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On the basis of Argo data and historic temperature/salinity data from the World Ocean Database 2001 (WOD01 origins and spreading pathways of the subsurface and intermediate water masses in the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region were discussed by analyzing distributions of salinity on representative isopycnal layers. Results were shown that, Subsurface water mostly comes from the North Pacific Ocean while the intermediate water originates from both the North and South Pacific Ocean, even possibly from the Indian Ocean. Spreading through tire Sulawesi Sea, the Makassar Strait, and the Flores Sea, the North Pacific subsurface water and the North Pacific Intermediate water dominate the western part of the Indonesian Archipelago. Furthermore its the depth increases, the features of the North Pacific sourced water masses become more obvious. In the eastern part of the waters, high salinity South Pacific subsurface water is blocked by a strong salinity front between Halmahera and New Guinea. Intermediate water in the eastern interior region owns salinity higher than the North Pacific intermediate water and the antarctic intermediate water (AAIW), possibly coming from the vertical mixing between subsurface water and the AAIW from the Pacific Ocean, and possibly coming front the northward extending of the AAIW front the Indian Ocean as well.


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The Late Pliocene is thought to be characterized by the simultaneous intensification of both the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). However, the evolution of the EASM during the Pliocene remains still controversial and only little is known about the dynamics of the EASM during the Pliocene on orbital time scales. Here we use clay mineral assemblages in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) to obtain proxy records of past changes in the EASM climate during the Pliocene. Provenance analysis suggests that illite, chlorite and kaolinite originated mainly from the Mekong River drainage area. Smectite was derived mainly from the Indonesian islands. The kaolinite/illite ratio and the chemical index of alteration (CIA) of siliciclastic sediments allowed us to reconstruct the history of chemical weathering and physical erosion of the Mekong River drainage area and thus, the evolution of,the EASM during the Pliocene. Our clay minerals proxy data suggests a stronger EASM during the Early Pliocene than during the Late Pliocene. We propose that the long-term evolution of the EASM has been driven by global cooling rather than the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Spectral analysis of kaolinite/ illite ratio displays a set of strong periodicities at 100 ka, 30 ka, 28 ka, 25 ka, and 22 ka. with no clear obliquityrelated signal. Our study suggests that the Pliocene EASM intensity on orbital time scales is not only controlled by the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, but also strongly influenced by equatorial Pacific ENSO-like ocean atmosphere dynamics. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The obduction of equatorial 13 degrees C Water in the Pacific is investigated using a simulated passive tracer of the Consortium for Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO). The result shows that the 13 degrees C Water initialized in the region 8 degrees N-8 degrees S, 130 degrees-90 degrees W enters the surface mixed layer in the eastern tropical Pacific, mainly through upwelling near the equator, in the Costa Rica Dome, and along the coast of Peru. Approximately two-thirds of this obduction occurs within 10 years after the 13 degrees C Water being initialized, with the upper portion of the water mass reaching the surface mixed layer in only about a month. The obduction of the 13 degrees C Water helps to maintain a cool sea surface temperature year-round, equivalent to a surface heat flux of about -6.0 W m(-2) averaged over the eastern tropical Pacific (15 degrees S-15 degrees N, 130 degrees W-eastern boundary) for the period of integration (1993-2006). During El Nino years, when the thermocline deepens as a consequence of the easterly wind weakening, the obduction of the 13 degrees C Water is suppressed, and the reduced vertical entrainment generates a warming anomaly of up to 10 W m(-2) in the eastern tropical Pacific and in particular along the coast of Peru, providing explanations for the warming of sea surface temperature that cannot be accounted for by local winds alone. The situation is reversed during La Nina years.


