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时空异质性是生境的基本特征。几乎所有植物都是在一定尺度的时空异质性环境中完成其生活史的。在进化过程中,植物可能形成了各种有效利用环境异质性的生态适应对策。克隆生长使得克隆植物在理论上更容易适应于异质性环境。本文以匍匐茎和根状茎型草本为材料,应用实验生态学方法研究了游击型克隆植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。 在沙丘生境(如毛乌素沙地)中,沙埋是植物常常遭遇的事件。由于沙埋在水平空间表现出非均匀性,克隆植物的基株或克隆片断常常经历局部沙埋。通过温室和野外实验,研究了克隆整合作用对鹅绒委陵菜和沙鞭沙埋分株忍受沙埋能力的影响。结果表明,克隆整合显著提高鹅绒委陵菜和沙鞭沙埋分株的存活。进一步的耗-益分析表明,克隆整合使鹅绒委陵菜沙埋分株显著受益,而对非沙埋分株却没有显著耗损,故整个克隆片断的生长得到显著提高。因此,克隆整合是沙丘生境中克隆植物对局部沙埋胁迫的生态适应对策之一。 通过2个温室实验,研究了金戴戴对光照、基质养分和盐分的克隆可塑性。结果表明:光照强度、基质养分和盐分对金戴戴克隆生长和克隆形态均有十分显著的影响。深度遮光、低养和高盐均显著削弱金戴戴的生长,其生物量、叶面积、分株数、匍匐茎长及叶柄长和根冠比对基质盐分的可塑性大小和格局显示出基株间的差异。在低养分条件下,金戴戴匍匐茎节间显著伸长,而分枝强度显著减弱。这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合,表明当生长于异质性环境,金戴戴可凭借克隆可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取。因此,克隆可塑性是克隆植物利用环境异质性的另一条途径。 在另一温室实验中,研究了三种匍匐茎克隆草本鹅绒委陵菜、金戴戴和绢毛匍匐委陵菜对光照和养分资源交互斑块性环境的反应。当置于高光低养下的分株与低光高养下的分株相连时,高光低养分株、低光高养分株以及克隆片断的生物量均得到显著提高。同时,低光高养下分株的根冠比相对增加,而高光低养下分株的根冠比相对下降。这表明,三种克隆植物发生了环境诱导的克隆内分工行为。这种环境诱导的克隆内分工行为有利于整个基株对资源交互斑块性环境的利用,是克隆植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。


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  克隆植物常常生长在资源异质性分布的环境中,克隆植物特有的生活史特征使其对环境和资源变化产生的反应规范(Reaction norm)具有特殊的表现和适应意义。本文以匍匐茎草本植物蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)和活血丹(Glechoma longituba)为材料,研究克隆植物在不同异质性环境中的反应规范,即可塑性(plasticity)和克隆分株间相互作用(即克隆整合(clonal integration))对表型的影响及其适应意义。 蛇莓和活血丹是具有不同分枝类型的两种匍匐茎草本植物。对于匍匐茎草本植物而言,生境中光资源分布在时间和空间上的变化极为丰富。本文主要研究在不同环境中,这两种克隆植物克隆分株间的相互作用是如何通过影响其形态特征,从而影响其光资源获取策略。 实验涉及了4种光照条件,分为5个部分,分别在大棚和野外进行。 1.同质光环境中蛇莓和活血丹克隆片段的可塑性 在大棚中,将整个克隆片段(clonal fragment)都放置在光照强度分别为自然光照PPFD(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density)的100%、50%和10%三种不同的同质光环境中,目标是通过比较不同光照强度同质环境中不同基因型的形态特征,揭示匍匐茎草本克隆植物的反应规范及遗传差异。实验结果发现,当光照强度从100% PPFD 降到 50% PPFD时,活血丹增加对地上部分生物量投资,增加部分多投入到匍匐茎上,用于支持匍匐茎实现觅食行为,叶片和叶柄的变化不大。同样条件下,蛇莓的生物量投资却向根部转移,地上部分叶片和叶柄形态上的变化比匍匐茎的形态变化显著,出现增强对光资源吸收能力的变化。当光照强度从50%降到 10%时,活血丹继续增加对地上部分的生物量投资,但由于光照强度弱,几乎不足以维持新的匍匐茎的发生,所有增加的生物量部分都投入到叶片和叶柄的变化上。这种条件下,蛇莓的生物量投资依然向根部转移,叶片和叶柄为增加对光资源吸收能力而发生了相应变化,匍匐茎的新增数减少,形态变化也不大。实验证明,可能由于匍匐茎的发生方式不同,活血丹的匍匐茎节间长度,叶片和叶柄的关联程度比蛇莓相应性状的关联程度强。不同基因型的蛇莓和活血丹对光照梯度的反应有显著差异。 