an anion exchanger, DEAE Spherodex M, has been studied by batch adsorption experiments at pH values ranging from 5.26 to 7.6 and ionic strengths from 10 to 117.1 mmol/l. Using the unadjustable adsorption equilibrium parameters obtained from batch experiments, the applicability of the steric mass-action (SMA) model was analyzed for describing protein ion-exchange equilibrium in different buffer systems. The parametric sensitivity analysis was performed by perturbing each of the model parameters, while holding the rest constant. The simulation results showed that, at high salt concentrations or low pHs close to the isoelectric point of the protein, the precision of the model prediction decreased. Parametric sensitivity analysis showed that the characteristic charge and protein steric factor had the largest effects on ion-exchange equilibrium, while the effect of equilibrium constant was about 70%-95% smaller than those of characteristic charge and steric factor under all conditions investigated. The SMA model with the relationship between the adjusted characteristic charge and the salt concentration can well predict the protein adsorption isotherms in a wide pH range from 5.84 to 7.6. It is considered that the SMA model could be further improved by taking into account the effect of salt concentration on the intermolecular interactions of proteins. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although respiration of organisms and biomass as well as fossil fuel burning industrial production are identified as the major sources, the CO2 flux is still unclear due to the lack of proper measurements. A mass-balance approach that exploits differences in the carbon isotopic signature (delta(13)C) of CO2 Sources and sinks was introduced and may provide a means of reducing uncertainties in the atmospheric budget. delta(13)C measurements of atmospheric CO2 yielded an average of - 10.3 parts per thousand relative to the Peedee Belemnite standard; soil and plants had a narrow range from -25.09 parts per thousand to -26.51 parts per thousand and averaged at -25.80 parts per thousand. Based on the fact of steady fractionation and enrichment during respiration of mitochondria, we obtained the emission Of CO2 of 35.451 mol m(-2) a(-1) and CO2 flux of 0.2149 mu mol m(-2) s(-)1. The positive CO2 flux indicated the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem a source rather than a sink. The mass-balance model can be applied for other ecosystem even global carbon cycles because it neglects the complicated process of carbon metabolism, however just focuses on stable carbon isotopic compositions in any of compartments of carbon sources and sinks. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on seasonal changes in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of seston and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp during 2004 and 2005, focusing primarily on the carbon sources and trophic relationships among phytoplankton, zooplankton and silver carp and bighead carp in a large fish pen of Meiliang Bay (Lake Taihu, China). delta C-13 showed a minimal value in March 2005 and a maximal value in August 2005 in seston both inside and outside the pen, whereas delta N-15 of seston showed the minimum in winter and the maximum during algal blooms. A positive correlation between delta C-13 of silver carp and that of seston suggested that temporal variation Of delta C-13 in seston was preserved in fish via the food chain. The differences of delta C-13 among seston, zooplankton and muscle tissue of silver carp and bighead carp ranged only 0.2-1.7%, indicating that plankton production was the primary food source of filter-feeding fishes. According to a mass balance model, we estimated that the contributions of zooplankton to the diets of silver carp and bighead carp were 45.7% and 54.3%, respectively, based on the delta N-15 values of zooplankton and planktivorous fishes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Temporal and spatial changes in delta(13) C and delta 15 N of particulate organic matter (POM) and Hemiculter leucisculus were studied in the Yangtze River of China. Isotopic signatures of POM showed seasonal variations, which was assumed to be associated with allochthonous organic input and autochthonous phytoplankton growth. delta C-13 of H. leucisculus was 1.1 % higher than that of POM, which suggested that the food source of H. leucisculus was mostly from the POM. A mass balance model indicated the trophic position of H. leucisculus in the food web of Yangtze River was estimated to be 2.0 - 2.1, indicating that this fish mainly feeds on planktonic organic matter, which agreed with previous gut content analysis.


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Food web structure was studied by using carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. High external nutrient loading and the presence of abundant detritus from submersed macrophytes were responsible for the high sediment delta(15)N and delta(13)C, respectively. C-13 was significantly higher in submersed macrophytes than in other macrophytes. The similar delta(13)C values in phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, and planktivorous fish indicate that phytoplankton was the major food source for the consumers. By using a delta(15)N mass balance model, we estimate that the contributions of zooplankton to the diet of silver carp and bighead carp were 54% and 74%, respectively, which is in agreement with previous microscopic observations on intestinal contents of these fishes.


