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Tunable biaxial stresses, both tensile and compressive, are applied to a single layer graphene by utilizing piezoelectric actuators. The Gruneisen parameters for the phonons responsible for the D, G, 2D and 2D' peaks are studied. The results show that the D peak is composed of two peaks, unambiguously revealing that the 2D peak frequency (omega(2D)) is not exactly twice that of the D peak (omega(D)). This finding is confirmed by varying the biaxial strain of the graphene, from which we observe that the shift of omega(2D)/2 and omega(D) are different. The employed technique allows a detailed study of the interplay between the graphene geometrical structures and its electronic properties.


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CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) are prepared in noncoordination solvents (1-octadecene (ODE) and paraffin liquid) with Ion g-chain primary alkylamine as the sole ligand, ODE-Se, and cadmium fatty acid salt as precursors. The obtained NCs meet the four fundamental parameters for high-quality NCs: high crystallinity, narrow size distribution, moderate photoluminescence quantum yield, and broad range size tunableness. Further, by simply regulating the relative molar ratio of alkylamine to cadmium precursor, the regular sized "nuclei" and final obtained NCs can be produced predictably within a certain size range.


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This paper investigates the effects of structure parameters on dynamic responses of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) under hydrodynamic loads. The structure parameters includes buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR), stiffness coefficients of the cable systems, tunnel net buoyancy and tunnel length. First, the importance of structural damp in relation to the dynamic responses of SFT is demonstrated and the mechanism of structural damp effect is discussed. Thereafter, the fundamental structure parameters are investigated through the analysis of SFT dynamic responses under hydrodynamic loads. The results indicate that the BWR of SFT is a key structure parameter. When BWR is 1.2, there is a remarkable trend change in the vertical dynamic response of SFT under hydrodynamic loads. The results also indicate that the ratio of the tunnel net buoyancy to the cable stiffness coefficient is not a characteristic factor affecting the dynamic responses of SFT under hydrodynamic loads.


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The relationship is determined between saturated duration of rectangular pressure pulses applied to rigid, perfectly plastic structures and their fundamental periods of elastic vibration. It is shown that the ratio between the saturated duration and the fundamental period of elastic vibration of a structure is dependent upon two factors: the first one is the slenderness or thinness ratio of the structure; and the second one is the square root of ratio between the Young's elastic modulus and the yield stress of the structural material. Dimensional analysis shows that the aforementioned ratio is one of the basic similarity parameters for elastic-plastic modeling under dynamic loading.


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An approximate analytical description for fundamental-mode fields of graded-index fibers is explicitly presented by use of the power-series expansion method, the maximum-value condition at the fiber axis, the decay properties of fundamental-mode fields at large distance from the fiber axis, and the approximate modal parameters U obtained from the Gaussian approximation. This analytical description is much more accurate than the Gaussian approximation and at the same time keep the simplicity of the latter. As two special examples, we present the approximate analytical formulas for the fundamental-mode fields of a step profile fiber and a Gaussian profile fiber, and we find that they are both highly accurate in the single-mode range by comparing them with the corresponding exact solutions.


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The Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped glasses with compositions of xBi(2)O(3)-(65-x)P2O5-4Yb(2)O(3)-11Al(2)O(3)-5BaO-15Na(2)O (where x = 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 mol%) were prepared using the normal melt quench technique. The optical absorption spectra of the glasses were recorded in the wavelength range 300-1700 nm. The effect of Bi2O3 content on the thermal stability and absorption spectra of glasses was investigated. In addition, the Judd-Ofelt parameters and oscillator strengths were calculated by employing Judd-Ofelt theory. It was observed that the positions of the fundamental absorption edge and cut-off wavelength shifted towards red as the content of Bi2O3 increased. However, there were no red shifts found both in the peak wavelength and in the center of mass wavelength of all absorption bands with Bi2O3 content increasing. The results of Judd-Ofelt theory analysis showed that Judd-Ofelt parameters Omega(t), (t = 2, 4, 6) changed sharply when Bi2O3 concentration exceeded 5 mol%. The variation trends of experimental oscillator strength were similar with those of Judd-Ofelt parameters as function of Bi2O3 concentrations. Moreover, differential scanning calorimetry experiments showed that the increases of Bi2O3 content weakened the network structure and then lowered the thermal stability of the glasses. The spontaneous emission probability A(rad), branching ratio beta and the radiative lifetime tau(rad) were also calculated and analyzed. The stimulated emission cross-section of Er3+ was calculated according to the McCumber theory. It was found that the stimulated emission cross-section of Er3+ was monotonically increases with Bi2O3 content increasing. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A meso material model for polycrystalline metals is proposed, in which the tiny slip systems distributing randomly between crystal slices in micro-grains or on grain boundaries are replaced by macro equivalent slip systems determined by the work-conjugate principle. The elastoplastic constitutive equation of this model is formulated for the active hardening, latent hardening and Bauschinger effect to predict macro elastoplastic stress-strain responses of polycrystalline metals under complex loading conditions. The influence of the material property parameters on size and shape of the subsequent yield surfaces is numerically investigated to demonstrate the fundamental features of the proposed material model. The derived constitutive equation is proved accurate and efficient in numerical analysis. Compared with the self-consistent theories with crystal grains as their basic components, the present theory is much simpler in mathematical treatment.


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The multi-layers feedforward neural network is used for inversion of material constants of fluid-saturated porous media. The direct analysis of fluid-saturated porous media is carried out with the boundary element method. The dynamic displacement responses obtained from direct analysis for prescribed material parameters constitute the sample sets training neural network. By virtue of the effective L-M training algorithm and the Tikhonov regularization method as well as the GCV method for an appropriate selection of regularization parameter, the inverse mapping from dynamic displacement responses to material constants is performed. Numerical examples demonstrate the validity of the neural network method.