2.异质光环境中蛇莓克隆片段的可塑性 针对克隆植物分株间在相当长的时间里形体相连,而环境异质性可能存在于分株大小的空间尺度,设置异质环境,将蛇莓的不同相连分株放置在不同的光资源斑块中,研究其整合作用在适应异质性环境过程中的作用及其对表型的影响。首先设置同一种资源(光资源)的梯度差异斑块。 在光斑块中,整合作用发生与否、作用方式与资源梯度、分株自身所处斑块的资源条件和分株的年龄结构有关。在不同的条件下,整合作用可能造成对表型的不同影响,从而可能加剧或削弱分株对本地资源的反应(局部反应,local response)。整合作用对分株局部反应的影响强度和方向,在不同基因型间存在明显差异。这些基因型间的差异暗示,整合作用可能也是具有遗传基础的一种独立性状。 3.光块斑和养分斑块共存环境中活血丹克隆片段的可塑性 设置光和养分的资源互补性斑块。将相连分株种植在不同斑块中。当生长在高光低养斑块中的分株与其互补斑块(低光高养斑块)的分株相连时,其适合度相关性状的值增加,根冠比是可塑的,通过相应的形态变化,高光照斑块中的分株捕获光资源的能力增强,但两种斑块中植株的吸收养分的能力却没有大的变化。收益-损耗分析显示整合作用有益于异质环境中的植株,低光高养斑块中植株的生物量获益。实验结果证明了异质环境中相连分株间存在光合产物和养分传递。在这种环境种,分株形态的变化对本地斑块发生趋富反应,形态的改变有助于对本地丰富资源的吸收。这种反应有利于克隆片段对资源的吸收。 4.野外环境中蛇莓克隆片段的可塑性 基于大棚实验资料,对野外林下蛇莓种群进行监测。首先对单株在林下复杂的光环境中的表现进行了跟踪,结果发现,随着分株数目的增加,适合度相关性状值有所提高,而处于不同位置的相连分株在形态上的差异不显著。大棚实验中发现的显著形态变化在具有显著差异的自然环境条件下没有发生,这可能暗示着在资源条件变化频率较高的环境中整合作用的作用方式。分株不是对某一时刻资源条件进行形态特化,而是通过对所扩展的总体区域的总的环境条件调整表型。这样,从克隆片段的水平上看,资源的吸收可能达到较高水平。在密度增大,植株间互相荫蔽使得光照减弱的情况下,匍匐茎的变化没有表现出觅食行为,叶片和叶柄出现增大增长等增强吸收光能力的相应表型变化,证明叶片叶柄是克服光照不足的主要器官。这些结果与大棚实验结果一致。蛇莓基株对于相连分株内部可能具有密度调节功能,从而通过减弱叶片增大的趋势,增长匍匐茎,分散新生分株,使密度保持在一定程度,不对种群的发展造成阻碍作用。非相连分株间随着密度的增大,相互间的作用方式类似于非克隆植物:出现叶片增大,叶柄增长的现象,同时密度制约了适合度相关性状如分株数目等的增加。 5.野外环境中蛇莓种群格局动态 最后,在进化的单位,种群水平上对蛇莓种群在自然界的动态进行了调查。Spearman相关分析,没有发现光资源和测量指标在量上的相关。在自然界中整合作用使大量分散分布、相互连接的分株相互作用,以促进基株对资源的获取。Moran’s I指数分析显示,随时间的推进,各个指标在相关尺度上有所增加。这暗示了整合作用的存在,分株间联系的加强。大棚实验中观察到的关于各个器官的作用的结论在自然界中得到进一步的验证。蛇莓匍匐茎在遮荫环境中不是作为觅食器官。为了争取对更多光资源的吸收,蛇莓在叶片数和叶形态上发生改变。对分株数、叶片数、匍匐茎数目的分布格局的调查显示出没有一定的规律性,而且处于不断的变化中。这一结果可能暗示种群发展过程中处理异质性分布资源的对策的变化。 此外,本文还揭示了可塑性和整合作用在基因型间的差异,针对所发现的现象,从作用的遗传机制上对可塑性及其适应意义进行了讨论。结合分子生物学和地统计学等学科的研究成果,对进一步的实验提出了方法和路线。


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克隆植物同一基株的相连克隆分株或克隆片段常常生长在资源条件不同的斑块中,分株间形成克隆整合和克隆可塑性以及克隆分工等有效地获取必需资源的生态适应对策,提高在异质性斑块生境中的适合度,适应环境的异质性变化。但在以往的克隆植物生态学的理论研究中,为了研究的简化和方便,往往忽略了土壤中微生物的作用。丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)真菌是自然界中广泛存在的土壤微生物之一,可与大多数的高等植物形成共生菌根,影响植物的生长、发育及其在生态系统中的作用。 本文应用实验生态学方法,以蛇莓、狗牙根和白三叶为研究对象,在温室受控条件下,对异质养分斑块中的分株对接种AM真菌,探讨AM真菌对资源斑块中克隆植物的影响。 第一个实验设计单一磷养分斑块,以蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)和摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)为研究对象,探讨丛枝AM真菌对克隆整合的影响。