87 resultados para Difference schemes

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A finite compact (FC) difference scheme requiring only bi-diagonal matrix inversion is proposed by using the known high-resolution flux. Introducing TVD or ENO limiters in the numerical flux, several high-resolution FC-schemes of hyperbolic conservation law are developed, including the FC-TVD, third-order FC-ENO and fifth-order FC-ENO schemes. Boundary conditions formulated need only one unknown variable for third-order FC-ENO scheme and two unknown variables for fifth-order FC-ENO scheme. Numerical test results of the proposed FC-scheme were compared with traditional TVD, ENO and WENO schemes to demonstrate its high-order accuracy and high-resolution.


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High order accurate schemes are needed to simulate the multi-scale complex flow fields to get fine structures in simulation of the complex flows with large gradient of fluid parameters near the wall, and schemes on non-uniform mesh are desirable for many CFD (computational fluid dynamics) workers. The construction methods of difference approximations and several difference approximations on non-uniform mesh are presented. The accuracy of the methods and the influence of stretch ratio of the neighbor mesh increment on accuracy are discussed. Some comments on these methods are given, and comparison of the accuracy of the results obtained by schemes based on both non-uniform mesh and coordinate transformation is made, and some numerical examples with non-uniform mesh are presented.


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For simulating multi-scale complex flow fields it should be noted that all the physical quantities we are interested in must be simulated well. With limitation of the computer resources it is preferred to use high order accurate difference schemes. Because of their high accuracy and small stencil of grid points computational fluid dynamics (CFD) workers pay more attention to compact schemes recently. For simulating the complex flow fields the treatment of boundary conditions at the far field boundary points and near far field boundary points is very important. According to authors' experience and published results some aspects of boundary condition treatment for far field boundary are presented, and the emphasis is on treatment of boundary conditions for the upwind compact schemes. The consistent treatment of boundary conditions at the near boundary points is also discussed. At the end of the paper are given some numerical examples. The computed results with presented method are satisfactory.


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A new compact finite difference-Fourier spectral hybrid method for solving the three dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is developed in the present paper. The fifth-order upwind compact finite difference schemes for the nonlinear convection terms in the physical space, and the sixth-order center compact schemes for the derivatives in spectral space are described, respectively. The fourth-order compact schemes in a single nine-point cell for solving the Helmholtz equations satisfied by the velocities and pressure in spectral space is derived and its preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration method is studied. The treatment of pressure boundary conditions and the three dimensional non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions are presented. Application to the vortex dislocation evolution in a three dimensional wake is also reported.


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This paper alms at illustrating the impact of spatial difference scheme and spatial resolution on the performance of Arakawa A-D grids in physical space. Linear shallow water equations are discretized and forecasted on Arakawa A-D grids for 120-minute using the ordinary second-order (M and fourth-order (C4) finite difference schemes with the grid spacing being 100 km, 10 km and I km, respectively. Then the forecasted results are compared with the exact solution, the result indicates that when the grid spacing is I kin, the inertial gravity wave can be simulated on any grid with the same results from C2 scheme or C4 scheme, namely the impact of variable configuration is neglectable; while the inertial gravity wave is simulated with lengthened grid spacing, the effects of different variable configurations are different. However, whether for C2 scheme or for C4 scheme, the RMS is minimal (maximal) on C (D) grid. At the same time it is also shown that when the difference accuracy increases from C2 scheme to C4 scheme, the resulted forecasts do not uniformly decrease, which is validated by the change of the group A velocity relative error from C2 scheme to C4 scheme. Therefore, the impact of the grid spacing is more important than that of the difference accuracy on the performance of Arakawa A-D grid.


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Direct numerical simulations of a spatially evolving supersonic flat-plate turbulent boundary layer flow with free Mach number M = 2.25 and Reynolds number Re = 365000/in are performed. The transition process from laminar to turbulent flow is obtained by solving the three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes, equations, using high-order accurate difference schemes. The obtained statistical results agree well with the experimental and theoretical data. From the numerical results it can be seen that the transition process under the considered conditions is the process which skips the Tolimien-Schlichting instability and the second instability through the instability of high gradient shear layer and becomes of laminar flow breakdown. This means that the transition process is a bypass-type transition process. The spanwise asymmetry of the disturbance locally upstream imposed is important to induce the bypass-type transition. Furthermore, with increasing the time disturbance frequency the transition will delay. When the time disturbance frequency is large enough, the transition will disappear.


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The controlled equations defined in a physical plane are changed into those in a computational plane with coordinate transformations suitable for different Mach number M(infinity). The computational area is limited in the body surface and in the vicinities of detached shock wave and sonic line. Thus the area can be greatly cut down when the shock wave moves away from the body surface as M(infinity) --> 1. Highly accurate, total variation diminishing (TVD) finite-difference schemes are used to calculate the low supersonic flowfield around a sphere. The stand-off distance, location of sonic line, etc. are well comparable with experimental data. The long pending problem concerning a flow passing a sphere at 1.3 greater-than-or-equal-to M(infinity) > 1 has been settled, and some new results on M(infinity) = 1.05 have been presented.


