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PS II photochemical efficiency (F-v/F-m) of Nostoc flagelliforme was examined after rewetting in order to investigate the light-dependency of its photosynthetic recovery. F-v/F-m was not detected in the dark, but was immediately recognized in the light. Different levels of light irradiation (4, 40 and 400 mu mol photon m(2) s(-1)) displayed different effects on the recovery process of photosynthesis. The intermediate level led to the best recovery of photochemical efficiency; the low light required longer and the high light inhibited the extent of the recovered efficiency. It was concluded that the photosynthetic recovery of N. flagelliforme is both light-dependent and influenced by photon flux density.


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We formulate a lattice Boltzmann model which simulates Korteweg-de Vries equation by using a method of higher moments of lattice Boltzmann equation. Using a series of lattice Boltzmann equations in different time scales and the conservation law in time scale to, we obtain equilibrium distribution function. The numerical examples show that the method can be used to simulate soliton.


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In order to further investigate nanoindentation data of film-substrate systems and to learn more about the mechanical properties of nanometer film-substrate systems, two kinds of films on different substrate systems have been tested with a systematic variation in film thickness and substrate characteristics. The two kinds of films are aluminum and tungsten, which have been sputtered on to glass and silicon substrates, respectively. Indentation experiments were performed with a Nano Indent XP II with indenter displacements typically about two times the nominal film thicknesses. The resulting data are analyzed in terms of load-displacement curves and various comparative parameters, such as hardness, Young's modulus, unloading stiffness and elastic recovery. Hardness and Young's modulus are investigated when the substrate effects are considered. The results show how the composite hardness and Young's modulus are different for different substrates, different films and different film thicknesses. An assumption of constant Young's modulus is used for the film-substrate system, in which the film and substrate have similar Young's moduli. Composite hardness obtained by the Joslin and Oliver method is compared with the directly measured hardness obtained by the Oliver and Pharr method.


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The anadromous Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), mainly endemic to the Yangtze River in China, is an endangered fish species. The natural population has declined since the Gezhouba Dam blocked its migratory route to the spawning grounds in 1981. In the near future, the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric project, may further impact this species by altering the water flow of the Yangtze River. Little is currently known about the population genetic structure of the Chinese sturgeon. In this study, DNA sequence data were determined from the control region (D-loop) of the mitochondrial genome of adult sturgeons (n = 106) that were collected between 1995-2000. The molecular data were used to investigate genetic variation, effective female population size and population history of the Chinese sturgeon in the Yangtze River. Our results indicate that the reduction in abundance did not change genetic variation of the Chinese sturgeon, and that the population underwent an expansion in the past. AMOVA analysis indicated that 98.7% of the genetic variability occurred within each year's spawning populations, the year of collection had little influence on the diversity of annual temporary samples. The relative large effective female population size (N-ef) indicates that good potential exists for the recovery of this species in the future. Strikingly, the ratio of N-ef to the census female population size (N-f) is unusually high (0.77-0.93). This may be the result of a current bottleneck in the population of the Chinese sturgeon that is likely caused by human intervention.


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The South China tiger Panthera tigris amoyensis is the rarest of the five living tiger subspecies, the most critically threatened and the closest to extinction. No wild South China tigers have been seen by officials for 25 years and one was last brought into captivity 27 years ago. The 19 reserves listed by the Chinese Ministry of Forestry within the presumed range of the tiger are spatially fragmented and most are too small to support viable tiger populations. Over the last 40 years wild populations have declined from thousands to a scattered few. Despite its plight and occasional anecdotal reports of sightings by local people, no intensive field study has been conducted on this tiger subspecies and its habitat. The captive population of about 50 tigers, derived from six wild-caught founders, is genetically impoverished with low reproductive output. Given the size and fragmentation of potential tiger habitat, saving what remains of the captive population may be the only option left to prevent extinction of this tiger subspecies, and even this option is becoming increasingly less probable. This precarious dilemma demands that conservation priorities be re-evaluated and action taken immediately to decide if recovery of the wild population will be possible.


