24 resultados para Lippia gracilis Schauer

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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Boussingaultia gracilis Miers var. pseudobaselloides Bailey (Basellaccae) is a folk medicine used as an analgesic and supplements, only a few research was reported on the chemical constituents of this plant. This paper presented its chemical and anti-HIV


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 目的:探讨在纤细眼虫( Euglena gracilis) 中是否存在核纤层蛋白(lamin) 基因,为核纤层 蛋白基因的起源与进化研究提供线索. 方法:以较为低等生物的核纤层蛋白基因cDNA 序列为参 考,设计引物P0010 和P0012 ,以纤细眼虫总DNA 为模板进行PCR ,PCR 产物回收、测序. 由于不能 获取完整序列,所以据测序结果又设计了P0013 和P0014 两条中间引物,组成P0010/ P0013 和 P0014/ P0012 引物对进行PCR ,回收产物测序. 结果:P0010/ P0012、P0010/ P0013 和P0014/ P0012 引物 对进行PCR 分别获得775、400 和395 bp 的特异性PCR 产物,对这3 种产物分别测序,最终获得了 P0010 和P0012 之间的全序列,共775 bp. 结论:在纤细眼虫中存在着核纤层蛋白基因.


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Euglena gracilis cell was extracted sequentially with CSK-Triton buffer, RSB-Magik solution and DNase-As solution. DGD embedment-free electron microscopy showed that in the extracted nucleus there was a residual non-chromatin fibrous network. That it could not be removed by hot trichloroacetic acid further supported the idea that it was a non-histone, non-chromatin fibrous protein network, and should be the internal network of the nuclear matrix. After the sequential extraction, the nuclear membrane was removed, leaving behind a layer of lamina; the chromatin was digested and eluted from the dense chromosomes and residual chromosomal structures that should be chromosomal scaffold were revealed. Western blot analysis with antiserum against rat lamins showed that nuclear lamina of the cell possessed two positive polypeptides, a major one and a minor one, which had molecular masses similar to lamin B and lamin A, respectively. Comparing these data with those of the most primitive eukaryote Archezoa and of higher eukaryotes, it was suggested that the lower unicellular eukaryote E. gracillis already had the nuclear matrix structure, and its nuclear matrix (especially the lamina) might represent a stage of evolutionary history of the nuclear matrix. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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Microsatellite DNA has been developed into one of the most popular genetic markers. We have identified and cloned microsatellite loci in the genome of a free-living protozoan Euglena gracilis FACHB-848, using the random amplified microsatellites method (RAMS). The digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotides(CT)(10) and (GT)(10) served as probes to detect complementary sequences in the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints produced by means of Southern blotting. Subsequently, positive RAPD fragments were cloned. From a total of 31 RAPD primer profiles, eight microsatellite loci of E. gracilis were detected and characterized. Further, six sites (i.e. EGMS1, EGMS3, EGMS4, EGMS5, EGMS6, and EGMS7) showed polymorphisms. We found a GT or CT microsatellite every 10.5 kb in the genome of E. gracilis, and similar to animal genomes, the (GT)(n) motif was much more abundant than the (CT)(n) motif. These polymorphic microsatellite DNA will serve as advantageous molecular markers for studying the genetic diversity and molecular ecology of Euglena.


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Bleached mutants of Euglena gracilis were obtained by treatment with ofloxacin (Ofl) and streptomycin (Sm) respectively. As shown by electron microscopy, the residual plastids contain prothylakoids in an Ofl mutant, and the highly developed and tightly stacked membranous structure found in cells of two Sm, mutants. Nine genes of the plastid genome were examined with PCR, showing that ribosomal protein genes and most other plastid genes were lost in all but one Sm mutant. Using differential display and RT-PCR, it was shown that chloroplast degeneration could cause changes in transcription of certain nucleus-encoded genes during heterotrophic growth in darkness.


