341 resultados para Hengduan Mountains region

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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We present a species list of the Gomphonemataceae and Cymbellaceae occurring in the Hengduan Mountains re-ion. These two families were found to be presented in the area by 117 species, varieties and forms belonging to four genera (Amphora, Cymbella, Didymosphenia and Gomphonema). Size, striae density, habitat and distribution in China are given for each taxon. The common taxa were Cymbella aequalis var. piscicultis. C. affinis, C. cesatii, C. cistula var. gibbosa, C. delicatula. C. gracilis, C. hustedtii, C. minuta f. latens, C. minita var. silesiaca, C. naviculiformis, C. parva. C. turgidida, Gomphonema acuminatum var. acuminatum, G. gracile, G. intricatum, G. olivaceum. G. parvulum and G. truncatum var. capitatum. Some morphological features of Cymbella cistula var. capitata, Cymbella sinica var. miyiensis, Gomphonema hedinii and G. kaznakowii were found to differ from previously published descriptions. Taxa typical of high latitude climates encountered during the present study were Cymbella affinis, C. alpina, C. cistula var. cistida, C. delicatula. C. naviculiformis. Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema acuminatum var. pusillum, G. constrictum var. capitatum f. turgidum, G. kaznakowii, G. olivaceum, G. subtile var. subtile, G. tergestinum and G. ventricosum.


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翠雀属Delphinium L.是毛茛科中的一个大属,全世界有300-400 余种,广布于北半球温带地区。我国是世界上记载翠雀属植物种类最多的国家,尤以西南横断山区种类最为丰富。 通过文献查阅、标本室研究和野外考察,本文对我国特别是横断山区翠雀属植物的主要形态性状在居群间和居群内的变异式样进行了初步分析,认为根的形态、叶的分裂程度、植株尤其是花序轴和花梗被毛与否以及毛被类型、小苞片的形状和位置、退化雄蕊的颜色、上萼片的形状、心皮数目和种子形态特征是比较可靠的分类性状。但性状之间的相关性往往较小,即使是通常比较稳定的分类性状有时也表现出不同程度的变异,因此同一性状对于不同等级分类群的划分和在不同分类群中的分类价值常不一样。在具体的分类处理中,应具体情况具体分析,尽可能利用较多的分类学性状或性状组合。 根据上述对我国翠雀属植物主要形态性状变异式样的理解,本文主要对我国西南横断山区及其邻近一些地区的翠雀属植物进行了力所能及的分类修订:将42 种和22 变种降为异名,提出2 新组合(毛梗黑水翠雀D. potaninii var. mollipes (W. T. Wang) Q. Yuan & Q. E. Yang 和腺毛康定翠雀D. tatsienense var. pseudomosoynense (W. T. Wang) Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan),澄清了直距翠雀D. tenii Lévl. 的名实问题和Munz 等学者对我国翠雀属植物标本的鉴定错误以及由此引起的我国有关翠雀属植物的地理分布的混乱; 另有两种( 硕片翠雀D. grandilimbum W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock 和永宁翠雀D. yongningense W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock)因未见到模式标本,故暂存疑。本文讨论到的我国翠雀属植物共有87 种、10 变种。 为了在染色体水平上了解横断山区翠雀属植物的物种形成和分化,同时增加对整个翠雀族tribe Delphineae Warming 植物染色体进化的理解,本文报道了我国主要采自该地区的乌头属Aconitum L. 30 种、1 变种共40 个居群和翠雀属 48 种、3 变种共87 个居群的染色体数目,分析了30 种、1 变种乌头属植物和 46 种、3 变种翠雀属植物的核型,发现46 种、3 变种翠雀属植物为二倍体(2n = 2x=16),1 种(黄毛翠雀D. chrysotrichum Finet & Gagnep.)为四倍体(2n = 4x =32),1种(螺距翠雀D. spirocentrum Hand.-Mazz.)有二倍体和四倍体两种细胞型,3 种(宽距翠雀D. beesianum W. W. Smith、裂瓣翠雀D. mosoynense Franch.和康定翠雀 D. tatsienense Franch.)的个别居群有B 染色体出现。这表明横断山区翠雀属植物的物种形成主要在二倍体水平上进行。可能由于核型直向选择(karyotypic orthoselection)的结果,我国翠雀属植物的核型就整体情况而言在属内相当一致,属内核型分化不如乌头属中明显,外部形态上显得最为原始的种类如短距翠雀 D. forrestii Diels 和毛翠雀D. trichophorum Franch.的核型与其他多年生种类的核型相比并无明显区别。尽管如此,翠雀属植物的核型在属内仍表现出一定程度的分化:在多年生种类中,大理翠雀群(D. taliense group)的种类的染色体内部不对称性(intrachromosomal asymmetry) 程度较高, 但染色体之间的不对称性 (interchromosomal asymmetry)程度偏低;一年生种类与多年生种类相比,我国唯一的一年生种还亮草D. anthriscifolium Hance 染色体之间不对称性最高,该种染色体内部不对称性程度在翠雀族中也偏高,因此就其核型的整体不对称性程度而言,在翠雀属乃至整个翠雀族中最高,而地中海分布的一年生种类的染色体内部不对称性明显增强, 但染色体之间的不对称性在翠雀族中最低。