12 resultados para Egg production

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Shipboard incubations were conducted in spring (April) and autumn (October/November) 2006 to measure the feeding and egg production rates (EPR) of Calanus sinicus in the Yellow Sea, China. The ingestion rate (2.08-11.46 and 0.26-3.70 mu g C female(-1) day(-1) in spring and autumn, respectively) was positively correlated with microplankton carbon concentrations. In the northern part of the Yellow Sea, feeding on microplankton easily covers the respiratory and production requirements, whereas in the southern part in spring and in the frontal zone in autumn, C. sinicus must ingest alternative food sources. Low ingestion rates, no egg production and the dominance of the fifth copepodite (CV) stage indicated that C. sinicus was in quiescence inside the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water (YSCBW) area in autumn. Calanus sinicus ingested ciliates preferentially over other components of the microplankton. The EPR (0.16-12.6 eggs female(-1) day(-1) in spring and 11.4 eggs female(-1) day(-1) at only one station in autumn) increased with ciliate standing stock. Gross growth efficiency (GGE) was 13.4% (3-39%) in spring, which was correlated with the proportion of ciliates in the diet. These results indicate that ciliates have higher nutrient quality than other food items, but the low GGE indicates that the diet of C. sinicus is nutritionally incomplete.


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The spatial distribution of stage-specific abundance and reproduction of the copepod Paracalanus parvus were studied from October 2005 to September 2006 in the Jiaozhou Bay. This copepod occurred continuously in this bay throughout the year. The species reached the lowest abundance in April and peaked in June. From October to December, distribution center mainly occurred in offshore water and at the mouth of the bay. In winter, early copepodites and adults gradually decreased and till February, most of the population was only comprised of CIV-CV stages. Overwintering copepodites matured in March and males tended to mature before female. From May to September, each stage occurred in the population and gradually reached high abundance. Temperature and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration in the three stations can't clearly explain the seasonal variation in stage-specific abundance, so we surmised the important effect of the Yellow Sea. Egg production rate (EPR) reached its lowest in winter and peaked in June at 60.8 eggs female(-1) day(-1) in nearshore water. In the warming period, EPR in nearshore water was statistically higher and EPR > 10 eggs female(-1) day(-1) lasted longer than that in offshore water, showing the importance of nearshore water for recruitment of R parvus. Our study showed that EPR was positively related to temperature and total chlorophyll a in offshore water and mouth of the bay. In nearshore water, the relationships between EPR and temperature and Chl-a in three size fractions were not the same as those in offshore water, suggesting complicated ecosystem in such a eutrophic area in warming period. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus), a freshwater teleost,. was exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) at 0.05, 0.5, 1 and 5 mug/L from fertilized eggs for up to mature period under flow-through condition. Several endpoints that related to development, reproductive fitness and transgenerational effects were evaluated. It was found that body length and body weight were significantly reduced and vitellogenin (Via) levels were significantly increased for fish exposed to DES. Histological examination showed that the sex ratios of F-0 fish skewed to female and about 2% of the fish exposed to 0.05 mug/L DES developed testes-ova. The reproductive success, as determined from data on egg production, was reduced in female fish exposed to 0.05, 0.5, 1 and 5 mug/L DES. The lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOEC) for chances of sex ratios, reproductive success and histology alteration of F-0 are 0.05 mug/L. In the offspring, transgenerational effects on egg hatching rate. egg fertilization and Vtg levels of juvenile individuals were not observed. However. survival of F, generation fry significantly declined. The analysis of sex steroid levels revealed a significant decrease of testosterone (T) in the whole body homogenates (WBH) of male progeny and somewhat elevation of estradiol (E-T) in the WBH of female offspring. These findings indicate that exposure to DES causes a variety of developmental, reproductive and transgenerational effects. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Under laboratory conditions, the potential influence of diatom diets on reproduction of zoo-plankton Calanus sinicus was studied. Four diatom diet ingredients: Skeletonema costatum (SC), Chaetoceros muelleri (CM), Phaeodactylum tricornutum (PT), diatom mixture (MIX) and a control diet: the flagellate Platymonas subordiformis (PS), were used at the same carbon concentrations of 2.0 mu g mL(-1) C. In a period of 17-day laboratory experiment, the effects of these algae diets on egg production and hatching success of the copepod Calanus sinicus were examined. The diets were analyzed for fatty acid content as an indicator of food quality. The results showed that the female survival of all treatments reached more than 80% except PT. Comparing to the initial value, egg production of Calanus sinicus was reduced in diatom diets (PT, CM), but remained in normal level in SC and MIX, indicating that some single diatom diets had a negative effect on the egg production of Calanus sinicus. Feeding with mixed food however can eliminate this negative effect. Among all the treatments, hatching success in filtered seawater was significantly higher than in algal exudates, indicating that not only diatoms but also other phytoplankton in certain concentration can release extracelluar substance that may inhibit eggs from hatching. Fatty acid analysis showed that both egg production rate and hatching success were negatively correlated to the ratio of 20:5 omega 3 and 14:0 in fatty acid composition.


