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Metacognitive illusions or metacognitive bias is a concept that is a homologous with metacognitve monitor accuracy. In the dissertation, metacognitive illusions mainly refers to the absolute differences between judgment of learning (JOL) and recall because individuals are misguided by some invalid cues or information. JOL is one kind of metacognitive judgments, which is the prediction about the future performance of learned materials. Its mechanism and accuracy are the key issues in the study of JOL. Cue-utilization framework proposed by Koriat (1997) summarized the previous findings and provided a significant advance in understanding how people make JOL. However, the model is not able to explain individual differences in the accuracy of JOL. From the perspective of people’s cognitive bound, our study use posterior associative word pairs easy to produce metacognitive bias to explore the deeper psychological mechanism of metacontive bias. Moreover, we plan to investigate the cause to result in higher metacognitive illusions of children with LD. Based on these, the study tries to look for the method of mending metacognitive illusions. At the same time, we will summarize the findings of this study and previous literatures, and propose a revesied theory for explaining children’s with LD cue selection and utilization according to Koriat’s cue-utilization model. The results of the present study indicated that: (1) Children showed stable metacognitive illusions for the weak associative and posterior associative word pairs, it was not true for strong associative word pairs. It was higher metacognitive illusions for children with LD than normal children. And it was significant grade differences for metacognitive illusions. A priori associative strength exerted a weaker effect on JOL than it did on recall. (2) Children with LD mainly utilized retrieval fluency to make JOL across immediate and delay conditions. However, for normal children, it showed some distinction between encoding fluency and retrieval fluency as potential cues for JOL across immediate and delay conditions. Obviously, children with LD lacked certain flexibility for cue selection and utilization. (3)When word pairs were new list, it showed higher metacognitve transfer effects for analytic inferential group than heuristic inferential group for normal children in the second block. And metacognitive relative accuracy got increased for both children with and without LD across the experimental conditions. However, it was significantly improved only for normal children in analytic inferential group.


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The conceptualization of “depression” as a heterogenous disease has been widely accepted by most researchers. However, controlled experiments are rather sparse. To date, most studies demonstrated that animals with helplessness, a widely recognized behavioral index of “depression” also show varied comobidity expressions of other emotional behaviors, such as hightened or lightened anxiety level compared with controls. This means that distinct subtypes of “depression” may exist, in which different neural mechanisms may play roles. The present study aims to explore the possibility of behaviorally categorizing two depressive subtypes, referred as anxious helplessness and non-anxious helplessness, respectively. Then, by using RT-PCR, the dopamine D1, D2, D3 receptors mRNA expressions in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accubems (NAc) were quantified. The main findings are described as belows: 1. Uncontrollable shock could readily induce helpless behavior in shocked animals as a whole but with salient individual differences. Prior inescaoable shock induces subsuquent helplessness in approximately 40% shocked animals, while the other animals showed no sign of helpless expression, and were classified as non-helplessness. 2. Among helpless animals, the “subtype” of anxious helpless and non-anxious helpless could be identified according to the anxiety level evaluated by elevated plus maze. 3. D3 receptors mRNA expressions in the mPFC and NAc were increased in stressed animals after uncontrollable shock treatment. At the meanwhile, significant lower expressions of D2 receptors in the mPFC and NAc, and much lower expressions of D1 receptors in the mPFC were found in rats that did not become helpless after stress. In contrast, no significant difference between helpless and control animals was found in D1/D2 receptors mRNA expressions. 4. Based on above mentioned results, the up-regulation of D3 receptors in the mPFC and NAc may reflect a generalized effect of exposure to uncontrollalbe shock. While the down-regulation of D1\D2 receptors in the mPFC and decreased expression of D2 receptors in the NAc may be associated with adaptive or protective mechnisms which protecting animals from helplessness after uncontrollable shock treatment. 5. Futhermore, a significant negative relationship was found between anxiety level and D1 receptors expressions in the mPFC in helpless animals. Compared to the non-anxious helpless and control rats, the D1 receptors mRNA of anxious helpless rats were down-regulation in the mPFC. The present study indicated that the D1 dopamine receptor gene is associated with co-morbid depression and anxiety.