将蛇莓相连的两个分株,即分株对,分别种植在两个隔离的花盆中,各施以高磷和低磷营养液,保持或切断分株间匍匐茎连接,即间隔子,再将菌剂接种到低磷斑块中分株。结果发现间隔子状态和接菌处理都显著影响低磷斑块中蛇莓分株的根系生物量分配。对照处理中保持间隔子连接显著减少低磷斑块中分株生物量向根系的分配,接菌后这一差异显著减小。保持间隔子连接或接菌对高磷斑块中分株的根系生物量分配不显著。保持间隔子连接和接菌都显著增加低磷斑块分株的生物量在分株对生物量中所占比例,二者无显著交互作用。 第二个实验设计光照和养分斑块,以狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)和摩西球囊霉为研究对象,探讨AM真菌对克隆植物非局域反应的影响。将狗牙根分株对的两个分株分别种植在两个花盆中,各施以光照强度与土壤养分交互斑块性环境条件,形成高养低光和高光低养斑块,保持或切断间隔子,再将菌剂接种到目标分株。结果发现对照处理中,间隔子状态显著影响分株的局域反应。高养斑块中保持间隔子连接的分株的根长显著大于间隔子断裂的分株的根长,高光斑块中保持间隔子连接的分株的根长显著小于间隔子断裂的分株的根长。高光斑块中保持间隔子连接的分株的叶面积显著大于间隔子断裂的分株的叶面积,间隔子状态对低光高养斑块分株的叶面积无显著影响。在低光高养斑块中,相对于间隔子断裂的分株,间隔子连接的分株将更多的生物量分配到根系,而在高光斑块中的分株则相反。这些都说明,无AM真菌侵染的情况下,狗牙根分株对的两个分株在实验中各自形成的克隆部分的分株形态反应都受到了克隆整合的作用,表现为非局域反应。接种AM真菌后,高光斑块中分株的根长和高养斑块中分株的叶面积在间隔子连接和断裂处理之间的差异显著减小。生物量分配的差异不受接菌的影响。对照处理中,高养斑块中间隔子连接的分株生物量和分株数显著高于间隔子断裂的分株,但高光斑块中分株之间无显著差异。接种AM真菌显著降低高养斑块中分株的生物量和分株数,对高光斑块中分株无显著影响。 第三个实验设计光照和养分交互斑块,以白三叶(Trifolium repens)和多种AM真菌为研究对象,探讨AM真菌及其多样性对克隆分工的影响。将间隔子连接(整合)或断裂(无整合)的白三叶分株对种植于光照强度和土壤养分交互斑块性资源条件下(即,高光低养和低光高养),向分株对接种灭菌处理、单种或五种AM真菌的菌剂。结果发现,对照处理中,间隔子连接的分株对在光养交互斑块中与间隔子断裂的分株对相比较表现出克隆分工,即高光低养斑块中的分株的根系生物量分配增加,低光高养斑块中的分株的根系生物量分配减少。单菌处理没有影响对照处理中间隔子状态对分株对生物量分配的改变;多菌处理显著减小对照中生物量分配的改变;与单菌处理比较,多菌处理能显著减小生物量分配的改变。在高光低养斑块中,多菌处理显著抑制间隔子断裂分株的根生物量分配的增加。在低光高养斑块中,多菌处理完全抑制在对照处理中间隔子连接的分株的根生物量分配的增加。在对照处理中,间隔子连接分株的单叶面积、总叶面积、叶柄长、根长都与生物量分配趋势一致,表现出对丰富资源的特化。接菌处理能显著抑制这些形态指标的改变。多菌处理显著抑制这些指标的特化,并且抑制效果显著强于单菌处理。间隔子状态和AM真菌处理显著增加高光低养、低光高养斑块中分株及整个克隆片段的生物量和分株数。多菌处理抑制间隔子连接的克隆片段生物量和分株数增加。克隆片段的生物量和分株数在对照和单菌处理间无显著差异,在多菌处理中显著高于在单菌处理中。 以上三个实验说明,(1)AM真菌对克隆植物生长的影响与非克隆植物一样,受到植物种类和环境资源水平的影响;(2)AM真菌对异质性资源环境中克隆植物的影响由于植物不同而产生不同的效应;(3)提高AM真菌的多样性可能增强菌根对克隆植物的作用。 这些研究结果揭示出AM真菌与异质性环境中克隆植物整合作用、非局域反应和克隆分工作用的交互影响,表明克隆生长在生态系统中的重要性可由生物和非生物因素共同决定。


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克隆植物被认为比非克隆植物更宜于利用异质性环境。在复杂的空间异质环境中,克隆植物可能形成了各种有效利用环境异质性的适应对策。对于克隆植物适应机制的研究,前人已做了大量的工作,特别是从形态和生物量分配等方面对简单异质生境下克隆植物的克隆整合和克隆分工进行了详细的研究。本研究以分布广泛的克隆植物东方草莓(Fragaria orientalis)作为研究对象,应用野外调查和实验生态学方法,采用多对比度单资源模型和不同向双资源模型,从形态和生理生态的角度,研究复杂异质生境下克隆植物的整合和分工及其耗益问题,分析不同类型的生境对克隆植物整合和分工的修饰作用,进而探讨克隆植物对异质生境的适应策略。克隆构型和分株种群特征是植物克隆生长及其生态适应对策研究的基本内容。本文通过野外调查,研究在不同光照条件下东方草莓克隆构型、分株种群特征以及点分布格局。