91 resultados para G2-prematurely condensed chromosome

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This study provides a useful biodosimetry protocol for radiation accidents that involve high doses of heavy particle radiation. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were irradiated in vitro with high doses (5–50 Gy) of charged heavy-ion particles (carbon ions, at an effective linear-energy-transfer (LET) of 34.6 keV/ m), and were then stimulated to obtain dividing cells. PBLs were treated with 100nMcalyculin A to force chromosomes to condense prematurely, and chromosome spreads were obtained and stained with Giemsa. The G2 prematurely condensed chromosome (G2-PCC) index and the number of G2-PCC including fragments (G2-PCC-Fs) per cell for each radiation dose point were scored. Dose-effect relationships were obtained by plotting the G2-PCC indices or G2-PCC-Fs numbers against radiation doses. The G2-PCC index was greater than 5% up to doses of 15 Gy; even after a 30Gy radiation dose, the index was 1 to 2%. At doses higher than 30 Gy, however, the G2-PCC indices were close to zero. The number of G2-PCC-Fs increased steeply for radiation doses up to 30 Gy at a rate of 1.07 Gy−1. At doses higher than 30 Gy, the numbers of G2-PCC-Fs could not be accurately indexed because of the limited numbers of cells for analysis. Therefore, the number of G2-PCC-Fs could be used to estimate radiation doses up to 30 Gy. In addition, a G2-PCC index close to zero could be used as an indicator for radiation doses greater than 40 Gy.


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The purpose of this paper is to prepare for an easy and reliable biodosimeter protocol for radiation accidents involving high-linear energy transfer (LET) exposure. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were irradiated using carbon ions (LET: 34.6 keV mu m(-1)), and the chromosome aberrations induced were analyzed using both a conventional colcemid block method and a calyculin A induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) method. At a lower dose range (0-4 Gy), the measured dicentric (dics) and centric ring chromosomes (cRings) provided reasonable dose information. At higher doses (8 Gy), however, the frequency of dics and cRings was not suitable for dose estimation. Instead, we found that the number of Giemsa-stained drug-induced G2 prematurely condensed chromosomes (G2-PCC) can be used for dose estimation, since the total chromosome number (including fragments) was linearly correlated with radiation dose (r = 0.99). The ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length of the drug-induced G2-PCCs increased with radiation dose in a linear-quadratic manner (r = 0.96), which indicates that this ratio can also be used to estimate radiation doses. Obviously, it is easier to establish the dose response curve using the PCC technique than using the conventional metaphase chromosome method. It is assumed that combining the ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length with analysis of the total chromosome number might be a valuable tool for rapid and precise dose estimation for victims of radiation accidents.


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Aim: To determine whether the number of non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks can predict the radiosensitivity of human cell lines. Methods: Cell lines of human ovary carcinoma cells (HO8910), human hepatoma cells (HepG2) and liver cells (L02) were irradiated with a range of doses and assessed both of cell survival and non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks at 24 h after irradiation. Cell survival was documented by a colony assay. Non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks were measured by counting the number of non-rejoining G2 chromatid breaks at 24 h after irradiation, detected by the prematurely chromosome condensed (PCC) technique. Results: A linear-quadratic survival curve was observed in three cell lines, and HepG2 was the most sensitive to gamma-radiation. A dose-dependent linear increase was observed in radiation-induced non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks measured at 24 h after irradiation in all cell lines, and HepG2 was the most susceptible to induction of non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks. A close correlation was found between the clonogenic radiosensitivity and the radiation-induced non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks (r=0.923). Furthermore, survival-aberration correlations for two or more than two doses lever were also significant. Conclusion: The number of non-rejoining G2 PCC breaks holds considerable promise for predicting the radiosensitivity of normal and tumor cells when two or more than two doses lever is tested.