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The nature of individual differences among children is an important issue in the study of human intelligence. There are close relation between intelligence and executive functions. Traditional theories, which are based mainly on the factor analysis, approach the problem only from the perspective of psychometrics. However, they do not study the relation of cognition and neurobiology. Some researchers try to explore the essential differences in intelligence from the basic cognitive level, by studying the relationship between executive function and intelligence. The aim of this study was to do the followings 1) to delineate and separate the executive function in children into measurable constructs; 2) to establish the relationship between executive function and intelligence in children; 3) to find out the difference and its neural mechanism between intellectually-gifted and normal children’s executive function. The participants were 188 children aged 7-12 year old. There were 6 executive function tasks. The results were follows: 1) The latent variables analyses showed that there was no stable construct of executive function in 7-10 year old children. The executive function construct of 11-12 year old children could be separated into updating, inhibition and shifting. And they had grown to be more or less the same as adults in the executive function. There were only moderate correlations between the three types of executive function, but they were largely independent of each other. 2) The correlations between the indices of updating, inhibition, shifting and intelligence were different in 7-12 year old children. The older the age, the more the indices were related to intelligence. The updating and shifting were related to intelligence in 7-10 year old children. There were significant correlations between the updating, inhibition, shifting and intelligence in 11-12 year old children. The correlation between updating and intelligence was higher than the correlation between shifting and intelligence. Furthermore, in structural equation models controlling for the three executive functions correlations, updating was highly related to intelligence, but the relations of inhibition and shifting to intelligence were not significant. 3) Intellectually-gifted children performed better than normal children in executive function tasks. The neural mechanism differences between intellectually gifted and average children were indicated by ERP component P3. The present study helps us to understand the relationship between intelligence and executive function; and throws light on the issue of individual differences in intelligence. The present results can provide theoretical support for the development a culture-free intelligence test and a method to promote the development of intelligence. Our present study lends support to the neural efficient hypothesis.


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Self-regulation has recently become an important topic in cognitive and developmental domain. According to previous theories and experimental studies, it is shown that self-regulation consist of both a personality (or social) aspect and a behavioral cognitive aspect of psychology. Self-regulation can be divided into self-regulation personality and self-regulation ability. In the present study researches have been carried out from two perspectives: child development and individual differences. We are eager to explore the characteristics of self-regulation in terms of human cognitive development. In the present study, we chose two groups of early adolescences one with high intelligence and the other with normal intelligence. In Study One Questionnaires were used to compare whether the highly intelligent group had had better self-regulation personality than the normal group. In Study Two experimental psychology tasks were used to compare whether highly intelligent children had had better self-regulation cognitive abilities than their normal peers. Finally, in Study Three we combined the results of Study One and Study Two to further explore the neural mechanisms for highly intelligent children with respect to their good self-regulation abilities. Some main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) Questionnaire results showed that highly intelligent children had better self-regulation personalities, and they got higher scores on the personalities related to self-regulation such as, self-reliance, stability, rule-consciousness. They also got higher scores on self-consciousness which meant that they could know their own self better than the normal children. (2) Among the three levels of cognitive difficulties in self-regulation abilities, the highly intelligent children had faster reaction speed than normal children in the primary self-regulation tasks. In the intermediate self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children’s inhibition processing and executive processing were both better than their normal peers. In the advanced self-regulation tasks, highly intelligent children again had faster reaction speed and more reaction accuracy than their normal peers when facing with conflict and inconsistency experimental conditions,. Regression model’s results showed that primary and advanced self-regulation abilites had larger predictive power than intermediate self-regualation ability. (3) Our neural experiments showed that highly intelligent children had more efficient neural automatic processing ability than normal children. They also had better, faster and larger neural reaction to novel stimuli under pre-attentional condition which made good and firm neural basis for self-regualation. Highly intelligent children had more mature frontal lobe and pariental functions for inhibition processing and executive processing. P3 component in ERP was closely related to executive processing which mainly activated pariental function. There were two time-periods for inhibition processing—first it was the pariental function and later it was the coordination function of frontal and pariental lobes. While conflict control task had pariental N2 and frontal-pariental P3 neural sources, highly intelligent children had much smaller N2 and shorter P3 latency than normal children. Inconsistency conditions induced larger N2 than conditions without inconsistency, and conditions without inconsistency (or Conflict) induced higher P3 amplitudes than with Inconsistency (or Conflict) conditions. In conclusion, the healthy development of self-regulation was very important for children’s personality and cognition maturity, and self-regulation had its own specific characteristics in ways of presentation and ways of development. Better understanding of self-regulation can further help the exploration of the nature of human intelligence and consciousness.


