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Detailed investigations on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the wing membrane of the dragonfly are carried out. It is found that in the direction of the thickness the membrane was divided into three layers rather than a single entity as traditionally considered, and on the surfaces the membrane displays a random distribution rough microstructure that is composed of numerous nanometer scale columns coated by the cuticle wax secreted. The characteristics of the surface structure are measured and described. The mechanical properties of the membranes taken separately from the wings of live and dead dragonflies are investigated by the nanoindentation technique. The Young's moduli obtained here are approximately two times greater than the previous result, and the reasons that yield the difference are discussed.
Detailed investigations on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the wing membrane of the dragonfly were carried out. It was found that in the direction of the thickness the membrane was divided into three layers rather than as traditionally considered as a single entity, and on the surfaces the membrane displayed a random distribution rough microstructure that was composed of numerous nanometer scale columns coated by the cuticle wax secreted. The characteristics of the surfaces were accurately measured and a statistical radial distribution function of the columns was presented to describe the structural properties of the surfaces. Based on the surface microstructure, the mechanical properties of the membranes taken separately from the wings of living and dead dragonflies were investigated by the nanoindentation technique. The Young's moduli obtained here are approximately two times greater than the previous result, and the reasons that yield the difference are discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
上新世时期是地球环境发展变化过程中由温暖的中新世向冰期-间冰期交替出现的更新世的过渡时期,研究上新世的气候有助于研究现代全球气候变化趋势。我国上新世植物群研究不多,尤其缺乏早上新世植物群的研究。在研究化石植物群的过程中,叶角质层的信息通常被忽视。迄今,我国古气候的定量研究主要集中在山东山旺和云南地区,研究的主要是中新世和晚上新世的古气候,早上新世气候的定量研究国内外都未见报道。 本论文以采自浙江中部嵊州地区硅藻土中的植物叶和果实为材料,通过光学显微镜、荧光显微镜和扫描电镜观察,对提取的化石叶角质层和叶结构进行研究,对比研究现代相关类群植物的叶片,确定了化石植物类群计15科24属(或亚科)34种。同时参照现代植物分布,恢复了早上新世嵊州地区古植被情况,进一步运用共存分析(Co-existence Approch)定量重建了当时的古气候,得到古年均温、古年较差和古年降水量等7个参数。 研究表明,叶结构和叶角质层可以应用于化石植物类群的鉴定。光学显微镜和荧光显微镜下可以获得的信息有:气孔、表皮细胞形状及大小、表皮细胞垂周壁、分泌结构、表皮毛或毛基等。扫描电镜观察的是叶表皮细胞表面的情况,如细胞外壁是否被蜡质以及蜡质的交结情况,气孔外壁是否增厚呈环等。 经化石植物类群鉴定,早上新世(约4Ma)嵊州地区植被属亚热带常绿阔叶林。推测:该地区当时存在一个较大的湖泊,湖泊边缘水中生长有菱角,湖泊周边可能有海拔超过1400m的山地。 常绿阔叶林主要成分是壳斗科植物,其中青冈属植物可能是建群植物。自低海拔到高海拔地区都有分布的是:栎属、栗属、桤木属植物,青杨梅。低海拔地区(<600m)分布的植物有:海南锥,樟。中低海拔地区(300-1000m)分布着:柯属、黄杨属植物,水青冈,海南油丹,江南油杉,福建柏。中高海拔地区(>700m)分布有:高山栎、黄肉楠属植物,米心水青冈,榉树,建始槭,天台鹅耳枥和昌化鹅耳枥。除了上述类群,林中还散布着鼠李属、杜鹃花属和冬青属的植物,豆科崖豆藤属植物则缠绕一些较大乔木生长。另外,在一些土壤、有机质易堆积的洼地生长有竹林,山地贫瘠的地方生长着柏属植物。 嵊州早上新世化石植物群反映的植被同浙江地区现代植被相似。第三纪浙江地区从针叶林或阔叶树为主的针-阔叶混交林过渡到常绿-落叶阔叶林,再发展为常绿阔叶林。 依据23个植物类群分析获得7个古气候参数:年均温17.7-21.4°C,最热月均温22.2-27°C,最冷月均温8.4-13.4°C,年较差12.1-15.3°C,年降水量1136-1869.9mm,最大月降水量211.8-283.3mm,最小月降水量20.3-36.8mm。 对比现代嵊州地区气候参数,早上新世嵊州地区年降水量略高于现代,年均温比现代高1.3-5°C,年较差为12.1-15.3°C。早上新世期嵊州地区四季气温比现代平稳。