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本文研究了采自辽宁西部下白垩统义县组和上三叠统羊草沟组的三种植物的生殖器官,它们分别属于银杏目 (Ginkgoales) 和茨康目 (Czekanowskiales)。辽宁银杏 (G. liaoningensis Liu, Crane, Li et Wang sp. nov.) 和纤细堆囊穗 (Sorosaccus gracilis Harris 1935 emend. Liu, Hueber, Li et Wang) 是银杏目植物的雄球花,通过将这两种雄球花与现存银杏 (Ginkgo biloba L.) 雄球花的对比研究,讨论了自晚三叠世至今银杏目雄性生殖器官可能的演化途径。蟹形薄果穗 (Leptostrobus cancer Harris 1951 emend. Liu, Li et Wang) 是茨康目植物的雌性生殖器官,我们根据辽西标本对该种的特征集要做了修订,并对薄果穗属 (Leptostrobus Heer 1876) 的种进行了讨论,将三个种归并到蟹形薄果穗薄。主要内容包括: 1. 银杏属植物雄球花——辽宁银杏 采自中国辽宁下白垩统义县组的辽宁银杏,为葇荑花序状,主轴基部有鳞片。小孢子叶螺旋排列在主轴上,小孢子叶上着生3—4个 (少数为2个) 卵形到椭圆形的小孢子囊。小孢子囊下垂,纵状开裂。成熟花粉粒单沟,长椭圆形;而未成熟的花粉粒处在四分体阶段。辽宁银杏的特征和现存银杏十分相似。主要差别在于辽宁银杏的小孢子叶着生3—4个 (少数为2个) 小孢子囊,而现存银杏的小孢子叶绝大多数着生2个小孢子囊。辽宁银杏在大小及小孢子囊数目上区别于其它的银杏属雄球花化石种,如:英国约克郡侏罗纪的胡顿银杏 (Ginkgo huttoni (Sternberg) Heer) 雄球花,加拿大阿尔贝塔晚白垩世一个未定名的银杏属雄球花。辽宁银杏 (化石) 和银杏 (现存) 的比较支持了根据银杏属胚珠器官而提出的缩减假说,因为自早白垩世至今,银杏属雄球花小孢子叶着生的小孢子囊的数目经历了从3—4个到2个的减少。 2. 银杏目植物雄球花——纤细堆囊穗 本文研究的纤细堆囊穗采自中国东北上三叠统羊草沟组。这种雄球花小孢子 叶末端的裂片在形态上差异很大,这是在以前对这种植物的研究中没有发现的重要特征。这些保存精美的化石对于纤细堆囊穗特征的阐明和修订以及种的复原很有帮助。将中国的标本与西伯利亚堆囊穗 (Sorosaccus sibiricus Prynada 1962)、小堆囊穗 (S. minor Harris 1935)、乌马尔堆囊穗 (S. umaltensis Krassilov 1972) 和被定为长叶拜拉 (Baiera longifolia (Pom.) Heer 1876) 的雄球花进行了比较,发现它们与纤细堆囊穗在特征上一致,故将它们处理为纤细堆囊穗的异名。同时,也讨论了堆囊穗属可能的演化意义。它可能是银杏属的远祖,经过小孢子囊数目的减少和小孢子叶长度的缩短而演化到现在的银杏,而辽西早白垩世的辽宁银杏可能代表了堆囊穗和现代银杏在演化上的一个中间阶段。 3. 茨康目雌性生殖器官——蟹形薄果穗 本文研究的蟹形薄果穗采自辽西上三叠统羊草沟组和下白垩统义县组。羊草沟组的材料是蟹形薄果穗属最早的纪录,从而该种的分布在时间上有了新的资料:从晚三叠世到早白垩世。据标本穗轴顶端的完整性,我们修订了蟹形薄果穗的特征集要和提供了它的复原图,并将三种薄果穗归并到蟹形薄果穗。我们也回顾了薄果穗属自1876年建立以来100多年的研究历史,并列出了该属所有材料,还讨论了该属各种的主要特征和建种依据。


