41 resultados para FLUX MEASUREMENTS

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Direct air-sea flux measurements were made on RN Kexue #1 at 40 degrees S, 156 degrees E during the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Response Experiment (COARE) Intensive Observation Period (IOP). An array of six accelerometers was used to measure the motion of the anchored ship, and a sonic anemometer and Lyman-alpha hygrometer were used to measure the turbulent wind vector and specific humidity. The contamination of the turbulent wind components by ship motion was largely removed by an improvement of a procedure due to Shao based on the acceleration signals. The scheme of the wind correction for ship motion is briefly outlined. Results are presented from data for the best wind direction relative to the ship to minimize flow distortion effects. Both the time series and the power spectra of the sonic-measured wind components show swell-induced ship motion contamination, which is largely removed by the accelerometer correction scheme, There was less contamination in the longitudinal wind component than in the vertical and transverse components. The spectral characteristics of the surface-layer turbulence properties are compared with those from previous land and ocean results, Momentum and latent heat fluxes were calculated by eddy correlation and compared to those estimated by the inertial dissipation method and the TOGA COARE bulk formula. The estimations of wind stress determined by eddy correlation are smaller than those from the TOGA COARE bulk formula, especially for higher wind speeds, while those from the bulk formula and inertial dissipation technique are generally in agreement. The estimations of latent heal flux from the three different methods are in reasonable agreement. The effect of the correction for ship motion on latent heat fluxes is not as large as on momentum fluxes.


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The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is characterized by low temperatures because of its high elevation. The low-temperature environment may limit both ecosystem photosynthetic CO2 uptake and ecosystem respiration, and thus affect the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). We clarified the low-temperature constraint on photosynthesis and respiration in an alpine meadow ecosystem on the northern edge of the plateau using flux measurements obtained by the eddy covariance technique in two growing seasons. When we compared NEE during the two periods, during which the leaf area index and other environmental parameters were similar but the mean temperature differed, we found that NEE from 9 August to 10 September 2001, when the average temperature was low, was greater than that during the same period in 2002, when the average temperature was high, but the ecosystem gross primary production was similar during the two periods. Further analysis showed that ecosystem respiration was significantly higher in 2002 than in 2001 during the study period, as estimated from the relationship between temperature and nighttime ecosystem respiration. The results suggest that low temperature controlled the NEE mainly through its influence on ecosystem respiration. The annual NEE, estimated from 15 January 2002 to 14 January 2003, was about 290 g CO2 m(-2) year(-1). The optimum temperature for ecosystem NEE under light-saturated conditions was estimated to be around 15 degrees C.


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We study the structure, optical and magnetic characteristics of self-assembled (In,Cr) As diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots as a function of the As-4 flux. Increasing the surface energy by increasing the As4 pressure leads to a smaller number of larger dots for a higher As-4 flux. The remanent magnetization measured at 5K also increases with increasing As-4 flux, which is attributed to the enhancement of the effective Cr content due to the As-4-rich condition. We explore the possibility of tailoring magnetism by controlling the As-4/In flux ratio without changing the Cr concentration. Furthermore, extremely low-density QDs have also been successfully grown. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2008


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High-dose ion implantation of phosphorus into 4H-SiC (0001) has been investigated with three different ion fluxes ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 x 10(12) P(+)cm(-2.)s(-1) and keeping the implantation dose constant at 2.0 x 10(15) P(+)cm(-2). The implantations are performed at room temperature and subsequently annealed at 1500 degrees C. Photoluminescence and Raman scattering are employed to investigate the implantation-induced damages and the residual defects after annealing. The electrical properties of the implanted layer are evaluated by Hall effect measurements on the sample with a van der Pauw configuration. Based on these results, it is revealed that the damages and defects in implanted layers can be greatly reduced by decreasing the ion flux. Considering room temperature implantation and a relatively low annealing temperature of 1500 degrees C, a reasonably low sheet resistance of 106 Omega/square is obtained at ion flux of 1.0 x 10(12) P(+)cm(-2.)s(-1) with a donor concentration of 4.4 x 10(19)cm(-3).


