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In the laser induced thermal fatigue simulation test on pistons, the high power laser was transformed from the incident Gaussian beam into a concentric multi-circular pattern with specific intensity ratio. The spatial intensity distribution of the shaped beam, which determines the temperature field in the piston, must be designed before a diffractive optical element (DOE) can be manufactured. In this paper, a reverse method based on finite element model (FEM) was proposed to design the intensity distribution in order to simulate the thermal loadings on pistons. Temperature fields were obtained by solving a transient three-dimensional heat conduction equation with convective boundary conditions at the surfaces of the piston workpiece. The numerical model then was validated by approaching the computational results to the experimental data. During the process, some important parameters including laser absorptivity, convective heat transfer coefficient, thermal conductivity and Biot number were also validated. Then, optimization procedure was processed to find favorable spatial intensity distribution for the shaped beam, with the aid of the validated FEM. The analysis shows that the reverse method incorporated with numerical simulation can reduce design cycle and design expense efficiently. This method can serve as a kind of virtual experimental vehicle as well, which makes the thermal fatigue simulation test more controllable and predictable. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An analytical fluid model for vacuum heating during the oblique incidence by an ultrashort ultraintense p-polarized laser on a solid-density plasma is proposed. The steepening of an originally smooth electron density profile as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser is included self-consistently. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking since the front part of the returning electrons always move slower than the trailing part. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expense of the wave energy. An estimate for the efficiency of laser energy absorption by the vacuum heating is given. It is also found that for the incident laser intensity parameter, a(L)> 0.5, the absorption rate peaks at an incident angle 45 degrees-52 degrees and it reaches a maximum of 30% at a(L)approximate to 1.5.
Glass systems of composition xBiCl(3)-(1-x)TeO2 (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, respectively) have been investigated by means of DSC, infrared absorption spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in order to obtain information about the transformation of structure, thermal and optical properties in the formation of the glass network. The results confirm that the addition of BiCl3 network former increases the glass forming ability and the optical transmission range. And also from Raman results a structural evolution was observed where the number of structural units described as [TeO3] trigonal pyramids, [TeO3+1] polyhedra and ionic behavior bonds (NBO) increases at the expense of the [TeO4] trigonal bipyramids. Bi3+ ions exist in network structure as [BiO6] or [BiCl6] octahedral coordination. As upconversion luminescence glass host, this glassy system is desired for optical properties but the thermal stability will still be improved. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
