23 resultados para GRANITIC ROCKS

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The Central Asian Orogen Belt (CAOB), which is different from the subductional orogen and the collisional orogen, is known as the most important site of crustal growth in the Phanerozoic, and it has been a ‘hot spot’ for studying the orogenic belts. The Chinese West Tianshan Orogen is occupying the west-southern part of the CAOB and is of great importances to understand the orogenic processes and the continental growth in the Central Asia. The West Tianshan Orogen had undergone complex tectonic evolutional processes in Paleozoic times and large volumes granitic rocks have recorded important information about these processes. Litter is known about Phanerozoic continental growth in the Western Tianshan area so far, compared with the other areas of the CAOB, such as eastern Junggar, western Junggar, Altai and Alakol. The aim of this dissertation is to set up the chronology frame of granitoids in western Tianshan, provide new evidence for the tectonic evolution and discuss the Paleozoic continental growth in this area, on the basis of the studies on the isotopic chronology, major element, trace element and Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry of granitoids and the isotopic chronology and geochemistry of the ophiolites in this area, especially the Kule Lake ophiolites. 25 precise SHRIMP U-Pb zircon and LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon ages have been obtained in this dissertation. The granitic rocks in western Tianshan had been formed during two periods: the granitic gneiss with an age of 896Ma, possibly representing the forming age of the Precambrian basement; the granitic rocks with ages varying from 479Ma to 247Ma, recording the Paleozoic orogenic process of western Tianshan. The granitoids in western Tianshan are composed of intermediate-basic rocks, intermediate rocks, intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks, mainly intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks. They are mostly granite, granodiorite, quartz syenite and monzodiorite. Different types of granitic rocks are exposed in different tectonic units. The granitoids on the northern margin of the Yili Plate mainly formed in late Paleozoic (413Ma ~ 281Ma), those with ages varying from 413Ma to 297Ma show continental arc affinities and the magnesian calc-alkalic metaluminous diorite of 281Ma display the geochemical characteristics similar to those of granites formed during the post-orogenic period. The granitiods on the southern margin of the Yili Plate include the adakite diorite of 470Ma which was formd by partial melting of thickened lower crust, the post-collisional alkali-feldspar granite of 430Ma, the volcanic arc granite of 348Ma and the Triassic post-collisional granite. The granitoids in the Central Tianshan Plate formed in 479Ma ~ 247Ma, mainly in 433Ma ~ 321Ma. The granitic rocks with ages of 479Ma ~ 321Ma are magnesian calc-alkalic to alkalic rocks with continental arc affinities. A few post-collisional granitoids of 276Ma ~ 247Ma may have inherited the geochemical characteristics of pre-existing arc magma. The granitic rocks in Southern Tianshan (northern margin of the Tarim plate) formed two stages, 420Ma ~ 411Ma and ca. 285Ma. The magnesian calcic to alkalic granites of 420Ma ~ 411Ma may formed during the extension process of the continental margin. The granite of 285Ma includes mostly ferroan calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic rocks with high SiO2 and high alkaline contents, and obviously negative anomaly of Eu, Ba, Sr, P, Ti, similar to the geochemical characteristics of the A-type granite which is formed during post-collisional extension. The Kule Lake ophiolite in southern Tianshan shows the affinity of N-MORB. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 425±8Ma has obtained for gabbros. Some zircons have given another group of 206Pb/238U age 918Ma, which may indicate the information of the pre-exist old basement rock. The small oceanic basin represented by Kule Lake ophiolite probably developed on the split northern margin of Tarim block. A model for Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the West Tianshan Orogen has been proposed here on the basis of the new results obtained in this dissertation and the previous published data. In Early Cambrian, the Terskey Ocean occurred along the North Nalati fault (NNF), and it separated the Yili plate from the Central Tianshan plate which was probably connected with the Tarim plate. The Terskey Ocean probably subducted towards south under the Central Tianshan plate and towards north under the Yili plate simultaneously. In the early stage of Late Ordovician, the Terskey Ocean had been closed, and the Yili and Central Tianshan plates collided. Meanwhile, extension happened within the joint Central Tianshan and Tarim plates gradually and the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean had been formed. In Early Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean began to subduct beneath the composite Yili-Central Tianshan plate, which was intruded by volcanic arc granitoids. In Middle Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean, which had reached a certain width, was subducting strongly. And this subduction may have produced voluminous granitoids in the Central Tianshan plate. In the latest stage of Carboniferous, the Paleo-South Tianshan ocean closed, and the Yili-Central Tianshan plate and Tarim plate collided. In Late Cambrian, Paleo-Junggar Ocean occurred to north of the Yili plate; and started to subduct towards south under the Yili plate in Ordovician. This subduction may have produced a magma arc on the northern margin of the Yili plate. In Late Carboniferous, the Paleo-Junggar Ocean had been closed. The Yili-Central and Junggar plates amalgamated together. The West Tianhan Orogen may undergo a post-collisional collapse since Permian. And the magmatic activities may continue to early Triassic. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ration of the granitic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains varies from 0.703226 to 0.716343, and Nd(t)from -6.50 to 2.03. The characteristics of Sr-Nd isotope indicate that the source of granitic material is not a sole source, which may be produced by mantle-crust magma mixing. In Paleozoic time, lateral growth of the continental crust along active continental margins was dominant, whereas the vertical growth of continental crust resulted from post- collisional mantle derived magmas was not obvious.