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Due to its inert reaction in soil system and distinctive vertical distribution in soil profile, caesium-137 (Cs-137) has been used as a tracer to assess wind erosion. In this study, 62 soil samples were collected from 4 sampling sites in Taipusi County, Inner Mongolia; Caesium-137 activities for those soil samples were measured using a gamma-ray spectrometry in Sichuan University, Chengdu. Distribution pattern of Cs-137 in vertical soil profile was different for different land use and land cover types. Caesium-137 was distributed homogeneously in plow layer of cropland, and negatively exponential in low to medium cover grassland. Distribution pattern in high covered grassland was represented by a peak at 2-4 cm soil depth followed by a negative exponential curve. Based on those findings, simplified mass balance model was chosen to estimate the rate of wind erosion for cropland, while profile distribution model was used for grassland. Estimated wind erosion rates were 7990, 4270 and 1808 Mg(.)km(-2.)a(-1) for cropland, low cover grassland and medium cover grassland, respectively. Wind erosion intensity correlated negatively with plant cover.


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Concentrations and carbon isotopic (C-14, C-13) compositions of black carbon (BC) were measured for three sediment cores collected from the Changjiang River estuary and the shelf of the East China Sea. BC concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 0.14 mg/g (dry weight), and accounted for 5% to 26% of the sedimentary total organic carbon (TOC) pool. Among the three sediment cores collected at each site, sediment from the Changjiang River estuary had relatively high BC contents compared with the sediments from the East China Sea shelf, suggesting that the Changjiang River discharge played an important role in the delivery of BC to the coastal region. Radiocarbon measurements indicate that the ages of BC are in the range of 6910 to 12250 years old B. P. (before present), that is in general, 3700 to 9000 years older than the C-14 ages of TOC in the sediments. These variable radiocarbon ages suggest that the BC preserved in the sediments was derived from the products of both biomass fire and fossil fuel combustion, as well as from ancient rock weathering. Based on an isotopic mass balance model, we calculated that fossil fuel combustion contributed most (60%. 80%) of the BC preserved in these sediments and varied with depth and locations. The deposition and burial of this "slow-cycling" BC in the sediments of the East China Sea shelf represent a significant pool of carbon sink and could greatly influence carbon cycling in the region.


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Stable carbon isotopes of organic matter originated from different soil layers (0~5 cm, 5~15 cm, 15~25 cm, 25~35 cm, 35~50 cm, 50~65 cm) were investigated in the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The preliminary results indicated that δ13C values of soil organic matter increased with increased soil depth. δ13C of soil organic carbon in 0~5 cm layer showed the lowest value, -25.09‰; while 50~65 cm soil layer possessed the lowerδ13C value, -13.87‰. Based on mass balance model of stable isotopes, it was proposed that the percentage of C4 carbon source tend to increase with increased soil depth. The preliminary study indicated that alpine meadow might have undergone a successive process from C4-dominated community to C3-dominated one. However, changing δ13C values in atmospheric CO2 overtime and different processes of soil organic carbon formation (or eluviation) might somewhat contribute to increasing δ13C values. In this case, mass balance model would underestimate C3 community and overestimate C4 community.


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We measured the stable carbon isotope ratios for muscle of the upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius), plateau pika (Ochotoma curzoniae), root vole (Microtus oeconomus), plateau zokor (Myospalax fontanierii) and passerine bird species at the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station (HAMERS), and provided diet information of upland buzzards with the measurement of stable carbon isotopes in tissues of these consumers. The results showed that δ~(13)C values of small mammals and passerine bird species ranged from -25.57‰ to -25.78‰ (n = 12), and from -24.81‰ to -22.51% (n = 43), respectively, δ~(13)C values of the upland buzzards ranged from -22.60‰ to -23.10‰ when food was not available. The difference in δ~(13)C values (2.88‰±0.31‰) between upland buzzards and small mammals was much larger than the differences reported previously, 1‰-2‰, and showed significant difference, while 1.31‰±0.34‰ between upland buzzard and passerine bird species did not differ from the previously reported trophic fractionation difference of 1‰-2‰. Estimation of trophic position indicated that upland buzzards stand at trophic position 4.23, far from that of small mammals, i.e., upland buzzards scarcely captured small mammals as food at the duration of food shortage. According to isotope mass balance model, small mammals contributed 7.89% to 35.04% of carbon to the food source of the upland buzzards, while passerine bird species contributed 64.96% to 92.11%. Upland buzzards turned to passerine bird species as food during times of shortage of small mammals. δ~(13)C value, a useful indicator of diet, indicates that the upland buzzards feed mainly on passerine bird species rather than small mammals due to "you are what you eat" when small mammal preys are becoming scarce.