5 resultados para JOB-PERFORMANCE

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P-J Fit and P-O Fit are focus problems in the investigation field of industry and organization psychology. They have distinct influences on staff job performance and job attitude. In a certain extend,these influences are moderated by some variables. LMX(Leader-member Exchange) and TMX(Team-member exchange) are two most important personal relationship types in job scene. Post investigations indicated that they are equal to forecasting variables and moderating variables of staff job performance and job attitude. From actualities, although there are many investigations about the relationships between P-J Fit, P-O Fit, LMX, TMX and job attitude, these investigations only focused on some aspects, and they discussed little about four aspects at one time and mutual influences. Using hierarchical regression analysis to analyze the survey data collected from 592 employees in a big governmental telecom company, we got some results as follows: (1)After controlling demography variables, standardized regression coefficients on P-J Fit, P-O Fit, LMX, TMX and job satisfaction, organization commitment are all positive, and reach distinct levels. (2) LMX could distinctly moderate the influences of P-J Fit, P-O Fit on job satisfaction, but couldn’t distinctly moderate the influences of the two on organization commitment. Specifically, as LMX increased,the effect of P-J on job satisfaction decreased gradually,while the effect of P-O increased. (3) TMX could not distinctly moderate the relationships between P-J Fit, P-O Fit, job satisfaction and organization commitment. The theoretical implication of this investigation lies in enriching and developing investigations in these fields in a certain extend, through conforming the influences of P-J Fit, P-O Fit, LMX, and TMX on job satisfaction and organization commitment. The practical implication lies in revealing these aspects for corporation governors: When selecting applications for a job, they should try their best to realize the best fit of personal ability and the job requirements, personal value and organization culture. They should enhance staff job satisfaction and organization commitment through furthering the relationship between the leader and members, team members each other. They should cushion disadvantage influences of non-P-J Fit on staff job satisfaction and enhance positive influences of P-O Fit. 【Key words】 person-job fit; person-organization fit; leader-member exchange; team member exchange; job attitude


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As the foundation of other human resource practices, job analysis plays an essential role in HR management. Exploring sources of variance in job analysis ratings given by incumbents from the same job is of much significance to HRM practices. It can also shed lights on employee motivation in organizations. But previous studies in job analysis field have usually been conducted at individual level and take variance in job analysis ratings given by incumbents of the same job as error or bias. This dissertation takes the position that the variance may be meaningful based on role theory and other relevant theories. It first reviewed pervious studies on factors which may influence job analysis ratings provided by incumbents of the same job, and then investigated individual, interpersonal and organizational level variables which may exert impacts on these job analysis ratings, using multilevel data from 8 jobs of 1124 incumbents. The major findings are as follows: 1) Level of job performance and job attitudes affect incumbents’ job analysis ratings by incumbents of the same job at individual level. Specifically, incumbents with high level of job performance rated their job require higher levels of technical skills (power plant designers), and regarded information processing activities as more important to their job (book editors). Regarding the effects of job attitudes, incumbents of the four jobs with high level of job satisfaction gave higher importance and level ratings on organizational and cognitive skills, as well as higher level ratings on technical skills. Further, incumbents with higher affective commitment provided higher importance and level ratings of cognitive skills. Lastly, more involved job incumbents perceived organizational skills and cognitive skills as more important, and required at higher levels, for their job. 2) Leader-Member Exchange and goal structure also have effects on job analysis ratings by incumbents of the same job at interpersonal level. In good quality LMX relationship, news reporters rated decision-making activities and interpersonal activities as more important to their job. On the other side, when book editors structured their goals as cooperative with others’, they provided higher importance ratings on reasoning and interpersonal skills, and related personality requirements, as well as higher level ratings on reasoning abilities. 3) Worker requirements for the identical job are distinct from one organization to another. Specifically, there were between-organization differences in achievement orientation and conscientiousness related personality requirements. In addition, two dimensions of organizational culture, achievement-oriented culture and integrity-oriented culture in particular, were significantly associated with importance ratings of achievement orientation and conscientiousness related personality requirements respectively. Furthermore, achievement-oriented culture both directly and indirect (through job involvement) influenced achievement orientation related personality requirements. The results indicate that variation in job analysis ratings provided by incumbents of the same job may be meaningful. Future job analysis studies and practices should consider the impacts of these individual, interpersonal and organizational level factors on job analysis information. The results also have important implications for employee motivation concerning how organizational demands can be transformed into specific job and worker requirements.


