24 resultados para Head tracking

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The experimental and theoretical studies are reported in this paper for the head-on collisions of a liquid droplet with another of the same fluid resting on a solid substrate. The droplet on the hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate remains in a shape of an approximately spherical segment and is isometric to an incoming droplet. The colliding process of the binary droplets was recorded with high-speed photography. Head-on collisions saw four different types of response in our experiments: complete rebound, coalescence, partial rebound With conglutination, and coalescence accompanied by conglutination. For a complete rebound, both droplets exhibited remarkable elasticity and the contact time of the two colliding droplets was found to be in the range of 10-20 ms. With both droplets approximately considered as elastic bodies, Hertz contact theory was introduced to estimate the contact time for the complete rebound case. The estimated result Was found to be on the same order of magnitude as the experimental data, which indicates that the present model is reasonable. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A fully nonlinear and dispersive model within the framework of potential theory is developed for interfacial (2-layer) waves. To circumvent the difficulties arisen from the moving boundary problem a viable technique based on the mixed Eulerian and Lagrangian concept is proposed: the computing area is partitioned by a moving mesh system which adjusts its location vertically to conform to the shape of the moving boundaries but keeps frozen in the horizontal direction. Accordingly, a modified dynamic condition is required to properly compute the boundary potentials. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the current method, two important problems for the interfacial wave dynamics, the generation and evolution processes, are investigated. Firstly, analytical solutions for the interfacial wave generations by the interaction between the barotropic tide and topography are derived and compared favorably with the numerical results. Furthermore simulations are performed for the nonlinear interfacial wave evolutions at various water depth ratios and satisfactory agreement is achieved with the existing asymptotical theories. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Gas film lubrication of a three-dimensional flat read-write head slider is calculated using the information preservation (IP) method and the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, respectively. The pressure distributions on the head slider surface at different velocities and flying heights obtained by the two methods are in excellent agreement. IP method is also employed to deal with head slider with three-dimensional complex configuration. The pressure distribution on the head slider surface and the net lifting force obtained by the IP method also agree well with those of DSMC method. Much less (of the order about 10(2) less) computational time (the sum of the time used to reach a steady stage and the time used in sampling process) is needed by the IP method than the DSMC method and such an advantage is more remarkable as the gas velocity decreases.


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The experimental and theoretical investigations into the head-on collision between a landing droplet with another one resting on the PDMS substrate were addressed in this talk. The colliding process of the two droplets was recorded with highspeed camera. Four different responses after collision were observed in our experiments: complete rebound, coalescence, partial rebound with conglutination, and coalescence accompanied by conglutination. The contact time between the two colliding droplets was found to be in the range of 10-20 milliseconds. For the complete bouncing case, Hertz contact model was applied to estimate the contact time of the binary head-on colliding droplets with both the droplets considered as elastic bodies. The estimated contact time was in good agreement with the experimental result.


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In single-particle tracking (SPT), fluorescence video microscopy is used to record the motion images of single particle or single molecule. Here, by using a total-internal-reflection microscope equipped with an argon ion laser and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera with high-speed and high-sensitivity, video images of single nanobeads in solutions were obtained. From the trajectories, the diffusion coefficient of individual nanobead was determined by the mean square displacements as a function of time. The sizes of nanobeads were calculated by Stokes-Einstein equation, and the results were compared with the actual values.


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Six sample specimens of Trachypithecus francoisi and 3 of T. leucocephalus were analyzed by use of allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) in order to clarify the challenged taxonomic status of the white-head langur. Among the 44 loci surveyed, only 1 locus (PGM-2) was found to be polymorphic. Nei's genetic distance was 0.0025. In total, thirty 10-mer arbitrary primers were used for RAPD analysis, of which 22 generated clear bands. Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on genetic distances using neighbor-joining and UPGMA methods. The results show that T. francoisi and T: leucocephalus are not monophyletic. T. francoisi from Guangxi, China and Vietnam could not be clearly distinguished, and they are not divided into 2 clusters. A t-test was performed to evaluate between genetic distances within and between T. leucocephalus and T. francoisi taxa groups. The statistical test shows that the taxa group within T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi does not significantly differ from that between T: leucocephalus and T: francoisi at the 5% level. Our results suggest that the level of genetic differentiation between T, leucocephalus and T. francoisi is relatively low. Recent gene flow might exist between T. francoisi and T. leucocephalus. Combining morphological features, geographical distribution, allozyme data, RAPD data, and mtDNA sequences, we suggest that the white-head langur might be a subspecies of T. francoisi.


