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通过调查东灵山地区7个典型植被类型的物种多样性,并测定各林型中植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质,土壤理化特性,豆科植物的生物固氮作用以及土壤有机质的净N矿化与硝化作用,研究了不同林型及其物种多样性对氮素转化过程的可能影响。结果表明: 1) 各林型乔灌草三层13个物种多样性指数之间都不同程度存在差异,且都表现基本一致的大小顺序,各样地乔灌草三层3个丰富度指数和5个多样性指数之间大都表现草本层>灌木层>乔木层的大小顺序。 2) 林型对植物叶片养分特征、叶片凋落物品质指标、土壤的大多数理化特性都有显著影响,其中,落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间的差异最为明显,优势种不同的针叶林之间也不同程度地存在差异。各林型物种多样性对植物叶片养分特征,凋落物品质和土壤理化特性也都不同程度存在显著影响,且乔灌草三层的物种多样性的影响不同。我们的结果支持物种多样性对生态系统过程存在显著影响的观点。 3) 胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)%FNDA值较低,在0~53.3%之间,与国外学者对某些木本豆科固氮植物的研究结果接近,但低于三叶草、野豌豆等草本豆科固氮植物。胡枝子生物固氮具有明显的季节差异,不同样地生境对胡枝子%FNDA值也存在显著影响,大都都表现铁塔辽东栎样地>重力点样地>站下灌丛样地>垭口样地的趋势。除胡枝子之外的其他豆科植物的%FNDA都高于胡枝子,且存在种间差异,以三籽两型豆(Amphicarpaea capillipes)最高(100%),歪头菜(Vicia unijuga)最低(平均66.4%),这些结果与国外相关研究接近。不同林型之间和同一林型不同样地之间也影响豆科植物的%FNDA。东灵山地区有相当数量的植物种具有和固氮植物相近的δ15N值和全N含量,具有潜在的生物固氮能力。6个林型中所有豆科植物的%FNDA平均值主要受乔木层和草本层物种多样性的影响,乔木层和草本层物种多样性提高,豆科植物的%FNDA将随之显著降低。 4) 气温、土壤温度和降水量显著影响各林型净氮硝化速率的季节动态,都表现为温度升高,降水量增加,净氮硝化速率也随之增大。 5) 在不同取样时间,不同林型在土壤NH4+、N03-含量,矿化、硝化速率以及年度总净矿化、硝化量之间均不同程度存在显著差异,其中,以辽东栎落叶阔叶林与针叶林之间,常绿针叶林与落叶针叶林之间,纯林与混交林之间的差异最为明显。 6) 土壤初始N0_3含量与年度总净硝化量,年度总净矿化量及其占TKN的百分比呈显著正相关关系;植物叶片全N浓度与净氮矿化、硝化作用呈显著负相关:植物叶片凋落物的品质指标与净氮矿化、硝化作用没有显著相关。 7) 胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)越强,土壤有机氮的净硝化量就越大,胡枝子在从大气中获取大量N,的同时,很可能会增加氮素的淋溶损失量。胡枝子固氮作用(%FNDA值)与净氮矿化量不存在显著相关关系。 8) 只有乔木层和草本层部分种多样性指数对净氮矿化、硝化量存在显著影响。乔木层均匀度提高,土壤净氮碳化量将随之增大;而草本层物种多样性提高,均匀度提高,净氮矿化、硝化作用将随之降低,草本层植物对土壤氮素矿化作用具有显著抑制作用。 9) 落叶阔叶林与针叶林的供氮能力和维持无机氮素的能力之间存在比较明显的差异,而不同针叶林的矿化/硝化作用也有所差别。其中,辽东栎落叶阔叶林的供氮能力和维持氮素能力均高于针叶林和山杏灌丛;油松林的供氮能力与防止氮素损失的能力显然要强于落叶松林和山杏灌丛。 10) 尽管箭叶锦鸡儿灌丛植物叶片与凋落物中全N、全P浓度在大多数取样点上都低于硕桦(高于草甸),但表层土中全N浓度高于硕桦和草甸,且其土壤有机质的供氮能力以及维持氮素能力都高于硕桦林和草甸,表明,锦鸡儿灌丛为侵入草甸和硕桦入侵提供了良好的养分条件,在该演替序列的发展过程中起了一定的推动作用。


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本文系统研究了沈阳城市森林的布局与结构、城市森林功能、城市森林病虫害发生与树木健康状况和城市自然资源与社会经济状况等指标对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康与管理的影响。同时一,采用2种生态系统健康评价方法对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康状况进行了评价,并提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策。研究结果如下:1、截至2004年末,沈阳城市森林植被覆盖率已经达到35%,城市森林林地分布基本合理,但需要进一步加强道路林地、居住区林地和城郊大面积生态林建设。2、沈阳城市森林以乔木为主,乔灌株数比为1.7:1,乔灌的覆盖度比约为7:1。3、沈阳城市森林不同类型林地中植物组成不同。公园林地中有74个属,137个种(变种);庭院林地中有53个属,104个种(变种);居住区林地中有45个属,81个种(变种);道路林地中有43个属,94个种(变种);运河风景林地中有75个属,142个种(变种);棋盘山风景林地中有48个属,118个种(变种)。4、公园林地、庭院林地、居住区林地、道路林地和运河风景林地的Shannon一Wiener多样性指数分别为2.78、3.05、3.15、3.18和3.18,均匀度指数分别为0.56、0.66、0.72、0.70和0.64。除了棋盘山风景林地外,沈阳城市森林中栽植总量超过乔木总量5%的乔木树种有7个属,分别为李、柳树、杨树、桧柏、榆树、槐树和银杏,7种树木总量达到了全部乔木总量的82.09%;栽植总量超过灌木总量5%的灌木树种也有7个属,分别为水腊、丁香、李属,小聚、玫瑰、忍冬和连翘,7个属灌木总量达到了全部灌木总量的87.92%。5、公园林地、庭院林地、道路林地和防护林地中OBH<20cm、20cm<DBH<60cm和DBH>60cm树木的比例分别为:57.9%、40.0%、2.1%,49.2%、47.8%、3.0%,65.3%、33.1%、1.6%和64.6%、34.9%、0.5%,表明沈阳城市森林树木的规格总体上偏小。6、经样方调查和CITYgreen模型计算,沈阳城市森林的生态效益约2.0亿USD/yr.。公园林地、庭院林地和风景林地的景观指标相对较高;道路林地和居住区林地的景观效果一般;防护林地的景观效果较差。7、目前已经发现的沈阳城市森林病害约600余种,虫害约700余种,其中杨树主要病虫害39种,柳树的主要病虫害有33种,榆树和槐树的主要病虫害均为,1种。杨柳树腐烂病、光肩星天牛、天幕毛虫、桃红颈天牛和美国白蛾等是近10年来沈阳城市森林中普遍发生和造成严重危害的主要病虫害。沈阳城市森林主要树木的平均健康指数为2.68,处于一般健康状态。8、沈阳城市森林的土壤和水资源状况均不利于树木的健康生长,沈阳的社会经济发展也有待于进一步提高。9、经过生物指示物法(光肩星天牛为生物指示物)、专家权重法、公众问卷调查和对比研究,沈阳城市森林生态系统总体上处于亚健康状态。10、通过对沈阳城市森林资源、管理状况的调查研究和健康状况的评价,本文提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策,包括合理规划沈阳城市森林林地布局,增加道路林地、居住区林地和城郊林地的面积和植被覆盖率;调整树木种类组成,避免单一或少数树种的大量栽植,提高生物多样性水平;保护大树和古树;增加城市森林管理资金的投入;应用先进技术,采取科学的病虫害防治和植物养护方法,促进树木的健康生长等。This project systematically studied the urban forest ecosystem health and management in Shenyang. The study explored factors, such as urban forest structure, distribution, pests, aesthetic value, ecological benefit, natural resources and socieo-economic status, that affecting the urban forest ecosystem health and management. Two methods were used to evaluate the ecosystem health. This project also proposed Shenyang's urban forest ecosystem health management strategies. The research results can be summarized as follows: 1. As of the end of 2004, urban forest coverage in Shenyang is about 35%, and is in relatively even patch distribution pattern. However, the street trees and roadside forest patches, residential block forest patches should be enhanced. 