第一部分:内蒙古锡林河流域草原植物种群和群落热值的时空变异研究 热值的研究是评价生态系统能量固定、传输和转化的基础,也是评价植物光合作用效率和植物营养值的有用参数。同种植物热值会随着植物部位、光照、养分条件、季节、土壤类型和气候条件的不同而发生变化。不同的种类和类群之间热值也存在差异。本项研究以内蒙古锡林河流域中段草原植物群落为对象,研究了植物种群和群落热值的时空变异规律。 对内蒙古羊草草原群落不同植物种群热值的时问动态研究结果表明,42种植物地上部分的热值在13.16土1.14 kJ.g-l和18.14土0.53 kJ.g-1之间变动,所有物种的平均热值为16.90土0,84 kJ.g-1,种间变异系数4.9%。小叶锦鸡儿(Caraganamicrophylla)具有最高的热值。禾草的平均热值高于杂草。根据生活型和生长型,草本物种被进一步分组,热值从高到低的排列顺序为:高禾草>豆科植物>矮禾草>其余杂草>半灌木>一二年生植物。 主要植物种群地下部分热值的分布范围为15.05-16.41 kJ.g-1。其中根茎型草地下部分热值较高。不同种类植物地下部分热值差异并不与地上部分一致。根茎型禾草地上、地下部分热值差异较小,而须根型植物差异较大。不同种群的植物地上部分热值随植物物候期的不同而波动,其变化规律是与植物种群本身的生物学特性相联系的。不同植物种群热值的年际波动规律有所不同,羊草(Leymuschinensis)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)和洽草(Koeloria cristata)的年际热值波动相关显著,但与生长季降水量和生长季累积日照时数之间无明显相关性。在某种程度上,植物热值的种内变化反映了植物生长状况的差异。 42种植物的热值和它们在群落中的相对生物量存在显著正相关关系。表现为优势种(17.74 kJ.g-1)>伴生种(17.24 kJ.g-l)>偶见种(16.65 kJ.g-1)。高热值的植物更具竞争力,在群落中通常占据优势地位,而低热值的植物竞争力通常较弱,构成草原群落的伴生种或偶见种。 以内蒙古锡林河流域3个草原群落类型(羊草典型草原,大针茅典型草原,羊草草甸草原)的放牧退化梯度系列(包括未退化,轻度退化,中度退化和重度退化4个强度)为研究对象,对主要植物种群和群落热值随草原类型和退化梯度的空间变异规律及热值与其他群落和土壤性质的相关性进行了研究。 结果表明,研究区出现的60个植物种平均热值为17.25土0.92 kJ.g-1,变异系数5.4%.热值大于18.00 kJ.g-1的高能植物包括3种优势高禾草(羊草、大针茅和羽茅(A. sibiricum))和一些有毒植物,热值小于17.00 kJ.g-1的低能值植物包括多数一年生杂草;热值在17.00-18.00 kJ.g-1之间的中能值植物包括大多数多年生杂草和矮禾草。 按照生活型分类,灌木的热值最高,多年生禾草显著高于一二年生植物,半灌木和多年生杂草介于二者之间。按照水分生态类型分类,旱生植物、中旱生、旱中生和中生植物之间在热值上没有明显差异。不同科之间热值存在显著差异,禾本科、豆科、菊科植物热值较高,藜科植物平均热值最低。 二因素方差分析结果表明,主要优势物种热值在不同草原类型之间存在显著差异,表现为羊草草甸草原>羊草典型草原>大针茅典型草原。对于大多数优势禾草,热值没有随退化梯度发生明显变化,洽草(K. cristata)、冰草(A.ctistatum)和所有优势杂草随退化程度的增强热值趋于下降。对于大多数优势物种,热值随不同草原类型的空间变异大于放牧退化所导致的空间变异。 不同草原类型的群落热值为羊草草甸草原>羊草典型草原>大针茅典型草原,群落平均热值表现出随退化强度的增加而下降的趋势,这主要归因于沿退化梯度不同物种构成比例的变化,即随退化程度的加剧,高能值植物在群落中的比例下降。其次是特定物种热值随退化梯度的变化。在同一草原区,放牧对群落热值的影响大于立地条件之间的差异。 群落和主要物种热值均表现出与某些群落特征和土壤性质的相关性。 关键词:内蒙古,锡林河流域,羊草草原;物种和群落热值,时空变异,退化梯度,草原类型,土壤性质 第二部分内蒙古羊草草原17年刈割演替过程中功能群组成动态及其对群落净初级生产力稳定性的影响 基于17年的野外实验数据,研究了内蒙古羊草草原群落刈割演替过程中的功能群组成动态,探索功能群组成变化与群落净初级生产力(ANPP)之间的关系,分析结构参数怎样影响功能参数。结果显示:在17年的割草演替过程中,群落的结构与功能均发生了变化。随着羊草群落刈割演替的进行,群落的功能群组成发生了显著变化,根茎禾草在群落中的优势地位相继被一二年生植物,高丛生禾草,矮丛生禾草所取代。到17年末,群落变成根茎禾草,矮丛生禾草,高丛生禾草共同建群的群落。在对照群落中ANPP与年降水量显著相关,但在刈割群落中二者则不相关。年降水量解释对照群落ANPP变异的62%,而连年的刈割干扰则是刈割群落中ANPP动态的主要驱动因子。群落净初级生产则显出对刈割干扰的抵抗能力,在刈割干扰的前几年,依靠群落内功能群组成的不断调节,保持相对稳定的水平,当刈割进行5年之后,群落结构的变化积累到一定程度,净初级生产迅速下降到一个较低的水平,此后依靠群落结构的不断调节来维持这一功能水平。因此,群落结构是以渐变的方式改变的,而群落功能的下降则是以跃变的形式完成的。群落依赖于结构的不断调整来保持功能的相对稳定,但结构变化到一定程度也会导致功能的衰退。 关键词:内蒙古,羊草草原;刈割演替;功能群组成;净初级生产;群落;稳定性
神农架地区的巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)林是秦巴山地重要的森林生态系统类型,长期以来其在水土保持、水源涵养、林产品供给等方面的生态服务功能受到了广泛的重视,近年来该类森林的生物地球化学循环正成为关注的热点。本文以神农架巴山冷杉天然林为研究对象,从其凋落物的数量、养分、能量3个方面入手,着重研究1)凋落物组成及其凋落量的月变化模式;2)凋落物养分含量及养分年归还量的特征;3)凋落物的能流量及其月变化模式。研究表明: 巴山冷杉天然林的年凋落量为5702.99kg.hm-2,处于亚热带森林年凋落量的范围内;巴山冷杉林的凋落物组成比较丰富,主要有落叶、落枝、球花、球果和其它五部分,其中以落叶为多,占总凋落量的46.00%;凋落量的月变化模式呈双峰型,分别在2006年10-11月和2007年4-5月达到峰值。 巴山冷杉林凋落物养分含量的大小顺序为:N>K>Ca>P>Mg;N、P、K、Ca、Mg的年归还量分别为:39.1063 kg.hm-2、4.5346 kg.hm-2、13.4367 kg.hm-2、5.4965 kg.hm-2、0.0911 kg.hm-2,以N的年归还量最多;就凋落物各组分的养分年归还量而言,落叶的养分归还量远远大于其余组分的养分归还量,占总归还量的52.65%。因此,不论凋落量还是养分归还量,巴山冷杉林凋落物中的落叶都占有绝对的优势。 在巴山冷杉林凋落物各组分中,干重热值介于20.60 KJ/g 至22.70 KJ/g之间,灰分浓度介于1.38%至5.94%之间,去灰分热值介于21.34 KJ/g至23.55KJ/g之间,充分表明了灰分对热值的影响。在各组分中,无论是干重热值还是去灰分热值,均以落叶的热值最高。从整年来看,落叶的热值在2006年10-11月和2007年6-7月较高。巴山冷杉林通过凋落物的年能流量为 12500.96 KJ.m-2,以落叶能流量最大,占总能流量的47.72%。通过计算凋落物的能流量占太阳有效辐射的百分数可以得出太阳辐射进入凋落物的转化效率,巴山冷杉林凋落物的能量转化效率为0.61%,这在亚热带和热带森林类型中属于中等水平。