结果表明:东方草莓的克隆构型随光照发生相应的变化,低光照下其匍匐茎节间长和分枝角度均增大而分枝强度减小;随光照减弱,东方草莓分株种群的生物量、根冠比和分株种群密度显著降低;不同光照下东方草莓分株均以随机分布为主但不同尺度下有所差异,其分布格局强度依次为旷地<林缘<林下。结合克隆植物对资源的利用对策,探讨了克隆构型和分株种群特征以及分布格局随环境条件变化的生态适应意义。不同生境斑块条件下克隆植物可能采取不同的适应对策。采用盆栽实验,研究不同水分对比度下克隆整合及其生理生态特征,并对单向和交互资源中东方草莓的克隆整合做了对比研究。结果显示:高的水分对比度能够促进东方草莓的克隆整合,并能刺激相连分株增加光合作用,东方草莓体内的氧化—抗氧化系统也II随对比度做出相应的反应。耗-益分析表明胁迫分株的受益是以供给分株的损耗为代价的,但从克隆片段总体来说是受益的。单向资源中东方草莓生长的绝对值高于交互资源,但耗-益分析表明生长于交互资源下东方草莓的克隆整合获益大于生长于单向资源下东方草莓的克隆整合获益。长期生长于特定生境的克隆植物,在进化过程中其克隆整合和克隆分工在对资源异质性的适应策略方面可能有所侧重。采用盆栽实验对来自不同海拔梯度的东方草莓的克隆整合和克隆分工对异质资源的适应对策进行了研究。实验结果表明,来自高海拔的东方草莓可塑性较差。来自两个海拔的东方草莓对切断匍匐茎的表现有所差异,总体上切断匍匐茎对来自高海拔的东方草莓影响更大些。另外,来自高海拔的东方草莓表现出更高的克隆分工。IIIClonal plants are known to be more suitable for the habitats of heterogeneousresources than nonclonal plants, perhaps due to their well developed adaptivestrategies to environmental heterogeneity. Many studies have been done on theadaptive mechanisms of clonal plants, especially on the clonal integration anddivision of labor with morphology and biomass allocation under simpleheterogeneous habitats. Based on field surveys, laboratory experiments, multi-contrastunidirectional resource model and reciprocal resource model, Fragaria orientalis, aRosaceae stoloniferous herb that widely distributes in China, was used to study thisplant’s morphological and physiological responses to complicated heterogeneoushabitats in terms of its clonal integration, division of labor and cost-benefit, as well astheir modifications by different habitats, so as to better understand the adaptivestrategies of clonal plants under heterogeneous environments.Clonal architecture and ramet population characteristics are of the major concernin the studies on growth and adaptive strategies of clonal plants. Clonal architecture,ramet population characteristics and spatial point pattern of F. orientalis underdifferent light intensity were studied with field observations. The results showed that,clonal architecture changed with light availability: Internode-lengths and branchangels of stolons were larger while branch intensities were smaller under lower lightintensity than those under higher light intensity; Biomass of ramet population,root-shoot ratio and density