这种核型分化的系统学和生物地理学意义尚不清楚,以后需进一步研究。与乌头属相比,翠雀属植物的染色体通常较小,核型中st 染色体明显增多(可达6 对),核型的整体不对称性程度逐渐增强; 虽然乌头属牛扁亚属Aconitum subgen. Lycoctonum (DC.) Peterm.的二倍体种类也一般具有较多的st 染色体(4 对),但这些st 染色体比乌头亚属Aconitum L. subgen. Aconitum和露蕊乌头亚属Aconitum subgen. Gymnaconitum (Stapf) Rapaics 植物核型中相对应的m 或 sm 染色体以及翠雀属和飞燕草属Consolida (DC.) S. F. Gray 植物中相对应的st 或偶尔出现的sm 染色体要大。特别应当注意的是牛扁亚属中外部形态上显得最为原始的展喙乌头A. novoluridum Munz 的核型具有较多而且较大的sm 染色体,所以我们认为展喙乌头的核型保留了较多的原始性质,那些核型中具有较多st 染色体的牛扁亚属植物应当是该亚属中在核型上已比较特化的种类。这一结果不支持前人提出的乌头属植物的核型有从st 染色体进化到m 或sm 染色体的趋势的观点。就整个翠雀族而言,从现有资料看,其核型的进化趋势应当为:(1) 染色体从大进化到小, 从m 或sm 染色体进化到st 染色体;(2) 核型的整体不对称性程度逐渐增强,即核型的二型性从多年生的牛扁亚属植物到翠雀属植物的一年生的还亮草亚属Delphinium subgen. Delphinium 而愈趋明显。翠雀族植物核型的进化方向与整个毛茛科核型的进化方向看来是一致的,即都向核型不对称性增强的方向进化。


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Phylogenetic relationships among 15 species of wood mice (genus Apodemus) were reconstructed to explore some long-standing taxonomic problems. The results provided support for the monophyly of the genus Apodemus, but could not reject the hypothesis of paraphyly for this genus. Our data divided the 15 species into four major groups: (1) the Sylvaemus group (A. sylvaticus, A. flavicollis, A. alpicola, and A. uralensis), (2) the Apodemus group (A. peninsulae, A. chevreri, A. agrarius, A. speciosus, A. draco, A. ilex, A. semotus, A. latronum, and A. mystacinus), (3) A. argenteus, and (4) A. gurkha. Our results also suggested that orestes should be a valid subspecies of A. draco rather than an independent species; in contrast, A. ilex from Yunnan may be regarded as a separate species rather than a synonym of orestes or draco. The species level status of A. latronum, tscherga as synonyms of A. uralensis, and A. chevrieri as a valid species and the closest sibling species of A. agrarius were further corroborated by our data. Applying a molecular clock with the divergences of Mus and Rattus set at 12 million years ago (Mya) as a calibration point, it was estimated that five old lineages (A. mystacinus and four major groups above) diverged in the late Miocene (7.82-12.74 Mya). Then the Apodemus group (excluding A. mystacinus) split into two subgroups: agrarius and draco, at about 7.17-9.95 Mya. Four species of the Sylvaemus group were estimated to diverge at about 2.92-5.21 Mya. The Hengduan Mountains Region was hypothesized to have played important roles in Apodemus evolutionary histories since the Pleistocene. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A survey of the testate amoebae of northwest Yunnan in the Hengduan Mountains region of southwest China revealed 151 species belonging to 29 genera. Of these, three genera and 27 species were new to the testate amoebae fauna of China. The widely distributed and dominant species were Centropyxis aculeata aculeata, C aerophila aerophila, C. sylvatica, Difflugia elegans, D. globulosa, D. pristis, D. pulex, Phryganella hemisphaerica, Trinema enchelys, and T lineare. The most diverse genera were Difflugia (41 species), Centropyxis (31 species), Arcella (18 species), and Euglypha (11 species). The number of species in each sample varied greatly. It appears that species diversity of testate amoebae is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats).


