42 resultados para Dayananda Sarasvati, Swami, 1824-1883.
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The strain gradient effect becomes significant when the size of fracture process zone around a crack tip is comparable to the intrinsic material length l, typically of the order of microns. Using the new strain gradient deformation theory given by Chen and Wang, the asymptotic fields near a crack tip in an elastic-plastic material with strain gradient effects are investigated. It is established that the dominant strain field is irrotational. For mode I plane stress crack tip asymptotic field, the stress asymptotic field and the couple stress asymptotic field can not exist simultaneously. In the stress dominated asymptotic field, the angular distributions of stresses are consistent with the classical plane stress HRR field; In the couple stress dominated asymptotic field, the angular distributions of couple stresses are consistent with that obtained by Huang et al. For mode II plane stress and plane strain crack tip asymptotic fields, only the stress-dominated asymptotic fields exist. The couple stress asymptotic field is less singular than the stress asymptotic fields. The stress asymptotic fields are the same as mode II plane stress and plane strain HRR fields, respectively. The increase in stresses is not observed in strain gradient plasticity for mode I and mode II, because the present theory is based only on the rotational gradient of deformation and the crack tip asymptotic fields are irrotational and dominated by the stretching gradient.
对美国加州地区1976~ 1994 年6 级以上强震的加卸载响应比的时空演化过程进行了系统分析, 指出该地区强震前响应比在震前3~ 4 年开始大范围出现与该地区的区域构造走向一致的高Y 区, 高Y 区以每年数十公里的速率向震中附近地区收缩. 震中附近地区的响应比异常主要呈“升—降”型特征, 多数地震在震前1 年内响应比才升高, 并且上升曲线较陡.该区内正地震一般形成丛集区, 主震发生在正地震丛集区内或边缘. 在分析美国加州地区地震与中国大陆地区地震特征异同的基础上, 讨论了如何应用响应比的时空演变特征, 对美国加州地区强地震三要素(地点、时间、强度) 的中期预测进行估计的步骤与方法.
<正> 流体的湍流运动普遍存在于大气、海洋、飞行器周围、推进装置和流体机械中,探讨湍流形成的条件和过程是流动稳定性理论的研究对象。 早在1843年,Stokes就预见到流体状态转捩的原因是失稳。整整100年前(1883年),Reynolds让液体流入不同口径的圆管,并在对称轴上注入一股纤细的颜色水,以便明显、敏感地观察到湍流的发生。他发现: (1)流速较低时,可以看到层次分明的层流,流速增加到一定程度后,就转变成高度无序的湍流状态;
<正> 一、在自然界中,人们经常可以看到不同流体运动状态间的转变.疾风吹拂平静的湖面,可以掀起轩然大波;上下层的温度逆差可以引起大气、海洋、地幔的对流;小溪中的涓涓细流,可以汇成湍急的江河,一泻千里.在实验室里,Reynolds 通过控制流速(1883年),观察了流体运动从层流到湍流的转变.有时,流体的某种运动状态,虽然也能满足支配流体运动规律的微分方程和边界条件,但这种运动状态是不能维持或存在的,外界的扰动将破坏这种平衡态而使它转变到一种新的运动状态.
A novel phase-step calibration technique is presented on the basis of a two-run-times-two-frame phase-shift method. First the symmetry factor M is defined to describe the distribution property of the distorted phase due to phase-shifter miscalibration; then the phase-step calibration technique, in which two sets of two interferograms with a straight fringe pattern are recorded and the phase step is obtained by calculating M of the wrapped phase map, is developed. With this technique, a good mirror is required, but no uniform illumination is needed and no complex mathematical operation is involved. This technique can be carried out in situ and is applicable to any phase shifter, whether linear or nonlinear. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
本文回顾了八角科(Illiciaceae)的分类历史,对其现状进行了介绍,并提出了存在的一些问题,针对这些问题,我们对八角科及其近缘类群 [五味子科(Schisandraceae)和木兰科(Magnoliaceae)] 的木材解剖特征,以及对组成八角目(Illiciales)的八角科和五味子科的花被片表皮形态进行了研究,进一步确定了八角科在离生心皮类中的原始地位,且为其属的次级划分提供了更多的性状支持,更详尽地阐述了它与近缘类群间的系统学关系,确定了八角目的独立地位。 1 比较木材解剖学 在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,对八角科八角属(Illicium)2组19种1亚种43个材料、五味子科2属4种7个材料和木兰科1属3种4个材料的木材解剖结构进行了比较研究。 因八角科导管单独、多角形、密集、细长且具螺纹加厚,穿孔板梯状且细密,射线异形等特征,本文支持建立单属的八角科。在八角属内,由于八角组(Sect. Illicium)的导管分子密度较高和直径较窄,易损度为0.090,射线较高,而八角茴香组(Sect. Cymbostemon)的导管分子密度较低和直径较宽,易损度为0.194,射线较矮,因而本文支持将八角属分为八角组和八角茴香组,且八角组比八角茴香组原始。根据欧式距离,八角科与五味子科之间的相似性(d=4.690)比八角科与木兰科(d=4.899)之间的相似性大,本文支持建立八角目(Illiciales)。 2 花被片表皮比较形态学 在光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下,观察了八角科八角属2组11种20个样品、五味子科南五味子属(Kadsura)2亚属2组8种15个样品和五味子属(Schisandra)2亚属4组6种17个样品的花被片表皮形态特征。 首次报道了八角目2个科(八角科和五味子科)3个属(八角属、南五味子属和五味子属)植物花被片表皮细胞的形状、分泌细胞的形状及分布、气孔器的形状及分布、花被片表面的纹饰,在五味子科中发现2个新的性状(气孔对和环列型气孔)。 通过与八角目2个科3个属植物的叶表皮形态比较,发现花被片表皮气孔器外拱盖均为单层,与叶表皮气孔器外拱盖层数(常绿种类为双层和落叶种类为单层)之间没有相关性。通过对两性花、雌花和雄花花被片表皮观察,发现花被片表皮形态与花的性别之间没有相关性。通过对八角属、南五味子属和五味子属花被片表皮比较,发现五味子属花被片表皮形态比南五味子属花被片表皮形态表现出更多的衍生性状,南五味子属花被片表皮形态比八角属花被片表皮形态表现出更多的衍生性状;南五味子属花被片表皮形态与五味子属花被片表皮形态之间的相似性程度较大,与八角属花被片表皮形态之间的相似性程度较小,支持建立含南五味子属和五味子属的五味子科,支持建立只含八角属的八角科。
A method for DNA isolation from early development of blastocyst and further analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA was developed in present study. Total DNA was prepared from interspecies reconstructed blastocyst and a giant panda specific microsatellite locus g(010) was successfully amplified. DNA sequencing of the PCR product showed that two sequences of reconstructed blastocysts are the same as that of positive control giant panda. Our results prove that the nucleus of interspecies reconstructed blastocyst comes from somatic nucleus of donor giant panda.