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The advent of nanotechnology has necessitated a better understanding of how material microstructure changes at the atomic level would affect the macroscopic properties that control the performance. Such a challenge has uncovered many phenomena that were not previously understood and taken for granted. Among them are the basic foundation of dislocation theories which are now known to be inadequate. Simplifying assumptions invoked at the macroscale may not be applicable at the micro- and/or nanoscale. There are implications of scaling hierrachy associated with in-homegeneity and nonequilibrium. of physical systems. What is taken to be homogeneous and equilibrium at the macroscale may not be so when the physical size of the material is reduced to microns. These fundamental issues cannot be dispensed at will for the sake of convenience because they could alter the outcome of predictions. Even more unsatisfying is the lack of consistency in modeling physical systems. This could translate to the inability for identifying the relevant manufacturing parameters and rendering the end product unpractical because of high cost. Advanced composite and ceramic materials are cases in point. Discussed are potential pitfalls for applying models at both the atomic and continuum levels. No encouragement is made to unravel the truth of nature. Let it be partiuclates, a smooth continuum or a combination of both. The present trend of development in scaling tends to seek for different characteristic lengths of material microstructures with or without the influence of time effects. Much will be learned from atomistic simulation models to show how results could differ as boundary conditions and scales are changed. Quantum mechanics, continuum and cosmological models provide evidence that no general approach is in sight. Of immediate interest is perhaps the establishment of greater precision in terminology so as to better communicate results involving multiscale physical events.


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A new compatible finite element method for strain gradient theories is presented. In the new finite element method, pure displacement derivatives are taken as the fundamental variables. The new numerical method is successfully used to analyze the simple strain gradient problems – the fundamental fracture problems. Through comparing the numerical solutions with the existed exact solutions, the effectiveness of the new finite element method is tested and confirmed. Additionally, an application of the Zienkiewicz–Taylor C1 finite element method to the strain gradient problem is discussed. By using the new finite element method, plane-strain mode I and mode II crack tip fields are calculated based on a constitutive law which is a simple generalization of the conventional J2 deformation plasticity theory to include strain gradient effects. Three new constitutive parameters enter to characterize the scale over which strain gradient effects become important. During the analysis the general compressible version of Fleck–Hutchinson strain gradient plasticity is adopted. Crack tip solutions, the traction distributions along the plane ahead of the crack tip are calculated. The solutions display the considerable elevation of traction within the zone near the crack tip.


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A numerical approach to optimize dimensionless parameters of water-flooding porous media flows is proposed based on the analysis of the sensitivity factor defined as the variation ration of a target function with respect to the variation of dimensionless parameters. A complete set of scaling criteria for water-flooding reservoir of five-spot well pattern case is derived from the 3-D governing equations, involving the gravitational force, the capillary force and the compressibility of water, oil and rock. By using this approach, we have estimated the influences of each dimensionless parameter on experimental results and thus sorted out the dominant ones with larger sensitivity factors ranging from10-4to10-0 .


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The generation, jet length and flow-regime change characteristics of argon plasma issuing into ambient air have been experimentally examined. Different torch structures have been used in the tests. Laminar plasma jets can be generated within a rather wide range of working-gas flow rates, and an unsteady transitional flow state exists between the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. The high-temperature region length of the laminar plasma jet can be over an order longer than that of the turbulent plasma jet and increases with increasing argon flow rate or arc current, while the jet length of the turbulent plasma is less influenced by the generating parameters. The flow field of the plasma jet has very high radial gradients of plasma parameters, and a Reynolds number alone calculated in the ordinary manner may not adequately serve as a criterion for transition. The laminar plasma jet can have a higher velocity than that of an unsteady or turbulent jet. The long laminar plasma jet has good stiffness to withstand the impact of laterally injected cold gas and particulate matter. It could be used as a rather ideal object for fundamental studies and be applied to novel materials processing due to its attractive stable and adjustable properties.


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Casimir effect on the critical pull-in gap and pull-in voltage of nanoelectromechanical switches is studied. An approximate analytical expression of the critical pull-in gap with Casimir force is presented by the perturbation theory. The corresponding pull-in parameters are computed numerically, from which one can notice the nonlinear effect of Casimir force on the pull-in parameters. The detachment length has been presented, which increases with increasing thickness of the beam.


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Mode I steady-state crack growth is analyzed under plane strain conditions in small scale yielding. The elastic-plastic solid is characterized by the mechanism-based strain gradient (MSG) plasticity theory [J. Mech. Phys. Solids 47 (1999) 1239, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 48 (2000) 99]. The distributions of the normal separation stress and the effective stress along the plane ahead of the crack tip are computed using a special finite element method based on the steady-state fundamental relations and the MSG flow theory. The results show that during the steady-state crack growth, the normal separation stress on the plane ahead of the crack tip can achieve considerably high value within the MSG strain gradient sensitive zone. The results also show that the crack tip fields are insensitive to the cell size parameter in the MSG theory. Moreover, in the present research, the steady-state fracture toughness is computed by adopting the embedded process zone (EPZ) model. The results display that the steady-state fracture toughness strongly depends on the separation strength parameter of the EPZ model and the length scale parameter in the MSG theory. Furthermore, in order for the results of steady crack growth to be comparable, an approximate relation between the length scale parameters in the MSG theory and in the Fleck-Hutchinson strain gradient plasticity theory is obtained.