44 resultados para H4IIE rat hepatoma

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Effects of La3+ and Gd3+ on Ca2+ influx were investigated in rat hepatoma H-35 cells by measuring the initial rate of Ca-45(2+) uptake. It was found that the maximum initial rate of Ca2+ uptake was increased six- to ten-fold at low concentrations of La3+ and Gd3+. Kinetic analyses by measuring the initial rate of Ca2+ influx at different external Ca2+ concentrations indicated the existence of two intracellular exchangeable components in the basal Ca2+ system, with low and high affinities for Ca2+, and only one class of Ca2+ binding sites was observed in the La3+- or Gd3+-treated cells. For high affinity, La3+ and Gc(3+) increased both kinetic parameters K-m and V-max of basal Ca2+ influx. La3+ and Gd3+ compete directly with Ca2+ for Ca2+ binding site for low affinity. The kinetics is competitive.


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The H4IIE rat hepatoma cell line was employed as a cell model to screen 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD)-TCDD equivalents (EROD-TEQ) of human breast milk samples collected from Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China. The screening methods employed a 96-well plate spectrofluorometer-EROD assay. For cell-line validation, our results demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in the Ah receptor-mediated response (i.e., CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD) of the cells upon exposure to a number of known Ah receptor agonists, including 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzothiophene, benzo[a]pyrene, and beta-naphthaflavone. TCDD induced CYP1A1 mRNA and EROD was in a close positive correlation (r = 0.98). For the screening of dioxin-like compounds, breast milk samples collected during lactation weeks 3-5 were used. One hundred (from Hong Kong) and 48 (from Guangzhou) breast milk samples were assayed, of which 65% and 68% of the samples, respectively, showed detectable dioxin-like activities using the H4IIE cell EROD screening method. For sixty-five samples from Hong Kong the mean EROD-TEQ values ranged from 58.1 to 96.5 pg/g of milk fat for those aged 21-36 years while 32 samples from Guangzhou had mean values of 98.8-202.1 pg/g of milk fat. In comparisons of the EROD-TEQ values for different age groups from both cities, there were no significant differences (P < 0.05). However, the mean and median EROD-TEQ values of the Guangzhou population were in general higher than those of the Hong Kong population. The results of the present study indicate that it is feasible to use the H4IIE cell-line as a model for screening dioxin-like compounds in human breast milk. In addition, the method is rapid and cost-effective, particularly for a routine and high-throughput sample screening analysis, compared to the costly and time-intensive chemical analytical techniques. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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As the active metabolites of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) are found in wildlife and human tissues. They have been proposed as main contributors for endocrine disruption of PCBs in living organisms. In this study, mono-ortho PCB 156 and its hydroxylated metabolites 4'-OH-PCB 159, 4'-OH-PCB 121, and 4'-OH-PCB 72 were selected to investigate the toxic effects on rat hepatoma H4IIE cell line and rat thyroid follicle FRTL-5 cell line at concentrations of 1, 10(2), 10(4) nM. 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and 7-pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (PROD) activities were determined with micro-EROD/PROD to indicate cytochrome P4501 A1 (CYP1A1) and cytochrome P4502B (CYP2B) induction in the H4IIE cell after exposure for 72 h. To assess thyroid disruption of these compounds, thyroglobulin concentrations also were detected inside FRTL-5 cell with immunocellularchemistry and in its medium with radioimmunoassay after exposure for 24 It. Significant inductions of EROD activity by PCB 156 at 102 and 104 nM (p < 0.05) were observed, but no effects by the three OH-PCBs in H4IIE cell line. 7-Pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase activities were induced only by 10(4) nM of PCB156 and the three OH-PCBs (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, significant increases of thyroglobulin concentrations were observed in the medium of FRTL-5 cell exposed to 4'-OH-PCB 121 and 4'-OH-PCB 72 at all of the test concentrations (p < 0.05), but not to the other compounds. The results demonstrated that mono-ortho PCBs mainly could be metabolized to hydroxylated metabolites through CYP1A1 instead of CYP2B. Moreover, after being metabolized, OH-PCBs still sustained the ability to induce PROD activity and did exhibit the disruption on thyroglobulin synthesis/excretion in rat cells.