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether rDNA of Giardia lamblia forms a nucleolus organizer region (NOR)-like structure and is in a very primitive state. STUDY DESIGN: G lamblia was used as the experimental animal, with Euglena gracilis as the control. The distribution was demonstrated indirectly by the modified Ag-I silver technique, which can specifically indicate the NOR under both light and electron microscopes. RESULTS: In the ultrathin sections of silver-stained Euglena cells, all the silver grains were concentrated in the fibrosa of the nucleolus, while no grains found in the cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, condensed chromosomes or pars granulosa of the nucleus. In the silver-stained Giardia cells, no nucleolus was found; a few silver grains were scattered in the nucleus but were not concentrated in any specific region. CONCLUSION: The distribution of silver grains in G lamblia showed that the transcription of rDNA occurs inside the nucleus, though no nucleolus is present. It is possible that chromosomes are in a very primitive state in diplomonad cells; as each chromosome has few prRNA genes, the transcription is independent of a nucleolus. These results imply that the rDNA of Giardia does not form a NOR-like structure and seems to represent a very primitive state in the evolution of the nucleolus.


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We sequenced the cytochrome b gene from two little-studied mammal species from the highlands of Southwest China, the long-tailed mole Scaptonyx fusicaudus and the gracile shrew-like mole Uropsilus gracilis. This data was used to examine the phylogenetic r


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利用各种色谱(硅胶和凝胶)方法,从藤三七[Boussingaultia gracilis Miers var.pseudobaselloides Bailey]的70%(体积分数)的乙醇提取物中分离得到2个黄烷醇类化合物(1,2)和4个黄酮类化合物(3~6).采用UV,IR,MS 和1D,2D NMR方法,分别鉴定出如下化合物: 7-羟基-5-甲氧基-8-甲基-6-甲酰基-3,4-黄烷二醇,命名为藤三七醇A(1);4,7-二羟基-5-甲氧基-8-甲基-6-甲酰基黄烷(2);7-O-methylunonal(3);5,7-二羟基-6,8-二甲基-2-苯基-4H-1-苯并吡喃-4-酮(4);Desmosflavone(5)和Demethoxymatteucinol(6).其中化合物1是一个新的黄烷二醇化合物,化合物2~6为首次从该植物中分离得到.抗HIV-1活性筛选结果表明: 化合物1,2,5,6对HIV-1诱导合胞体的形成具有一定的抑制作用,其半数有效浓度(EC50)分别为45.09,48.73,55.47 和 82.75 μmol/L,治疗指数(TI)分别为1.41,1.20,7.15 和》8.51.


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Two different length cDNAs encoding triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) were identified in the two trophic modes of euglenoids, the phototrophic Euglena gracilis and Euglena intermedia and the saprotrophic Astasia longa. Sequence analyses and presequence pred


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为了从起源与进化的角度考察着丝粒蛋白, 作者从比酵母更低等的原生生物着手, 检查它们的着丝粒蛋白. 另文作者已报道了对四膜虫研究的结果, 该文报道的是对小眼虫(Englena gracilis) 检查. 作者的结果表明: 眼虫细胞核里存在的 ACA 抗原的分子量, 包括了用 ACA 血清在高等生物中检出来的 CENP-A、CENP-B、CENP-C 和 CENP-C 这几类基本的着丝粒蛋白组分. 作免疫荧光染色后, 细胞核呈很强的阳性反应, 但分辨不出前着丝粒小点. 核仁不被荧光染色, 除了核仁外似乎整个核都被染色. 这可能反映了抗原的分布在核内不是集中成点状的. 经过制备核骨架的程序处理后, 细胞核仍为阳性(尽管荧光较弱). 如此看来, 眼虫至少已有相当大一部分的 ACA 抗原是与核骨架结合着的. 对分离的细胞核作相应的抽提处理后再作免疫印迹检查, 得到的阳性反应带也证明了这一点。


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过去的工作已表明,源真核生物(Archezoa)中的双滴虫类极其原始,核中尚无核仁发生,以蓝氏贾第虫(Giardia lamblia)作为双滴虫类的代表,用高度特异的核仁组织区银染法(改良的Ag-Ⅰ法,李靖炎,1985)在电镜下检视其rDNA在核中的分布。结果发现,代表rDNA之所在的银粒并不集中形成任何类似核仁组织区或核仁纤维区的结构;在作为对照的小眼虫(Euglena gracilis)体内,银粒则完全集中在核仁纤维区中,因此,作者以为贾第虫rDNA的这种分布代表着核仁组织区进化形成以前的一种原始状态。