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论文以线粒体细胞色素b 基因对裂腹鱼属鱼类的两个分布广泛的物种 (灰裂腹鱼Schizothorax griseus 和光唇裂腹鱼Schizothorax lissolabiatus)进行了谱系地理学研究;对灰裂腹鱼进行了物种分化研究;对光唇裂腹鱼进行了地理变异研究;并进一步对横断山区分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类进行了谱系地理学研究;整理了中国境内伊洛瓦底江水系分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类。对灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼的谱系地理学研究结果表明:1、来自不同水系的灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼个体间存在明显的遗传差异,两个物种各自不呈单系;灰裂腹鱼和光唇裂腹鱼同域分布的个体有共享单倍型的情况;北盘江、牛栏江、乌江和元江的个体在系统树上有较近的亲缘关系。2、对灰裂腹鱼进行了重新描述并对来自于不同水系被认为是灰裂腹鱼的标本进行了查看,结果表明:灰裂腹鱼分布于金沙江下游及其支流;分布于澜沧江的,过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表裂腹鱼属鱼类一新种——裸腹裂腹鱼Schizothorax nudiventris sp. nov.;分布于南盘江的过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表一新种——异鳔裂腹鱼Schizothorax heterophysallidos sp. nov.;分布于北盘江的过去被认为是灰裂腹鱼的种类代表一新种——北盘裂腹鱼Schizothorax beipanensis sp. nov.。3、本研究还陈述了光唇裂腹鱼的各地理种群(怒江、澜沧江、元江、南盘江和北盘江)部分形态特征以及差异情况。主成分分析结果表明:怒江和澜沧江个体在形态上无差异;澜沧江上游和下游个体在部分特征上表现出一定程度上的渐变异。4、横断山区裂腹鱼属鱼类的谱系地理学研究表明:系统树不支持裂腹鱼属鱼类亚属的划分;本属不同种类Cyt b 基因序列的最大遗传距离为11.2%;怒江和澜沧江的个体以较高的支持率聚成一单系;伊洛瓦底江水系与雅鲁藏布江的个体以较高的支持率聚成一单系;金沙江流域与元江、南盘江、北盘江的个体聚成一单系;晚中新世(9.5 Ma) 和早上新世(3.6 Ma)的青藏高原的强烈隆升可能是横断山区裂腹鱼属鱼类物种分化的重要时间;裂腹鱼属鱼类的演化是历史生物地理学过程中隔离分化假说的一个实例;横断山区的古河道向南入海可能有3 个方向,它们是雅鲁藏布-伊洛瓦底江方向、怒江-澜沧江方向、金沙江及其支流-红河方向(包括南盘江-红河);不支持长江第一湾为袭夺湾的观点,古金沙江入古红河可能不经剑川-洱海一线;滇中、滇东北水系发育复杂。5、本研究还对中国境内伊洛瓦底江水系分布的裂腹鱼属鱼类进行了整理。认为本地区裂腹鱼属鱼类共8 种(包括2 新种):南方裂腹鱼Schizothorax meridionalis、奇异裂腹鱼Schizothorax heteri sp. nov.、独龙裂腹鱼Schizothorax dulongensis、软刺裂腹鱼Schizothorax malacathus、少鳞裂腹鱼 Schizothorax oligolepis、吸口裂腹鱼Schizothorax myzostomus、细身裂腹鱼 Schizothorax elongatus 和白体裂腹鱼Schizothorax leukus sp. nov.。


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本文新种部分,记述了分布在横断山地区、台湾以及苏门答腊、菲律宾等地果蝇科的新种55种,异物同名3种。在果蝇属果蝇亚属的伊米果蝇种组建立了一个新的种复组-弯头果蝇种亚组(Drosophila curviceps species subgroup);在quadrilineata种亚组内建立了一个新的种复组-背条果蝇种复组(Drosophila notostriata species-complex)。对横断山地区的果蝇进行研究,计有119个种,主要由东洋种、古北种、特有种和广布种组成;对其渊源关系进行分析。运用分支分类学的观点和方法对伊米果蝇种组中5个种亚组间的系统发育进行研究显示,hypocausta种亚组最原始,位地分支图的最底部,是外群向伊米果蝇种组过渡的一个类群,进化中心在热带的苏门答腊及其附近;其次分化的immigrans种亚组其进化中心仍在热带的苏门答腊及其附近;但该亚组的特种逐渐向北扩散,在中国云南的西双版纳及其附近地区形成次级进化中心。伊米果蝇种组总的进化方向是从热带向温带的逐渐演化。


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Metagentiana striata is an alpine annual herbaceous plant endemic to the east of the Qinghai-Tibet (Q-T) Plateau and adjacent areas. The phylogeography of M. striata was studied by sequencing the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trnS-trnG intergenic spacer. Ten haplotypes were identified from an investigation of 232 individuals of M. striata from 14 populations covering the entire geographical range of this species. The level of differentiation amongst populations was very high (G(ST) = 0.746; N-ST = 0.774) and a significant phylogeographical structure was observed (P < 0.05). An analysis of molecular variance found a high variation amongst populations (76%), with F-ST = 0.762 (highly significant, P < 0.001), indicating that little gene flow occurred amongst the different regions; this was explained by the isolation of populations by high mountains along the Q-T Plateau and adjacent areas (N-m = 0.156). Only one ancestral haplotype (A) was common and widespread throughout the distributional range of M. striata. The populations of the Hengduan Mountains region of the south-eastern Q-T Plateau showed high diversity and uniqueness of haplotypes. It is suggested that this region was the potential refugium of M. striata during the Quaternary glaciation, and that interglacial and postglacial range expansion occurred from this refugium. This scenario was in good agreement with the results of nested clade analysis, which inferred that the current spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes and populations resulted from range expansion, together with past allopatric fragmentation events. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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横断山地区是一个十分自然的植物区系地区,在中国植物区系分区中是作为泛北极植物区中国-喜马拉雅亚区中的一个地区,其种子植物区系具有丰富的科、属、种,地理成分复杂,特有现象和替代现象明显。