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Using the data of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) intensive observations conducted during Oct.-Nov. 2005, this study provides the first three-dimension quasi-synoptic description of the circulation in the western North Pacific. Several novel phenomena are revealed, especially in the deep ocean where earlier observations were very sparse. During the observations, the North Equatorial Current (NEC) splits at about 12A degrees N near the sea surface. This bifurcation shifts northward with depth, reaching about 20A degrees N at 1 000 m, and then remains nearly unchanged to as deep as 2 000 m. The Luzon Undercurrent (LUC), emerging below the Kuroshio from about 21A degrees N, intensifies southward, with its upper boundary surfacing around 12A degrees N. From there, part of the LUC separates from the coast, while the rest continues southward to join the Mindanao Current (MC). The MC extends to 2 000 m near the coast, and appears to be closely related to the subsurface cyclonic eddies which overlap low-salinity water from the North Pacific. The Mindanao Undercurrent (MUC), carrying waters from the South Pacific, shifts eastward upon approaching the Mindanao coast and eventually becomes part of the eastward undercurrent between 10A degrees N and 12A degrees N at 130A degrees E. In the upper 2 000 dbar, the total westward transport across 130A degrees E between 7.5A degrees N and 18A degrees N reaches 65.4 Sv (1 Sv = 10(-6) m(3)s(-1)), the northward transport across 18A degrees N from Luzon coast to 130A degrees E is up to 35.0 Sv, and the southward transport across 7.5A degrees N from Mindanao coast to 130A degrees E is 27.9 Sv.


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The monthly and annual mean freshwater, heat and salt transport through the open boundaries of the South and East China Seas derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model is reported. The model has 1/6degrees resolution for the seas adjacent to China and 30 resolution for the global ocean. The model results are in fairly good agreement with the existing estimates based on measurements. The computation shows that the flows passing through the South China Sea contribute volume, heat and salt transport of 5.3 Sv, 0.57 PW and 184 Ggs(-1), respectively (about 1/4) to the Indonesian Throughflow, indicating that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow. The volume, heat and salt transport of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is 25.6 Sv, 2.32 PW and 894 Ggs(-1), respectively. Less than 1/4 of this transport passes through the passage between Iriomote and Okinawa. The calculation of heat balance indicates that the South China Sea absorbs net heat flux from the sun and atmosphere with a rate of 0.08 PW, while the atmosphere gains net heat flux from the Baohai, Yellow and East China Seas with a rate of 0.05 PW.


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An assimilation data set based on the GFDL MOM3 model and the NODC XBT data set is used to examine the circulation in the western tropical Pacific and its seasonal variations. The assimilated and observed velocities and transports of the mean circulation agree well. Transports of the North Equatorial Current (NEC), Mindanao Current (MC), North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) west of 140degreesE and Kuroshio origin estimated with the assimilation data display the seasonal cycles, roughly strong in boreal spring and weak in autumn, with a little phase difference. The NECC transport also has a semi-annual fluctuation resulting from the phase lag between seasonal cycles of two tropical gyres' recirculations. Strong in summer during the southeast monsoon period, the seasonal cycle of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) is somewhat different from those of its upstreams, the MC and New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC), implying the monsoon's impact on it.


