12 resultados para Failure Rate

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Different chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurries are used to obtain single-damascene Cu-wires with different surface fluctuations as well as pre-existing surface-defects in wires with rougher surfaces. The presence of such pre-existing defects strongly increases the rate of early failures to almost 100%, reduces electromigration lifetime rapidly to the level of early failures, and changes the multimodal failure distribution into monomodal. The activation energy (0. 74±0.02eV) for the failure mechanism associated with these pre-existing defects confirms a dominant surface diffusion. It shows how a weakest link approximation analysis can he applied to a single wire by dividing the wire into relevant segments and assigning different failure mechanisms to the various segments. The analysis confirms that, although surface-defects are not the fastest early failure mechanism, the ten times higher surface-defectdensity in the rougher wires is responsible for the observed high early-failure rate and unreliable performance.


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Motivated by the observation of the rate effect on material failure, a model of nonlinear and nonlocal evolution is developed, that includes both stochastic and dynamic effects. In phase space a transitional region prevails, which distinguishes the failure behavior from a globally stable one to that of catastrophic. Several probability functions are found to characterize the distinctive features of evolution due to different degrees of nucleation, growth and coalescence rates. The results may provide a better understanding of material failure.


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The material response and failure mechanism of unidirectional metal matrix composite under impulsive shear loading are investigated in this paper. Both experimental and analytical studies were performed. The shear strength of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite and A356.0 aluminum alloy at high strain rate were measured with a modified split Hopkinson torsional bar technique. The results indicated that the carbon fibers did not improve the shear strength of aluminum matrix if the fiber orientation aligned with the shear loading axis. The microscopic inspection of the fractured surface showed a multi-scale zigzag feature which implied a complicated shear failure mechanism in the composite. In addition to testing, the micromechanical stress field in the composite was analyzed by the generalized Eshelby equivalent method (GEEM). The influence of cracking in matrix on the micromechanical stress field was investigated as well. The results showed that the stress distribution in the composite is quite nonhomogeneous and very high shear stress concentrations are found in some regions in the matrix. The high shear stress concentration in the matrix induces tensile cracking at 45 degrees to the shear direction. This in turn aggravates the stress concentration at the fiber/matrix interface and finally leads to a catastrophic failure in the composite. From the correlation between the analysis and experimental results, the shear failure mechanism of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite can be elucidated qualitatively.


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The impact response and failure mechanisms of ultrahigh modulus polyethylene (UHMPE) fiber composites and UHMPE fiber-carbon fiber hybrid composites have been investigated. Charpy impact, drop weight impact and high strain rate impact experiments have been performed in order to study the impact resistance, notch sensitivity, strain rate sensitivity and hybrid effects. Results obtained from dynamic and quasi-static measurements have been compared. Because of the ductility of UHMPE fibers, the impact energy absorption of UHMPE fiber composites is very high, thereby leading to excellent damage tolerance. By hybridizing with UHMPE fibers, the impact properties of carbon fiber composites can be greatly improved. The impact and shock failure mechanisms of these composites are discussed.


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The process of damage evolution concerns various scales, from micro- to macroscopic. How to characterize the trans-scale nature of the process is on the challenging frontiers of solid mechanics. In this paper, a closed trans-scale formulation of damage evolution based on statistical microdamage mechanics is presented. As a case study, the damage evolution in spallation is analyzed with the formulation. Scaling of the formulation reveals that the following dimensionless numbers: reduced Mach number M, damage number S, stress wave Fourier number P, intrinsic Deborah number D*, and the imposed Deborah number De*, govern the whole process of deformation and damage evolution. The evaluation of P and the estimation of temperature increase show that the energy equation can be ignored as the first approximation in the case of spallation. Hence, apart from the two conventional macroscopic parameters: the reduced Mach number M and damage number S, the damage evolution in spallation is mainly governed by two microdamage-relevant parameters: the Deborah numbers D* and De*. Higher nucleation and growth rates of microdamage accelerate damage evolution, and result in higher damage in the target plate. In addition, the mere variation in nucleation rate does not change the spatial distribution of damage or form localized rupture, while the increase of microdamage growth rate localizes the damage distribution in the target plate, which can be characterized by the imposed Deborah number De*.


