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A new species, Pseudogyrinocheilus longisulcus, was discovered from a tributary of Pearl River in Jingxi Co., Guangxi, China, The new species can be distinguished from other species of Pseudogyrinocheilus by the following combination of characteristics: prolonged post-labial grooves, and extended antero-medially close to anterior end of middle lower lip, but not meeting with its counterpart; posterior margin of lower lip free; scales of abdomen from thorax to pectoral-fin base embedded under skin; lateral-line scales 40-42; dark stripe longitudinal along lateral line on flank. The key to the species of Pseudogyrinocheilus is provided.


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We describe a new species of stream-breeding frog of the genus Amolops, Amolops bellulus, from the mountainous region of Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, near the boundary between Yunnan and Myanmar. This species differs from all its congeners in a combination of morphological characteristics including the absence of a circummarginal groove at the tip of first finger, lack of a supratympanic fold, a white band along the upper jaw extending to shoulder, a black band starting from tip of snout along upper loreal region and extending to anterior flank of body, absence of a vocal sac, tympanum distinct and feebly concave, and the presence of vomerine teeth.


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Pseudobagrus brachyrhabdion sp. nov., from the Yuan Jiang and Xiang Jiang of the middle Yangtze River drainage in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces, South China, is described herein. It is distinguished from all other Pseudobagrus species with a truncate or slightly emarginated caudal fin by an unique combination of the following characters: supraoccipital plate and nuchal plate broadly interspaced and covered with skin; nasal barbels only at most reaching anterior margin of eye; maxillary barbels reaching slightly beyond posterior margin of eye; outer mandibular barbels extending to posterior margin of eye; dorsal fin with a somewhat convex distal margin, origin nearer to pectoral-fin insertion than to pelvic-fin insertion; dorsal-fin spine shorter than pectoral spine, with a somewhat serrated posterior margin; pectoral-fin spine with a smooth anterior margin; anal fin with 20-23 rays, base length 23.8-32.0% of standard length, posterior end of anal-fin base anterior to posterior end of adipose fin base; no longitudinal black band extending along flank; eyes large, diameter 16.3-23.7% of head length; and number of vertebrae 5 + 43-46.


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本文根据热液活动对海底沉积环境影响的程度,将海底沉积环境划分为三个部分:热液直接作用区(硫化物分布区),热液间接作用区(含金属沉积物区),正常沉积区。东太平洋海隆13°N附近所取得的三个沉积物柱状样(E271、E272、E53)属于含金属沉积物区,以它们为研究对象(E271和E272是重点研究对象),进行了粒度、粘土矿物、有机碳氮和无机碳分析,并结合已有的测年数据和金属元素含量数据,对含金属沉积物中的有机碳氮进行了系统的讨论。 沉积物无机组分的物源分析表明,沉积物中富含铁锰的组分主要是非晶质或结晶程度较差的铁锰氧化物和氢氧化物。来自于火山灰蚀变的富铁蒙脱石也有一定的贡献,但是含量太少。铁锰氧化物或氧氧化物倾向于集中在细粒的物质中。铁锰含量自下而上的递增趋势反映了热液活动程度增强的趋势。 三个站位沉积物中有机碳的含量都很高,E271、E272 有机碳含量在0.9%-1.5%之间,而E53含量则相对更高,最高可达4.6%。E271、E272自下而上有递增的趋势,它与铁锰的含量有一定的相关性,可能有机质与铁锰之间存在某种联系。有机碳的沉积通量很低,E271上层为4.06mg/ka•cm2 ,下层仅为0.84mg/ ka•cm2。因此沉积物中高有机碳含量显示的高生产力是一种假像,并不能代表古海水表层生产力很高。 C/N值在三个站位的变化情况各有不同。按照常规的把有机质来源分为海洋表层生物与陆源有机碳来源,那么E271和E53站位总体上水生有机碳在总有机碳中居主要成分。E272上层是海洋生物来源占优,下层是陆源生物占优。但是根据热液plume存在细菌和TEP的特性,应该考虑沉积物中有机质是表层生物源和热液影响的生物源。经过假设计算,认为热液影响的生物有机碳源受到热液柱扩散形态的影响,且与热液活动的稳定性有关。因此两相比较,认为该研究区,有机质来源应该选择表生有机碳与受热液影响生物有机碳为两个端元组分。受热液生物影响的程度为E272>E271>E53。 在E272站位沉积物中发现的一些细菌种类与热液喷口区的嗜热细菌相似程度很高,它们可能是随着Plume飘移而迁移,并沉降到沉积物中。它们的存在对有机碳的含量和组成将会产生影响。这是一个热液生物影响沉积物有机碳的直观的证据。 通过Fe、Mn、Al 含量随深度变化的趋势,推断出碳酸钙自下而上减小不是因为热液组份的加入对其含量稀释而成的,应该是沉积环境的改变,导致其溶解度增加所致。 在研究过程中,还对沉积物中有机碳的测定方法进行了探讨,鉴于不同方法之间带来的有机碳数据上的误差,建议建立一种标准的测试方法,便于有机碳数据的比较。计算沉积速率和沉积通量时,对E271用含水量进行了去压实校正。根据计算,当含水量变化很大时,去压实作用是有必要的。