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Because their breeding and wintering areas are in remote locations, little is known about the biology of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis), including their migratory behavior. Using satellite telemetry, we monitored the migration of Black-necked Cran


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Cetaceans produce sound signals frequently. Usually, acoustic localization of cetaceans was made by cable hydrophone arrays and multichannel recording systems. In this study, a simple and relatively inexpensive towed acoustic system consisting of two miniature stereo acoustic data-loggers is described for localization and tracking of finless porpoises in a mobile survey. Among 204 porpoises detected acoustically, 34 individuals (similar to 17%) were localized, and 4 of the 34 localized individuals were tracked. The accuracy of the localization is considered to be fairly high, as the upper bounds of relative distance errors were less than 41% within 173 m. With the location information, source levels of finless porpoise clicks were estimated to range from 180 to 209 dB re 1 mu Pa pp at 1 m with an average of 197 dB (N=34), which is over 20 dB higher than that estimated previously from animals in enclosed waters. For the four tracked porpoises, two-dimensional swimming trajectories relative to the moving survey boat, absolute swimming speed, and absolute heading direction are deduced by assuming the animal movements are straight and at constant speed in the segment between two consecutive locations.


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The spawning areas and early development of long spiky-head carp, Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacepede), an endemic fish species in China, were investigated in the Yangtze River and Pearl River of central and southeastern China between 1961 and 1993. The potamodromous fish migrated upstream to spawn between May and July as the floodwater began to rise. The water-hardened eggs drifted down the river, and the embryos and larvae developed in the course of drifting. The spawning areas of the fish were widely found in the upper and middle main channels and large tributaries. Two large dams (Gezhouba dam and Danjiangkou dam) did not significantly impact on the reproduction of the fish. Fifty stages of the early development from one cell to the juvenile with fully formed fins were observed and characterized pictorially. The larvae of long spiky-head carp could be distinguished from the larvae of other co-occurring species by counting the number of somites and comparing the proportion of sizes of eye to otic capsule.


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This paper presents a novel vision chip for high-speed target tracking. Two concise algorithms for high-speed target tracking are developed. The algorithms include some basic operations that can be used to process the real-time image information during target tracking. The vision chip is implemented that is based on the algorithms and a row-parallel architecture. A prototype chip has 64 x 64 pixels is fabricated by 0.35 pm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) process with 4.5 x 2.5 mm(2) area. It operates at a rate of 1000 frames per second with 10 MHz chip main clock. The experiment results demonstrate that a high-speed target can be tracked in complex static background and a high-speed target among other high-speed objects can be tracked in clean background.


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Mathematical formulas for estimating the hourly and daily radiation incident on planes of azimuth three step tracking and hour angle three step tracking have been derived in this paper. Based on the hourly solar radiation data of an average day in each month at Er-Lian-Hao-Te city, the hourly and monthly radiation received by planes of these two kinds of tracking have been calculated. The results show that in this district, one axis azimuth three step tracking and hour angle three step tracking could, respectively, obtain 66.5% and 63.3% higher radiation than that on the horizontal surface all year. Moreover, a two axis azimuth three step tracking plane could receive 72% more radiation than the horizontal surface. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies the development of a real-time stereovision system to track multiple infrared markers attached to a surgical instrument. Multiple stages of pipeline in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) are developed to recognize the targets in both left and right image planes and to give each target a unique label. The pipeline architecture includes a smoothing filter, an adaptive threshold module, a connected component labeling operation, and a centroid extraction process. A parallel distortion correction method is proposed and implemented in a dual-core DSP. A suitable kinematic model is established for the moving targets, and a novel set of parallel and interactive computation mechanisms is proposed to position and track the targets, which are carried out by a cross-computation method in a dual-core DSP. The proposed tracking system can track the 3-D coordinate, velocity, and acceleration of four infrared markers with a delay of 9.18 ms. Furthermore, it is capable of tracking a maximum of 110 infrared markers without frame dropping at a frame rate of 60 f/s. The accuracy of the proposed system can reach the scale of 0.37 mm RMS along the x- and y-directions and 0.45 mm RMS along the depth direction (the depth is from 0.8 to 0.45 m). The performance of the proposed system can meet the requirements of applications such as surgical navigation, which needs high real time and accuracy capability.


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This paper studies the development of a real-time stereovision system to track multiple infrared markers attached to a surgical instrument. Multiple stages of pipeline in field-programmable gate array (FPGA) are developed to recognize the targets in both left and right image planes and to give each target a unique label. The pipeline architecture includes a smoothing filter, an adaptive threshold module, a connected component labeling operation, and a centroid extraction process. A parallel distortion correction method is proposed and implemented in a dual-core DSP. A suitable kinematic model is established for the moving targets, and a novel set of parallel and interactive computation mechanisms is proposed to position and track the targets, which are carried out by a cross-computation method in a dual-core DSP. The proposed tracking system can track the 3-D coordinate, velocity, and acceleration of four infrared markers with a delay of 9.18 ms. Furthermore, it is capable of tracking a maximum of 110 infrared markers without frame dropping at a frame rate of 60 f/s. The accuracy of the proposed system can reach the scale of 0.37 mm RMS along the x- and y-directions and 0.45 mm RMS along the depth direction (the depth is from 0.8 to 0.45 m). The performance of the proposed system can meet the requirements of applications such as surgical navigation, which needs high real time and accuracy capability.