72 resultados para Denia-Historia-S. III a. C.-S. XVII d. C.

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The separation of Sc(III) from Y(III), La(III) and Yb(III) in [C(8)mim][PF6] containing Cyanex 925 has been investigated, and is reported in this paper. A cation exchange mechanism of Sc(III) in [C(8)mim][PF6] and Cyanex 925 is proposed by study of the influence of anionic and cationic species on the extraction. The coefficient of the equilibrium equation of Sc(III) was confirmed by slope analysis of log D-Sc vs log [Cyanex 925], and the loading capacity also confirmed the stoichiometry of Cyanex 925 to Sc(III) was close to 3:1. Infrared data for Cyanex 925 saturated with Sc(III) in [C(8)mim][PF6] indicated strong interaction between P=O of Cyanex 925 and Sc(III). In addition, the relationship between log D-Sc and temperature showed that temperature had little influence on the extraction process, and the resulting thermodynamic parameters indicated that an exothermic process was involved.


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I、等离子体聚合TCNQ、TCNE薄膜采用内部电极、电容耦合式、钟罩型RF等离子体聚合装置,在不同的放电功率下,首次进行了TCNQ(四氰基二甲苯醌)、TCNE(四氰基乙烯)的等离子体聚合,并利用红外光谱(IR)、紫外光谱(UV)、元素分析、X线光电子能谱(XPS)对所得聚合物的化学结构进行了表征。结果表明,在TCNQ、TCNE的等离子体聚合物中存在着较大范围的π电子共轭结构体系。通过对其聚合物薄膜的电学性能研究结果发现,随聚合反应条件不同,所制得的聚合物膜电导率在10~(-10)~ 10~(-6)scm~(-1)范围内变化,并且发现这种等离子体聚合膜具有典型的p-型半导体特征,由这些等离子体聚合物薄膜制备的Al电极/聚合物膜/ITO电极夹层元件,在无光照射的暗状态时,都具有较优良的单向导电的整流特性,并且在白色光的照射下,能够产生光生电动势而显示出较好的光电转换特性。另外,这种聚合物薄膜还具有一定的光电导性。本实验通过研究放电功率对等离子体聚合物化学结构的影响时发现,在较低放电功率时,有利于聚合物中较大范围的π电子共轭结构体系的形成。相应的聚合物膜电学性能研究表明,在较低放电功率下制得的聚合物膜具有更优良的电学性能,如在5W低放电功率下制得的TCNQ聚合物薄膜的电导率可达10~(-6)scm~(-1),并且由其制备的夹层元件显示出优良的整流特性,当在白色光照射下,光电转换效率可高达10~(-3)%, 这在目前有机太阳能电池研究中,也属相当优良的有机光电转换材料之列。II、起始单体的化学结构对聚合物膜的结构及电学性质影响利用与I同样的实验方法,选用了一些具有不同化学结构的含氰基有机化合物为起始单体[TCNQ、TCNB(四氰基苯)、邻苯二甲腈、TCNE、二氨基马来腈、乙腈],进行了等离子体聚合,并研究了起始单体结构对聚合物化学结构及电学性质的影响。结果表明,含苯环的氰基化合物在等离子体聚合过程中,具有大π电子共轭结构的苯环保持较好,并能够通过打开CN三键向更大范围延续,结果导致相应的等离子体聚合物膜具有较高的电导率,并且由这些聚合物膜制备的Al/聚合物膜/ITO夹层元件显示出优良的整流特性和光电转换性能。相反,当起始单体中的H原子含量较高时,就会导致相应聚合物中π电子共轭链段较短,相应的聚合物也就显示出较差的电学性质。另外,为提高等离子体聚合膜的电学性能,还进行了TCNQ与铜的乙酰丙酮络合物(CuAA)的等离子体共聚合,结果发现聚合膜电学性能明显改善。III、在辉光放电中乙腈等离子体聚合反应历程的研究采用外部电极、电容耦合式、管状RF等离子体聚合装置,在不同放电功率下,不同等离子气体以及不同等离子气体/单体比的反应条件下进行了等离子体聚合。通过考察聚合物膜的淀积规律和红外光谱测试与元素分析提供的聚合物化学结构数据,研究了乙腈在辉光放电中的聚合反应历程。实验结果表明,在低能量下,乙腈的等离子体聚合主要是通过脱氢引发进行的,而在高能量下,通过打开CN三键而进行聚合的几率将增大。


