6 resultados para Digestive System

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Apo-14 is a fish-specific apolipoprotein and its biological function remains unknown. In this study, CagApo-14 was cloned from gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) and its expression pattern was investigated during embryogenesis and early larval development. The CagApo-14 transcript and its protein product were firstly localized in the yolk syncytial layer at a high level during embryogenesis, and then found to be restricted to the digestive system including liver and intestine in later embryos and early larvae. Immunofluorescence staining in larvae and adults indicated that CagApo-14 protein was predominantly synthesized in and excreted from sinusoidal endothelial cells of liver tissue. Morpholino knockdown of CagApo-14 resulted in severe disruption of digestive organs including liver, intestine, pancreas and swim bladder. Moreover, yolk lipid transportation and utilization were severely affected in the CagApo-14 morphants. Overall, this data indicates that CagApo-14 is required for digestive system organogenesis during fish embryogenesis and larval development.


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The trypsin-like serine protease (Tryp_SPc) family is ubiquitous in animals and plays diverse roles, especially in the digestive system, in different phyla. In the mosquito, some Tryp_SPc proteases make important contributions to the digestion of the bloo


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Adaptation is one of the most fundamental issues in the studies of organismal evolution. Pancreatic ribonuclease is a very important digestive enzyme and secreted by the pancreas. Numerous studies have suggested that RNASE1 gene duplication is closely related to the functional adaptation of the digestive system in the intestinal fermentation herbivores. RNASE1 gene thus becomes one of the most important candidate genetic markers to study the molecular mechanism of adaptation of organisms to the feeding habit. Interestingly, RNASE1 gene duplication has also been found in some non-intestinal fermentation mammals, suggesting that RNASE1 gene may have produced novel tissue specificity or functions in these species. In this review, RNASE1 gene and its implications in adaptive evolution, especially in association with the feeding habit of organisms, are summarized.


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Development of embryos and larvae in Ancherythroculter nigrocauda Yih et Woo (1964) and effects of delayed first feeding on larvae were observed after artificial fertilization. The fertilized eggs were incubated at an average temperature of 26.5 degrees C (range: 25.7-27) and the larvae reared at temperatures ranging from 21.8 to 28 degrees C. First cleavage was at 50 min, epiboly began at 7 h 5 min, heartbeat reached 72 per min at 24 h 40 min and hatching occurred at 43 h 15 min after insemination. Mean total length of newly hatched larvae was 4.04 +/- 0.03 mm (n = 15). A one-chambered gas bladder was observed at 70 h 50 min, two chambers occurred at 15 days, and scales appeared approximately 30 days after hatching. Larvae began to feed exogenously at day 4 post-hatch at an average temperature of 24 degrees C. Food deprivation resulted in a progressive atrophy of skeletal muscle fibres, deterioration of the larval digestive system and cessation of organ differentiation. Larval growth under food deprivation was significantly affected by the time of first exogenous feeding. Starved larvae began to shrink, with negative growth from day 6 post-hatch. The point of no return (PNR) was reached at day 11 after hatching. Mortality of starved larvae increased sharply from day 12 after hatching.