of ramet population decreased significantly with reduce oflight intensity; Under all light intensities, spatial pattern of ramets was mainlyrandomly distributed but it changed with different scales, with pattern intensity as:open space < forest edge < understory. Adaptation significance of the clonal architecture, the ramet population characteristics and the spatial pattern changing withdifferent environments was discussed according to these results.Clonal plants may take different adaptive strategies under different patches. Withpot culture, clonal integration and physiological parameters of F. orientalis underdifferent water contrasts were studied, and clonal integration under unilateralresources and reciprocal resources were also compared. The results suggested that,high water contrast improve the clonal integration of F. orientalis and increase thephotosynthesis of connected ramets. Oxidative and antioxidative system of F.orientalis also responded with changing water contrasts. According to cost-benefitanalysis, the drought-stressed ramets obtained benefits from the connectedwell-watered ramets, and as a whole, the clonal fragment could also get benefits.Growth of F. orientalis in homogeneous resources was better than that inheterogeneous resources, but the whole plant got more benefit through clonalintegration in heterogeneous resources than in homogeneous resources.Pot culture experiments were also used to study the adaptive strategies inutilizing heterogeneous resources by the plant populations from different altitudes.The results showed that, F. orientalis from alpine zones were shorter and lessexpanded with poorer clonal plasticity than those from middle mountains. F.orientalis from two different altitudes showed different responses to stolon severing,and as a whole, stolon severing had more influence on F. orientalis from alpine zones.In addition, F. orientalis from alpine zones exhibited higher division of labor, whichsuggested that clonal plants from different habitats develop their own adaptivemechanisms in their clonal integration and division of labor in response toenvironmental heterogeneity.