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With the emergence and development of positive psychology, happiness has been the focus of academia and business. However, there is no uniform measure of happiness, because of many different theories of happiness, which are not compatible with others. It bounds the further development of happiness theory. It is also the same with the research of work well-being, which refers to the emotional experience and quality of psychological functioning of employee in the workplace. Subjective well-being (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) are two major theories of happiness. Prior research has demonstrated the integration of these two theories theoretically, but still needs more empirical support. Besides, in line with the development of positive psychology, a body of knowledge about positive leadership is advocated. Transformational leadership is treated as one kind of positive leadership, since it emphasizes the leader’s motivational and elevating effect on followers. But the extent to which the transformational leadership can enhance work well-being, and what the mechanism is, these are the questions need to be explored. Based on the integration of SWB and PWB, this research tried to investigate the structure, measurement and mechanism of work well-being, and combining with the theory of transformational leadership, this study also tried to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and work well-being. The structure and measurement of work well-being, the relationships between work well-being and job characteristics (including job resources and job demands), the relationships among transformational leadership, job resources, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, the relationships among transformational leadership, job demands, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, and the relationships among transformational leadership, group job characteristics, group work well-being and corresponding group outcomes were explored by using content analysis, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) discussion, and structural questionnaire surveys. More than 7000 subjects were surveyed, and Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and other statistics methods were used. The following is the major conclusions. Firstly, work well-being is a two high-order factors structure, which includes affective well-being (AWB) and cognitive well-being (CWB). AWB is similar to SWB, and CWB is similar to PWB. Besides, the construct of AWB includes sub-dimensions of positive emotional experience and negative emotional experience. And the construct of CWB consists of work autonomy, personal growth, work competent, and work significance. Secondly, the relationships between job characteristics and AWB and CWB are different. On one hand job demands are directly related to AWB, and are indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of AWB, on the other job resources are directly related to CWB, and are indirectly related to AWB through the full mediation of CWB, which means AWB and CWB reciprocally influences each other in the model of job demands-resources. These results were concluded as the process model of work well-being. Thirdly, AWB and CWB are positively related to many workplace outcomes, including job satisfaction, group satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and general psychological health and general physiological health. Fourthly, transformational leadership is indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of job resources, and is related to AWB through the partial mediation of job demands. Meanwhile, transformational leadership is related to many workplace outcomes through the mediation of job characteristics and work well-being. These results implied that transformational leadership is indeed one kind of positive leadership. Fifthly, in the group level, transformational leadership is indirectly related to group CWB through the full mediation of group job resources, and is related to group AWB through the full mediation of group job demands. Group AWB has positive influence on group CWB, but not vice versa. Group job characteristics and group work well-being fully mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and intragroup cooperation and group performance.


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Both perceived organizational support and job stresses have impact on employees’ work outcomes. Great progresses have been made in past researches. However, there are many disputes about the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) on job performance (especially, safety performance), the impact of job stresses on job performance (especially, safety performance) and job attitudes, as well as the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses, and the impact of supervisor on subordinates’ POS et al.. Thus, the aim of the study is to explore the impact of supervisors’ POS, leader-member exchange(LMX) on subordinates’ POS, the direct impact of subordinates’ POS and job stressors from task and rewards on work attitudes(job satisfaction, turnover intention) and safety behaviors(safety compliance and safety participation), and the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses. Analyses are based on the data from interviewing of 20 staff, posts of a Chinese civil aviation Bulletin Board System (BBS) and surveys of 216 subordinates and 42 supervisors from two Chinese civil aviation Air traffic control centers (ATC). The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the exchange relationship between supervisors and members has impact on subordinates’ POS by the fully mediating role of subordinates’ perceived supervisor support (PSS). But supervisors’ POS have no impact on subordinates’ POS. Secondly, subordinates’ POS has a direct and positive impact on their job satisfaction and safety behaviors, and a negative impact on turnover intention. Specifically, the higher the employees’ perceived organizational support, the higher job satisfaction and safety behaviors, as well as the lower turnover intention they have. Moreover, POS has stronger relationship with safety participation behaviors than that of safety compliance behaviors. Thirdly, task-related stressor has no significant impact on job satisfaction, turnover intention and safety behaviors. And compensation-related stressor has significant and positive impact on turnover intention and safety behaviors, which means that with the compensation-related stress increases, turnover intention increases, safety behaviors including safety compliance and safety participation also increases. Fourthly, POS and task-related stressor, POS and compensation-related stressor have significant interaction, respectively. Specifically, POS moderates the relationship between task-related stressor and job satisfaction, and between task-related stressor and turnover intention. Moreover, POS also moderates the relationship between compensation-related stressor and safety compliance behaviors.


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This research aims to discuss it is the complexity of interpersonal association and job autonomy that influence the predictive validity of personality for job performance. In addition, for service profession, incumbents' personality can predict not only contextual performance, but also task performance. Salesclerks in shopping center and life insurance agents are selected as subjects. The job performance rating scale is produced by using Critical Incidents Technique. The research method is measuring NEO-PI and collecting direct supervisors' rating of salespeople's job performance. The research results are as follows: 1. The factor analysis result of job performance is different from the west. That is to say, the support for organizations which belongs to contextual performance in the west can not be distinguished from task performance. Therefore, in China, or to say in the shopping center selected, task performance includes both technical proficiency and the support for organizations, and contextual performance includes job dedication and interpersonal facilitation. 2. For salespeople, personality can be the antecedent of contextual performance and task performance as well. However, the predictive validity for task performance is very low. 3. The more complexity of interpersonal association, the stronger relationship between personality and job performance. 4a. The correlation between job performance and facets of Big Five is higher than the one between job performance and factors of Big Five, such as Agreeableness, whose facets have different impacts on job performance, some positive and others negative. 4b. The correlation between personality and the items of job performance rating scale is higher than the one between personality and the factors of job performance. 4. Working experience is the moderator of the relationship between personality and job performance. For salesclerks, only if the working experience of subjects is less than 3 years, achievement striving-one facet of conscientiousness-is significantly correlated with the ratio of finished sales volume at 0.01 level.