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ZnO nanorod arrays with different morphologies were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The diameters of nanorods range from 150 nm to 20 nm through changing the carrier gas flux during the growth process. Measurements such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and photoluminescence (pL) spectrum were employed to analyze the differences of these nanorods. It was found that when both carrier gas flux of Zn and O reactant are 1 SLM, we can obtain the best vertically aligned and uniform nanorods. Furthermore, the PL spectrum reveals a blueshift of UV emission peak, which may be assigned to the increase of surface effect.


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A static enclosure method was applied to determine the exchange of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and carbonyl sulfide (OCS) between the surface of Sphagnum peatlands and the atmosphere. Measurements were performed concurrently with dynamic (flow through) enclosure measurements with sulfur-free air used as sweep gas. This latter technique has been used to acquire the majority of available data on the exchange of S gases between the atmosphere and the continental surfaces and has been criticized because it is thought to overestimate the true flux of gases by disrupting natural S gas gradients. DMS emission rates determined by both methods were not statistically different between 4 and >400 nmol m−2 h−1, indicating that previous data on emissions of at least DMS are probably valid. However, the increase in DMS in static enclosures was not linear, indicating the potential for a negative feedback of enclosure DMS concentrations on efflux. The dynamic enclosure method measured positive OCS flux rates (emission) at all sites, while data using static enclosures indicated that OCS was consumed from the atmosphere at these same sites at rates of 3.7 to 55 nmol m−2 h−1. Measurements using both enclosure techniques at a site devoid of vegetation showed that peat was a source of both DMS and OCS. However, the rate of OCS efflux from decomposing peat was more than counterbalanced by OCS consumption by vegetation, including Sphagnum mosses, and net OCS uptake occurred at all sites. We propose that all wetlands are net sinks for OCS.


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National Key Research and Development Program [2010CB833500]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2-YW-432]


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Reducing uncertainties in the estimation of land surface evapotranspiration (ET) from remote-sensing data is essential to better understand earth-atmosphere interactions. This paper demonstrates the applicability of temperature-vegetation index triangle (T-s-VI) method in estimating regional ET and evaporative fraction (EF, defined as the ratio of latent heat flux to surface available energy) from MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua products in a semiarid region. We have compared the satellite-based estimates of ET and EF with eddy covariance measurements made over 4 years at two semiarid grassland sites: Audubon Ranch (AR) and Kendall Grassland (KG). The lack of closure in the eddy covariance measured surface energy components is shown to be more serious at MODIS/Aqua overpass time than that at MODIS/Terra overpass time for both AR and KG sites. The T-s-VI-derived EF could reproduce in situ EF reasonably well with BIAS and root-mean-square difference (RMSD) of less than 0.07 and 0.13, respectively. Surface net radiation has been shown to be systematically overestimated by as large as about 60 W/m(2). Satisfactory validation results of the T-s-VI-derived sensible and latent heat fluxes have been obtained with RMSD within 54 W/m(2). The simplicity and yet easy use of the T-s-VI triangle method show a great potential in estimating regional ET with highly acceptable accuracy that is of critical significance in better understanding water and energy budgets on the Earth. Nevertheless, more validation work should be carried out over various climatic regions and under other different land use/land cover conditions in the future.


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The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite,as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water,heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.