The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary linolenic acid (LNA)linoleic acid (LA) ratio on growth performance, hepatic fatty acid profile and intermediary metabolism of juvenile yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Six isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets were formulated to contain incremental levels of LNA from 0 to 5% at the expense of corn oil (rich in LA), resulting in six dietary treatments with LNA to LA ratios ranging from 0.35 to 14.64. The experiment continued for 7 weeks. Best growth and feed intake were obtained in the fish fed the diets containing the LNA/LA ratios of 1.17 and 2.12 (P<0.05). In contrast, feed conversion ratio was the lowest for fish fed the diets containing the LNA/LA ratios of 1.17 and 2.12 (P<0.05). Dietary LNA to LA ratios significantly influenced viscerosomatic index and hepatosomatic index (P<0.05), but not condition factor (P>0.05). Body composition was also significantly influenced by dietary LNA to LA ratios (P<0.05). Generally, liver FA compositions reflected dietary FA profiles. Declining LA and increasing LNA contents in liver were observed with the increasing dietary LNA/LA ratios (P<0.05). Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increased with the increasing LNA to LA ratios, suggesting that yellow catfish could elongate and desaturate C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids into highly unsaturated fatty acids. As a consequence, the n-6 fatty acids (FA) declined, and total n-3 FA and n-3/n-6 ratios increased with the dietary ratios of LNA/LA (P<0.05). Dietary LNA to LA ratios significantly influenced several enzymatic activities involved in liver intermediary metabolism (P<0.05), such as lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, pyruvate kinase, succinate dehydrogenase, malic dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase, suggesting that dietary LNA/LA ratios had significant effects on nutrient metabolism in the liver. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of the effects of dietary LNA to LA ratios on the enzymatic activities of liver in fish, which provides information on diet quality and utilization, and can also be used as an indicator of the nutritional status of this fish. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Growth, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to eutrophication were studied for a submerged plant Potamogeton maackianus, a species common in East Asian shallow lakes. The plants were grown in six NH4+-N concentrations (0.05, 0.50, 1.00, 3.50, 5.00 and 10.00 mg/L) for six days. NH4+-N levels in excess of 0.50 mg/L inhibited the plant growth. The relationships between external NH4+-N availability and total nitrogen (TN), protein-N, free amino acid-N (FAA-N) and NH4+-N in plant tissues, respectively, conformed to a logarithmic model suggesting that a feedback inhibition mechanism may exist for ammonium uptake. The response of starch to NH4+-N was fitted with a negative, logarithmic curve. Detailed analysis revealed that the influx NH4+-N had been efficiently incorporated into organic-N and eventually stored as protein at the expense of starch accumulation. These data suggest that this species may be able to tolerate high levels of ammonium when dissolved oxygen is sufficient.