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We have used a combination of chromosome sorting, degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR), chromosome painting and digital image capturing and processing techniques for comparative chromosome analysis of members of the genus Muntiacus. Chromosome-specific ''paints'' from a female Indian muntjac were hybridised to the metaphase chromosomes of the Gongshan, Black, and Chinese muntjac by both single and three colour chromosome painting. Karyotypes and idiograms for the Indian, Gongshan, Black and Chinese muntjac were constructed, based on enhanced 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding patterns. The hybridisation signal for each paint was assigned to specific bands or chromosomes for all of the above muntjac species. The interspecific chromosomal homology was demonstrated by the use of both enhanced DAPI banding and comparative chromosome painting. These results provide direct molecular cytogenetic evidence for the tandem fusion theory of the chromosome evolution of muntjac species.


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The black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) has an unusual karyotype of 2n = 8 in females and 2n = 9 in males. We have studied the evolution of this karyotype by hybridising chromosome-specific paints derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of the Chinese muntjac (M. reevesi, 2n = 46) to chromosomes of the black muntjac. The hybridisation pattern allowed us to infer chromosomal homologies between these two species. Tandem and centromeric fusions, reciprocal translocations, and insertions are involved in the reduction of the diploid number from 2n = 46 to 2n = 8, 9. The painting patterns further show complex chromosomal rearrangements in the male black muntjac which involve more than half the karyotype, including both sex chromosomes. Since early meiosis is reported to be normal without any visible inversion loops of the synaptonemal complex, the observed chromosomal rearrangements would lead to heterosynapsis and, therefore, leave a large fraction of the male black muntjac karyotype balanced between the two sexes.


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Chromosomal homologies were established between human and two Chinese langurs (Semnopithecus francoisi, 2n=44, and S. phayrei, 2n=44) by chromosome painting with chromosome-specific DNA probes of all human chromosomes except the Y. Both langur species showed identical hybridization patterns in addition to similar G-banding patterns. In total, 23 human chromosome-specific probes detected 30 homologous chromosome segments in a haploid langur genome. Except for human chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 16 and 19 probes, which each gave signals on two non-homologous langur chromosomes respectively, all other probes each hybridized to a single chromosome. The results indicate a high degree of conservation of chromosomal synteny between human and these two Chinese langurs. The human chromosome 2 probe painted the entire euchromatic regions of langur chromosomes 14 and 19. Human chromosome 1 probe hybridized to three regions on langur autosomes, one region on langur chromosome 4 and two regions on langur chromosome 5. Human 19 probe hybridized on the same pattern to one region on chromosome 4 and to two regions on langur chromosome 5, where it alternated with the human chromosome 1 probe. Human 6 and 16 probes both hybridized to one region on each of the two langur autosomes 15 and 18. Only two langur chromosomes (12 and 21) were each labelled by probes specific for two whole human chromosomes (14 and 15 and 21 and 22 respectively). Comparison of the hybridization patterns of human painting probes on these two langurs with the data on other Old World primates suggests that reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations as will as inversions could have occurred since the divergance of human and the langurs from a common ancestor. This comparison also indicates that Asian colobines are karyotypically more closely related to each other that to African colobines.


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Domestic cats and dogs are important companion animals and model animals in biomedical research. The cat has a highly conserved karyotype, closely resembling the ancestral karyotype of mammals, while the dog has one of the most extensively rearranged mammalian karyotypes investigated so far. We have constructed the first detailed comparative chromosome map of the domestic dog and cat by reciprocal chromosome painting. Dog paints specific for the 38 autosomes and the X chromosomes delineated 68 conserved chromosomal segments in the cat, while reverse painting of cat probes onto red fox and dog chromosomes revealed 65 conserved segments. Most conserved segments on cat chromosomes also show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns compared with their canine counterparts. At least 47 chromosomal fissions (breaks), 25 fusions and one inversion are needed to convert the cat karyotype to that of the dog, confirming that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the cat and dog. Comparative analysis of the distribution patterns of conserved segments defined by dog paints on cat and human chromosomes has refined the human/cat comparative genome map and, most importantly, has revealed 15 cryptic inversions in seven large chromosomal regions of conserved synteny between humans and cats.


