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A series of acrylic impact modifiers (AIMS) with different particle sizes ranging from 55.2 to 927.0 nm were synthesized by seeded emulsion polymerization, and the effect of the particle size on the brittle-ductile transition of impact-modified poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was investigated. For each AIM, a series of PVC/AIM blends with compositions of 6, 8, 10, 12, and 15 phr AIM in 100 phr PVC were prepared, and the Izod impact strengths of these blends were tested at 23 degrees C. For AIMs with particle sizes of 55.2, 59.8, 125.2, 243.2, and 341.1 nm, the blends fractured in the brittle mode when the concentration of AIM was lower than 10 phr, whereas the blends showed ductile fracture when the AIM concentration reached 10 phr. It was concluded that the brittle-ductile transition of the PVC/AIM blends was independent of the particle size in the range of 55.2-341.1 nm. When the particle size was greater than 341.1 nm, however, the brittle-ductile transition shifted to a higher AIM concentration with an increase in the particle size. Furthermore, the critical interparticle distance was found not to be the criterion of the brittle-ductile transition for the PVC/AIM blends.


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Stable nitrogen isotope signatures of major sources of mineral nitrogen ( mineralization of soil organic nitrogen, biological N-2 fixation by legumes, annual precipitation and plant litter decomposition) were measured to relatively define their individual contribution to grass assimilation at the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem, Qinghai, China. The results indicated that delta N-15 values (- 2.40 parts per thousand to 0.97 parts per thousand) of all grasses were much lower than those of soil organic matter (3.4 +/- 0.18 parts per thousand) and mineral nitrogen ( ammonium and nitrate together,7.8 +/- 0.57 parts per thousand). Based on the patterns of stable nitrogen isotopes, soil organic matter (3.4 +/- 0.18 parts per thousand), biological N-2 fixation (0 parts per thousand), and precipitation (- 6.34 +/- 0.24 parts per thousand) only contributed to a small fraction of nitrogen requirements of grasses, but plant litter decomposition (- 1.31 +/- 1.01 parts per thousand) accounted for 67%.


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The mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences from 93 cyprinid fishes were examined to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the diverse and economically important subfamily Cyprininae. Within the subfamily a biased nucleotide composition (A > T, C > G) was observed in the loop regions of the gene, and in stem regions apparent selective pressures of base pairing showed a bias in favor of G over C and T over A. The bias may be associated with transition-transversion bias. Rates of nucleotide substitution were lower in stems than in loops. Analysis of compensatory substitutions across these taxa demonstrates 68% covariation in the gene and a logical weighting factor to account for dependence in mutations for phylogenetic inference should be 0.66. Comparisons of varied stem-loop weighting schemes indicate that the down-weightings for stem regions could improve the phylogenetic analysis and the degree of non-independence of stem substitutions was not as important as expected. Bayesian inference under four models of nucleotide substitution indicated that likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses were more effective in improving the phylogenetic performance than was weighted parsimony analysis. In Bayesian analyses, the resolution of phylogenies under the 16-state models for paired regions, incorporating GTR + G + I models for unpaired regions was better than those under other models. The subfamily Cyprininae was resolved as a monophyletic group, as well as tribe Labein and several genera. However, the monophyly of the currently recognized tribes, such as Schizothoracin, Barbin, Cyprinion + Onychostoma lineages, and some genera was rejected. Furthermore, comparisons of the parsimony and Bayesian analyses and results of variable length bootstrap analysis indicates that the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene should contain important character variation to recover well-supported phylogeny of cyprinid taxa whose divergences occurred within the recent 8 MY, but could not provide resolution power for deep phylogenies spanning 10-19 MYA. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) on 6H-SiC with varying field-plate length and gate-drain spacing were fabricated and analyzed. The classical small signal FET model and the well-known ColdFET method were used to extract the small signal parameters of the devices. Though the devices with field plates exhibited lower better f(T) characteristic, they did demonstrate better f(max), MSG and power density performances than the conventional devices without field plate. Besides, no independence of DC characteristic on field-plate length was observed. With the increase of the field-plate length and the gate-drain spacing, the characteristic of f(T) and f(max), degraded due to the large parasitic effects. Loadpull method was used to measure the microwave power performance of the devices. Under the condition of continuous wave at 5.4 GHz, an output power density of 4.69 W/mm was obtained for device with field-plate length of 0.5 mu m and gate-drain length of 2 mu m. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The high power EUV source is one of key issues in the development of EUV lithography which is considered to be the most promising technology among the next generation lithography. However neither DPP nor LPP seems to meet the requirements of the commercial high-volume product. Insufficiency of DPP and LPP motivate the investigation of other means to produce the EUV radiation required in lithography. ECR plasma seems to be one of the alternatives. In order to investigate the feasibility of ECR plasma as a EUV light source, the EUV power emitted by SECRAL was measured. A EUV power of 1.03W in 4 pi sr solid angle was obtained when 2000W 18GHz rf power was launched, and the corresponding CE was 0.5%. Considering that SECRAL is designed to produce very high charge state ions, this very preliminary result is inspiring. Room-temperature ECR plasma and Sn plasma are both in the planned schedule.