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We have observed that Calanus sinicus retreated from neritic areas in the Yellow Sea and concentrated in the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water (YSCBW) area in summer. To investigate the summer reproductive strategy of C. sinicus in this situation, effects of high temperature on reproduction and hatching, as well as geographical variation of in situ egg production rate, were studied by onboard incubation in August 2001. Diel vertical migration (DVM) of females was investigated within and outside the YSCBW, respectively. Onboard incubation at 27 degrees C (i.e. surface temperature) resulted in lower fecundities than that at 9.8 and 12 degrees C (i.e. bottom temperature inside and outside the YSCBW) together with decreased hatching rates and increased naupliar malformation. Egg production was more active at stations outside the YSCBW than inside, where chlorophyll-a concentration was also relatively low. Females inside the YSCBW underwent DVM although they rarely entered the surface layer, but DVM was not observed outside the YSCBW. We conclude that surface temperature in summer has deleterious effects on C. sinicus egg production and hatching, and that it cannot reproduce successfully over the whole area. Inside the YSCBW, egg production is depressed by low food availability, while females outside suffer from high temperatures because of strong vertical mixing.


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Annual variations of egg production rate (EPR) and clutch size of Calanus sinicus, as well as body size of females (prosome length and dry weight), were investigated at a series of stations in the Southern Yellow Sea by onboard incubation. Calanus sinicus was spawning in all the 11 cruises investigated, and the annual variation of EPR was bimodal. Monthly average EPR was highest from May to July, respectively, 5.97, 5.36 and 6.30 eggs female(-1) d(-1), then decreased dramatically to only 1.37 eggs female(-1) d(-1) in August and attained the lowest 1.07 eggs female(-1) d(-1) in October. In November, average EPR increased again to 4.31 eggs female(-1) d(-1). Seasonal variation of clutch size was similar to EPR, except that it decreased gradually after August rather than dramatically as did EPR. Prosome length of females was maximum in May and minimum in October, but dry weight was highest in November. Monthly average EPR correlated better with prosome length than dry weight, while clutch size was rather determined by dry weight of females. It is suggested that egg production of C. sinicus was active during two discontinuous periods when both surface and bottom temperature fell into its favorite range (i.e. 10-23degreesC), and different reproductive strategies were adopted in these two reproductive peaks: other than the highest EPR, longer prosome length was also achieved by C. sinicus from May to July, while females in November developed shorter bodies but accumulated more energy for reproduction.


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The fecundity, hatching success and naupliar survival of Calanus sinicus were studied in the Yellow Sea during research cruises in April and October 2006, with emphasis on the regulation of reproduction. During both cruises, the egg production rate (EPR) showed large spatial variations (0 to 25.4 eggs female(-1) d(-1)), generally coinciding with the food availability. In April, the abundant phytoplankton and ciliates in the study area supported active reproduction, which would probably initiate the annual population development. In October, females remained immature in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, likely due to the unfavorable environment (poor food and low temperature). However, reproduction and recruitment were high in the neritic region, which may explain the local population recovery in late autumn. Hatching success varied markedly among stations in April (4 to 85%), whereas it was high overall in the neritic region during October (> 90%). Based on the potential recruitment rates, the spring recruitment would be more important for the annual population dynamics, Female gonad maturity, body size and lipid reserve were examined in relation to fecundity. Regression analyses suggested that the reproductive index (defined as the proportion of females with mature gonads) could be an indicator for the EPR of C. sinicus. Among the regulating factors, external food (ciliates and phytoplankton) seems essential for reproduction, whereas inner lipid reserve may mainly serve metabolic needs. Moreover, fecundity is positively related to body size but independent of temperature, which might exert indirect influences on reproduction.


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Two hot spots in marine ecology, deleterious effects of diatoms and feeding selectivity of copepods, as well as new progress on these two issues achieved in the recent ten years, are reviewed. These two issues are considered correlated closely. Diatoms and their metabolites can induce deleterious effects on growth, reproduction and development of copepods, including increase of mortality and decrease of egg production, hatching and growth rates. Such negative effects, resulting from either chemical toxin or nutritional deficiency, can be conquered in natural environments by diverse feeding. It is therefore concluded that deleterious effects of diatoms observed in laboratory or during blooming period are only a special case that accommodation of feeding strategy of copepods is disabled. To understand their feeding strategy in natural environments is a prerequisite to explaining the mechanisms of deleterious effects caused by diatoms, and makes it possible to re-evaluate the energy flow in marine ecosystems.