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海水经济鱼类的养殖在我国已经形成第四次海水养殖浪潮,经济效益显著,有力地推动了我国海水养殖的产业结构调整和可持续发展。然而在海水养殖发展过程中也存在着诸多问题,尤其是早期发育阶段的高死亡率,严重制约了我国海水养殖产业的稳定和健康发展。 海水鱼类养殖的关键为高质量,高存活率苗种的生产和培育,由于鱼类种类繁多,生物多样性丰富,对应实际的繁育技术,尤其是新品种的开发,必须要做出相应的调整。这就要求我们必须对每一种鱼类早期发育有所了解,并将形态和组织上的数据用于指导生产。 本文通过显微观察和组织学研究,主要描述和研究了我国北方三种重要的海水经济鱼类(条斑星鲽、杂交鲆、条石鲷)的早期发育生物学,并结合实际生产进一步阐明关键期的产生原因,机理以及采用相应的对策。具体结果如下: 1.条斑星鲽:作为冷温性鲆鲽鱼类,条斑星鲽早期发育过程的特征主要有: ① 条斑星鲽受精卵无油球,卵子呈半浮性;不同步卵裂现象提前,发生在第三次卵裂;卵裂期裂球大小差异大。孵化过程较长,在水温8 ± 0.3℃,盐度33的条件下,经9 d孵化。条斑星鲽胚胎发育的不同时期对温度的敏感性不同,其中原肠期对温度比较敏感。 ②在8-10℃,盐度33的条件下,8-9 dph开口摄食。且开口时,其吻前端出现有一点状黑褐色素,构成了条斑星鲽仔鱼“开口期”的重要标志。卵黄囊于消失。在后期仔鱼末期,背鳍和臀鳍上形成特有的黑褐色条斑带。 ③杯状细胞首先出现在咽腔后部和食道前段,胃腺和幽门盲囊出现于29 dph,变态期始于30dph。在条斑星鲽早期发育过程中,观察到其直肠粘膜层细胞质出现大量嗜伊红颗粒,为仔鱼肠道上皮吸收的蛋白质。 ④首先淋巴化的免疫器官是头肾,然后是胸腺和脾脏,这与大部分硬骨鱼类不同。条斑星鲽除头肾和脾脏外,胸腺实质也形成MMCs。其中以脾脏形成MMCs最为丰富,形态多样。 2. 杂交鲆:为同属的牙鲆和夏鲆间的远缘杂交种,其发育过程的特点为: ① 在温度为15.4~16.0℃,杂交鲆胚胎从受精到孵化所需的时间为76 h左右,胚孔关闭前期,胚胎先出现视囊及克氏囊,而后形成体节。孵出前胚体在卵膜内环绕不到1周。 ② 孵化后消失。杂交鲆群体变态间隔长(34-60 dph),且变态高峰期出现的冠状幼鳍不明显(与母本牙鲆相比),数量为7-8根。 ③组织学观察发现,其消化系统中胃腺出现较晚,且胃腺发育过程缓慢(与母本牙鲆相比)。甲状腺滤泡增生不明显,颜色较浅,数量较少。杂交鲆在早期发育过程中,并没有出现鳔原基。 3. 条石鲷作为岩礁性的暖水性鱼类,早期发育过程也较为特殊,包括外形以及内部的器官结构。主要特点有: ① 受精卵:受精卵卵黄上具有龟裂结构,为鱼卵的分类特征之一。 ② 初孵仔鱼:初孵仔鱼背鳍膜上的黑色素,从体背面向背鳍膜边缘移动,到3dph仔鱼基本消失,此为本种仔鱼发育所特有的特点。 ③ 后期仔鱼和稚鱼:肠道肌肉层加厚明显,仔稚鱼胃肠排空率急剧上升,死亡率增加,通过改善常规的投饵方式部分解决了这个死亡高峰的问题。在幼鱼初期,牙齿融合为骨喙,为石鲷科鱼类的特征。 ④胸腺上皮分泌细胞:类似的现象同样在虹鳟鱼中发现,但是虹鳟鱼胸腺上皮分泌细胞不如条石鲷的丰富,同样也不如条石鲷的排列整齐,而是零星分布在胸腺上皮与咽腔接触的表面。除了正常的造血器官—脾脏和头肾外,肝脏、胰腺和鳔等多种组织等也出现MMCs,此现象在硬骨鱼类不多见,一般发生在软骨鱼类。


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The effects of the timing of first feeding (0, 1 and 2 days after yolk exhaustion) and starvation on the point-of-no-return (PNR), survival and growth of laboratory-reared rock bream larvae were studied under controlled conditions. Larvae began to feed exogenously at 3 days after hatching (dah) and reached PNR on 54 h after yolk exhaustion at 22 +/- 1.5 degrees C. Larvae growth was significantly affected by the time of first exogenous feeding. The growth of 0 day delayed first feeding larvae was obviously faster than those of the other delayed first feeding larvae (P<0.05) whether at 7 dab (SL=3.40 mm, SGR=5.7, CV=4.0) or at 15 dah (SL=4.85 mm, SGR=6.1, CV=8.2) with a more uniform size distribution. Survival of 0 day delayed first feeding larvae and I day delayed first feeding larvae was 13% and 8% at the end of experiment, respectively, while no larvae survived up to 7 dah for 2 days delayed first feeding larvae and unfed larvae. Food resulted in a progressive deterioration of the larval digestive system and atrophy of skeletal muscle fibre. The ratios of head length to SL (standard length), body height to SL and eye diameter to SL were the most sensitive morphometric indices to detect the effects of fasting on larval condition. Present results showed that the combination of morphological and morphometric variables could be used to evaluate the nutritional condition of rock bream larvae. In order to avoid the potential mortality and gain better development, survival and growth in industrial production, the rock bream larvae must establish successful first feeding within 2 days after yolk exhaustion. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.