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菲律宾群岛以东的西太平洋赤道和热带海域以存在活跃和复杂的近表面环流而著称。北赤道流(North equatorial current)由东向西不断强化,当到达菲律宾群岛沿岸时,由于受菲律宾群岛的阻挡和β效应,海水在西边界堆积,在西边界形成两支强的西边界流,一支向北形成黑潮(Kuroshio current),一支向南形成棉兰老流(Mindanao current)。这两支西边界流对太平洋的热量重新分配将起着重要的作用。南下的棉兰老流到达棉兰老岛东南海域时,一部分成为印度尼西亚贯穿流(Indonesian throughflow),大部分转向东和苏拉威西海出来的海水及南赤道流(South equatorial current)越过赤道流进入这海域的海水混合,成为北赤道逆流(North equatorial countercurrent)。从1990年10月获得的水文资料算出本航次东边这条断面的纬向地转流断面图,可以看出,1990年晚秋北赤道汉分布在8°N以北的海域,强度最大的流集中在8~9°N之间相对狭窄的地带。而在76号站(3.41°N,128.76°N)到45号站(7.50°N,129.99°N)这条断面上,北赤道逆流分布在3°N~8°N之间,而强度最大流集中在靠近印度尼西亚的摩尔泰岛的南段,另从本航次获得的棉兰老岛以东海域-100米处动力米高度可以看出,在此海域存在两个气旋型涡旋(Cyclonic eddy)一个中心约在10.2°N,128°N,另一个中心在129°N以东,6.5°N左右的地方。用带~(63)Ni电子捕获检测器(ECD)的气相色谱对西太平洋的一些站在0米、50米、100米、150米、200米、300米等六层海水(有些站8~10层)中的氟里昴浓度进行了测定,发现在大部分站位位于300米以上的海水中氟里昴12浓度皆高于1.0 pmol·l~(-1)。表明表层温度混合层和温跃层之间的氟里昴-12交换的比较强烈,特别是靠近棉兰老岛的地方。用水下100米、200米氟里昴-12浓度等值线地域分布和变化,追踪北赤道流,棉兰老流,北赤道流之间的联系,结果与同一海域的动力米高度的地域分布十分吻合。再通过比较本航次东边这条断面的氟里昴-12浓度断面图和地转流断面图,我们能清楚地看的到,西向流区对应着高浓度的氟里昴-12分布,特别是在8~9°N流轴上面存在着氟里昴-12浓度最大值轴,而东向流区对应着相对低浓度的氟里昴-12分布,由以上结果,我们可以得出结论:用氟里昴示踪棉兰老岛以东海域的近表面环流是十分有效的,这样,氟里昴浓度在这海域的分布对今后建立本海域的大洋环流数学模式将能起重要作用。本文根据氟里昴主要来源是北半球的工业区,提出了一个氟里昴输入棉兰老岛以东海域的机制。


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Emotional support, as an important form of social supports, has great impact on the life of both caregivers and receivers. Many studies on adult children and old parents indicate that emotional support is closely related to parents’ well-being, and the relation quality between old parents and adult children is one of the factors influencing adult children’s support offering. However, the study on adolescents’ emotional support to their parents is quite rare. What’s more, it has been found that emotional support skills children have learnt at home have life-time influence on children’s response to other’s emotional needs. It is assumed that to some extent the emotional support styles between parents and adolescents are relatively stable, and they are related to the care children give to their parents after they advance to old age. Hence, it is necessary to study the emotional support of adolescent in order to at last improve the well-being of old parents. Totally speaking, the aim of this study is to explore the relation between parenting styles and adolescents’ emotional support offering, as well as the effects of mother-child relationships. In addition, culture is a factor having impact on parenting styles, parent-child relationships and emotional support. So we have designed this cross-cultural study to explore cultural differences. The results are as follows: (1) As to Chinese and Indonesian mothers, their Acceptance of adolescents’ behaviors has significant positive predictive effect on children’s emotional support. Besides, the Intimacy and Approval dimensions of mother-child relationships partially mediate the path from parenting styles to emotional support offering, and those effects have no significant difference in China and Indonesia. (2) Chinese and Indonesian mother’s Rejection to adolescents has significant positive predictive effect on Conflict between mothers and adolescents, but has no direct effect on adolescents’ emotional support offering. (3) Adolescents’ support offering has no significant predictive effect on their willingness to help their parents. (4) Adolescents’ support offering has significant predictive effect on their motivation to provide emotional support to their parents. However, the relation between adolescents’ support offering and the willingness to help their parents is not clear. (5) Adolescents have scored high in Acceptance parenting style dimension and relatively low in Rejection dimension, which indicate that mothers in China and Indonesia adopt positive parenting styles. Both Chinese and Indonesian mother-child relationships are good. However, Indonesian adolescents have perceived more Intimacy and Approval from mothers, and there is no significant difference between Chinese and Indonesian adolescents and mothers in the dimension of Conflict.