Terbium ions were successfully incorporated in nano-sized zinc oxide particles with a doping concentration up to 3% by using a wet chemical route. Four narrow emission peaks of Tb3+ ions and a broad emission band of the surface states on ZnO nano-hosts were observed for all Tb-doped nanoparticles. Relaxation of carriers from excited states of ZnO hosts to rare earth (RE) dopants is disclosed by the fact that the emission intensity of Tb3+ centers increases with increased Tb content at the expense of the emission from surface defect states in ZnO matrix. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Terbium-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles have been prepared by hydrolyzing zinc acetate and terbium acetate. Nanoparticle-matrix-facilitated photoluminescence which is related to Tb3+ ions has been observed for ZnO:Tb nanoparticles. The dependence of emission intensity on doping concentration of Tb3+ ions has been investigated. An energy transfer from excited states of ZnO hosts to dopants is disclosed by the fact that the emission intensity of Tb3+ centers increases with increasing Tb content at the expense of emission from defect states in ZnO matrix.
能量流动、物质循环和信息传递共同构成了生态系统三大功能。能量是维持生态系统功能与过程的动力,Jordan(1971)认为能量比干物质更能反映出群落对自然资源(特别是太阳能)的利用情况。Long(1934)率先用热值来表示植物所含能量的多少,此后关于植物热值的研究工作逐渐展开。我国的植物热值研究始于20世纪80年代(杨福囤等,1983;祖元刚等,1986),主要集中在海南(林益明等,2000)、福建(林益明等,2004)、广东(任海等,1999)和浙江(郝朝运等,2006)等热带亚热带植物群落以及内蒙古羊草草原(鲍雅静等,2003),但有关黄土高原地区的植被热值研究尚未见报道。子午岭林区是黄土高原主要的天然次生林区,其植被主要是在弃耕地基础上逐渐恢复起来的(邹厚远等,2002)。由于自然因素与人为因素的影响,子午岭的植被在恢复时间上存在较大差异,形成了处于不同演替阶段的各种植被群落类型。本研究选取的6个代表性植被群落分别是沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)群落、山杨(Populus davidiana)群落、白桦(Betula platyphylla)群落、油松(Pinus tabulaeform...
株高是农作物的重要农艺性状之一,适度矮化有利于农作物的耐肥、抗倒、高产等。20世纪50年代,以日本的赤小麦为矮源的半矮秆小麦的培育和推广,使得世界粮食产量显著增长,被誉为“绿色革命”。迄今为止,已报到的麦类矮秆、半矮秆基因已达70多个,但由于某些矮源极度矮化或者矮化的同时伴随不利的农艺性状,使得真正运用于育种实践的矮源较少。因此,发掘和鉴定新的控制麦类作物株高的基因,开展株高基因定位、克隆及作用机理等方面的研究,对实现麦类作物株高的定向改良,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum,2n=14,VV)是禾本科簇毛麦属一年生二倍体异花授粉植物,为栽培小麦的近缘属。本课题组在不同来源的簇毛麦杂交后代中发现了一株自然突变产生的矮秆突变体。观察分析了该突变体的生物学特性,对矮秆性状进行了遗传分析,对茎节细胞长度、花粉的活力进行了细胞学观察,考察了该突变体内源赤霉素含量及不同浓度外施赤霉素对突变体的作用,分析了赤霉素生物合成途径中的内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶(KO)和赤霉素20氧化酶(GA20ox)的转录水平,对赤霉素20氧化酶和赤霉素3-β羟化酶(GA3ox)进行了克隆和序列分析,并对GA20ox进行了原核表达和表达的组织特异性研究。主要研究结果如下:1. 该突变体与对照植株在苗期无差异,在拔节后期才表现出植株矮小,相对对照植株,节间伸长明显受到抑制,叶鞘长度基本不变。在成熟期,对照植株的平均株高为110cm,而突变株的平均株高为32cm,仅为对照植株的1/3 左右。除了株高变矮以外,在成熟后期,突变株还表现一定程度的早衰和雄性不育。I2-KI染色法观察花粉活力结果表明,对照植株花粉90%以上都是有活力的,而突变植株的花粉仅20%左右有活力。2. 突变株与对照植株的杂交F1代均表现正常株高,表明该突变性状为隐性突变。F1代植株相互授粉得到的168株F2代植株中,株高出现分离,正常株高(株高高于80cm)与矮秆植株(株高矮于40cm)的株数比为130:38,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3:1的分离比,因此推测该突变体属于单基因的隐性突变。3. 用ELISA方法检测突变株和对照植株的幼嫩种子中内源性生物活性赤霉素(GA1+3)含量,结果表明突变株的赤霉素含量为36 ng/ml,而对照植株的赤霉素含量为900 ng/ml。对突变株外施赤霉素,发现矮秆突变株的株高和花粉育性均可得到恢复。这些结果表明该突变株为赤霉素缺陷型突变。4. 用荧光定量PCR方法比较突变株与对照植株中内根贝壳杉烯氧化酶和赤霉素20氧化酶的转录水平,结果表明突变株的KO转录水平比对照植株分别提高了6倍(苗期)和16倍(成熟期),突变株的GA20ox转录水平与对照植株在苗期无明显差异,在成熟期突变株较对照植株则提高了10倍左右。这些结果表明该矮秆突变体与赤霉素的生物合成途径密切相关,而且极有可能在赤霉素的生物合成途径早期就发生了改变。5. 以簇毛麦总基因组为模板,同源克隆了GenBank登录号为EU142950,RT-PCR分离克隆了簇毛麦的GA3ox基因cDNA全长序列,分析结果表明该cDNA全长1206bp,含完整编码区1104bp,推测该序列编码蛋白含368个氨基酸残基,分子量为40.063KD,等电点为6.27。