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自从1956年Blake等研究HDEHP萃取铀时发现协同效应以来,由于协同萃取具有可以显著地提高萃取效率,改变萃取选择性等优点,所以对协同萃取进行了大量研究工作,目前已广泛应用于核燃料稀有金属湿法冶金分离分析。但协同萃取研究领域十分广阔,新协萃体系,协萃机理和协萃配合物结构等许多方面还有待进一步研究。Fe~(3+)、Zn~(2+)和Cd~(2+)等过渡金属离子常与稀土离子在一起,成为高纯稀土产品的重要杂质元素,因此寻找Fe(III)、Zn(II)和Cd(II)与RE(III)的新协同萃取分离体系,不但具有理论意义,也有实际意义。本文研究了萃取分离中广泛使用的四种萑取剂,甲基膦酸二(1-甲基庚基)酯(P_(350), 以B表示)、仲碳伯胺N_(1923)(以RNH_2表示)、1-苯基-3-甲基-4-苯甲酰基吡唑酮-5(PMBP,以HL表示)和2-乙基基膦酸单(2-乙基已基)酯(P_(507),以HA示)对盐酸介质中Fe(III)、Zn(II)、Cd(II)和Nd(III)等金属离子的协同萃取,得到了六个新协萃体系,并且对协萃机理和萃取平稀奇规律等进行了研究,得到了一些有意义的结果。


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将6,6-二甲基富烯与金属镁、四氯化碳在四氢呋喃中还原偶联可以制得四甲基乙撑二环戊二烯基镁氯配合物:[CCH_3)_2C_5H_4MgCl·2THF]_2 (I)。(I)和LnCi_3 (Ln = NdSm、GdYb)在THF溶液中反应,合成出如下四类四甲基乙撑二环戊二烯基稀土金属有机桥镁配合物,其中(II)、(III)、(IV)为首次合成的配合物。[C(CH_3)_2C_5H_4]_2LnC_5H_5·THF Ln = NdSm、GdYb (II) [(C(CH_3)_2C_5H_4)_2LnCl_2MgCl·nTHF]_2 Ln = NdSm、Yb n = 1、1.5、2 (III) [(C(CH_3)_2C_5H_4)_2SmCl·THF]_2 [C(CH_3)_2C_5H_4)]_2 (IV) YbCl_2[Mg_2Cl_3·6TNF]·THF(V) 这四类配合物经元素分析,热失重分析、红外光谱、核磁共振谱、质谱的分析,特别是进行了配合物单晶的X-射线衍射分析,确认了它们的组成和结构。以上四种类型的稀土有机桥联配合物的分子结构,随着配体间的空间拥挤程度的变化,桥联配体的结构呈规律性的变化,这为研究含桥联配体的稀土有机配合物结构规律具有一定的价值。


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Transparent organic-inorganic hybrid monoliths containing rare-earth complexes (Eu(TTA)(3)Phen, Tb(Sal)(3)) were prepared via the sol-gel technique. It could be observed by transmission electron microscopy that the fluorescent particles are distributed in the matrix at the microscopic level. The matrix is composed of organic-inorganic semiinterpenetrating networks, i.e., PHEMA-SiO2 system. The fluorescence emission spectra of samples are similar to those from corresponding powdered Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes, and the half-widths of the strongest bands are less than 10 nm, which indicates that the monolith exhibits high fluorescence intensity and color purity. Furthermore, the fluorescence spectra exhibit no obvious change with decreasing nanoparticle size of the rare-earth complex. The fluorescence lifetimes of samples are longer than pure Eu(III), Tb(III) complexes, respectively. Samples irradiated with an UV lamp (365 nm) are still transparent but become bright red and green in color due to fluorescence of Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The extraction behavior of Ce(IV) along with Th(IV) and Ln(III) (Ln = Ce, Gd, Yb) nitrate by pure ionic liquid, [C(8)mim]PF6, was investigated. [C(8)mim]PF6 alone showed good extraction ability for Ce(IV), while it was slight for Th(IV) and negligible for Ln(III). The extraction behavior of Ce(IV) by [C(8)mim]PF6 was particularly studied, and the most probable extraction mechanism proposed was the anion exchange mechanism. Moreover, the stripping of Ce(IV) from IL phase was also investigated. The Ce(IV) in IL phase can be quantitatively recovered by water.


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Based on the complex crystal chemical bond theory, the formula of Liu and Cohen's, which is only suitable for one type of bond, has been extended to calculate the bulk modulus of ternary chalcopyrite A(I)B(III)C(2)(VI) and A(II)B(IV)C(2)(V) which contains two types of bonds. The calculated results are in fair agreement with the previous theoretical values reported and experimental values. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel short neurotoxin, cobrotoxin c (CBT C) was isolated from the venom of monocellate cobra (Naja kaouthia) using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and FPLC. Its primary structure was determined by Edman degradation. CBT C is composed of 61 amino acid residues. It differs from cobrotoxin b (CBT B) by only two amino acid substitutions, Thr/Ala11 and Arg/Thr56, which are not located on the functionally important regions by sequence similarity. However, the LD50 is 0.08 mg/g to mice, i.e. approximately five-fold higher than for CBT B. Strikingly, a structure-function relationship analysis suggests the existence of a functionally important domain on the outside of Loop III of CBT C. The functionally important basic residues on the outside of Loop III might have a pairwise interaction with alpha subunit, instead of gamma or delta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The characterization of the algal Nitzschia hantzschiana solution with (or without) Fe(III) was carried out using fluorescence emission and synchronous-scan spectroscopy. An emission peak (excited at 440 nm) was observed at 675 nm for Nitzschia hantzschiana solution. The effective characterization method used was synchronous-scan fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS). A wavelength difference (Delta lambda) of 90 nm was maintained between excitation and emission wavelengths. The peak was observed at about 236(ex) nm (326(em) nm) for synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Fe(III) was an effective quencher. The relationship between I-0/I (quenching efficiency) and c (concentration of Fe (III) added) was a linear correlation for the algal solution with Fe(III). Effects of pH on synchronous-scan fluorescence intensity were evident.