该地区作为植物区系和生物多样性的研究热点地区,长期以来极受中外植物学家关注。横断山脉东缘是中国-喜马拉雅和中国-日本植物区系的交汇过渡区域,北部的岷江流域以及南部的金沙江流域,孕育了该区丰富的物种资源和植被资源。而岷江干热河谷和金沙江干热河谷的相似性和相关性,更为该区的植物区系和生物多样性南北的对比研究提供了有利的条件。 本研究选择的九顶山西坡和龙肘山分别位于横断山区北部和南部,九顶山属岷江流域而龙肘山属金沙江流域。本研究结合植物区系研究和生物多样性研究,对该区的植物资源进行调查。通过样带调查和样线踏查结合,大量详实的野外样方调查和标本采集,进行传统的区系研究和生物多样性研究。研究该区物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其潜在的影响影子,并利用新的区系评估质量方法对九顶山西坡的植物区系质量进行定量的研究,以期能更为深刻的理解该区的植物资源,为该区的资源保护和利用提供合理可行的建议。主要研究结论如下: 1)九顶山西坡植物区系的性质和特点 经鉴定和统计,九顶山西坡共有1707 种维管植物,分属617 属和140 科,其中种子植物1616 种,分属572 属117 科。就科的分布区成分构成而言,该区系的热带成分与温带成分相当,热带成分略占优势,表明九顶山西坡的植物区系与热带植物区系有较强的联系。但是,在九顶山西坡属的分布区类型所占的比例上,温带成分远远超过了热带成分,本区的种子植物分布表现出明显的温带性质。且温带分布类型的许多物种组成了九顶山西坡植被的建群种和优势种,是本区系最重要的成分,充分体现了本区系的温带性质。 2)九顶山西坡不同植被带的生物多样性海拔梯度格局 基于对土门-断头崖、茶山-九顶山、雁门沟-光光山三条垂直植被样带的调查,我们发现九顶山西坡的生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化呈现出一定的规律性,不同样带之间有一定差异。就三条样带的物种组成相似性来看,虽然土门-断头崖样带属于涪江水系,而茶山-九顶山样带和雁门沟-光光山样带属于岷江水系,但不同水系对该区物种组成的影响并不明显。三条样带中,草本层物种丰富度均远远大于灌木层和乔木层,而以乔木层物种丰富度最低;α-多样性指数随着海拔梯度的变化在土门-断头崖样带中呈现单一下降趋势,在茶山-九顶山样带表现为双峰模型,而在雁门沟-光光山样带则表现为不显著波动变化;均匀度指数在土门-断头崖样带呈现出单一下降的趋势,在雁门沟-光光山样带表现为凹形曲线,而在茶山-九顶山样带却无明显的变化规律。β-多样性指数在土门-断头崖样带和茶山-九顶山样带呈现出明显的波动状态,植被类型替代现象明显;而在雁门沟-光光山样带却并未有十分显著的转折点,因其水平植被带受到干扰,同海拔替代现象不显著。 3)九顶山西坡维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度格局 我们考察了九顶山西坡和两条垂直样带(土门-断头崖和雁门沟-光光山样带)的不同分类等级(包括科、属、种)和不同生活型物种(乔木、灌木、禾草、蕨类和其它草本)的丰富度沿着海拔梯度的分布。结果发现,物种的丰富度海拔梯度格局具有不同的模式,单一下降和中间膨胀格局依然是其主流。不同生活型的物种具有不同的丰富度格局,但是对于环境需求相似的类型具有较相似的丰富度格局。不同的丰富度格局可能由多因素导致,包括:气候,海拔跨度,面积,人为干扰等等。 4)九顶山西坡区系质量评估 我们尝试使用传统的区系质量评估方法对九顶山西坡的区系质量进行评估,并尝试使用一种新的区系质量评估体系对该区的区系进行评价。在九顶山西坡随着海拔梯度的上升,平均保守性系数在各条植被带中均呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。区系质量指数随着海拔的升高都表现为双峰模型,在植被交错区区系质量指数相对较高,而在海拔的两极,区系质量指数都很低。大部分地区使用新方法计算所得的加权平均保守性系数和区系质量指数都比传统方法计算的平均保收性系数和区系质量指数要高,说明在九顶山西坡的三条样带中,大部分地区都是那些保守性系数较高的物种占据优势,同时也表明九顶山西坡具有很高质量的区系和自然植被。 5)龙肘山种子植物区系的性质和特点 龙肘山种子植物区系的物种较为丰富,共有154 科,544 属,1156 种。科的优势十分明显,单种属和寡种属数量众多,说明本区系植物成分较为复杂、起源古老、物种多样性指数较高。地理成分复杂,分布类型多样,其中热带成分在总数量上高于温带成分,但是许多温带成分的属是该区植被的重要建群类群和优势类群,表现出明显的亚热带性质。 6)龙肘山生物多样性的现状和特点 在海拔梯度上,龙肘山地区无论是科、属、种的数量,还是不同等级分类单元之间的数量比,均呈现先升后降的趋势,并在中海拔地区达到峰值。物种多样性指数从总体上来说变化幅度不大,略有先升后降的趋势,在中海拔梯度物种多样性最高。乔、灌、草三层的多样性指数表现出乔木层<灌木层<草本层的特征;乔木层均匀度的变化很大,而灌木层和草本层均匀度的变化较小;灌木层均匀度的波动又强于草本层。β-多样性指数呈现单峰模式,中海拔地区最高。就龙肘山东、西坡物种多样性相比较而言,两者虽然在数值上交替上升,但是却体现出了较为一致的趋势,但西坡因受到干热河谷气候的影响,其平均气温要高于东坡,导致了东坡植物群落和物种的分布比西坡要低。在区系成分构成上,低山区的相同海拔段,西坡的热带亚热带成分所占的比例要比东坡高,这是因为西坡的平均气温比东坡稍高,导致了热带、亚热带物种分布更多。而随着海拔的上升,东、西两坡的气候、土壤等条件趋于一致,其植物区系成分的构成格局也趋于一致。 The Hengduan Mountain region is a very natural floristic region; it belongs toChina-Himalaya sub-region of Holarctic region in floristic subarea of China. The flora in this areais rich in family, genus and species; has a very complex composition of geographical elements;especially with high richness of endemic species and obvious substitution phenomenon. Thisregion as a hot-spot area of floristic and biodiversity, has fascinated biologists in the world for along time. The eastern range of Hengduan Mountain is the transition zone of China – Himalayaforest sub-region and China-Japan forest sub-region in floristic. The water systems are quitedifferent, Minjiang River in the north and Jishajiang River in the south grow quit different but alsoabundant plant species and vegetation resources. The similarity and correlativity of Minjiang River dry valleys and Jinshajiang River dry valleys have provided advantageous condition tocontrast flora and biodiversity between north and south. In the present study, the Jiuding Mountainlies in the north of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Minjiang River, and the LongzhouMountain lies in the south of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Jinshajiang River. In our study, we combined the methods of floristic research and biodiversity investigation toexplore the resources of plant species and vegetations; sampled with transects along the altitudinalgradients and also with transverse straps with similar elevation; collected the vascular plant specimen with