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There is a debate in cognitive development theory on whether cognitive development is general or specific. More and more researchers think that cognitive development is domain specific. People start to investigate preschoolers' native theory of human being's basic knowledge systems. Naive biology is one of the core domains. But there is argument whether there is separate native biological concepts among preschoolers. The research examined preschoolers' cognitive development of naive biological theory on two levels which is "growth" and "aliveness", and it also examined individual difference and factors that lead to the difference. Three studies were designed. Study 1 was to study preschoolers' cognition on growth, which is a basic trait of living things, and whether children can distinguish living and non-living things with the trait and understanding the causality. Study 2 was to investigate preschoolers' distinction between living things and non-living things from an integrated level. Study 3 was to investigate how children make inferences to unfamiliar things with their domain specific knowledge. The results showed the following: 1. Preschoolers gradually developed naive theory of biology on growth level, but their naive theory on integrated level has not developed. 2 Preschoolers' naive theory of biology is not "all or none", 4- and 5-year-old children showed some distinction between living and non-living things to some extent, they use non-intentional reason to explain the cause of growth and their explanation showed coherence. But growth has not been a criteria of ontological distinction of living and non-living things for 4- and 5-year-old children, most 6-year-old children can distinguish between living and non-living things, and these show the developing process of biological cognition. 3. Preschoolers' biological inference is influenced by their domain-specific knowledge, whether they can make inference to new trait of living things depends on whether they have specific knowledge. In the deductive task, children use their knowledge to make inference to unfamiliar things. 4-year-olds use concrete knowledge more often while the 6-year-old use generalized knowledge more frequency. 4. Preschoolers' knowledge grow with age, but individuals' cognitive development speed at different period. Urban and rural educational background affect cognitive performance. As time goes by, the urban-rural knowledge difference to distinguish living and nonliving things reduces. And preschoolers' are at the same developmental stage because the three age groups have similar causal explanation both in quantity and quality. 5. There is intra-individual difference on preschoolers' naive biological cognition. They show different performance on different tasks and domains, and their cognitive development is sequential, they understand growth earlier than they understand "alive", which is an integrated concept. The intra-individual differences decrease with age.


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Interface has been becoming a more significant element today which influences the development of shopping on-line greatly. But in practice the attention arisen from society and study made are quite inadequate. Under this circumstance, I focus my study on the purpose of improving understanding of the engineering psychological factors, which definitely will play a crucial role in shopping on-line representation in future, and of the relations between them through the following experimental research. I hope it can give a basic reference to the practical application of shopping on-line representation pattern and continuous study. In current thesis, an analysis was made on the basis of engineering psychology principles from three aspects, i.e. person (users), task and information environment. It was considered that system overview and information behavior model would have great impact on the activities of users on the web and that representation pattern of information system would affect the forming of system overview and behavior pattern and then further after the performances of users in information system. Based on above-mentioned statement, a three-dimensional conceptual model was presented which demonstrates the relations between the crucial factors, which are media representation pattern, system hierarchy and objects in information unit. Thereafter, eight study hypothesis, which are about engineering psychological factors of virtual reality (VR) representation in shopping on-line system, was taken out and four experiments were followed up to testify the hypothesis. -In experiment one, a research was made to study how the three kinds of single media representation pattern influence the forming of system overview and information behavior from the point view of task performance, operating error, overall satisfactory and mental workload etc. -In experiment two, a study of how the combined media representation pattern of system hierarchy influences users' behavior was carried out. -In experiment three, a study of the hierarchy structure feature of VR representation pattern and the tendency of its width and depth to the effects of system behavior was made. -In experiment four, a study of the location relations between different parties in VR scene (information unit) was made. The result is as follows: -During structure dimensional state: Width-increasing caused more damage to the speed of users than depth-increasing in VR representation pattern. Although the performance of subjects was quite slow in wider environment, yet the percentage rate of causing errors was in lowest level. -During hierarchy representation pattern: 1. Between the representation patterns of the three media, no significant differences was found in terms of the speed of fulfilling the task, error rate, satisfactory, mental workload etc. But the pattern with figure- aided gained the worst results on all of these aspects. 