2. Trees are the major component of the Shenyang s urban forest, followed by shrubs. The quantity ratio of tree to shrub is about 1.7:1, and the coverage ratio of trees to shrub is about 7:1. 3. Species composition varies by location. There are 74 genera, 137 species (including varieties) in the public parks; 53 genera, 104 species (and var.) in the green spaces of the institution (including school), factory, and company; 45 genera, 81 species (var.) in residential blocks; 43 genera, 94 species (var.) in streets and roadside forest patches; 75 genera, 142 species (var.) in the Canal landscape forest patches; 48 genera, 118 species (var.) in the Qipan Mountain recreation forest. 4. The Shannon-Woener indices varies in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in streets and roadside forest patches, in residential blocks.there are 2.78, 3.05, 3.18, 3.15, 3.18, respectively; and the evenness indices are 0.56, 0.66, 0.70, 0.72, 0.64, respectively. Besides the Qipan Mountain forest patches, trees of 7 genera, Prunus spp., Salix spp., Populus spp., Sabina spp., Ulmus spp., Robinia spp. and Ginkgo biloba are of more than 5% the total urban trees, respectively. In fact, trees from these 7 genera are about 82% of all trees in Shenyang's urban forests. In terms of shrubs, species of 7 genera, Ligustrum spp., Syringa spp., Prunus spp., Berberis spp., Rosa spp., Lonicera spp., and Forsythia spp. are more than 5% the total urban shrubs, respectively. 88% of all the shrubs in Shenyang s urban forest are from these 7 genera. 5. The diameter class of DBH<20cm, 20cm60cm of trees in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in in streets and roadside forests, and in protective forests are 57.9%, 40.0%, 2.1%; 49.2%, 47.8%, 3.0%; 65.3%, 33.1%, 1.6%; and 64.6%, 34.9%, 0.5%, respectively. The result indicated that the DBH is relatively small in Shenyang s urban forests. 6. Using random plots sampling and CITYgreen model calculation, the ecological benefit of Shenyang's urban is about 0.2 billion US dollars per year. The aesthetic value of parks, institution and company yards, and scenary forest patches is relative high; however, the aesthetic value of protective forest patches is low. 7. There are more than 600 types of diseases and more than 700 kinds of insects in Shenyang's urban forest. Among them, Populus spp., Salix spp., Ulmus spp. and Robinia spp., are attached mainly by 39, 33, 11, and 11, difference types of pests respectively. The rot disease of the Populus spp. and Salix spp., and the insects such as, Anoplophora glabripennis, Malacosoma neustria, Aromia bungii, and Hyphantria cunea are major pests in Shenyang s urban forest for the past 10 years. The trees health condition is relatively poor by having the average health index of 2.68 for major species. 8. The urban soil and water resource are not favorable to tree's growth in Shenyang, and so is the socieo-economic status. 9. Through using bio-indicator, professional and public evaluation, and comparision with other urban forests, it can be concluded that the status of Shenyang s urban forest is not very healthy in general. 10. To improve the urban forest ecosystem health in Shenyang, a better urban forest design need to be implemented to enhance the area and vegetation coverage of the street and roadside forests, the residential block forests, and the surburb forest Species biodiversity need to be enhanced by adjust the species composition of urban forest trees to reduce the single or several tree species populations and to plant more varieties. A better fundings for urban forest health management need to be budgeted. Advanced technologies in tree care and scientific measures to control pests need to be adopted to prove better care for plants and to keep trees grow healthfully.