sampling plots of ecology. We explored the plant species richness patterns alongaltitudinal gradients and discussed the underlying factors aroused these patterns; and used a novelmethod to assess the quality of Jiuding Mountain’s flora. All for a deeper comprehension of the plant recourses of this region; and provided feasible and reasonable suggestion for the protectionof resources. The results were as follows: 1 The characteristic of the flora of the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We had collected 1707 species of vascular plants belonging to 617 genera in 140 families inthe west slope of Jiuding Mountain,in which included 1616 seed plant species belonging to 572genera and 117 families. As for the composition of the areal types of the Families of seed plants,tropic components and temperate components are well-balanced, and percentage of tropicscomponents is higher than that of temperate ones for a litter bit. This shows the flora in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain has strong relationship with the tropic flora. But for the composition ofthe areal types of genera, temperate components have far exceeded the tropics ones, indicated thewhole flora with a conspicuous temperate character. Temperate components possess maximumproportion in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain, and many of them belong to constructivespecies and dominant species in the vegetation, are most important components in JiudingMountain’s Flora, also have embodied the temperate character of this area sufficiently. 2 Biodiversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in different vegetation transects in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain Based on the investigation of three vegetation transects (including Tumen-Duantouya transect,Chashan-Jiudingshan transect and Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect) in the west slope ofJiuding Mountain, we found the change of biodiversity along the altitude gradients displayedcertain regularity, but have differences among different transects. The three transects belong todifferent water systems; the Tumen-Duantouya transect belongs to Fujiang River, and the othertwo belong to Minjiang River. From the similarity of species compositions of different transects,we found different water system didn’t show obvious impact on the species composition. In all thethree transects, the species richness of herb layer was remarkably higher than shrub and tree layer,and the species richness of tree layer was the lowest one. With the increasing of the altitude, theline of α-diversity was monotonically decreasing curve in Tumen-Duantouya transect, andbimodal curve in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect, but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transectshowed a wave-like curve although not very obvious. Species evenness showed monotonicallydecreasing trends in Tumen-Duantouya transect, and very low at mid-altitude in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect, but in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect changed irregularly. Changes inβ-diversity corresponded with the transition of vegetation in the Tumen-Duantouya transect andChashan-Jiudingshan transect, and the curve of β-diversity along altitude had obvious turningpoint; but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect had no obvious turning point, and thesubstitution phenomenon was not obvious, transverse vegetation straps distributed interlaced. 