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The influence of diatoms on the reproduction and naupliar development of Acartia bifilosa was investigated under laboratory conditions, comparing initial in situ values and laboratory-food treatments. Egg production by A. bifilosa was significantly reduced by one diatom diet (Phaeodactylum tricornutum: Pt) and by two non-diatom diets (Platymonas subordiformis: Ps and Nannochloropsis oculata: No). It was less affected by the other diatom diet (Skeletonema costatum: Sc) or by two mixed-food treatments (D-mix and DG-mix), composed of two diatoms (Pt, Sc) and four species (Pt, Sc, Ps and No), respectively. The negative effect of Pt was eliminated when adult copepods were offered mixed-food diets. There were no significant differences between the hatching success values observed in filtered seawater and in algal exudates, indicating that diatoms did not produce active dissolved toxic substances under the different food concentrations tested. The mortality rate of nauplii was higher with Pt than the other diets, suggesting that this diatom species had a negative effect on egg production, hatching success and naupliar survival simultaneously. Compared to other diets, No and Pt were not beneficial food sources for reproduction and for female and larval survival. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pigment ingestion rate (PIR) and egg production rate (EPR) of the dominant copepod Calanus sinicus, as well as chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton assemblages were measured in the Bohai Sea, North China in June 1997, October 1998 and May 1999. A herbivore index (H) was also calculated as the carbon specific ratio of PIR and EPR, in order to investigate its feeding habits in the spring and autumn phytoplankton bloom respectively. On average, chlorophyll-a concentration was relatively similar (1-1.34 mg m(-3)) in the three cruises, but PIR was quite different. It was 3.24 mu g C female(-1) d(-1) in October, equivalent to one half of the PIR for June and one third of the PIR for May. Average EPR was highest in May, and quite similar during the other two months. According to H values, herbivorous feeding contributed 100% of the egg production of C. sinicus in June, 82.5% in May, but only 47.8% in October. It is possible that omnivorous feeding of C. sinicus in October was induced by a prevalence of large-sized diatoms and sufficient non-phytoplankton food resources during the autumn bloom period.


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The reuse of holdfasts for regeneration of young seedlings or using wild juvenile plants as the seedling source has played the major role in commercial cultivation of the brown alga Hizikia fusiformis in East Asia over the past 20 years. The possibility of employing zygote-derived germlings for producing seedlings has been discussed in the literature, but has not yet become a reality. Three main obstacles have limited the use of zygotes as a main source of seedlings, (1) the dioecious nature of the algal life cycle which may lead to asynchronous male and female receptacle development and thus different timing of egg and spermatozoa expulsion, (2) the low attachment rate when using zygote-derived germlings with developed rhizoids from wild parental plants for seeding production, and (3) the problem of culturing young germlings in regions where water temperature is high in summer. In this investigation, shifting the timing of receptacle formation earlier than in nature was performed by tumbling the algae in a long-day tank (16-h light per day). Synchronization of egg and spermatozoa expulsion and thereafter fertilization were conducted in indoor tanks. Receptacle formation in constant long days could be shifted by 20 days earlier than in plants cultured on long lines in the open sea, or I month earlier than in plants growing on intertidal rocks. Synchronized expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon led to a high rate of fertilization. This was achieved by tumbling the male and female receptacle-bearing branchlets in the same tank at low density in high irradiance. In two independent trials, a total of 1,400,000 zygote-derived germlings were obtained from 620 g (fresh weight) female sporophytes. The germlings shed from the receptacles were at an identical developmental stage indicating high synchronization of expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon followed by fertilization. Approximately 63% ( +/-9.6%) of the germlings were shed from the receptacle between 16 and 24 It after fertilization and 20% ( +/-11.9%) remained on the receptacle for 3 days after fertilization. Germlings were seeded on string collectors before rhizoids started to elongate and the attachment efficiency was enhanced. Young seedlings reached 800 ( +/-50) mum in length in 25 days at 25 degreesC before they were transferred to open sea cultivation. These results provide the basis of a practical way of seedling production by use of zygote-derived germlings in the commercial cultivation of Hizikia fusiformis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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We report an apparently novel toxic effect of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, manifested by inhibition of the egg hatching success of the scallop, Chlamys farreri. The hatching rate of C. farreri approached only 30% of controls when its fertilised eggs were exposed for 36 h to A. tamarense cells or cellular fragments at a concentration of 100 cells/ml, and the hatching rate was just 5% after exposure to A. tamarense of 500 cells/ml. Similar exposures of the fertilised scallop eggs to two other algal species, the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the raphidophyte Heterosigma carterae, resulted in no such toxicity or inhibitory effects.. Likewise, exposure of eggs to standard STX toxin. as well as to A. tamarense cell contents (supernant of re-suspended algal cells following ultrasonication and centrifugation), did not elicit this inhibitory response. However, exposure of the scallop eggs to cell cultures, intact algal cells, or cell fragments of A. tamarense produced marked toxicity. The alga also influenced larvae at early D-shape stage of scallop. The survival rates began to decrease significantly after exposed for 6 days at concentration of 3000 cells/ml and above: no larvae could survive after 14-day exposure to A. tamarense at 10,000 cells/ml or 20-day at 5000 cells/ml. The results indicated the production of novel substances from A. tamarense which can cause adverse effects on egg hatching and survival of the scallop larvae, The experiment also found that the developmental stages before blastula was the developmental period most sensitive to the A. tamarense toxin(s) and the alga at early exponential stage had the strongest effect on egg hatching comparing with other growth phases. The adverse effect of A. tamarense on early development of scallops may cause decline of shellfish population and may have further impact on marine ecosystem. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.