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青藏高原东南缘由于特殊的生态地理条件,有着丰富的森林资源,这些资源是长江上游涵养水源、保持水土的生态屏障,是生物多样性的资源宝库。但随着过量的森林采伐,使该区曾经丰富的生物多样性资源遭受了前所未有的破坏,天然林的质量严重下降,生态系统退化,功能减弱。与此同时,许多物种的种群规模正在锐减,物种的遗传多样性也严重丧失。川西云杉是西部地区分布最广的云杉树种之一,在较高海拔的地区有着重要的生态学功能,是一种适应性很强的乡土树种。本项目采用简单序列重复标记(SSR)和特定序列位点(STS)研究不同生境条件下川西云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示川西云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。研究成果能有效地为该树种遗传资源的科学保护与合理利用提供理论依据和科学指导,可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 STS和SSR两种分子标记的研究结果表明:川西云杉群体拥有中等水平的遗传多样性(基于SSR标记,平均He = 0.640;基于STS标记,平均He = 0.553)。造成这种中等水平的遗传多样性,可能是由于历史原因,川西云杉天然林被大量采伐,导致了遗传多样性的丧失。两种方法都检测出群体BT有着最高水平的遗传多样性。 2 两种标记的结果都一致说明:检测的10个川西云杉群体间遗传分化比较高,其存在群体间的遗传变异比例要明显地高于广泛分布的挪威云杉、横贯大陆的黑云杉以及兼有连续分布和不连续分布的西加云杉等,但要低于分布范围狭窄且呈不连续分布的粗枝云杉。青藏高原东南部的片段化生境可能是导致高水平遗传分化的主要原因。 3 基于两种标记的UPGMA 聚类和PCA分析结果,以及基于SSR标记的FCA分析结果都显示:群体BY遗传上明显区别于其它群体,其可能原因是青藏高原东南缘山脉阻隔而导致的生殖隔离的结果。 4 根据软件Bottleneck 1.2.02的检测以及不依赖哈迪一温伯格平衡的M比率检测结果:川西云杉种群很有可能经历了近期的遗传瓶颈效应。在本研究中遗传瓶颈效应并没有显著影响到物种的遗传多样性。然而,在这些片断化群体未来的子代群体中很可能出现遗传瓶颈导致的遗传多样性下降的效应。 Due to the extremely complex topography and climatic conditions, the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is region abundant in forest resource, which is benefit to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River water conservation, and protecting natural environment and biodiversity resources. However, by the reason of a plenty of trees were cut in these yeas, the biodiversity resource was destroy with degraded ecosystem and imperfect funcation. Picea balfouriana is one of the regionally distributed conifer species in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and considered as a constructive species within its distribution area. It is an optimal species for the production of biomass. Moreover, it is well adapted to stressful environments at high altitude, especially to cold and drought conditions which are generally harsh for other trees. In our study, two types of molecular markers (SSR and STS) were used to estimate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of P. balfouriana populations originating from the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with varying climatic and geographical conditions. The results will not only provide a deep insight into its genetic diversity and population genetic structure but also valuable information for further management and breeding programs in P. balfouriana. In summary, the results obtained in this study revealed that: 1 A moderate degree of genetic variation is present in P. balfouriana in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and it may caused by many trees were cut in the past. Population BT owns the highest level of genetic diversity by both two types of markers. 2 Considerable population differentiation exists among the ten P. balfouriana populations based on both SSR and STS markers, possibly caused by habitat fragmentation and heterogeneous environments. 3 The UPGMA clustering and PCA analyses based on SSR and STS marker, and FCA analyses based on SSR marker congruously separated population BY from other populations, which is likely due to the presence of mountain barriers. 4 The results of bottleneck analysis indicated that P. balfouriana populations that have undergone recent declines. In our research, the bottleneck effect don’t have a significant impact on the genetic diversity of species, however, the level of genetic diversity of P. balfouriana offspring populations growing in the fragmented habitats will decline in the future.


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Analytical and numerical studies of secondary electro-osmotic flow EOF and its mixing in microchannels with heterogeneous zeta potentials are carried out in the present work. The secondary EOFs are analyzed by solving the Stokes equation with heterogeneous slip velocity boundary conditions. The analytical results obtained are compared with the direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. The secondary EOFs could transport scalar in larger areas and increase the scalar gradients, which significantly improve the mixing rate of scalars. It is shown that the heterogeneous zeta potentials could generate complex flow patterns and be used to enhance scalar mixing.