3 Richness patterns of vascular plant species along altitude in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain Direct gradient analysis and regression methods were used to describe the species richnesspatterns along the altitudinal for Mt. Jiuding, as well as separately for Tumen-Duantouya Transectand Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect. Altitudinal gradient of diversity of units at differenttaxonomic level (including Family, Genus and Species) and at different life form (including tree,shrub, pteridophyte, grass and other herb) were tested to find differences among the richnesspattern. We found altitudinal richness also shows different patterns, and both monotonicallydecreasing pattern and hump-shaped pattern can be founded in vascular species richness. Speciesin different life forms show different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similarrequirements to environmental conditions show similar richness patterns along altitudinalgradients. Different richness patterns can be aroused by different climate, different altitudinal span,area factor, anthropogenic factor and so on. 4 Floristic quality assessments in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We used both the conventional method broadly adopted in the USA and the new one toassess the floristic quality in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain. The Mean Coefficient ofConservatism (MC) had the trend of increment along the altitudinal gradients. The FloristicQuality Index (FQI) was a bimodal curve with increasing of elevation; FQI got maximum valuesin the transition zones of different vegetations in the middle altitude, and had very low values atthe two end of elevation. In most areas of the west slope of the Jiuding Mountain, the resultscalculated using the new methods were higher than those using the conventional method. Thisindicated the dominant species of the communities had very high coefficients of conservatism inmost areas of Jiuding Mountain, and the communities are relatively kept pristine and the habitats very integrative. 5 The characteristic of the flora of Longzhou Mountain The flora of Longzhou Mountain has very abundant in species composition; there are about1156 species of seed plants belonging to 544 genera in 154 families. In which, twelve families with more than 20 species include totally 232 genera and 532 species, and form the majority of itsflora. The origin of its flora is old, monospecific genera and oligotypic genera amounts to 510 innumber, which constitute 93.75% of total number of genera. The geographical components arevarious in Longzhou Mountain, the majority of flora are temperate and pantropic ones. The tropiccomponents overtopped temperate components on genera quantity, but many temperatecomponents belong to constructive species and dominant species in the vegetation, and the wholeflora shows an obvious subtropical character. 6 Current situation and characteristic of biodiversity in Longzhou Mountain With the increasing of altitude, the number of species, genus, family and the ratios ofdifferent taxonomic levels all displayed a trend of descending after rising first, and peaked atmiddle height area. The change of α-diversity was not very acutely, with the trend of descendingafter rising first in some degree, the middle height area had highest α-diversity. As studying thetree layer, shrub layer and herb layer respectively, the Shannon-Wiener index was in followingorder: tree layer < shrub layer < herb layer; the change of evenness was more complicatedly thanthat of diversity, the tree layer changed acutely, but the shrub layer and herb layer fluctuatedsmoothly. Changes in β-diversity also showed the trend of descending after rising first. TheJaccard index and Cody index all peaked at the middle height forest area. As for the comparison ofplant diversity and evenness between the west and east slope, the numerical values ascendedalternatively, but the trend of changing was similar. The distribution of similar plant communitiesand species in east slope were lower than the west slope for the influence of Jinsha River DryValley. As for the composition of different floristic components, in lower altitude area of westslope, the tropic and sub-tropic plants had higher ratio than east slope’s and even could be equal tothe temperate plants. With the increasing of elevation, the floristic composition become morelikely between the east and west slope and temperate plants dominated the flora.