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The faulted slope zone of Biyang depression, a multiple hydrocarbon accumulation zone lying in a rich oil depression of Nanxiang basin, is a structural-sedimentary compounded slope, which is developed in Yanshanian period and has an area of 500 km2. From the ‘bottom up’, the developed strata may be divided into Yuhuangding formation in Neogene, Dacang Fang, Hetao-yuan plus Liaozhuang formations and Fenghuangzheng plus Pingyuan formation in Neogene, while Hetao-yuan formation is the main hydrocarbon-bearing target. Because of transtensional stress fields formed by persistent action of large-scale faulting in the south of the depression, sedimentary differential compaction in different stages, and tectonic inversion in later developing stage of the depression, a series of nose structure zones cut by different strike faults are developed. Therefore, the reservoir migration and accumulation are controlled by the complex faulted-nose structural zone, reservoir types are dominated by faulted-noses, faulted-blocks and fault-lithology, while lithology and stratigraphic unconformable reservoirs are locally developed. In combination with demands of practical production, applying with a new research approach of systematology and a combination with dynamic and static modes, guided by modern petroleum geologic theory, and based on previous data and studies, new techniques, methods of geophysical exploration, various computer simulation and forecasting techniques are applied in the new research of this paper. Starting from the structural features and formation mechanism, the forming mechanism of faulted structure, conditions and controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation, as well as various space-time allocation relationships in the process of accumulation are analyzed in the research. Besides that, the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation mechanism and dynamic evolution process are also discussed in the paper. Through the research, the accumulation rule of the faulted slope zone in faulted lake basin, the distribution and enrichment regularity of different reservoir controlling factors are systematically summarized. The summarizations indicate that the faulted slope is a favorable orientational zone, hydrocarbon is accumulated in nose structures and enriched in the main body of nose structures, faulted transformation zone and the ascent direction of laddering faulted blocks, the faults are the controlling factors, hydrocarbon accumulation zones controlled by fault-lithology are distributed along the faulting direcion. In the end, hydrocarbon migration and accumulation models of complex faulted-nose blocks are established. 1) Down cut model—‘flank-sheet’: the hydrocarbon is migrated like ‘sheet’ along a series of faults with parallel distribution and accumulated in the flank of nose structures; 2)Cross cut --‘axis-string’ model: the hydrocarbon cutting across the faults is migrated like ‘string’ and accumulated in the axis of nose structures. In view of different distribution models, reservoir forming combination patterns are divided and hydrocarbon reservoir evaluation exploration is carried out, which achieves good results in application. Key words: faulted slope zone; migration and accumulation model; reservoir controlling mechanism; reservoir-forming combination


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Luo Ning ( Mineralogy, Petrology, Deposit Mineralogy) Directed by Fu Liyun With the increase of the level of exploration and development, North China field, as one of the maturing fields in the east, has gradually turned their prospecting targets to frontiers such as deep zones, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs, low permeable layers, special lithostromes, etc, which propose new challenges to mating technique of exploration engineering. In it, the special lithostrome of clay carbonate in Shu-Lu cave in Middle Flank exploration area locates in Es_3 generating rock. The area distribution is large, formation thickness is over 100 meters, the oil accumulation condition is excellent, prognostic reserves is over 80,000,000 tons, but how to effectively stimulate the special low permeable and fractured reservoir has become the bottle neck problem of stimulation and stable yields. In this thesis, through comprehensive evaluation and analysis of lithology, lithomechanics, hydrocarbon reservoir characteristics, the characteristics of fluid flow through porous medium and the stimulation measures in the past, we acquire new cognition of clay carbonate reservoirs, in addition, the research and application of first hydraulic fracturing has gained positive effect and formed commensurable comprehensive reservoir evaluation technique and mating engineering technique of hydraulic fracturing. The main cognitions and achievements are as follows: 1.Study of geological information such as lithololy analysis and nuclear magnetic logging, etc, indicates that clay carbonate formation of Shu-Lu cave is anisotropic, low permeable with high shale content, whose accumulation space gives priority to microcracks. 