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The Qilian Orogenic Belts had undergone very complicated evolutional histories and play an important role in understanding the tectonic evolutions of old terrains in northwestern China, in which granitiods formed during Proterozoic-early Mesozoic are widely outcropped. Detailed studies of these granitiods can shed some light on the tectonic evolution of this region. In this thesis, we have conducted geochronological and geochemical studies on eight selected granitic plutons to unravel their emplacement ages and petrogenesis. Furthermore, their tectonic implications were also discussed based on these results. In Neo-Proterozoic, our results suggest that two stages of magmatic activities were taken place in Central Qilian Block, GroupⅠ(750-790Ma) and Group Ⅱ(845- 930Ma). In Neo-Paleozoic, most granitic plutons were emplaced from Ordovician to Devonian, whereas granitiods with Triassic ages have also been discovered in South Qilian Belt. Inherited zircons with old ages of 1.7Ga, 2.1Ga and 2.7Ga have also been obtained in our study. Geochemical studies suggest that the Proterzoic granites were produced under high pressures and low temperatures from metamorphosed protolith rocks with compostions from basic to intermediate. This implies that some hot sources were underplated beneath lithosophere via mantle-derived magmatism. In combination with regional geological data, we propose that the Cental Qilian block was an old arc terrene during Precambrian, and two stage granitoids were formed under a back-arc extensional setting. Granitic rocks emplaced in early Paleozoic belong to strong peraluminous S-type granites, which were derived from metagreywacke having strong relationships with collisional process. Together with previous data, our results indicate that granitoids in Qilian Orogenic Belt formed during early Paleozoic have different petrogenesis and emplaced ages, which reflect that Qilian Orogenic Belt had underwent complicated multi-stage subduction-collusional processes in early Paleozoic. On the other hand, granitic rocks in South Qilian Belt with Triassic ages were formed by subduction of East Kulun during early Paleozoic-Late Mesozoic, which represent another orogenic episode in the northern margin of Tibetan Plateau.


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A general formulation of the Helmholtz free energy used in thermodynamics of damage process of rocks is derived within a multi-scale framework. Such a physically-based thermodynamic state potential has a hybrid, discrete/continuum, nature in the sense tha


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Volcanic rocks both from the northern East China Sea (NECS) shelf margin and the northern Okinawa Trough are subalkaline less aluminous, and lower in High Field Strength Elements (HFSE). These rocks are higher in Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE), thorium and uranium contents, positive lead anomalies, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, and enrichment in Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE). Basalts from the NECS shelf margin are akin to Indian Ocean Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB), and rhyolites from the northern Okinawa Trough have the highest Pb-207/Pb-208 and Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios. The NECS shelf margin basalts have lower Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios, epsilon(Nd) and sigma O-18 than the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks. According to K-40-Ar-40 isotopic ages of basalts from the NECS shelf margin, rifting of the Okinawa Trough may have been active since at least 3.65-3.86 Ma. The origin of the NECS shelf margin basalt can be explained by the interaction of melt derived from Indian Ocean MORB-like mantle with enriched subcontinental lithosphere. The basalts from both sides of the Okinawa Trough may have a similar origin during the initial rifting of the Okinawa Trough, and the formation of basaltic magmas closely relates to the thinning of continental crust. The source of the formation of the northern Okinawa Trough silicic rocks was different from that of the middle Okinawa Trough, which could have been generated by the interaction of basaltic melt with an enriched crustal component. From the Ryukyu island arc to East China, the Cenozoic basalts have apparently increasing trends of MgO contents and ratios of LREE to Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE), suggesting that the trace element variabilities of basalts may have been influenced by the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, and that the effects of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate on the chemical composition of basaltic melts have had a decreasing effect from the Ryukyu island arc to East China.