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Aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor (Ah-agonist) effects of environmental samples containing polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons were evaluated using a 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (FROD) assay of a primary hepatocyte culture from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). The results were compared with those obtained from the assay using the rat hepatoma cell line H4IIE and chemical analysis using high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). A dose-response relationship was observed between the EROD activities, either from primary hepatocyte culture assay or from H4IIE assay, and concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The results showed that the assay based on the H4IIE cell line (EC50 = 0.83 mug/mL) is more sensitive to TCDD than the assay based on primary hepatocyte Culture (EC50 = 9.7 pg/mL). In tests of environmental samples, the results from the assay using primary hepatocyte culture were comparable to those from the assay using the H4IIE cell line and chemical analysis of concentrations of mixtures of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran (PCDD/PCDF). The lack of a change in the activities of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in cell culture upon exposure to TCDD indirectly indicates that the compound is persistent to biodegradation in the cell culture system. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Acute stressful events enhance plasma corticosterone release and profoundly affect synaptic functions, which are involved in the development of stress-related cognitive and mental disorders. However, how exposure to stressful context immediately after str


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Ex vivo H-1 NMR spectroscopy was used to measure changes in the concentrations of cerebral metabolites in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus of rats subjected to repeated morphine treatment known to cause tolerance/dependence. The results show th


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) exposure during morphine treatment on dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) density in the rat dorsal hippocampus following withdrawal. Rats were exposed t


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Fea's tree rat (Chiromyscus chiropus) is a very rare species which there are only a few specimens in the world. The chromosomes of two male specimens, collected from Xishuanbanna, Yunnan, are analysed by several banding technique (G-, C-bands, as well as Ag-staining). The diploid chromosome number is 22, and autosomes comprise 5 pairs of metacentrics, 2 pairs of subacrocentrics, and 3 pairs of acrocentrics. The X chromosome is a acrocentric, and Y is a micro-chromosome, almost a point, which could be a marker chromosome of the species and the genus. The centromeric C-bands are very faint, and C-bands of Nos. 1, 2, 9 and Y chromosome are negative. Only one pair Ag-NORs was found on No. 10 in the silver-stained karyotype. The relationship between morphologic and chromosomal features was discussed, and C-banded karyotype evolutionary trend has also been discussed. Moreover, the conventional karyotype of Niviventer confucianus was described.


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Experience-dependent long-lasting increases in excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus are believed to underlie certain types of memory(1-3). Whereas stimulation of hippocampal pathways in freely moving rats can readily elicit a long-term potentiation (LTP) of transmission that may last for weeks, previous studies have failed to detect persistent increases in synaptic efficacy after hippocampus-mediated learning(4-6). As changes in synaptic efficacy are contingent on the history of plasticity at the synapses(7), we have examined the effect of experience-dependent hippocampal activation on transmission after the induction of LTP, We show that exploration of a new, non-stressful environment rapidly induces a complete and persistent reversal of the expression of high-frequency stimulation-induced early-phase LTP in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, without affecting baseline transmission in a control pathway. LTP expression is not affected by exploration of familiar environments. We found that spatial exploration affected LTP within a defined time window because neither the induction of LTP nor the maintenance of long-established LTP was blocked. The discovery of a novelty-induced reversal of LTP expression provides strong evidence that extensive long-lasting decreases in synaptic efficacy may act in tandem with enhancements at selected synapses to allow the detection and storage of new information by the hippocampus.