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A simple actively Q-switched double-clad fiber laser combining an amplifying cavity is reported by using a dynamic acoustooptic Q-switching as a beam splitter. Sub-100-ns. pulses independence of the repetition rate of acoustooptic modulator are almost changeless with repetition rate varied from 50 kHz to 1.5 MHz. With 4.5-W absorbed power, 9.4-W peak-power pulses at 1.5-MHz repetition rate with 75-ns pulse duration are generated.


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自1979年海底热液喷口被首次发现以来,因其巨大的经济和科研价值引起了科学界的巨大关注。海底热液喷口释放的热液与周围海水混合,形成热液羽流,其范围可以达到数千米。热液羽流的存在使在几千米深的海底定位范围只有几米的热液喷口成为可能。湍流的作用使热液羽流与喷口位置存在不确定性,而在搜索区域中包含多个热液源会增加这种不确定性,这是海底热液喷口探测需要克服的难题之一。 本文主要研究了使用AUV探测海底热液喷口的方法。这个问题从更大范畴来说属于机器人化学羽流源定位问题(也称为移动机器人气源/味源定位),其潜在应用包括污染与环境监测,化学工厂安全,搜索与救援,反恐,麻醉品控制,爆炸物清除,以及热液喷口探测等。 首先,从AUV探测的角度研究了海底热液羽流的特性,分析了海底热液羽流的模型并根据模型对羽流进行了动态仿真。 从化学羽流源定位的角度研究了两种海底热液喷口探测策略──梯度搜索策略和构建占据栅格地图(Occupancy Grid Mapping,OGM)的策略。并利用仿真羽流环境验证了上述两种定位策略的可行性。 梯度搜索策略通过基于行为的方法实现,将梯度搜索任务分解为五个行为,并设计了行为间的转换规则,AUV按此规则在不同的行为间转化,跟踪羽流浓度梯度的方向,最终到达浓度极值点。 通过将每个栅格的二值状态重新定义为是否存在一个活跃的热液源,可以将OGM应用于热液源定位。融合传感器数据得到的后验概率地图可以反映每个栅格中存在热液源的可能性。本文采用基于贝叶斯规则的算法融合传感器数据。由于热液源的数量稀少,使用标准贝叶斯方法往往对栅格的占据概率做出过高估计,无法清晰的定位热液源。为此,又研究了一种精确算法和一种基于后验独立假设(Independence of Posteriors,IP)的近似算法,并分析了三种算法的优缺点。 最后,将占据栅格地图应用于分阶段海底热液喷口探测,利用栅格地图帮助实现探测的自主嵌套。


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In current days, many companies have carried out their branding strategies, because strong brand usually provides confidence and reduce risks to its consumers. No matter what a brand is based on tangible products or services, it will possess the common attributes of this category, and it also has its unique attributes. Brand attribute is defined as descriptive features, which are intrinsic characteristics, values or benefits endowed by users of the product or service (Keller, 1993; Romaniuk, 2003). The researches on models of brand multi-attributes are one of the most studied areas of consumer psychology (Werbel, 1978), and attribute weight is one of its key pursuits. Marketing practitioners also paid much attention to evaluations of attributes. Because those evaluations are relevant to the competitiveness and the strategies of promotion and new product development of the company (Green & Krieger, 1995). Then, how brand attributes correlate with weight judgments? And what features the attribute judgment reaction? Especially, what will feature the attribute weight judgment process of consumer who is facing the homogeneity of brands? Enlightened by the lexical hypothesis of researches on personality traits of psychology, this study choose search engine brands as the subject and adopt reaction time, which has been introduced into multi-attributes decision making by many researchers. Researches on independence of affect and cognition and on primacy of affect have cued us that we can categorize brand attributes into informative and affective ones. Meanwhile, Park has gone further to differentiate representative and experiential with functional attributes. This classification reflects the trend of emotion-branding and brand-consumer relationship. Three parts compose the research: the survey to collect attribute words, experiment one on affective primacy and experiment two on correlation between weight judgment and reaction. The results are as follow: In experiment one, we found: (1) affect words are not rated significantly from cognitive attributes, but affect words are responded faster than cognitive ones; (2) subjects comprehend and respond in different ways to functional attribute words and to representative and experiential words. In experiment two, we fund: (1) a significant negative correlation between attributes weight judgment and reaction time; (2) affective attributes will cause faster reaction than cognitive ones; (3) the reaction time difference between functional and representative or experiential attribute is significant, but there is no different between representative and experiential. In sum, we conclude that: (1): In word comprehension and weight judgment, we observed the affective primacy, even when the affect stimulus is presented as meaningful words. (2): The negative correlation between weight judgment and reaction time suggest us that the more important of attribute, the quicker of the reaction. (3): The difference on reaction time of functional, representative and experiential reflects the trend of emotional branding.


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Slow-light effects in photonic crystal (PC) waveguides can enhance light-mater interaction near the photonic band edge, which can be used to design a short cavity length semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). In this paper, a novel SOA based on slow-light effects in PC waveguides (PCSOA) is presented. To realize the amplification of the optical signal with polarization independence, a PCSOA is designed with a compensated structure. The cascaded structure leads to a balanced amplification to the TE and TM polarized light.