14 resultados para LEVEL VARIATIONS

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Long-wave dynamics of the interannual variations of the equatorial Indian Ocean circulation are studied using an ocean general circulation model forced by the assimilated surface winds and heat flux of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. The simulation has reproduced the sea level anomalies of the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon altimeter observations well. The equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves decomposed from the model simulation show that western boundary reflections provide important negative feedbacks to the evolution of the upwelling currents off the Java coast during Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events. Two downwelling Kelvin wave pulses are generated at the western boundary during IOD events: the first is reflected from the equatorial Rossby waves and the second from the off-equatorial Rossby waves in the southern Indian Ocean. The upwelling in the eastern basin during the 1997-98 IOD event is weakened by the first Kelvin wave pulse and terminated by the second. In comparison, the upwelling during the 1994 IOD event is terminated by the first Kelvin wave pulse because the southeasterly winds off the Java coast are weak at the end of 1994. The atmospheric intraseasonal forcing, which plays an important role in inducing Java upwelling during the early stage of an IOD event, is found to play a minor role in terminating the upwelling off the Java coast because the intraseasonal winds are either weak or absent during the IOD mature phase. The equatorial wave analyses suggest that the upwelling off the Java coast during IOD events is terminated primarily by western boundary reflections.


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A test system was developed for measuring the pore pressure in porous media, and a new model was devised for the pore pressure testing in both saturated and unsaturated rock-soil. Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the pore pressure during water level fluctuation. The variations of transient pore pressure vs. time at different locations of the simulated rock-soil system were acquired and processed, and meanwhile the deformation and failure of the model are observed. The experiment results show that whether the porous media are saturated or not, the transient pore pressure is mainly dependent on the water level fluctuation, and coupled with the variation of the stress field.


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Cyprinidae is the largest fish family in the world and contains about 210 genera and 2010 species. Appropriate DNA markers must be selected for the phylogenetic analyses of Cyprinidae. In present study, the 1st intron of the S7 ribosomal protein (r-protein) gene is first used to examine the relationships among cyprinid fishes. The length of the 1st intron obtained by PCR amplification ranges from 655 to 859 by in the 16 cyprinid species investigated, and is 602 by in Myxocyprinus asiaticus. Out of the alignment of 925 nucleotide sites obtained, the parsimony informative sites are 499 and occupy 54% of the total sites. The results indicate that the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are rich in informative sites and vary remarkably in sequence divergence from 2.3% between close species to 66.6% between distant species. The bootstrap values of the interior nodes in the NJ (neighbor-joining) and MP (most-parsimony) trees based on the present S7 r-protein gene data are higher than those based on cytochrome b and the d-loop region respectively. Therefore, the 1st intron sequences of the S7 r-protein gene in cyprinids are sensitive enough for phylogenetic analyses, and the 1st intron is an appropriate genetic marker for the phylogenetic reconstruction of the taxa in different cyprinid subfamilies. However, attempts to discuss whether the present S7 r-protein gene data can be applied to the phylogeny of the taxa at the level of the family or the higher categories in Cypriniformes need further studies.


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Satellite and in situ observations in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean during 2002-03 show dominant spectral peaks at 40-60 days and secondary peaks at 10-40 days in sea level and thermocline within the intraseasonal period band (10-80 days). A detailed investigation of the dynamics of the intraseasonal variations is carried out using an ocean general circulation model, namely, the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Two parallel experiments are performed in the tropical Atlantic Ocean basin for the period 2000-03: one is forced by daily scatterometer winds from the Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) satellite together with other forcing fields, and the other is forced by the low-passed 80-day version of the above fields. To help in understanding the role played by the wind-driven equatorial waves, a linear continuously stratified ocean model is also used. Within 3 degrees S-3 degrees N of the equatorial region, the strong 40-60-day sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and thermocline variability result mainly from the first and second baroclinic modes equatorial Kelvin waves that are forced by intraseasonal zonal winds, with the second baroclinic mode playing a more important role. Sharp 40-50-day peaks of zonal and meridional winds appear in both the QuikSCAT and Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) data for the period 2002-03, and they are especially strong in 2002. Zonal wind anomaly in the central-western equatorial basin for the period 2000-06 is significantly correlated with SSHA across the equatorial basin, with simultaneous/ lag correlation ranging from-0.62 to 0.74 above 95% significance. Away from the equator (3 degrees-5 degrees N), however, sea level and thermocline variations in the 40-60-day band are caused largely by tropical instability waves (TIWs). On 10-40-day time scales and west of 10 degrees W, the spectral power of sea level and thermocline appears to be dominated by TIWs within 5 degrees S-5 degrees N of the equatorial region. The wind-driven circulation, however, also provides a significant contribution. Interestingly, east of 10 W, SSHA and thermocline variations at 10 40- day periods result almost entirely from wind-driven equatorial waves. During the boreal spring of 2002 when TIWs are weak, Kelvin waves dominate the SSHA across the equatorial basin (2 degrees S-2 degrees N). The observed quasi-biweekly Yanai waves are excited mainly by the quasi-biweekly meridional winds, and they contribute significantly to the SSHA and thermocline variations in 1 degrees-5 degrees N and 1 degrees-5 degrees S regions.