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The disjunct distribution of forests in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjacent Helan Shan and Daqing Shan highlands provides an excellent model to examine vegetation shifts, glacial refugia and gene flow of key species in this complex landscape region in response to past climatic oscillations and human disturbance. In this study, we examined maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (nad1 intron b/c and nad5 intron 1) and paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (trnC-trnD) sequence variation within a dominant forest species, Picea crassifolia Kom. We recovered nine mitotypes and two chlorotypes in a survey of 442 individuals from 32 populations sampled throughout the species' range. Significant mitochondrial DNA population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.512; N-ST = 0.679), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow through seeds among populations and significant phylogeographical structure (N-ST > GST, P < 0.05). Plateau haplotypes differed in sequence from those in the adjacent highlands, suggesting a long period of allopatric fragmentation between the species in the two regions and the presence of independent refugia in each region during Quaternary glaciations. On the QTP platform, all but one of the disjunct populations surveyed were fixed for the same mitotype, while most populations at the plateau edge contained more than one haplotype with the mitotype that was fixed in plateau platform populations always present at high frequency. This distribution pattern suggests that present-day disjunct populations on the QTP platform experienced a common recolonization history. The same phylogeographical pattern, however, was not detected for paternally inherited chloroplast DNA haplotypes. Two chlorotypes were distributed throughout the range of the species with little geographical population differentiation (G(ST) = N-ST = 0.093). This provides evidence for highly efficient pollen-mediated gene flow among isolated forest patches, both within and between the QTP and adjacent highland populations. A lack of isolation to pollen-mediated gene flow between forests on the QTP and adjacent highlands is surprising given that the Tengger Desert has been a geographical barrier between these two regions for approximately the last 1.8 million years.


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Repeated cycles of retreat and recolonization during the Quaternary ice ages are thought to have greatly influenced current species distributions and their genetic diversity. It remains unclear how this climatic oscillation has affected the distribution of genetic diversity between populations of wind-pollinated conifers in the Qinghai-Tibetan region. In this study, we investigated the within-species genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Picea likiangensis, a dominant forest species in this region using polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Our results suggest that this species has high overall genetic diversity, with 85.42% of loci being polymorphic and an average expected heterozygosity (H (E)) of 0.239. However, there were relatively low levels of polymorphism at population levels and the differences between populations were not significant, with percentages of polymorphic bands (PPB) ranging from 46.88 to 69.76%, Nei's gene diversity (H (E)) from 0.179 to 0.289 and Shannon's indices (Hpop) from 0.267 to 0.421. In accordance with our proposed hypothesis, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity (G (ST) = 0.256) and AMOVA analysis (Phi (st) = 0.236). Gene flow between populations was found to be limited (Nm = 1.4532) and far lower than reported for other conifer species with wide distribution ranges from other regions. No clusters corresponding to three morphological varieties found in the south, north and west, respectively, were detected in either UPGMA or PCO analyses. Our results suggest that this species may have had different refugia during the glacial stages in the southern region and that the northern variety may have multiple origins from these different refugia.


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The Critically Endangered black crested gibbon Nomascus concolor of China, Laos and Vietnam is threatened by deforestation and habitat destruction but there have been no studies of how it uses its forest habitat, probably because of the typically rugged t