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High-resolution sampling, measurements of organic carbon contents and C-14 signatures of selected four soil profiles in the Haibei Station situated on the northeast Tibetan Plateau, and application of C-14 tracing technology were conducted in an attempt to investigate the turnover times of soil organic carbon and the soil-CO2 flux in the alpine meadow ecosystem. The results show that the organic carbon stored in the soils varies from 22.12x10(4) kg C hm(-2) to 30.75x10(4) kg C hm(-2) in the alpine meadow ecosystems, with an average of 26.86x10(4) kg C hm(-2). Turnover times of organic carbon pools increase with depth from 45 a to 73 a in the surface soil horizon to hundreds of years or millennia or even longer at the deep soil horizons in the alpine meadow ecosystems. The soil-CO2 flux ranges from 103.24 g C m(-2) a(-1) to 254.93 gC m(-2) a(-1), with an average of 191.23 g C m(-2) a(-1). The CO2 efflux produced from microbial decomposition of organic matter varies from 73.3 g C m(-2) a(-1) to 181 g C m(-2) a(-1). More than 30% of total soil organic carbon resides in the active carbon pool and 72.8%. 81.23% of total CO2 emitted from organic matter decomposition results from the topsoil horizon (from 0 cm to 10 cm) for the Kobresia meadow. Responding to global warming, the storage, volume of flow and fate of the soil organic carbon in the alpine meadow ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau will be changed, which needs further research.


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Although respiration of organisms and biomass as well as fossil fuel burning industrial production are identified as the major sources, the CO2 flux is still unclear due to the lack of proper measurements. A mass-balance approach that exploits differences in the carbon isotopic signature (delta(13)C) of CO2 Sources and sinks was introduced and may provide a means of reducing uncertainties in the atmospheric budget. delta(13)C measurements of atmospheric CO2 yielded an average of - 10.3 parts per thousand relative to the Peedee Belemnite standard; soil and plants had a narrow range from -25.09 parts per thousand to -26.51 parts per thousand and averaged at -25.80 parts per thousand. Based on the fact of steady fractionation and enrichment during respiration of mitochondria, we obtained the emission Of CO2 of 35.451 mol m(-2) a(-1) and CO2 flux of 0.2149 mu mol m(-2) s(-)1. The positive CO2 flux indicated the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem a source rather than a sink. The mass-balance model can be applied for other ecosystem even global carbon cycles because it neglects the complicated process of carbon metabolism, however just focuses on stable carbon isotopic compositions in any of compartments of carbon sources and sinks. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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[1] The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may play a significant role in the regional carbon cycle. To assess the CO2 flux and its relationship to environmental controls in the ecosystem, eddy covariance of CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes was measured with an open-path system in an alpine meadow on the plateau at an elevation of 3,250 m. Net ecosystem CO2 influx (Fc) averaged 8.8 g m(-2) day(-1) during the period from August 9 to 31, 2001, with a maximum of 15.9 g m(-2) day(-1) and a minimum of 2.3 g m(-2) day(-1). Daytime Fc averaged 16.7 g m(-2) day(-1) and ranged from 10.4 g m(-2) day(-1) to 21.7 g m(-2) day(-1) during the study period. For the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), gross CO2 uptake (Gc) was significantly higher on cloudy days than on clear days. However, mean daily Gc was higher on clear days than on cloudy days. With high PPFD, Fc decreased as air temperature increased from 10degreesC to 23degreesC. The greater the difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures, the more the sink was strengthened. Daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem (WUEe) was 8.7 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1); WUEe values ranged from 5.8 to 15.3 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1). WUEe increased with the decrease in vapor pressure deficit. Daily albedo averaged 0.20, ranging from 0.19 to 0.22 during the study period, and was negatively correlated with daily Fc. Our measurements provided some of the first evidence on CO2 exchange for a temperate alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is necessary for assessing the carbon budget and carbon cycle processes for temperate grassland ecosystems.


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The effects of indenter tip rounding on the shape of indentation loading curves have been analyzed using dimensional and finite element analysis for conical indentation in elastic-perfectly plastic solids. A method for obtaining mechanical properties from indentation loading curves is then proposed. The validity of this method is examined using finite element analysis. Finally, the method is used to determine the yield strength of several materials for which the indentation loading curves are available in the literature.