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A major problem which is envisaged in the course of man-made climate change is sea-level rise. The global aspect of the thermal expansion of the sea water likely is reasonably well simulated by present day climate models; the variation of sea level, due to variations of the regional atmospheric forcing and of the large-scale oceanic circulation, is not adequately simulated by a global climate model because of insufficient spatial resolution. A method to infer the coastal aspects of sea level change is to use a statistical ''downscaling'' strategy: a linear statistical model is built upon a multi-year data set of local sea level data and of large-scale oceanic and/or atmospheric data such as sea-surface temperature or sea-level air-pressure. We apply this idea to sea level along the Japanese coast. The sea level is related to regional and North Pacific sea-surface temperature and sea-level air pressure. Two relevant processes are identified. One process is the local wind set-up of water due to regional low-frequency wind anomalies; the other is a planetary scale atmosphere-ocean interaction which takes place in the eastern North Pacific.


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Copepod communities in onshore and offshore waters show a gradient from primarily near shore to primarily oceanic species. Understanding the transition between these communities is fundamental to determining the range of coastal influence. Copepod communities in the northern South China Sea (nSCS) were studied based on samples collected by vertically towing a net in 10 February-6 March (winter) and 26 August-6 September (summer) of 2004. Calanoida species richness, total copepod abundance, Shannon-Weaver diversity index, and onshore-offshore occurrence of dominant species showed obvious change from onshore to offshore waters. Although the offshore stations had lower abundance than the shelf stations, they had more species and larger diversity index. Abundance of some species (groups) with dominance index > 5% (Calanus sinicus, Euchaeta spp., Temora spp., Paracalanus parvus, and Subeucalanus subtenuis) declined from onshore to offshore waters. Warm water species (Pleuromamma abdominalis, P. gracilis, and P. robusta) occurred in offshore waters in both cruises. Station (q-type) cluster analysis in winter and summer separated copepod community into onshore and offshore communities at similar to 40% level of similarity. The two communities were divided at the position of similar to 100-m isobath. In summer, C. sinicus occurred in the upwelling area east of Hainan Island, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock of this species.


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In order to investigate the effect of acid properties on the coke behavior and stability of butene aromatization, we prepared the AHZSM-5 samples with various acid properties by the methods of hydrothernial treatment and K addition. The reaction of butene aromatization was carried out at 350 degrees C and 0.5 MPa in a continuous flow fixed bed. The characterization of the fresh/coked catalysts with NH3-TPD, N-2 adsorption-desorption measurement, and TG techniques has shown that a large amount of acid sites (high acid density) of the AHZMS-5 catalyst can cause a large quantity of coke deposit and serious channel blockage, and so result in a rapid loss of aromatization activity. On the contrary, after a great reduction in strong acid sites of AHZSM-5 catalyst resulting from some K-modification, the presence of only many weak acid sites also could not lessen the formation of coke nor improve the reaction stability of butene aromatization. Interestingly, the simultaneous reduction in the strong and weak acid sites to a desirable level by hydrothermal treating the AHZSM-5 catalyst at a proper temperature can effectively suppress the coke formation and channel blockage, and thus improve its olefin aromatization stability. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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用数值模拟方法来研究气-液两相流动与传热现象是当今多相流领域的一个热门课题.由于两相流固有的复杂性,气-液两相流界面迁移现象的数值模拟一直是两相流研究中的一大难点.本文介绍了捕捉气-液两相流相界面运动的水平集方法(Level Set)及其研究进展,介绍了求解Level Set输运方程的3种方法,即一般差分格式、Superbee-TVD格式和Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式.结合主流场的求解,分别用这3种方法对4种典型相界面在5种流场中的迁移特性进行了模拟计算,并对计算结果进行了比较和分析.结果表明,Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式求解Level Set输运方程的效果最好,在以后的计算中将主要采用这种组合格式来进行气-液相界面输运方程的求解.


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Mechano-chemical coupling is a common phenomenon that exists in various biological processes at different physiological levels. Bone tissue remodeling strongly depends on the local mechanical load. Leukocytes are sheared to form the transient aggregates with platelets or other leukocytes in the circulation. Flow pattern affects the signal transduction pathways in endothelial cells. Receptor/ligand interactions are important to cell adhesion since they supply the physical linkages...


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There is increased interest in measuring kinetic rates, lifetimes, and rupture forces of single receptor/ligand bonds. Valuable insights have been obtained from previous experiments attempting such measurements. However, it remains difficult to know with sufficient certainty that single bonds were indeed measured. Using exemplifying data, evidence supporting single-bond observation is examined and caveats in the experimental design and data interpretation are identified. Critical issues preventing definitive proof and disproof of single-bond observation include complex binding schemes, multimeric interactions, clustering, and heterogeneous surfaces. It is concluded that no single criterion is sufficient to ensure that single bonds are actually observed. However, a cumulative body of evidence may provide reasonable confidence. 0 2002 Biomedical Engineering Society.