预测的氨基酸序列含有双加氧酶的活性结构,在酶活性中心2个Fe离子结合的氨基酸残基非常保守。该序列与小麦、大麦和水稻的GA3ox基因一致性分别为98%、96%、86%。基因组序列与cDNA序列在外显子部分一致,在478-715bp和879-1019bp处分别含238bp和140bp的内含子。6. 通过RT-PCR技术克隆了簇毛麦的GA20ox基因全长,命名为DvGA20ox,GenBank登录号为EU142949。该基因全长1080个碱基,编码359个氨基酸,具有典型的植物GA20ox基因结构。该基因编码的蛋白质与小麦、大麦、黑麦草等GA20ox蛋白的同源性分别为98%,97% 和91%。该序列重组到原核表达载体pET-32a(+)上,将获得的重组子pET-32a(+)-DvGA20ox转化大肠杆菌BL21pLysS后用IPTG进行诱导表达。SDS-PAGE分析表明,DvGA20ox基因在大肠杆菌中获得了高效表达,融合蛋白分子量为55kDa。定量PCR分析表明,该基因在簇毛麦不同器官中的表达差异明显:叶片中表达水平最高,根部表达水平次之,茎部和穗中表达较弱。在外施赤霉素后,该基因的表达水平在两小时以后急剧下降,表明该基因的表达受自身的反馈调节。本研究结果认为,(1)该簇毛麦矮秆突变体为单基因的隐性突变;(2)该矮秆突变体为赤霉素敏感突变,内源赤霉素含量检测表明突变体的内源性赤霉素含量仅为对照植株的1/30;(3)荧光定量PCR结果表明突变株的赤霉素生物合成途径的关键酶基因表达水平比对照植株高,而且突变植株的赤霉素生物合成改变很可能发生在赤霉素生物合成途径的早期;(4)GA20ox有表达的组织特异性,且受到自身产物的反馈调节。 Plant height is an impotrant agronomic trait of triticeae crops.Semi-dwarf cropcultivars, including those of wheat, maize and rice, have significantly increased grainproduction that has been known as “green revolution”. The new dwarf varieties couldraise the harvest Index at the expense of straw biomass, and, at the sametime, improvelodging resistance and responsiveness to nitrogen fertilizer. Moreover, dwarf traits ofplant are crucial for elucidating mechanisms for plant growth and development aswell. In many plant species, various dwarf mutants have been isolated and theirmodles of inheritance and physiology also have been widely investigated.The causesfor their dwarf phenotypes were found to be associated with plant hormones,especially, gibberellins GAs.Dasypyrum villosum Candargy (syn.Haynaldia villosa) is a cross-pollinating,diploid (2n = 2x = 14) annual species that belongs to the tribe Triticeae. It is native toSouthern Europe and West Asia, especially the Caucasuses, and grows underconditions unfavorable to most cultivated crops. The genome of D. villosum,designated V by Sears, is considered an important donor of genes to wheat for improving powdery mildew resistance, take-all, eyespot, and plant and seed storageprotein content. A spontaneous dwarf mutant was found in D. villosum populations.The biological character and modles of inheritance of this dwarf mutant are studied.The cell length of stem cell is observed. The influence of extraneous gibberellin tothe dwarf mutant is also examined; the transcript level of key enzyme of gibberellinbiosynthesis pathway in mutant and control plants is compared. GA3ox and GA20oxare cloned and its expression pattern is researched.1. The dwarf mutant showed no difference with control plants at seedlingstage.At mature stage, the average height of control plants were 110cm and the dwarfplants were 33cm. The height of the mutant plant was only one third of the normalplants due to the shortened internodes. Cytology observation showed that theelongation of stem epidermal and the parenchyma cells were reduced. The dwarfmutant also shows partly male sterile. Pollen viability test indicates that more than80% of the pollen of the mutant is not viable.2. The inheritance modle of this dwarf mutant is studied. All The F1 plantsshowed normal phenotype indicating that the dwarfism is controlled by recessivealleles. Among the 168 F2 plants, there are 130 normal plants and 30 