全球古近纪和新近纪气候波动明显,很多科学家对古近纪和新近纪生物演化和气候演变规律的定量研究给予了相当的重视。杉科植物有长期发展的历史、少数的现存种和丰富的化石记录,成为指示古环境的理想植物之一。利用杉科植物重建古环境,首先要对化石植物进行正确的分类鉴定。杉科各属枝叶形态特征变异幅度较大,且枝叶排列和形态特征近似,有时各属之间存在交叉特征。杉科化石标本通常仅保存枝叶形式,且多个属的化石标本经常发现于同一地层,因而分类鉴定比较困难。植物的叶表皮结构是压型植物化石细胞信息的重要来源,是属种分类鉴定重要依据之一。本文在以往研究的基础上,完整分析了杉科9属现生植物的表皮特征,建立了杉科化石植物分类鉴定的现生植物的表皮特征参照系。 杉科植物的叶多为条形、钻形、鳞形或披针形,同种植物有1种、2种甚至3种叶型。其中水杉属的叶交互对生,其它属的叶螺旋状互生。水杉属的多数表皮细胞垂周壁明显弯曲,落羽杉属和杉木属有时微呈波状,其他属的表皮细胞垂周壁直。多数植物的叶片近轴面和远轴面的气孔数量和分布不同。一般来说,条形叶和披针形叶的远轴面气孔分布状况和气孔数量稳定,远轴面的中部最稳定。条形叶远轴面的气孔分布于中脉两侧,形成纵向的气孔带。条形叶近轴面气孔分布状况和气孔数量变化大,近轴面的气孔数量有时与远轴面近似,但多数情况下比远轴面少,有时整个叶片的近轴面仅少数几个气孔或没有气孔分布。钻形叶的近轴面和远轴面的气孔数量近似,或叶片近轴面的气孔数量比远轴面的气孔数量多,气孔分布范围也比远轴面气孔分布范围广。气孔椭圆形,落羽杉属植物和水松鳞形叶的气孔长轴方向与叶片长轴垂直或斜向排列,柳杉属植物的气孔多斜向排列,水松的条形叶和条状钻形叶的气孔多平行向排列。落羽杉属和柳杉属以外的杉科植物的气孔长轴多数与叶片长轴平行。在扫描电子显微镜下的密叶杉属植物叶片角质层的内表面,副卫细胞和表皮细胞的垂周壁与叶表面的角度一致,且副卫细胞的形态与表皮细胞类似,这种特殊气孔器被称为A-型气孔器。杉科植物中水杉属、落羽杉属和杉木属的气孔器近似密叶杉的这种A-型气孔器。台湾杉属、柳杉属、水松属、红杉属和巨杉属植物的气孔器与这种A-型气孔器不同,这几属的副卫细胞垂周壁表皮细胞的垂周壁方向不同,且副卫细胞的形态与表皮细胞的形态明显不同。因而气孔所有副卫细胞组成呈明显的圆盘状,保卫细胞在盘子的中央。综合分析植物的枝叶形态和表皮特征可以区分杉科各属。 本文研究了采自抚顺始新世的杉科植物标本,经枝叶特征、表皮结构和球果鳞片等特征分析为水松属的欧洲水松。论文分析了中国东北地区古温度定量研究结果与杉科植物的相关性。抚顺植物群发现有化石水杉M. occidentalis、中华红杉和欧洲水松,根据这三种化石植物的年均温度和年降水量,通过共存分析,推测抚顺始新世的年均温为12.1-17℃,年降水量为1199.6-2231mm。
角质层是果实抵御外界环境胁迫的一个屏障,既能调节果实自身的生理活动,也能增加对病原菌入侵的抵抗力,在果实贮藏保鲜中具有重要的作用。本文利用傅里叶变换红外光谱检测(Fourier-transform-infrared-spectroscopy)法,重点研究了不同贮藏条件下果实角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化,及对果实品质和贮藏性的影响,为进一步阐明角质层在果实贮藏保鲜中的作用提供依据。研究内容包括:(1)壶瓶枣果实在冷藏和气调下软化率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(2)即时冷藏和延迟冷藏下,桃果实好果率、品质、角质层和果肉细胞壁成分变化;(3)采前喷施氯化钙或油菜素内酯对甜樱桃单果重、品质、果肉细胞壁结构以及耐贮性的影响。 试验结果表明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)能够显著降低壶瓶枣软化率,更好地保持果实的硬度、可溶性固形物(SSC)和可滴定酸(TA)含量以及较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和较低含量的角质层物质。(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏使“八月脆”桃果实能保持较高的果实硬度和好果率,显著减慢TA含量下降,能保持较高含量的果肉细胞壁物质和角质层物质,但对SSC和Vc含量没有显著的影响。(3)与对照相比,采前喷施CaCl2(1%,m/v)能够增加“红灯”(6.94%)的单果重,对甜樱桃果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)和细胞壁结构没有明显的影响。(4)与对照相比,采前喷施0.15 mg•L-1油菜素内酯能增加“红灯”(3.68%)和“大紫”(8.61%)的单果重,降低“红灯”果实的自然腐烂率,并不影响果实的品质指标(硬度、SSC、TA)。 这些研究结果说明:(1)与冷藏(-1±1 ºC)相比,气调贮藏(10% O2 + 0% CO2, -1±1 ºC)更利于壶瓶枣果实贮藏保鲜;(2)与延迟冷藏(25 ºC,48 h后转入0 ºC)相比,即时冷藏(0 ºC)更利于“八月脆”桃果实贮藏保鲜;(3)气调贮藏和即时冷藏通过调节果实角质层和细胞壁代谢等途径发挥作用。气调贮藏会降低壶瓶枣果实角质层物质含量,增强其透气性,减少壶瓶枣酒软发生;但即时冷藏会延缓“八月脆”桃果实角质层降解,维持角质层物质较高的含量以及结构完整性,以充分发挥角质层的保护作用,减缓果实的软化进程,维持果实硬度和品质;(4)采前适当浓度的钙或油菜素内酯处理对增加甜樱桃单果重,降低自然腐烂率有一定的作用,但在不同品种中的作用效果有差异。
Ecdysone inducible gene. E75 is a primary target of ecdysone receptor (EcR). and is found to play a critical role in the molting process of arthropods In this study, a cDNA encoding the E75 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcE75) was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE techniques FcE75 cDNA was 3611 bp in length with an ORF of 2394 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcE75 had the highest sequence identity to E75 from a land crab Gecarcinus lateral's and E75 of the shrimp Metapenaeus crisis Quantitative real-time PCR revealed a prominently high expression of FcE75 mRNA in the whole body RNA extract of late premolt period (D3) juvenile shrimp. The role of E75 