广东省科技计划重点扶持项目 ( 2 0 0 3C5 0 10 5)
<正> 粒鲇科Akyisidae鱼类是分布在东南亚地区的小型鱼类,包括三个属。其中大粒鲇属Achrochodomchthys Bleeker只产于苏门答腊岛、爪哇岛和加里曼丹岛。狭尾粒鲇属Breitensteinia Steindachner只产于苏门答腊岛和加里曼丹岛。粒鲇属Akysis Bleeker鱼类已记录的有下列8种:Akysis variegatus(Bleeker),1846;Akysis macronemus Bleeker,1860;Akysis pictus Gnther,1883;A
Two little-known nematode species of the genus Spinitectus Fourment, 1883, S. petrowi Belous, 1965 (prevalence 25%, intensity 1-8) and S. gigi Fujita, 1927 (prevalence 10%, intensity 2-3), were collected from the gastrointestinal tract of the yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson), from Liangzihu Lake, Hubei Province, central China, in September of 2002. The light and scanning electron microscopical examination of this material, supplemented by a few museum specimens of S. gigi collected from the catfish Clarias fuscus (Lacepede) in southern China, made it possible to study in detail the morphology of these parasite species and to redescribe them. The first species, whose correct name is S. petrowi Belous, 1965, exhibits some morphological features (e.g., unusually short vestibule, shape of pseudolabia and of the left spicule) not found in most other congeners; a unique feature is the presence of peculiar pairs of transversely oriented peg-like cuticular spines with rounded ends on the ventral surface of the female tail. Spinitectus gigi was found to have 28-31 cuticular spines in the first ring, relatively long distances between the 2nd-7th rings of spines, and anterior rings divided into 2 sectors; the excretory pore is located at the level of the 4th ring of cuticular spines; males posses 4 pairs of preanal- and 6 pairs of postanal caudal papillae and a pair of small phasmids. Spinitectus bagri Wang, Wu et Yu, 1993 and S. wulingensis Yu et Wang, 1997 are considered junior synonyms of S. petrowi, whereas S. clariasi Ky, 1971, S. ophicephali Ky, 1971 and S. yuanjiangensis Wang, Wit et Yu, 1997 are regarded to be junior synonyms of S. gigi. Spinitectus petrowi was not previously reported from China.
Planar graphite has been extensively studied by Raman scattering for years. A comparative Raman study of several different and less common non-planar graphitic materials is given here. New kinds of graphite whiskers and tubular graphite cones (synthetic and natural) have been introduced. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to the characterization of natural graphite crystal edge planes, an individual graphite whisker graphite polyhedral crystals and tubular graphite cones. Almost all of the observed Raman modes were assigned according to the selection rules and the double-resonance Raman mechanism. The polarization properties related to the structural features, the line shape of the first-order dispersive mode and its combination modes, the frequency variation of some modes in different carbon materials and other unique Raman spectral features are discussed here in detail.
Quasi-aligned Eu2+-doped wurtzite ZnS nanowires on Au-coated Si wafers have been successfully synthesized by a vapor deposition method under a weakly reducing atmosphere. Compared with the undoped counterpart, incorporation of the dopant gives a modulated composition and crystal structure, which leads to a preferred growth of the nanowires along the [0110] direction and a high density of defects in the nanowire hosts. The ion doping causes intense fluorescence and persistent phosphorescence in ZnS nanowires. The dopant Eu2+ ions form an isoelectronic acceptor level and yield a high density of bound excitions, which contribute to the appearance of the radiative recombination emission of the bound excitons and resonant Raman scattering at higher pumping intensity. Co-dopant Cl- ions can serve not only as donors, producing a donor-acceptor pair transition with the Eu2+ acceptor level, but can also form trap levels together with other defects, capture the photoionization electrons of Eu2+, and yield long-lasting (about 4 min), green phosphorescence. With decreasing synthesis time, the existence of more surface states in the nanowires forms a higher density of trap centers and changes the crystal-field strength around Eu2+. As a result, not only have an enhanced Eu2+ -4f(6)5d(1)-4f(7) intra-ion transition and a prolonged afterglow time been more effectively observed (by decreasing the nanowires' diameters), but also the Eu2+ related emissions are shifted to shorter wavelengths.