dwarf plants, thesegregation proportion accord with Mendel’s 3:1 segregation. We therefore proposethat this dwarf phenotype is controlled by a single recessive gene.3. Quantitative analyses of endogenous GA1+3 in the young seeds indicated thatthe content of GA1+3 was 36ng/ml in mutant plants and 900ng/ml in normal plants.The endogenous bioactive GA1+3 in mutant plants are only about 1/30 of that innormal plants. In addition, exogenously supplied GA3 could considerably restore themutant plant to normal phenotype. These results showed that this mutant wasdefective in the GA biosynthesis.4. More than ten enzymes are involved in GA biosynthesis. KO catalyzes thefirst cytochrome P450-mediated step in the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway and themutant of KO lead to a gibberellin-responsive dwarf mutant. GA20ox catalyze therate-limited steps so that their transcript level will influence the endogenous GAbiosynthesis and modifies plant architecture. The relative expression levels of genesencoding KO and GA20ox were quantified by real time PCR to assess whether thechanges in GA content correlated with the expression of GA metabolism genes andwhere the mutant occurred during the GA biosynthesis pathway. In mutant plants,the transcript levels of KO increased about 6-fold and 16-fold at the seedling stage and elongating stage respectively comparing with the normal plants. For theseedlings, there was no notable difference in the expression of GA20ox betweenmutant and normal plants. At the elongating stage, GA20ox transcript increased 10times in mutant plants, suggesting that the GA biosynthesis pathway in mutant plantshad changed from the early steps rather than the late steps.5. A full length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase homology(designated as DvGA3ox) was isolated and consisted of 1206bp containing an openreading frame of 1104bp encoding 368 predicted amino acid residues. Identityanalysis showed that the gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase nucleotide sequence shared 98%,96% and 86% homology with that of wheat, barley and rice. The predicted peptidecontained the active-site Fe of known gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase and the regionhomologous to wheat, barley and Arabidopsis. The genomic clone of gibberellin3β-hydroxylase has two introns.6. The full-length cDNA of D. villosum gibberellin 20 oxidase (designated asDvGA20ox) was isolated and consisted of 1080-bp and encoded 359 amino acidresidues with a calculated mol wt of 42.46 KD. Comparative and bio-informaticsanalyses revealed that DvGA20ox had close similarity with GA20ox from otherspecies and contained a conserved LPWKET and NYYPXCQKP regions. Tissueexpression pattern analysis revealed DvGA20ox expressed in all the tissues that wereexamined and the highest expression of DvGA20ox in expanding leaves followed byroots. Heterologous expression of this cDNA clone in Escherichia coli gave a fusionprotein that about 55KD. Transcript levels of DvGA20ox dramatically reduced twohours after application of biologically active GA3, suggesting that the biosynthesis ofthis enzymes might be under feedback control.
