4 resultados para Cyclopoida

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This paper reports experimental and field studies on the cyclopoid Mesocyclops notius from subtropical Lake Donghu close to the Yangtze river. Mesocyclops notius, a dominant crustacean Zooplankter throughout tropical Australia, was previously considered to be endemic to Australia, but recently, Mesocyclops leuckarti in Lake Donghu was re-identified as M. notius. Laboratory culture experiments were conducted to reveal the effect of temperature (15, 20, 25 and 30 degreesC) on the development, growth and reproduction of M. notius. Temperature was inversely related to development times of eggs, nauplii and copepodites, body length and physiological longevity of adults, and brood size. Body length and physiological longevity of females were greater than those of males at the same temperature. No reproduction took place at 15 degreesC. Production and seasonal cycles of M. notius during 1980-1982 were studied at two sampling stations of Lake Donghu. At the mid-lake station, the annual production and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of M. notius varied between 6.0 and 18.0 g dry wt m(-2) year(-1) and 74.6 and 95.5, respectively. Mesocyclops notius reached their highest density peaks in the warm months (July-October), with a maximum density of 1256 individuals l(-1) at a littoral site. No reproduction and recruitment by AL notius took place during the cold months (December March) when the temperature of the lake water was < 15 degreesC. Mesocyclops notius were more abundant at a littoral station than at a pelagic station, possibly due to different food availability. The higher male:female sex ratio of M. notius at the littoral station was most likely caused by size-selective fish predation on larger females.


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锚头鳋科Lernaeidae是剑水蚤目Cyclopoida中以第1触角短和第1小颚单枝型或退化消失为共同离征的一个自然类群, 因此以剑水蚤科Cyclopidae作为外群(out group), 把锚头鳋科各 属筛选出的性状与剑水蚤科的相应性状比较, 以确定其性质, 即该性状为祖征, 还是离征。经比较, 发现21个性状在锚头鳋科11个属中呈镶嵌分布。根据性状的镶嵌分布和简约性原则, 推导出锚头鳋科的属间系统发育分支图。图6表1参17


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<正> 一.绪言桡足类的主要组成部分是自由生活的剑水溞(Cyclopoida)和镖水溞(Calanoida),它们都是鱼类的优良食料。另一部分就是营寄生生活的种类,其中有些对于鱼类的危害性很大。鳋科(Ergasilidae)是一群由自由生活的剑水溞演变成寄生生活的过渡类型,其幼虫及雄虫完全营自由生活,只有雌性的成虫始寄生在鱼体上。因此过去如 Gurney氏等认为它们是半寄生性的种类,是很正确的论断。


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From surveys made in 1962-1963, 1973-1974, 1979-1996 at two Stations in Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic water body near Wuhan, P. R. China, the authors, derive long-term changes in species composition, standing crop and body-size of planktonic crustaceans. The species number decreased from the 1960s to the 1990s. The cladocerans dropped from 46 (1960s) to 26 (1980s) to 13 (1990s); the copepods decreased from 14 (1960s) to 10 (1980s) to 7 (1990s). From the mid-1980s on, the dominant crustaceans also changed: Daphnia hyalina and D. carinata ssp. were replaced by Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma brachyurum at Stations 1 and 2, respectively; Cyclops vicinus replaced Mesocyclops leuckarti. Densities and biomass of Cladocera decreased markedly after 1987. Annual average densities and biomass of cladocerans were statistically differences between 1962-1986 and 1987-1996 (P < 0.01). Annual average densities of Daphnia (Station 1 + Station 2) were negatively correlated with fish yield. Since the 1980s, annual average body length of Cladocera and Calanoida decreased, while annual average body length of Cyclopoida increased. In the same years, average body length of copepods was lower during May-October than during January-April and November-December. A 12-yr data analysis showed annual average concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) to be negatively correlated with annual average density of Daphnia, whilst lake transparency was positively correlated with annual average densities of Daphnia. The results imply that, since Daphnia feeds efficiently on phytoplankton, it could decrease concentration of Chl-a, and enhance water transparency.