2. During primary stage of the task and the first level of the hierarchy, the speed of subjects' performance in VR pattern was slower than that in text pattern. While with developing of the task and going deeper level of the hierarchy, the speed of users' performance in VR representation pattern reached to the highest level. 3. Effects in VR representation pattern was better than that in text pattern in higher level of the system. The representation pattern in highest level has greatest impact on the performance of the system behavior, whereas results of the only VR representation in the middle part of hierarchy would be worst. 4. Activity error in single media representation pattern was more than that in combined media representation pattern. 5. Individual differences among subjects had effects on the representation pattern of the system. During VR environment, behavior tendency of party A had a significant negative correlation to the quantities of errors. -In VR-scene representation: Physical-distance and flash influenced the subjects' task performance greatly, while psychological-distance has no outstanding impact. Subjects' accurate rate of performing increased if objects with same relation were in the same structure position, in the state of close psychological-distance or if the object target flashed (not reliable). Although the article limits the topic only on the present-existing questions and analysis of shopping-on-line, as a matter of fact, it can also apply for other relevant purposes on the web. While the study of this article only gives its emphasis on the researching-task with definite goal, making no consideration of other task conditions and their relations with other navigation tools. So I hope it lay a good start to make continuous research in this areas.


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It is well established that memory functioning deteriorates with advancing age. However, research indicates that the magnitude of age-related memory deficits varies across different types of memory, and broad individual differences can be observed in the rate and timing of memory aging. The general aim of this study was to investigate the selectivity and variability of memory functioning in relation to anxiety. Firstly, memory effectiveness was assessed in episodic memory tasks with reality monitoring and external source monitoring paradigms, semantic memory tasks referred to general knowledge and word fluency, and perceptual priming task reflected in word completion. According to the scores on trait version of STAI, the high-trait and low-trait anxious subjects were screened respectively from young and old participants matched for educational level. Secondly, based on the results of the first part, concurrent primary and secondary tasks with probe technique assessing spare processing capacity were used to explore the relation between memory efficiency and anxiety. The first main findings were that: (a) there were no age-related differences in semantic memory assessed by general knowledge and PRS, whereas age effects were observed in episodic memory and semantic memory assessed by word fluency with stringent time restraints. (b) Furthermore, comparison of age-related deficits in source and item was not related to the presentation ways and encoding effort for source, but was affected by types of source. Specifically, memory was more sensitive to aging than item memory in external source monitoring processes involved in discriminating two external sources (i.e., female vs. male voices), but not in reality monitoring processes in discriminating between internal and external sources (i.e., acting vs. listening). The second main findings were that: (a) Anxiety had no effects on the effectiveness and efficiency of semantic memory in recall of general knowledge and PRS, but impaired those of semantic memory in word fluency. (b) The effects of anxiety on episodic memory were different between the old and the young. Both the effectiveness and the efficiency of episodic memory of the old were affected adversely by anxiety. More importantly, source recall in external source monitoring processes was observed to be more vulnerable to anxiety than item memory. The effectiveness of episodic memory of the young was relatively unrelated to anxiety, while anxiety might have adverse effect on their memory efficiency. These results indicated that: First, the selectivity of age-related memory deficits existed not only between memory systems, but also within episodic memory system. The tendency to forget the source even when the fact was retained in external source monitoring was suggested to be a specific feature of cognitive aging. Second, anxiety had adverse impact on the individual differences in memory aging, and mediated partial age-related differences in episodic memory performance.