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Many ionotropic receptors are modulated by extracellular H+. So far, few studies have directly addressed the role of such modulation at synapses. In the present study, we investigated the effects of changes in extracellular pH on glycinergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) as well as glycine-evoked currents (I-Gly) in mechanically dissociated spinal neurons with native synaptic boutons preserved. H+ modulated both the mIPSCs and I-Gly, biphasically, although it activated an amiloride-sensitive inward current by itself. Decreasing extracellular pH reversibly inhibited the amplitude of the mIPSCs and I-Gly, while increasing external pH reversibly potentiated these parameters. Blockade of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) with amiloride, the selective antagonist of ASICs, or decreasing intracellular pH did not alter the modulatory effect of H+ on either mIPSCs or I-Gly, H+ shifted the EC50 of the glycine concentration-response curve from 49.3 +/- 5.7 muM at external pH 7.4 to 131.5 +/- 8.1 muM at pH 5.5, without altering the Cl- selectivity of the glycine receptor (GlyR), the Hill coefficient and the maximal I-Gly, suggesting a competitive inhibition of I-Gly by H+. Both Zn2+ and H+ inhibited I-Gly. However, H+ induced no further inhibition of I-Gly in the presence of a saturating concentration of Zn2+. In addition, H+ significantly affected the kinetics of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. It is proposed that H+ and/or Zn2+ compete with glycine binding and inhibit the amplitude of glycinergic mIPSCs and I-Gly. Moreover, binding of H+ induces a global conformational change in GlyR, which closes the GlyR Cl- channel and results in the acceleration of the seeming desensitization of IGly as well as speeding up the decay time constant of glycinergic mIPSCs. However, the deprotonation rate is faster than the unbinding rate of glycine from the GlyR, leading to reactivation of the undesensitized GlyR after washout of agonist and the appearance of a rebound I-Gly. H+ also modulated the glycine cotransmitter, GABA-activated current (I-GABA). Taken together, the results support a 'conformational coupling' model for H+ modulation of the GlyR and suggest that W may act as a novel modulator for inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian spinal cord.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are ligand-gated cation channels activated by extracellular protons. In periphery, they contribute to sensory transmission, including that of nociception and pain. Here we characterized ASIC-like currents in dorsal horn neurons of the rat spinal cord and their functional modulation in pathological conditions. Reverse transcriptase-nested PCR and Western blotting showed that three ASIC isoforms, ASIC1a, ASIC2a, and ASIC2b, are expressed at a high level in dorsal horn neurons. Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of the proton-gated currents suggest that homomeric ASIC1a and/or heteromeric ASIC1a + 2b channels are responsible for the proton-induced currents in the majority of dorsal horn neurons. Acidification-induced action potentials in these neurons were compatible in a pH-dependent manner with the pH dependence of ASIC-like current. Furthermore, peripheral complete Freund's adjuvant-induced inflammation resulted in increased expression of both ASIC1a and ASIC2a in dorsal horn. These results support the idea that the ASICs of dorsal horn neurons participate in central sensory transmission/modulation under physiological conditions and may play important roles in inflammation-related persistent pain.


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The subiculum, which is the primary target of CA1 pyramidal neurons and sending efferent fibres to many brain regions, serves as a hippocampal interface in the neural information processes between hippocampal formation and neocortex. Long-term depression (LTD) is extensively studied in the hippocampus, but not at the CA1-subicular synaptic transmission. Using whole-cell EPSC recordings in the brain slices of young rats, we demonstrated that the pairing protocols of low frequency stimulation (LFS) at 3 Hz and postsynaptic depolarization of -50 mVelicited a reliable LTD in the subiculum. The LTD did not cause the changes of the paired-pulse ratio of EPSC. Furthermore, it did not depend on either NMDA receptors or voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Bath application of the G-protein coupled muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) antagonists, atropine or scopolamine, blocked the LTD, suggesting that mAChRs are involved in the LTD. It was also completely blocked by either the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA or the G-protein inhibitor GDP-beta-S in the intracellular solution. This type of LTD in the subiculum may play a particular role in the neural information processing between the hippocampus and neocortex. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd and the Japan Neuroscience Society. All rights reserved.


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Clinical studies demonstrate that prenatal stress causes cognitive deficits and increases vulnerability to affective disorders in children and adolescents. The underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Here, we reported that prenatal stress (10