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Volcanic rocks from the northern and middle Okinawa Trough were dated by uranium-series dating method. Differential fractions using magnetic procedure were designed to separate samples. New report on the ages and isotopic data of rocks in the northern trough (especially black pumice) was discussed. Based on the uranium dates and Sr-Nd isotopic ratio, magmatic evolution process of the Okinawa Trough was noted. Firstly, there have been wide silicic volcanic activities in the Okinawa Trough from late Pleistocene to present, and the volcanic rocks can be divided into three subgroups. Secondly, magma generally came from PREMA source area under the Okinawa Trough. Magmatic evolution in the northern trough was similar to the middle, but different to the south. Finally, volcanic activities indicated that opening of the southern Okinawa Trough did not happen due to the collision between Luson Arc and Eurasian Plate until the early Pleistocene.


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Located in the Paleozoic uplift along the southern margin of Tu-Ha basin in eastern Xinjiang, the newly discovered Hongshan Cu-Au deposit occurs in the superimposed Mesozoic volcanic basin upon the north section of later Paleozoic Dananhu-Tousuquan accretionary arc. Kalatage Cu-Au orebelt is controlled by NWW-trend faults, and includes Hongshan and Meiling Cu-Au deposits. The host rocks of Hongshan ore district are mainly rhyolitic-dacitic ignimbrites, whereas Cu-Au mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry, rhyolitic porphyry and granitic porphyry. Mineralization styles are dominantly veinlet-disseminated and veinlet, occasionally stockwork. The mineral association is chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, chalcocite and sphalerite. The hydrothermal alteration consists of silicfication, sericitization, alunitization, pyrophylitization, illitization, hydromuscovitization, and chloritization. Hongshan Cu-Au deposit, on the edge of the desert, is one of the driest areas in eastrn Tianshan. Moreover, the highest temperature has been up to 60℃, and the average rainfall receives only 34.1mm/y. The light rainfall and rapid evaporation in the vicinity of this deposit have allowed the formation of a great variety of water-soluble sulfates. Oxidization zone of this deposit lies on the upper part of primary sulfide orebodies appearing with a depth of 50-60m, which is dominant in sulfate minerals. 1. Based on the field observation, the volcanic and sub-volcanic rock composition, hydrothermal alteration, ore structure and mineralization characteristics, this paper proposed that the Hongshan Cu-Au deposit belongs to a transitional type from high-sulfide epithermal to porphyry Cu-Au deposit, which corresponds with the typical HS-epithermal deposit such as Zijinshan Au-Cu deposit in Fujian Province, SE-China. 2. The Hongshan copper-gold deposit was controlled by the tectonic, stratum, magma activity and volcanic apparatus, whereas Au mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry, rhyolitic porphyry and fine grained pyritization in hydrothermal activity, and Cu mineralization is closely related to quartz porphyry and hydrothermal explosive breccia. 3. Oxidation zone of Hongshan Cu-Au deposit lies on the upper part of primary sulfide orebodies deposit. 23 sulfate minerals were identified in this work. The results of samples XRD and chemical analysis were furthermore confirmed through thermal, infrared spectrum and mössbauer spectrum analysis. Among those, nine minerals as Ferricopiapite, Cuprocopiapite, Rhomboclase, Parabutlerite, Krausite, Yavapaiite, Metasideronatrite Kroehnkite and Paracoquimbite were founded in China for the first time. And Paracoquimbite was secondly reported in the world (first case reported at 1938 in Chile). 4. EPMA analysis shows that Al impurity in crystal lattice is important to polytype formation of paracoquimbite and coquimbite besides stack fault. 5. Compared with Meiling Cu-Au deposit in the same Kalatage ore belt from the characteristics of δ34S of barite, lithofacies, hydrothermal alteration and homogeneous temperature, Hongshan Cu-Au deposit belongs to the same metallogenic system of HS-epithermal type as Meiling Cu-Au deposit. But Hongshan Cu-Au deposit has less extensive alteration and shallower denudation. 6. Sulfur isotope analyses show that δ34S values of pyrites vary in the range of +1.86‰~+5.69‰, with an average of 3.70‰, mostly in the range of +1.86‰~+3.20‰, and δ34Scp<δ34Spy. Therefore ore-forming fluid of porphyry comes from mantle and was contaminated by the earth’s crust. Sulfur isotope has reached balance in ore-forming process. 