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By introducing a water depth connecting formula, the hydraulic equations in the dividing channel system were coupled and the relation of discharge distribution between the branches of the dividing channels can be yielded. In this manner, a numerical model for the confluent channels was established to study the variation of backwater effects with the parameters in the channel junction. The meeting of flood peaks in the mainstream and tributary can be analyzed with this model. The flood peak meeting is found to be a major factor for the extremely high water level in the mainstream during the 1998 Yangtze River flood. Subsequently the variations of discharge distribution and water level with channel parameters between each branch in this system were studied as well. As a result, flood evolution caused by Jingjiang River shortcut and sediment deposition in the entrance of dividing channels of the Yangtze River may be qualitatively elucidated. It is suggested to be an effective measure for flood mitigation to enhance regulation capability of reservoirs available upstream of the tributaries and harness branch entrance channels.


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The frequent drawdown of water level of Yangtze River will greatly influence the stability of the widely existing slopes in the Three Gorges reservoir zone, especially those layered ones. Apart from the fluctuating speed of water level, the different geological materials will also play important roles in the failure of slopes. Thus, it must be first to study the mechanism of such a landslide caused by drawdown of water level.A new experimental setup is designed to study the performance of a layered slope under the drawdown of water level. The pattern of landslide of a layered slope induced by drawdown of water level has been explored by means of simulating experiments. The influence of fluctuating speed of water level on the stability of the layered slope is probed,especially the whole process of deformation and development of landslide of the slope versus time. The experimental results show that the slope is stable during the water level rising, and the sliding body occurs in the upper layer of the slope under a certain drawdown speed of water level. In the process of slope failure, some new small sliding body will develop on the main sliding body, and the result is that they speed up the disassembly of the whole slope.Based on the simulating experiment on landslide of a layered slope induced by drawdown of water level, the stress and displacement field of the slope are calculated.The seepage velocity, the pore water pressure, and the gradient of pore water head are also calculated for the whole process of drawdown of water level. The computing results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Accordingly, the mechanism of deformation and landslide of the layered slope induced by drawdown of water level is analyzed. It may provide basis for treating this kind of layered slopes in practical engineering.


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The influence of low gravity level on crystal growth in the floating zone, which involves thermocapillary convection, phase change convection, thermal and solutal diffusion, is investigated numerically by a finite element method for the silicon crystal growth process. The velocity, temperature, concentration fields and phase change interfaces depending on heating temperature and growth rates are analyzed. The influence of low gravity level on the concentration is studied especially. The results show that the non-uniformities of concentration are about 10(-3) for growth rate nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-8) m/s, 10(-2) for nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-7) m/s and relatively larger for larger growth rate in the gravity level g = 0-9.8 m/s2. The thermocapillary effect is strong in comparison with the Bridgman system, and the level of low gravity is relatively insensitive for lower growth rates.


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环境流体力学――它的意义,内容与方法 李家春

用于大气环流模式的陆面物理过程参数化研究进展 戴永久,曾庆存,欧阳兵

植被-陆面过程耦合模式的动力框架 欧阳兵


干旱地区陆面过程的研究 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

阿克苏地区陆面蒸发的数值研究 沈卫明,姚德良,李家春

塔里木盆地陆气水热交换数值模拟 姚德良,沈卫明,李家春

植物固沙区土壤水热运移耦合模型研究 姚德良,李家春,沈卫明

Numerical simulation of watercycling and heat balance in agricultural ecosystems D.L.Yao,W.M.Shen and J.C.Li

在植物耗水条件下土壤水分动态的数值模拟 姚德良,邱克俭,冀伟,孙菽芬

干旱地区陆面过程耦合模式及其应用 李家春,姚德良,沈卫明

Modelling of terrestrial ecosystem B.Ouyang

森林生态系统生物循环过程的耦合模型(BCM)及其数值模拟 欧阳兵

森林生态系统生物能流的瞬态分析 欧阳兵


Turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean J.C.Li

非均匀下垫面上大气边界层的研究进展 徐大鹏

非均匀植被的群体蒸发 徐大鹏

第四部分 区域尺度以上的陆面过程与水文模型

Sensitivity of IAP two-level AGCM to surface albedo variations Z.H.Lin,Q.C.Zeng and B.Ouyang

估算区域蒸发的能量法研究 聂松媛,徐丰

用卫星数据估算区域水资源蒸发研究 聂松媛

负轮分析法在水环境规划与管理中的应用 聂松媛

第五部分 陆面过程观测的指标体系

Mathematical modelling and index system in ecology J.C.Li

陆面过程的观测指标体系研究 欧阳兵,李家春,姚德良