2.The analysis of lithomechanics of clay carbonate indicates that the hardness is moderate, Young’s modulus is between that of sandstone and limestone, clay carbonate presents plastic property and its breakdown pressure is high because of the deep buried depth. 3.The analysis of the drillstem test curves indicates that the flow and build-up pressure curve of clay carbonate of Shu-Lu cave mainly has three types: formation contamination block-up type, low permeable type, formation energy accumulation slowness type; the reservoir characteristics presents double porosity media, radial compounding, uniform flow vertical fracture, isotropy, moniliform reservoir type. The target well Jingu 3 belongs to moniliform reservoir type. 4.Through recognition and re-evaluation of the treatment effect and technologic limitations of acidizing, acid fracturing and gelled acidizing in the past, based on the sufficient survey and study of hydraulic fracturing home and abroad, combined with comprehensive formation study of target well, we launched the study of the optimization of hydraulic fracturing technique, forming the principal clue and commensurable mating technology aimed at clay carbonate formation, whose targets are preventing leak off, preventing sand bridge, preventing embedment, controlling fracture height, forming long fracture. 5. Recognition of stimulation effect evaluation.


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Widespread black chert-shales occur in the Ediacaran-Cambrian(E-C) boundary successions along the flank of Yangtze Platform, South China, remarkable changes in sedimentology, geochemistry and biology were recorded. Although extensive studies were carried out upon this boundary succession, the origin of black chert-shales still remain controversial. This paper focuses on the E-C black chert-shales in western Hunan, South China, upon which detailed depositional and geochemical changes are documented, accordingly a depositional model for black chert-shales is proposed. Stratigraphic anatomy across the depositional strike demonstrates that the shallow-water Dengying dolostone along the platform margin sharply pass basinward into the Liuchapo chert successions, which indicate syndepositional extensional faulting at depth could have occurred along the platform margin. The deep-water Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales are either underlain by the Dengying dolostones on the platform margin toward platform interior or directly by the Liuchaopo chert successions farther basinwards. By detailed investigation, silica chimneys are firsly identified approximately in the chert along platform margin; two types of silica chimneys, including mounded and splayed/funnelized chert(generally brecciated) bodies are further sorted out. The mounded chert are exitbited by domed or hummocky surfaces on the top and irregular spongy to digitiform internal fabrics; within the silica mounds, abundant original vesicles/voids and/or channels were mostly plugged by initial chalcedony, quartze crystals with minor dolomite and bladed barite crystals. Splayed/funnelized brecciated chert “intrusion” cross-cut the uppermost dolostones capping to the horizon underneath, and are directly overlain by the Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales. Their similarities to the silica chimneys reported from the oceanic spreading centres suggest a similar origin responsible for these unique silica bodies which is also supported by the microthermonmetric data and element geochemistry. High P, Ba, Fe contents and positive correlation between Fe and TOC concentrations in the Niutitang black shales indicate a high palaeo-productivity in the Early Cambrian ocean. The low Th/U and the high V/Cr, V/Sc, V/(V+Ni) ratios in the black shales suggest an anoxic water condition during this interval. Furthermore, Positive Eu anomalies and high Ba contents in the sediments also imply a hydrothermal influence on the formation of Niutitang black shales. To better constrain the placement of deep-water successions straddling the E-C boundary and the timing of hydrothermal silica chimneys, sensitive high-resoluton ion