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The anuran tribe Paini, family Dicroglossidae, is known in this group only from Asia. The phylogenetic relationships and often the taxonomic recognition of species are controversial. In order to stabilize the classification, we used approximately 2100bp o


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Two mechanisms for the wave-induced pore pressures in a porous seabed, i.e. oscillatory and residual excess pore pressures, have been observed in laboratory experiments and field measurements. Most previous investigations have focused on one of the mechanisms individually. In this paper, an analytical solution for the wave-induced residual pore pressure, which is not available yet, is derived, and compared with the existing experimental data. With the new solution, a parametric analysis is performed to clarify the applicable ranges of two mechanisms. Then, a simplified approximation for the prediction of wave-induced liquefaction potential is proposed for engineering practice.


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A novel self-assembled dual-layer film as apotential excellent lubricant for micromachines was successfully prepared on single-crystal silicon substrate by chemical adsorption of stearic acid (STA) molecules on self-assembled monolayer of 3-aminopropyltri


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Micro anchor is a kind of typical structures in micro/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), and it can be made by anodic bonding process, with thin films of metal or alloy as an intermediate layer. At the relative low temperature and voltage, specimens with actually sized micro anchor structures were anodically bonded using Pyrex 7740 glass and patterned crystalline silicon chips coated with aluminum thin film with a thickness comprised between 50 nm and 230 nm. To evaluate the bonding quality, tensile pulling tests have been finished with newly designed flexible fixtures for these specimens. The experimental results exhibit that the bonding tensile strength increases with the bonding temperature and voltage, but it decreases with the increase of the thickness of Al intermediate layer. This kind of thickness effect of the intermediate layer was not mentioned in the literature on anodic bonding. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The photorefractive holographic dynamics of grating formation in photochromic doubly doped LiNbO3:Fe:Mn crystal is studied numerically and analytically in terms of the two-center model of Kukhtarev Et al. [Ferroelectrics 22, 949 (1979)]. The relations among the recorded and fixed space-charge fields and the doping densities, the oxidation-reduction states of the fields, and the intensities of UV-sensitizing and red recording beams are studied. Important conditions and effects are feued, and an optimal prescription for material doping and oxidation-reduction processing is suggested in which the crystal can be strongly oxidized and the Mn-doping density is smaller than the Fe-doping density. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 050.7330, 190.5330, 090.2900.


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The authors demonstrate a 1.5 mu m wavelength microfiber laser formed by tightening a doped microfiber into a knot in air. The 2-mm-diameter knot, assembled using a 3.8-mu m-diameter microfiber that is directly drawn from Er:Yb-doped phosphate glass, serves as both active medium and resonating cavity for lasing. Single-longitudinal-mode laser with threshold of about 5 mW and output power higher than 8 mu W is obtained. Their initial results suggest a simple approach to highly compact lasers based on doped microscale optical fibers. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Tin oxide doped beta-Ga2O3 single crystals are recognized as transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) materials. They have a larger band gap (4.8 eV) than any other TCOs, thus can be transparent in UV region. This property shows that they have the potential to make the optoelectronic device used in even shorter wavelength than usual TCOs. beta-Ga2O3 single crystals doped with different Sn4+ concentrations were grown by the floating zone technique. Their optical properties and electrical conductivities were systematically studied. It has been found that their conductivities and optical properties were influenced by the Sn4+ concentrations and annealing. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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本文对采自中国二叠纪、三叠纪地层的观音座莲目四个属的植物即:Cyathocarpus、星囊蕨属、朱氏蕨属和线囊蕨属的生殖器官进行了详细研究。探讨了这些植物在地质历史时期的演化方向,阐明了它们在整个观音座莲目系统演化中的意义。文章最后对整个观音座莲目植物(包括化石及现代类群)的系统演化运用分支分析进行了探讨。并结合新的证据对两侧对称性聚合囊的起源提出了新的假说。 在星囊蕨属的研究中共涉及五个种。研究的重点集中在聚合囊的对称性、着生方式、结构以及聚合囊的愈合程度等性状上。通过研究,文章对星囊蕨属的属征进行了修订。探讨了星囊蕨属自晚石炭世至晚侏罗世的演化趋势。但星囊蕨属不是一个自然属。对于矿化化石与压型/印痕化石关系的处理作者建议保持两套命名系统。研究还表明在压型/印痕化石中,聚合囊的着生方式是一个很难观察的特征。聚合囊的形状以及聚合囊中孢子囊的愈合程序等由于保存原因或植物不同发育时期的影响很容易发生改变。 朱氏蕨属的主要特征为生殖小羽片束羊齿型,聚合囊星囊蕨型,聚合囊在中脉的每一侧有2-3排。星囊蕨型聚合囊自晚石炭世出现至晚侏罗世灭绝存在两条演化路线。一条为星囊蕨型聚合囊自晚石炭世出现至晚侏罗世灭绝,聚合囊在中脉的每一侧始终保持一排。另一条为:星囊蕨型聚合囊在中脉每一侧的排数自二叠纪中期开始从一排增加到2-3排并伴随着生死叶形态的改变,即从栉羊齿型叶向束羊齿型叶的变化。这一演化路线最终灭绝于二叠经末期。 坚直线囊蕨的聚合囊呈两侧对称,无柄,聚合囊的基部陷入叶片组织,孢子囊在开裂前相互愈合,开裂后相互分离。研究表明本种的开裂方式是通过位于孢子囊腹面的的纵缝进行而不是通过顶端开孔。本属在演化上可能与现代合囊蕨属的起源有关,但线囊蕨属不是一个自然属。