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The effects of growth temperature and V/III ratio on the InN initial nucleation of islands on the GaN (0 0 0 1) surface were investigated. It is found that InN nuclei density increases with decreasing growth temperature between 375 and 525 degrees C. At lower growth temperatures, InN thin films take the form of small and closely packed islands with diameters of less than 100 nm, whereas at elevated temperatures the InN islands can grow larger and well separated, approaching an equilibrium hexagonal shape due to enhanced surface diffusion of adatoms. At a given growth temperature of 500 degrees C, a controllable density and size of separated InN islands can be achieved by adjusting the V/III ratio. The larger islands lead to fewer defects when they are coalesced. Comparatively, the electrical properties of the films grown under higher V/III ratio are improved.


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The valence band offsets of the wurtzite polar C-plane and nonpolar A-plane InN/ZnO heterojunctions are directly determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to be 1.76 +/- 0.2 eV and 2.20 +/- 0.2 eV. The heterojunctions form in the type-I straddling configuration with a conduction band offsets of 0.84 +/- 0.2 eV and 0.40 +/- 0.2 eV. The difference of valence band offsets of them mainly attributes to the spontaneous polarization effect. Our results show important face dependence for InN/ZnO heterojunctions, and the valence band offset of A-plane heterojunction is more close to the "intrinsic" valence band offset.


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The GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction tandem cells with a conversion efficiency of 27.1% were fabricated using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique. Temperature dependence of the spectral response measurements of the GaInP/GaAs/Ge tandem cell was performed by a quantum efficiency system at temperatures ranging from 25A degrees C to 160A degrees C. The red-shift phenomena of the absorption limit for all subcells were observed with increasing temperature, which is dued to the energy gap narrowing with temperature. The short-circuit current densities (J (sc)) of GaInP, GaAs and Ge subcells at room temperature calculated based on the spectral response data were 12.9, 13.7 and 17 mA/cm(2), respectively. The temperature coefficient of J (sc) for the tandem cell was determined to be 8.9 mu A/(cm(2) center dot A degrees C), and the corresponding temperature coefficient of the open-circuit voltage deduced from the series-connected model was -6.27 mV/A degrees C.


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Effects of V/III ratio on heavily Si doped InGaAs and InP were studied using low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) at a growth temperature of 550degreesC. In InGaAs, as the V/III ratio decreases from 256 to 64, the carrier concentration increases from 3.0 x 10(18) to 5.8 x 10(18) cm(-3), and the lattice mismatch of InGaAs to InP was observed to vary from -5.70 x10(-4) to 1.49 x 10(-3). In InP, when the V/III ratio decreases from 230 to 92, the same trend as that in Si doped InGaAs was observed that the carrier concentration increases from 9.2 x 10(18) to 1.3 x 10(19) cm(-3). The change of AsH3 was found to have stronger effect on Si incorporation in InGaAs at lower growth temperature than at higher growth temperature. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The V/III ratio in the initial growth stage of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition has an important influence on the quality of a GaN epilayer grown on a low-temperature AIN buffer layer and c-plane sapphire substrate. A weaker yellow luminescence, a narrower half-width of the X-ray diffraction peak, and a higher electron mobility result when a lower V/III ratio is taken. The intensity of in situ optical reflectivity measurements indicates that the film surface is rougher at the beginning of GaN growth, and a longer time is needed for the islands to coalesce and for a quasi-two dimensional mode growth to start. A comparison of front- and back-illuminated photoluminescence spectra confirms that many threading dislocations are bent during the initial stage, leading to a better structural quality of the GaN layer. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method of measuring the thickness of GaN epilayers on sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates by using double crystal X-ray diffraction was proposed. The ratio of the integrated intensity between the GaN epilayer and the sapphire substrate showed a linear relationship with the GaN epilayer thickness up to 2.12 mum. It is practical and convenient to measure the GaN epilayer thickness using this ratio, and can mostly eliminate the effect of the reabsorption, the extinction and other scattering factors of the GaN epilayers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.