microprobe(SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircon grains from tuffs within the chert succession of Liuchapo Formation at Ganziping was conducted and yields a weighted-mean 206Pb/238Pb age at 536.6±5.5Ma, younger than E-C boundary age(542.0±0.3Ma). This age combined with carbon isotopic data is then proposed to correspond to the U-Pb age of zircons(538.2±1.5Ma) from the Zhongyicun member of Meishucun Formation at Meishucun in eastern Yunna, thus, the E-C boundary in Gazngziping was placed between the Dengying formations and Liuchapo formatioms. therefore, the silica chimneys took place at the beginning of the Cambrian period. The temporal coincidence of silica chimneys and negative excursions of δ13C and δ34Spy pairs suggest hydrothermal activities were likely responsible for the isotopic changes. Under such a circumstance, vast amounts of greenhouse gases(CO2, CH4, H2S), with highly 13C-depleted carbon and 34S-depleted sulfur would be released into the ocean and atmosphere. A positive shift in δ34Scas and Δ34S values from the late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian could be a reflection of enhanced bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR), strengthened by the intensified oceanic anoxia stimulated by hydrothermal activities. Based on the analyses of sedimentology and geochemistry, a model- “oceanic anoxia induced by hydrothermal–volcanic activies” was proposed to responsible for the formation of black chert-shales during this E-C transition. Under this case, hydrothermal-volcanic activies could release large large amount of greenhouse into atmosphere and metal micronutrients into the ocean, which may lead to global warming, stratified ocean, thereby a high palaeoproductivity; on the other hand, the massive releasing of reduced hydrothermal fluids with abundant H2S, could have in turn enhanced the ocean anoxia. All of these were favourable the for preservation of organic matter, and subsequent extensive deposition of black silica-shales.


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This paper studied the metallotectonics, altered rocks, altered minerals and fluid inclusions. The conclusions are: (1)The gold deposits in Jiaodong district were formed quickly uplifted tectonic setting which was induced by the Mantle doming in Mesozoic era. (2)Both Jiaojia-type and Linglong-type gold mineralizations were formed in the same tectonic-fluid system. (3) The Ar-Ar age of the earlier stage of the gold mineralization is 114~116Ma. (4)The development of the plaiting ore-control tectonic system underwent four stagesrcounterclockwise ductile compresso-shearing, clockwise brittle tenso-shearing and counterclockwise brittle compresso-shearing and brittle normal faulting after mineralization. (5)The mineralization has five stages: quartz and k-feldspar stage, quartz and ferro-carbonate and pyrite stage, quartz and chalcopyrite stage, pyrite and sericite and quartz stage and carbonate stage, and they make up four ore-types: red ore, vein ore, mottled ore and grey ore. (6) The features of mineralizations and ore-forming fluids in different stages are different. But the ore-forming fluids are rich in Si, Fe, P_2O_5, H_2O, CO_2, SO_4~(2-), K~+, Na~+, Ca~(2+) and Cl~- in general and their salinities are from 4 to 18 NaClwt%. (7) The ore-forming fluids came mainly from the Mantle in early stage, then mainly from magma, and mainly from meteoric water in the last stage. (8) Au in the ore-forming fluid was mainly carried in the form of complex of Au and S. (9)The temperature of ore-forming fluid is from 350℃ to 120℃and its pressure is from 20MPa to 38MPa. (10)The gold vein composed by quartz, ferro-carbonate, chalcopyrite and pyrite (vein ore) was filled in the tensional fracture in the top of the magma dome. The disseminated ore bodies composed by pyrite, sericite and quartz (grey ore) was metasomatized in the shearing fault which developed along the contact zone between Linglong intrusive body and Jiaodong Group, which is placed in the flank top of magma dome. In the joint and fracture induced by the shearing fault which developed along the contact zone between Linglong intrusive body and Jiaodong Group, veiniet and stockwork ore (red ore) and veinlet-disseminated ore (mottled ore) composed by quartz and pyrite was formed. (ll)Fluid boiling maybe one of the form of the ore-forming substances precipitation.