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The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe activity patterns of a physical field in its manner of coarsegrain. In this paper, we propose an approach by which the state vector was applied to describe quantitatively the damage evolution of the brittle heterogeneous systems, and some interesting results are presented, i.e., prior to the macro-fracture of rock specimens and occurrence of a strong earthquake, evolutions of the four relevant scalars time series derived from the state vectors changed anomalously. As retrospective studies, some prominent large earthquakes occurred in the Chinese Mainland (e.g., the M 7.4 Haicheng earthquake on February 4, 1975, and the M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976, etc) were investigated. Results show considerable promise that the time-dependent state vectors could serve as a kind of precursor to predict earthquakes.


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In heterogeneous brittle media, the evolution of damage is strongly influenced by the multiscale coupling effect. To better understand this effect, we perform a detailed investigation of the damage evolution, with particular attention focused on the catastrophe transition. We use an adaptive multiscale finite-element model (MFEM) to simulate the damage evolution and the catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are investigated for a heterogeneous medium whose initial shear strength follows the Weibull distribution. Damage is induced through the application of the Coulomb failure criterion to each element, and the element mesh is refined where the failure criterion is met. We found that as damage accumulates, there is a stronger and stronger nonlinear increase in stress and the stress redistribution distance. The coupling of the dynamic stress redistribution and the heterogeneity at different scales result in an inverse cascade of damage cluster size, which represents rapid coalescence of damage at the catastrophe transition.


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Successive thicker P(3MeTh) layers are analysed by ex situ conventional and imaging ellipsometry. Thin films display a smooth surface, are compact and homogeneous while for a growth charge above 20 mC cm(-2) the polymer structure modifies to a still uniform but less dense layer. A two-layer model is used and a mathematical procedure is developed to obtain, simultaneously, from the experimental ellipsometric parameters, Delta and Psi, the thickness and the complex refractive index of P(3MeTh) films grown up to 80 mC cm(-2). Thicker polymer layers are disordered and present a high degree of surface roughness. 


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It has been shown in CA simulations and data analysis of earthquakes that declustered or characteristic large earthquakes may occur with long-range stress redistribution. In order to understand long-range stress redistribution, we propose a linear-elastic but heterogeneous-brittle model. The stress redistribution in the heterogeneous-brittle medium implies a longer-range interaction than that in an elastic medium. Therefore, it is surmised that the longer-range stress redistribution resulting from damage in heterogeneous media may be a plausible mechanism governing main shocks.


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Damage evolution of heterogeneous brittle media involves a wide range of length scales. The coupling between these length scales underlies the mechanism of damage evolution and rupture. However, few of previous numerical algorithms consider the effects of the trans-scale coupling effectively. In this paper, an adaptive mesh refinement FEM algorithm is developed to simulate this trans-scale coupling. The adaptive serendipity element is implemented in this algorithm, and several special discontinuous base functions are created to avoid the incompatible displacement between the elements. Both the benchmark and a typical numerical example under quasi-static loading are given to justify the effectiveness of this model. The numerical results reproduce a series of characteristics of damage and rupture in heterogeneous brittle media.


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In heterogeneous brittle media, the evolution of damage is strongly influenced by the multiscale coupling effect. To better understand this effect, we perform a detailed investigation of the damage evolution, with particular attention focused on the catastrophe transition. We use an adaptive multiscale finite-element model (MFEM) to simulate the damage evolution and the catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are investigated for a heterogeneous medium whose initial shear strength follows the Weibull distribution. Damage is induced through the application of the Coulomb failure criterion to each element, and the element mesh is refined where the failure criterion is met. We found that as damage accumulates, there is a stronger and stronger nonlinear increase in stress and the stress redistribution distance. The coupling of the dynamic stress redistribution and the heterogeneity at different scales result in an inverse cascade of damage cluster size, which represents rapid coalescence of damage at the catastrophe transition.


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