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An acute toxicity experiment was conducted by intraperitoneal injection with a sublethal dose of extracted microcystins (MCs), 50 mu g MC-LR (where L = leucine and R = arginine) equivalent/kg body weight (BW), to examine tissue distribution and depuration of MCs in crucian carp (Carassius carassius). Liver to body weight ratio increased at 3, 12, 24, and 48 h postinjection compared with that at 0 h (p < 0.05). MC concentrations in various tissues and aquaria water were analyzed at 1, 3, 12, 24, 48, and 168 h postinjection using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The highest concentration of MCs (MC-RR + MC-LR) was found in blood, 2 -270 ng/g dry weight (DW), followed by heart (3 -100 ng/g DW) and kidney (13 -88 ng/g DW). MC levels were relatively low in liver, gonad, intestine, spleen, and brain. MC contents in gills, gallbladder, and muscle were below the limit of detection. Significant negative correlation was present between MC-RR concentration in blood and that in kidney, confirming that blood was important in the transportation of MC-RR to kidney for excretion. Rapid accumulation and slow degradation of MCs were observed in gonad, liver, intestine, spleen, and brain. Only 0.07% of injected MCs were detected in liver. The recovery of MCs in liver of crucian carp seemed to be dose dependent.


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Many experimental studies have documented the impact of microcystins (MC) on fish based on either intraperitoneal injection, or oral gavaging via the diet, but few experiments were conducted by MC exposure through natural food uptake in lakes. In this study, the phytoplanktivorous silver carp were stocked in a large pen set in Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake where toxic Microcystis blooms occurred in the warm seasons. Fish samples were collected monthly and MC concentrations in liver and kidney of the fish were determined by LC-MS. The maximum MC concentrations in liver and kidney were present in July when damages in ultrastructures of the liver and kidney were revealed by electron microscope. In comparison with previous studies on common carp, silver carp showed less damage and presence of lysosome proliferation in liver and kidney. Silver carp might eliminate or lessen cell damage caused by MC through lysosome activation. Recovery in the ultrastructures of liver and kidney after Microcystis blooms was companied with a significant decrease or even disappearance of MC. Catalase and glutathione S-transferase in liver and kidney of silver carp during Microcystis blooms were significantly higher than before and after Microcystis blooms. The high glutathione pool in liver and kidney of silver carp suggests their high resistance to MC exposure. The efficient antioxidant defence may be an important mechanism of phytoplanktivorous fish like silver carp to counteract toxic Microcystis blooms. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In order to assess the short- and long-term impacts of UV radiation (LTVR, 280-400 nm) on the red tide alga, Heterosigma akashiwo, we exposed the cells to three different solar radiation treatments (PAB: 280-700 rim, PA: 320-700 nm, R 400-700 nm) under both solar and artificial radiation. A significant decrease in the effective quantum yield () during high irradiance periods (i.e., local noon) was observed, but the cells partially recovered during the evening hours. Exposure to high irradiances for 15, 30, and 60 min under a solar simulator followed by the recovery (8 h) under dark, 9 and 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) of PAR, highlighted the importance of the irradiance level during the recovery period. Regardless the radiation treatments, the highest recovery (both in rate and total Y) was found at a PAR irradiance of 9 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), while the lowest was observed at 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). In all experiments, PAR was responsible for most of the observed inhibition; nevertheless, the cells exposed only to PAR had the highest recovery in any condition, as compared to the other radiation treatments. In long-term experiments (10 days) using semi-continuous cultures, there was a significant increase of UV-absorbing compounds (UVabc) per cell from 1.2 to > 4 x 10(-6) mu g UVabc cell(-1) during the first 3-5 days of exposure to solar radiation. The highest concentration of UVabc was found in samples exposed in the PAB as compared to PA and P treatments. Growth rates (mu) mimic the behavior of UV-absorbing compounds, and during the first 5 days mu increased from < 0.2 to ca. 0.8, and stayed relatively constant at this value during the rest of the experiment. The inhibition of the Y decreased with increasing acclimation of cells. All our data indicates that H. akashiwo is a sensitive species, but was able acclimate relatively fast (3-5 days) synthesizing UV-absorbing compounds and thus reducing any impact either on photosystem 11 or on growth. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Intertidal seaweeds experience periodical desiccation and rehydration to different extents due to the tidal cycles and their vertical distributions. Their photosynthetic recovery process during the rehydration may show different patterns among the seaweeds from different zonations or depths at intertidal zone. In this study 12 species of seaweeds collected from the upper, middle, lower and sublittoral zones were examined. The relationship of the photosynthetic recovery to vertical distribution was assessed by comparing their patterns of photosynthetic and respiratory performances after rehydration following desiccation. Both the photosynthesis and dark respiration declined during emersion, showing certain degrees of recovery after re-immersion into seawater for most species, but the extents were markedly different from one species to the other. The species from upper intertidal zone after being rehydrated for 1 hour, following 2 hours of desiccation, achieved 100 % recovery of their initial physiological activity, while most of the lower or sublittoral species did not achieve full recovery. It is the ability to withstand desiccation stress (fast recovery during rehydration), but not that to avoid desiccation (water retaining ability) that determines the distribution of intertidal seaweeds. Such physiological behavior during rehydration after desiccation reflects the adaptive strategy of intertidal seaweeds against desiccation and their capability of primary production in the process of rehydration.