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A brief review is presented of statistical approaches on microdamage evolution. An experimental study of statistical microdamage evolution in two ductile materials under dynamic loading is carried out. The observation indicates that there are large differences in size and distribution of microvoids between these two materials. With this phenomenon in mind, kinetic equations governing the nucleation and growth of microvoids in nonlinear rate-dependent materials are combined with the balance law of void number to establish statistical differential equations that describe the evolution of microvoids' number density. The theoretical solution provides a reasonable explanation of the experimentally observed phenomenon. The effects of stochastic fluctuation which is influenced by the inhomogeneous microscopic structure of materials are subsequently examined (i.e. stochastic growth model). Based on the stochastic differential equation, a Fokker-Planck equation which governs the evolution of the transition probability is derived. The analytical solution for the transition probability is then obtained and the effects of stochastic fluctuation is discussed. The statistical and stochastic analyses may provide effective approaches to reveal the physics of damage evolution and dynamic failure process in ductile materials.


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In this paper, a dynamic damage model in ductile solids under the application of a dynamic mean tensile stress is developed. The proposed model considers void nucleation and growth as parts of the damage process under intense dynamic loading (strain rates epsilon greater than or equal to 10(3) s(-1)). The evolution equation of the ductile void has the closed form, in which work-hardening behavior, rate-dependent contribution and inertial effects are taken into account. Meanwhile, a plate impact test is performed for simulating the dynamic fracture process in LY12 aluminum alloy. The damage model is incorporated in a hydrodynamic computer code, to simulate the first few stress reverberations in the target as it spalls and postimpact porosity in the specimen. Fair agreement between computed and experimental results is obtained. Numerical analysis shows that the influence of inertial resistance on the initial void growth in the case of high loading rate can not be neglected. It is also indicated that the dynamic growth of voids is highly sensitive to the strain rates.


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In this paper, a mathematical model of dynamic fracture in porous ductile materials under intense dynamic general loading is developed. The mathematical model includes the influence of inertial effects and material rate sensitivity, as well as the contribution of surface energy of a void and material work-hardening. In addition, the condition of the void compaction is considered as well. The threshold stresses for the void growth and compaction are obtained. A simple criterion for ductile fracture which is associated with material distention and plastic deformation is adopted. As an application of the theoretical model, the processes of two-dimensional spallation in LY12 aluminum alloy are successfully simulated by means of two-dimensional finite-difference Lagrangian code.


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In an earlier study on intersonic crack propagation, Gao et al. (J. Mech. Phys. Solids 49: 2113-2132, 2001) described molecular dynamics simulations and continuum analysis of the dynamic behaviors of a mode II dominated crack moving along a weak plane under a constant loading rate. The crack was observed to initiate its motion at a critical time after the onset of loading, at which it is rapidly accelerated to the Rayleigh wave speed and propagates at this speed for a finite time interval until an intersonic daughter crack is nucleated at a peak stress at a finite distance ahead of the original crack tip. The present article aims to analyze this behavior for a mode III crack moving along a bi-material interface subject to a constant loading rate. We begin with a crack in an initially stress-free bi-material subject to a steadily increasing stress. The crack initiates its motion at a critical time governed by the Griffith criterion. After crack initiation, two scenarios of crack propagation are investigated: the first one is that the crack moves at a constant subsonic velocity; the second one is that the crack moves at the lower shear wave speed of the two materials. In the first scenario, the shear stress ahead of the crack tip is singular with exponent -1/2, as expected; in the second scenario, the stress singularity vanishes but a peak stress is found to emerge at a distance ahead of the moving crack tip. In the latter case, a daughter crack supersonic with respect to the softer medium can be expected to emerge ahead of the initial crack once the peak stress reaches the cohesive strength of the interface.


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The corrosion failure behavior of marine steel is affected by stress, which exists in offshore structures at sea-mud region. The sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in the sea-mud made the steel more sensitive to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and weaken the corrosion fatigue endurance. In this paper, a kind of natural sea-mud containing SRB was collected. Both SCC tests by slow strain rate technique and corrosion fatigue tests were performed on a kind of selected steel in sea-mud with and without SRB at corrosion and cathodic potentials. After this, the electrochemical response of static and cyclic stress of the specimen with and without cracks in sea-mud was analyzed in order to explain the failure mechanism. Hydrogen permeation tests were also performed in the sea-mud at corrosion and cathodic potentials. It is concluded that the effect of SRB on environment sensitive fracture maybe explained as the consequences of the acceleration of SRB on corrosion rate and hydrogen entry into the metal.