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The foreland basin on the northern margin of the lower reach of the Yangtze river (the lower Yangtze foreland basin) is tectonically situated in the basin-mountain transitional area along the southeastern flank of the Dabie mountains. The early formation and development of the basin is closely related to the open-up of the Mian-Lue paleo-oceanic basin on the southern margin of the Central Orogenic System represented by Qinling-Dabei orogenic belt, while the tectonic evolution of the middle-late stage of the basin is mainly related to development of the Mian-Lue tectonic zone that occurred on the basis of the previous Mian-Lue paleo-suture. The foreland basin of the northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river was formed during the middle-Triassic collision between the Yangtze and North China plates and experienced an evolution of occuirence-development-extinction characterized by marine facies to continental facies and continental margin to intracontinent in terms of tectonic setting.The foreland basin (T2-J2) was developed on the basis of the passive continental marginal basin on the south side of the Mian-Lue paleo-ocean and superimposed by late Jurassic-Tertiary fault basin. The tectonic setting underwent a multiple transformation of rifting-collisional clososing-tensional faulting and depression, which resulted in changes of the property for the basin and the final formation of the superposed compose basin in a fashion of 3-story-building. According to the tectonic position and evolution stages of plate collision happening on the southeastern margin of the Dabie mountains, and tectono-tratigraphic features shown by the foreland basin in its main formational period, the evolution of the foreland basin can be divided into four stages: 1) pre-orogenic passive margin (P2-Ti). As the Mian-Lue ocean commenced subduction in the late-Permian, the approaching of the Yangtze and North China plates to each other led to long-periodical and large-scale marine regression in early Triassic which was 22 Ma earlier than the global one and generated I-type mixed strata of the clastic rocks and carbonate, and I-type carbonate platform. These represent the passive stratigraphy formed before formation of the foreland basin. 2) Foreland basin on continental margin during main orogenic episode (T2.3). The stage includes the sub-stage of marine foreland basin (T2X remain basin), which formed I-type stratigrphy of carbonate tidal flat-lagoon, the sub-stage of marine-continental transition-molasse showing II-type stratigraphy of marine-continental facies lake - continental facies lake. 3) Intracontinental foreland basin during intracontinental orogeny (Ji-2)- It is characterized by continental facies coal-bearing molasses. 4) Tensional fault and depression during post-orogeny (J3-E). It formed tectono-stratigraphy post formation of the foreland basin, marking the end of the foreland evolution. Fold-thrust deformation of the lower Yangtze foreland basin mainly happened in late middle-Jurassic, forming ramp structures along the Yangtze river that display thrusting, with deformation strength weakening toward the river from both the Dabie mountains and the Jiangnan rise. This exhibits as three zones in a pattern of thick-skinned structure involved the basement of the orogenic belt to decollement thin-skinned structure of fold-thrust from north to south: thrust zone of foreland basin on northern rim of the lower reach of the Yangtze river, foreland basin zone and Jiannan compose uplift zone. Due to the superposed tensional deformation on the earlier compressional deformation, the structural geometric stratification has occurred vertically: the upper part exhibits late tensional deformation, the middle portion is characterized by ramp fault -fold deformation on the base of the Silurian decollement and weak deformation in the lower portion consisting of Silurian and Neo-Proterozoic separated by the two decollements. These portions constitutes a three-layered structural assemblage in a 3-D geometric model.From the succession of the lower reach of the Yangtze river and combined with characteristics of hydrocarbon-bearing rocks and oil-gas system, it can be seen that the succession of the continental facies foreland basin overlies the marine facies stratigraphy on the passive continental margin, which formed upper continental facies and lower marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system possessing the basic conditions for oil-gas occurrence. Among the conditions, the key for oil-gas accumulation is development and preservation of the marine hydrocarbon-bearing rocks underlying the foreland basin. The synthetic study that in the lower Yangtze foreland basin (including the Wangjiang-Qianshan basin), the generation-reservoir-cover association with the Permian marine facies hydrocarbon-bearing rocks as the critical portion can be a prospective oil-gas accumulation.Therefore, it should aim at the upper Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon-bearing rock system and oil-gas forming system in oil-gas evaluation and exploration. Also, fining excellent reservoir phase and well-preserved oil-gas accumulation units is extremely important for a breakthrough in oil-gas exploration.