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Phytoplanktivorous bighead carp were injected i.p. with extracted microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at two doses, 200 and 500 MC-LReq. mu g kg(-1) bw, and the changes in extractable MCs in liver and in the ultrastructure of hepatocytes were studied at 1, 3, 12, 24 and 48 h after injection. Quantitative and qualitative determinations of MCs in the liver were conducted by HPLC and LC-MS, respectively. MC concentration in the liver reached the maxima at 12 It (2.89 mu g MCs g(-1) dry weight at the lower dose) or at 3 h (5.43 mu g MCs g(-1) dry weight at the higher dose) post-injection, followed by sharp declines afterwards, whereas the ultrastructural changes of hepatocytes in both dose groups suggest progressive increases in severity toward the directions of apoptosis and necrosis from I to 24 h, respectively. There were two new findings in fish: widening of intercellular spaces was among the early ultrastructural changes induced by MCs and ultrastructural recovery of hepatocytes was evident at 48 h post-injection in both dose groups. Both the present and previous studies suggest that with in vivo or in vitro exposure to microcystins, hepatocyte damage in fish tends to proceed toward the direction of apoptosis at lower MC concentrations but toward the direction of necrosis at high MC concentrations. The temporal dynamics of MCs in the liver suggest that bighead carp may have a mechanism to degrade or bind MC-LR actively after it enters the blood system. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dynamic process of light illumination of GaAs is studied numerically in this paper to understand the photoquenching characteristics of the material. This peculiar behavior of GaAs is usally ascribed to the existence of EL2 states and their photodriven metastable states. To understand the conductivity quenching, we have introduced nonlinear terms describing the recombination of the nonequilibrium free electrons and holes into the calculation. Though some photoquenching such as photocapacitance, infrared absorption, and electron-paramagnetic-resonance quenching can be explained qualitatively by only considering the internal transfer between the EL2 state and its metastability, it is essential to take the recombination into consideration for a clear understanding of the photoquenching process. The numerical results and approximate analytical approach are presented in this paper for the first time to our knowledge. The calculation gives quite a reasonable explanation for n-type semiconducting GaAs to have infrared absorption quenching while lacking photoconductance quenching. Also, the calculation results have allowed us to interpret the enhanced photoconductance phenomenon following the conductance quenching in typical semi-insulating GaAs and have shown the expected thermal recovery temperature of about 120 K. The numerical results are in agreement with the reported experiments and have diminished some ambiguities in previous works.


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Fluorescence of terbium(III) was sensitized when excited in the presence of sparfloxacin (SPFX) in the aqueous solution because a Tb(III)-SPFX complex was formed. The sensitized fluorescence was further enhanced when this system was exposed to 365 nm ultraviolet light. By the spectral properties and contrast experiments, it is proved that irradiation makes this system undergo photochemical reactions and a new terbium complex which is more favorable to the intramolecular energy transfer is formed. The mechanism of photochemical fluorescence enhancement of the Tb(III)-SPFX system is discussed and a new sensitive and selective photochemical fluorimetry for the determination of SPFX is established. Under the optimum conditions, the linear range is 1.0-50 x 10(-7) M for SPFX, the detection limit is 3.0 x 10(-9) M and the R.S.D. for 5.0 x 10(-7) M SPFX is 1.3% (n = 9). Without any pretreatment the recovery of SPFX in human urine was determined with satisfaction. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.