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物种形成是生物进化的重要步骤,是进化生物学中的基本问题。研究一些关键地区植物的物种形成,将提高对这些地区植物区系发生与发展的认识,横断山区就是这样一个非常独特与关键的地区。本文通过对主要分布于横断山区的紫乌头A.delavayi复合体进行nrDNA ITS序列、等位酶与RAPD分析,初步探讨了横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的起源与物种形成。同时对使用RAPD与等位酶数据研究群体遗传结构的方法进行了探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. ITS序列研究 对乌头属27个类群的ITS序列进行了简约法与邻接法的研究,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。乌头亚属的蔓乌头系 Ser. Volublia不是一个单系起源的类群,显拄乌头系 Ser. Sstylosa 与兴安乌头系Ser. Ambigua各自作为单系起源也没有得到支持。特产于云南西北部横断山区的一些种之间存在非常近的系统发育关系,说明这些种是近期物种形成的产物。紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的不同类群在系统发育树上被分到不同的分支中,含西南乌头A. episcopale的分支最为独特,处于系统发育树靠近基部的位置;松潘乌头 A.sunpanense与四川西北部的弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum组成一个分支,另一个分支含土官村乌头A.tuguancunense、紫乌头A.delavayi、玉龙乌头A.stapfianum与黄草乌A.vilmorinianum; 表明紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个独立的起源,因而该复合体在遗传上是不成立的。但是为了讨论与叙述的方便,本研究仍使用紫乌头A.delavayi复合体这个名字。 2. 等位酶研究 用10种酶系统14个位点,对紫乌头A.delavayi分布于云南横断山区的4种8个居群进行了等位酶分析。结果表明横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体居群的遗传多样性明显低于北美和欧洲的乌头属植物。呈垂直替代关系的紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum居群之间出现有规律的遗传多样性变化,表明冰川对横断山区植物的遗传多样性有重大影响。聚类分析的结果与ITS分析的结果基本一致,西南乌头A. episcopale仍然是较为独特的一类;其余3个种的居群聚为一类,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传一致度非常高,超过0.95。8个居群的主成分分析没有证实西南乌头A. episcopale中存在杂交渗入。Mantel 检验的结果显示8个居群之间的遗传趋异程度与地理距离之间显著相关。基因分化系数GST与近交系数FIS均显示这些居群不是以异交为主。居群间每代迁移个体数Nm显示这些居群间基因流较弱。 3. RAPD研究 用20个随机引物得到117个RAPD位点,对23个居群进行研究。其中19个属于紫乌头A.delavayi复合体,4个属于与之近缘的瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum。根据RAPD表型频率与单倍型频率,分别对23个居群进行了聚类分析。结果显示这两种方法所得结果高度一致,而且也与ITS和等位酶的分析结果基本一致。西南乌头A. episco pale仍然是最为独特一个分支,在本文中称为分支1。其余的居群聚成两个关系较近的大分支,一个分支包含所有分布于云南与四川西南部横断山区的居群,称为分支2,另一个包括所有分布于四川西北部与北部横断山区、重庆东北部、湖北西部与陕西的居群。大部分种处于同一分支中,只有弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum与瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum的居群分别被聚在分支2与分支3中,完全符合居群的地理位置。从3个分支内的聚类关系可以看出居群间遗传趋异等级与地理隔离程度明显相关。在遗传多样性水平上,分支1明显比分支2和分支3低许多,分支2又高于分支3。 在分支2内部,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传多样性变化与等位酶结果相同。在分支3的松潘乌头 A.sunpanense 5个居群中,横断山区海拔最高的2个居群遗传多样性最低。将23个居群划分成不同等级进行AMOVA分析,结果表明总遗传多样性主要分布于地区间,其次是居群间,居群内遗传多样性所占比例很低。 4.群体遗传结构研究中的数据处理方法 本研究结果表明,在使用RAPD表型数据进行AMOVA分析时,最好采用欧氏距离平方系数。本研究还说明,计算GST的两种不同方法将导致结果不同,而要与Hamrick and Godt(1990)的总结进行对比的话,最好使用他们采用的计算方法。 基于以上研究结果,可得出如下结论:⑴ 紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个不同的起源。西南乌头A. episcopale是一个古特有种,其余均为近期物种形成的产物。⑵地理隔离在横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的物种形成过程中影响最大。而地理隔离主要起因于连续分布区的片段化与瓶颈效应,而这两个原因又与横断山区的地质历史与冰川进退密切相关。