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Forty chromosome-specific paint probes of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 2n = 78) were used to delineate conserved segments on metaphase chromosomes of the American mink (Mustela vison, 2n = 30) by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Half of the 38 canine autosomal probes each painted one pair of homologous segments in a diploid mink metaphase, whereas the other 19 dog probes each painted from two to five pairs of discrete segments. In total, 38 canine autosomal paints highlighted 71 pairs of conserved segments in the mink. These painting results allow us to establish a complete comparative chromosome map between the American mink and domestic dog. This map demonstrates that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the dog and American mink. The 38 dog autosomes could be reconstructed from the 14 autosomes of the American mink through at least 47 fissions, 25 chromosome fusions, and six inversions. Furthermore, comparison of the current dog/mink map with the published human/dog map discloses 23 cryptic intrachromosomal rearrangements in 10 regions of conserved synteny in the human and American mink genomes and thus further refined the human/mink comparative genome map. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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A complete comparative chromosome map of the white-browed gibbon (Hylobates hoolock, 2n = 38), white-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates leucogenys, 2n = 52), and human has been established by hybridising H. leucogenys chromosome-specific paints and human 24-colour paints onto H. hoolock metaphase chromosomes. In the 18 H. hoolock autosomes, we identified 62 conserved segments that showed DNA homology to regions of the 25 H. leucogenys autosomes, Numerous interchromosomal rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of H. leucogenys and H. hoolock. Only H. hoolock chromosome 10 showed homology to one entire autosome of H. leucogenys. The hybridisation of human 24-colour paints not only confirmed most of the chromosome correspondences between human and H. hoolock established previously but also helped to correct five erroneous assignments and revealed three new segments. Our results demonstrate that the karyotypes of the extant gibbons have arisen mainly through extensive translocation events and that the karyotype of H. hoolock more closely resembles the ancestral karyotype of Hylobates, rather than the karyotype of H. leucogenys. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Chromosome homologies between the Japanese raccoon dog (Nectereutes procyonoides viverrinus, 2n = 39 + 2-4 B chromosomes) and domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 2n = 78) have been established by hybridizing a complete set of canine paint probes onto high-res


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Complete sets of chromosome-specific painting probes, derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of human (HSA), Equus caballus (ECA) and Equus burchelli (EBU) were used to delineate conserved chromosomal segments between human and Equits burchelli, and among four equid species, E. przewalskii (EPR), E. caballus, E. burchelli and E. zebra hartmannae (EZH) by cross-species chromosome painting. Genome-wide comparative maps between these species have been established. Twenty-two human autosomal probes revealed 48 conserved segments in E. burchelli. The adjacent segment combinations HSA3/21, 7/16p, 16q/19q, 14/15, 12/22 and 4/8, presumed ancestral syntenies for all eutherian mammals, were also found conserved in E. burchelli. The comparative maps of equids allow for the unequivocal characterization of chromosomal rearrangements that differentiate the karyotypes of these equid species. The karyotypes of E. przewalskii and E. caballus differ by one Robertsonian translocation (ECA5 = EPR23 + EPR24); numerous Robertsonian translocations and tandem fusions and several inversions account for the karyotypic differences between the horses and zebras. Our results shed new light on the karyotypic evolution of Equidae. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Conserved chromosomal segments in the black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (DB1, 2n = 84), and its African sister-species the white rhinoceros, Ceratotherim simum (CSI, 2n = 82), were detected using Burchell's zebra (Equus burchellii, EBU, 2n = 44) chromosome-specific painting probes supplemented by a subset of those developed for the horse (Equus caballus, ECA, 2n = 64). In total 41 and 42 conserved autosomal segments were identified in C simum and D. bicornis respectively. Only 21 rearrangements (20 fissions and I fusion) are necessary to convert the Burchell's zebra karyotype into that of the white rhinoceros. One fission distinguishes the D. bicornis and C simum karyotypes which, excluding hetero- chromatic differences, are identical in all respects at this level of resolution. Most Burchell's zebra chromosomes correspond to two rhinoceros chromosomes although in four instances (EBU 18, 19, 20 and 21) whole chromosome synteny has been retained among these species. In contrast, one rhinoceros chromosome (DBI1, CSI1) comprises two separate Burchell's zebra chromosomes (EBU11 and EBU17). In spite of the high diploid numbers of the two rhinoceros species their karyotypes are surprisingly conserved offering a glimpse of the putative ancestral perissodactyl condition and a broader understanding of genome organization in mammals. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Base