本论文介绍了放射性核束物理研究的现状以及当前常用的几种同位旋相关的重离子微观输运理论,系统描述了非对称核物质的状态方程、中能重离子碰撞中的同位旋效应以及中子星的性质。基于 Hartree-Fock 理论和扩展的 Skyrme 相互作用,在核物质近似下得到了一个非相对论性的密度、温度和同位旋相关的核物质状态方程 (IEOS)。系统研究了核物质状态方程的同位旋效应。讨论了核子的平均场、核物质的不可压缩系数、核子的有效质量以及核物质临界温度的同位旋相关性,并且给出了核物质饱笔点处的饱和密度、不可压缩系数以及单核子结合能的抛物线规律。同时,探讨了对称能的温度和密度相关性,给出了零温度时对称能的解析表达式,并提出了对称能温度相关性的抛物线规律,发现对称能随着温度的升高而减小。另外,基于以上的同位旋相关的核物质状态方程,对 ALADIN's Caloric Curve 给出了一种静态解释。在传统量子分子动力学 (QMD) 模型的基础上,通过在相互作用平均场、两体碰撞、泡利阻塞、初始化以及碎片构造过程中适当地考虑同位旋自由度,得到了一个同位旋相关的 QMD 模型 (IQMD 模型)。利用IQMD模型系统研究了中能重离子碰撞中的同位旋效应。例如,中能重离子碰撞中同位旋自由度的弛豫、重离子碰撞中核子前平衡发射的同位旋效应、重离子碰撞中的集体流(包括直接流、转动流、挤出流和径向流)及其同位旋相关性、原子核多重碎裂的同位旋效应及其消失、重离子碰撞中的化学不稳定性以及中能重离子碰撞中如何选取事件的碰撞参数及其同位旋效应等。同样,在传统的 Boltzmann-Langevin 方程中适当地考虑同位旋自由度,得到了同位旋相关的Boltzmann-Langevin方程 (IBLE),利用IBLE研究了 ~(19)Na的产生截面。另外,利用IQMD模型探讨了多重碎裂的"neck" 机制以及重离子碰撞中局域势的有限程效应。基于前面给出的非相对论的核物质状态方程,系统研究了中子星的性质,如中子星的化学组份、质量、结合能、半径、密度剖面、转动惯量及表面红移等。结果表明,使用一些常用的 Skyrme 势参数能够给出与天文学观测相一致的结果。
测定了蔷薇科植物美人梅、樱花和木兰科植物白玉兰、广玉兰不同组分的热值、养分和灰分含量,探讨4种植物不同发育阶段根系、枝干和叶等器官的热值分配特征及其影响因子.结果表明:4种植物不同组分干质量热值和去灰分热值在17.02~21.93 kJ.g-1和18.42~22.57 kJ.g-1之间;叶片和细根具有较高的干质量热值和去灰分热值,去灰分热值随着根系和茎干(枝)的发育呈减小趋势.美人梅和樱花的干质量热值和去灰分热值总体上高于白玉兰和广玉兰.细根干质量热值和去灰分热值与其养分和灰分含量呈极显著相关(P<0.01).随着根系的发育,干质量热值和去灰分热值与有机碳含量的相关性逐渐降低,不同器官干质量热值与全氮含量相关性最强.
We describe an aggregation-based growth mechanism for formation of silver nanowires at room temperature. It is found that the pH of solution and the concentration of L-cysteine capping molecules have an important effect on the formation and growth of nanowires. Characterization by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-vis spectroscopy recorded as time clearly shows that the silver nanowires are grown at the expense of nanoparticles.