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半寄生植物马先蒿属(Pedicularis)是列当科(Orobanchaceae)中最大的属,也是北温带被子植物最大的属之一。该属至少有500种植物,主要分布在北半球的高山、亚高山地区或高纬度地区,其中超过一半的种类分布在东喜马拉雅至横断山区,构成该地区高山植物区系的主要成分。马先蒿属花部器官的强烈分化程度在被子植物中极为罕见,导致这种分化发生的机制仍是难解之谜。马先蒿属下系统非常混乱,迄今为止该属属下分类系统不下10个。关于该属的起源时间、地点及迁移散布过程只是基于一些间接证据的推测。针对以上问题,本文通过大量的标本查阅、野外考察、传粉生物学观察以及分子系统学研究,得出了一些初步的结果。   1.形态学 通过大量的野外考察及标本观察,发现马先蒿属花部器官变异非常复杂,是区分近缘种的主要性状依据,但是花部器官存在明显的平行进化现象,不适合作为划分群、组等属下高级分类单元的主要依据;而营养性状比较保守,可作为划分群、组的主要依据。通过考证,发现直管群万叶系的德钦马先蒿(P. deqinensis)实属轮枝群纤细系多枝马先蒿(P. ramosissima)的异名。同时发现一个新种,即折喙马先蒿(P. inflexirostris),该种属于直管群的万叶系。   2.传粉生物学 对27种马先蒿的昆虫传粉行为进行了初步的观察。发现横断山区的马先蒿主要靠熊蜂进行有效的传粉。昆虫的传粉方式有两种,即背触式(Nototribic)和腹触式(Sternotribic)。不同花冠类型的马先蒿属植物中,昆虫的传粉方式也有所区别。对短管、无喙、无花蜜的马先蒿,昆虫主要以腹触式完成传粉;对短管、无喙、具花蜜的马先蒿,昆虫既可以通过背触式也可以通过腹触式完成传粉;而对短管、具喙和长管、具喙的马先蒿,昆虫都以腹触式完成传粉。没有发现鳞翅目的昆虫访问长管类型的马先蒿。不同花冠类型传粉方式的不同说明马先蒿花部形态结构和传粉媒介的行为之间存在协同进化关系。 3.核rDNA ITS分析 对12个群的42种马先蒿的核rDNA ITS序列进行了分析。基于ITS序列构建的基因树和经典的属下分类系统很不一致,基因树上的大部分分支和经典系统中的高级分类单元不相吻合,原因可能是马先蒿属花部器官发生了平行进化,而经典的分类系统过于权重这些花部形态性状。此外,发现在横断山区这一相对狭小的地域范围内,nrDNA ITS序列在马先蒿种间存在很大差异。造成此差异的原因可能有两个方面:一方面是马先蒿属的起源和分化的时间可能较早,不同的支系从其他地域先后多次迁入横断山区;另一方面可能是由于半寄生植物马先蒿中快速的分子进化造成的。 4.叶绿体基因组trnT-F区序列分析 对8个群的11种马先蒿的trnT-F区序列进行了分析,发现种间存在大量的插入/缺失序列,其中甘肃马先蒿(P. kansuensis)和大王马先蒿(P. rex)分别在trnT-trnL(UAA)和trnL–trnF基因间区发生了长达228bp和303bp碱基序列缺失,说明半寄生植物的叶绿体基因组也可能存在大量基因丢失现象。 5. GLOBOSA-like MADS-box基因的研究 对11种马先蒿属植物(8个群)中控制花瓣发育的GLOBOSA(PGLO)基因的部分片段进行了分离、克隆和测序,发现该基因在种间发生了明显的分化,但是碱基的变异主要发生在非编码区或非结构域,基因的同义突变率远高于非同义突变率,说明PGLO基因的进化受到强烈的功能制约。PGLO基因在马先蒿种间的明显分化表明:在辐射分化类群中,调节基因也可能发生了快速分化。对11种马先蒿属植物的PGLO基因树、nrDNA ITS基因树以及trnT-F基因树的比较发现:三个树图在结构上既有一致、也有相互矛盾之处,推测可能是因为这些基因具有不同的遗传体系或经历了不同的进化历史所致,另一方面说明GLOBOSA基因在探讨近缘类群系统发育关系方面的价值有待进一步验证。


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青藏高原是我国植物多样性和特有性最高的地区,其中横断山区由于复杂的地质变迁历史和独特的地貌已成为研究物种多样性的一个热点。全缘叶绿绒蒿是分布于青藏高原及其周边地区的高山植物,该物种的谱系生物地理学研究不仅有助于揭示横断山区的物种分化机制及地理分布格局的形成过程,而且有助于探讨青藏高原隆升及新生代晚期气候变化对横断山区物种遗传结构的影响。 本研究对全缘叶绿绒蒿的12 个群体、153 个个体的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnfM片段进行了序列测定,比对校正后该片段的长度为877-962 bp,其中含6 个突变位点和5 个插入缺失(两个7 bp,两个39 bp,一个6 bp)。根据这些变异,可分为12 种叶绿体单倍型(H1-H12)。全缘叶绿绒蒿在物种水平上的核苷酸多态性分别为π = 0.00152 和θ = 0.00122,单倍型多样性为HE 为0.791,群体之间的遗传分化系数FST 为0.46579。中性检测结果显示无论在物种水平还是在群体水平,都没有显著偏离中性模式,说明该物种近期没有经历明显的瓶颈效应或奠基者效应等历史事件。我们从地理上将全缘叶绿绒蒿的群体分为四个地区,即云南、川西、川北和青海地区。AMOVA 分析显示群体间的遗传分化系数FST为0.46579,大多数的核苷酸多态性来自群体内(53.42%),其次来自于地区内的群体间(40.44%),而四个地区之间的分化非常小,仅占6.14%。失配分析显示在整个物种的分布范围内呈现单峰式样(r = 0.0475, P = 0.07924),这种分布虽然是不显著的,但P 值接近显著的临界,说明可能存在不明显的扩散,但在各个地区内的群体都没有扩散的迹象。 比较单倍型的地理分布和单倍型之间的进化关系,发现川西和川北地区存在明显差异,这两个地区都拥有比较古老的单倍型,也具有地区特异的稀有单倍型,因此很可能是全缘叶绿绒蒿在冰期时的避难所。云南地区只具有一个古老单倍型H1,这种分布可能是由川西和川北避难所的南迁造成的,也可能该地区自身就是古老单倍型H1 的发源地。青海地区只有两种古老的单倍型,由于冰期后物种有往高纬度迁移的趋势,因此这个地区的单倍型可能是在冰期后由川西和川北迁移过去的。全缘叶绿绒蒿在横断山区单倍型的片段化分布及多个避难所的存在可能与该地区独特的高山低谷相间地貌以及受多次冰期影响有密切关系。