7. Sulfur isotope analyses show that δ34S values of sulfates vary in the range of +2.15‰~+6.73‰, with an average of +3.74‰, mostly equals as δ34S values of primary sulfides in Hongshan Cu-Au deposit. So supergene sulfates inherit sulfur of primary sulfide. δ34S values are mostly same in different sulfates. As well as pyrite and chalcopyrite, volcanic hot spring and associated native sulfur underground also provide water medium and sulfur during the formation process of sulfate. 8. According to the EPMA of sample chalcopyrite and pyrite in Hongshan Cu-Au, the value of Cu/Ni is 0.98-34.72, mostly close to the value of 5, which shows that Hongshan deposit is a typical volcanogenic magmaic hypothermal deposit. Au and Ag, Zn, Te and Bi are positive correlation, Cu and Hg, Se, Sb are positive correlation, indicates Au and Cu don’t locate in the factor of mineralization of same mineralization groups. The reasons of gold concentration in the oxidation zone are: 1). Change of redox potential (Eh) makes gold to deposit from the liquid of mineralization zone; 2). PH is one of the most factors of gold’s deposition; 3). Soluble complex and colloid of gold can be adsorbed easily. 9. The biotite and hornblende K-Ar isotopic ages from the wall rock-quartz diorite, biotite granite and monzonite granite are 231.99±3.45Ma, 237.97±2.36Ma and 296.53±6.69Ma respectively. The ore-bearing rhyolitic breccia lava contains breccia of the biotite granite which indicates the volcanism and related Cu-Au mineralization occurred later than the granite, possibly in Mesozoic. K-Ar ages of granitoids in Sanya, Baishiquan and Hongliugou area and Molybdenite Re-Os age of Baishan Mo deposit all are in Triassic. Besides late Paleozoic magmatism, igneous magmatic event of Mesozoic was widespread in eastern Tianshan. 10. The K-Ar age dating indicates that the K-Ar age of Voltaite occurred below surface 1m is 56.02±3.98Ma, K-Ar age of Ferricopiapite occurred below surface 1.5m is 8.62±1.12Ma, K-Ar age of Yavapaiite occurred below surface 14 m is 4.07±0.39Ma, and K-Ar age of Voltaite occurred below surface 10 m is 14.73±1.73Ma. So the age interval of oxidation zone of Hongshan copper-golden bed is between 60 -3.38Ma. Oxidization occurred at Caenozoic era (from 65Ma), which can be identified through comparing with different deposits oxidation zone in other countries. The coupling between global tectonic event and climatic change event which occur from Caenozoic era has some effect on epigeosphere system, which can act on the surface of bed oxidation zone similarly. It induces that the age mentioned above coincide with collision of India-Asia and multistage uplifting of Qinhai-Tibet Plateau happened subsequently. Bed oxidation zone is the effect and record of collision and uplifting of Tibet Plateau. The strong chemical weathering of surface accumulation to which was leaded by PETM event occurred Paleocene and Eocene is the reason of Voltaite sharply rises. On the contrary, Ferricopiapite formed due to the global cold weather. The predecessor did much research through biota, isotopes, susceptibility, but this paper try to use different sulfate mineral instead of climatic change. So the research of sulfate minerals not only indicates a great deal of oxidized zone feature, but also the intergrowth of sulfate minerals may be used to trace paleoenviroment and paleoclimate of oxidation zone. 11. Analysis of the information of alteration and mineralization features of four bore cores, induced activity polarization well logging and Eh-4 geophysical section, deep mineralization anomaly objects of Hongshan ore districts shows low resistance, middle and high polarization, measurements of Eh-4 consecutive conductance section show the existing of concealed porphyry ore body deeper than 450m, on the top of and around rock body there are low resistance body ranged from 100-300Ω•m, this area may be the ore-bearing part. In a word, Hongshan Cu-Au deposit deposit is a combine of upper HS-style epithermal Au deposit and deeper porphyry mineralization system. It has great potential to find large HS-style epithermal-porphyry Au-Cu deposits. This paper consists of seven chapters and twenty seven sections. The geological character of deposit is basic condition in this work. Constitute of oxidation zone, research of sulfate mineral, relation between oxidation and primary zone, K-Ar ages of potassic sulfate are key parts of thesis. Genesis of ore deposit is the further expansion of this research. Analysis of ore-controlling factors is the penetration above basic. Analysis of potential is application of exploration.