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基于可压扰动方程组的一阶改型,将高精度对称紧致格式引入边值法数值线性稳定分析。对所获非线性离散特征值问题给出了一个通用形式二阶迭代局部算法,实现了时间模式和空间模式的统一求解,并将扰动特征及其特征函数同时得到。据此分析了可压平面自由混合层时间稳定性,涉及二维/三维扰动波、粘性/无粘扰动波、第一/第二模态、特征函数、伪特征值谱等。研究表明,压缩性效应和粘性效应对最不稳定扰动波数和增长率呈相似的减抑作用;在Mc = 1附近,从高波数段开始,粘性效应可强化二维不稳定扰动波由第一模态向第二模态的过渡。


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通过直接数值模拟(DNS)研究槽道湍流的性质和机理。包含五个部分:1)湍流直接数值模拟的差分方法研究。2)求解不可压N-S方程的高效算法和不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。3)可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟和压缩性机理分析。4)“二维湍流”的机理分析。5)槽道湍流的标度律分析。1.针对壁湍流计算网格变化剧烈的特点,构造了基于非等距网格的的迎风紧致格式。该方法直接针对计算网格构造格式中的系数,克服了传统方法采用 Jacobian 变换因网格变化剧烈而带来的误差。针对湍流场的多尺度特性分析了差分格式的精度、网格尺度与数值模拟能分辨的最小尺度的关系,给出不同差分格式对计算网格步长的限制。同时分析了计算中混淆误差的来源和控制方法,指出了迎风型紧致格式能很好地控制混淆误差。2.将上述格式与三阶精度的Adams半隐格式相结合,构造了不可压槽道湍流直接数值模拟的高效算法。该算法利用基于交错网格的离散形式的压力Poisson方程求解压力项,避免了压力边界条件处理的困难。利用FFT对方程中的隐式部分进行解耦,解耦后的方程采用追赶法(LU分解法)求解,大大减少了计算量。为了检验该方法,进行了三维不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟,得到了Re=2800的充分发展不可压槽道湍流,并对该湍流场进行了统计分析。包括脉动速度偏斜因子在内的各阶统计量与实验结果及Kim等人的计算结果吻合十分理想,说明本方法是行之有效的。3.进行了三维充分发展的可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。得到了 Re=3300,Ma=0.8的充分发展可压槽道湍流的数据库。流场的统计特征(如等效平均速度分布,“半局部”尺度无量纲化的脉动速度均方根)和他人的数值计算结果吻合。得到了可压槽道湍流的各阶统计量,其中脉动速度的偏斜因子和平坦因子等高阶统计量尚未见其他文献报道。同时还分析了压缩性效应对壁湍流影响的机理,指出近壁处的压力-膨胀项将部分湍流脉动的动能转换成内能,使得可压湍流近壁速度条带结构更加平整。4.模拟了二维不可压槽道流动的饱和态(所谓“二维湍流”),分析了“二维槽道湍流”的非线性行为特征。分析了流场中的上抛-下扫和间歇现象,研究了“二维湍流”与三维湍流的区别。指出“二维湍流”反映了三维湍流的部分特征,同时指出了展向扰动对于湍流核心区发展的重要性。5.首次对可压缩槽道湍流及“二维槽道湍流”标度律进行了分析,得出了以下结论:a)槽道湍流中,在槽道中心线附近较宽的区域,存在标度律。b)该区域流场存在扩展自相似性(ESS)。c)在Mach数不是很高时,压缩性对标度指数影响不大。本文结果同SL标度律的理论值吻合较好,有效支持了该理论。对“二维槽道湍流”也有相似的结论,但与三维湍流不同的是,“二维槽道湍流”存在标度律的区域更宽,近壁处的标度指数比中心处有所升高。


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Turbulence and aeroacoustic noise high-order accurate schemes are required, and preferred, for solving complex flow fields with multi-scale structures. In this paper a super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) is presented, the accuracy is analysed and the method is compared with a sixth-order traditional and compact finite difference approximation. The comparison shows that the sixth-order accurate super compact method has higher resolving efficiency. The sixth-order super compact method, with a three-stage Runge-Kutta method for approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, is used to solve the complex flow structures induced by vortex-shock interactions. The basic nature of the near-field sound generated by interaction is studied.


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Hybrid finite compact (FC)-WENO schemes are proposed for shock calculations. The two sub-schemes (finite compact difference scheme and WENO scheme) are hybridized by means of the similar treatment as in ENO schemes. The hybrid schemes have the advantages of FC and WENO schemes. One is that they possess the merit of the finite compact difference scheme, which requires only bi-diagonal matrix inversion and can apply the known high-resolution flux to obtain high-performance numerical flux function; another is that they have the high-resolution property of WENO scheme for shock capturing. The numerical results show that FC-WENO schemes have better resolution properties than both FC-ENO schemes and WENO schemes. In addition, some comparisons of FC-ENO and artificial compression method (ACM) filter scheme of Yee et al. are also given.


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The role of dispersions in the numerical solutions of hydrodynamic equation systems has been realized for long time. It is only during the last two decades that extensive studies on the dispersion-controlled dissipative (DCD) schemes were reported. The studies have demonstrated that this kind of the schemes is distinct from conventional dissipation-based schemes in which the dispersion term of the modified equation is not considered in scheme construction to avoid nonphysical oscillation occurring in shock wave simulations. The principle of the dispersion controlled aims at removing nonphysical oscillations by making use of dispersion characteristics instead of adding artificial viscosity to dissipate the oscillation as the conventional schemes do. Research progresses on the dispersion controlled principles are reviewed in this paper, including the exploration of the role of dispersions in numerical simulations, the development of the dispersion-controlled principles, efforts devoted to high-order dispersion-controlled dissipative schemes, the extension to both the finite volume and the finite element methods, scheme verification and solution validation, and comments on several aspects of the schemes from author's viewpoint.


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A perturbational h4 compact exponential finite difference scheme with diagonally dominant coefficient matrix and upwind effect is developed for the convective diffusion equation. Perturbations of second order are exerted on the convective coefficients and source term of an h2 exponential finite difference scheme proposed in this paper based on a transformation to eliminate the upwind effect of the convective diffusion equation. Four numerical examples including one- to three-dimensional model equations of fluid flow and a problem of natural convective heat transfer are given to illustrate the excellent behavior of the present exponential schemes, the h4 accuracy of the perturbational scheme is verified using double precision arithmetic.