in the process of shrimp molting was investigated using the RNA interference technique Long double-stranded RNA corresponding to the FcE75 (dsE75) efficiently silenced the FcE75 transcript levels in juvenile F. chinensis. Further, injection with dsE75 completely arrested the molting process in experimental shrimp which eventually caused death Setogenic analysis of the uropods from molt-arrested shrimp, showed defective epidermal retraction, poor development of setae and new cuticle. These results indicate that E75 might be related to the molting process and is essential for proper molting and survival of shrimp This is the first report demonstrating the use of double stranded RNA to elucidate the possible role of E75 in the molting of decapod crustaceans (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
The largest mass extinction in the Phanerozoic happened at the end of the Permian. The microbialites formed in the extreme environments after the mass extinction has become a hotspot for geologists and paleontologists throughout the world. The dendroid microbialites that were described for the first time in 1999 from the Permian-Triassic boundary section at Laolongdong, Chongqing, have been studied by many geologists from China and overseas. Two important viewpoints about their origin have been proposed. Some researchers believed that they resemble Quaternary travertine shrubs in form, and may belong to microbialites. Some other researchers proposed that the dendroid structure is composed of clots formed by coccoidal cynaobacteria, and is microbialite. Our detailed survey on the section reveals that: (1) there is an interval of speckled “microbialite” in the section, and it underlies the dendroid “microbialite”, (2) the dendroid “microbialite” does not always have dendroid appearance; they are dendroid only in very local places; they are not dendroid in most places; for this reason, they are not comparable to recent tufa; (3) the volume of the dendroid structure greatly increases toward the top of the dendroid microbialite interval: accounting to 70% of the whole rock in the top part. This distribution pattern implies that the formation of this structure may be related to downward migration of the diagenetic fluid. Examination of thin sections reveals that the dendroid structure or point-like structure in the “microbialite” look as lighter areas in the thin sections and are composed of large blocky clear calcites containing scattered yellow dirty small calcite rhombi and irregular “points” of relict lime mudstone or wackestone or packstone. Their formation is by any one of the following two processes: (1) dissolution → filling of large blocky calcite; (2) dolomitization → dedolomitization → dissolution by meteoric fresh water → filling by large blocky calcites. It has been found that there are at least two sea-level falls during the P-T transition. As the sea level fall, the carbonate deposits came into supratidal environment, and suffered dolomitization caused by evaporative fluid or mixing water of sea water and meteoric water. Since the fluid migrated downward from the top of the deposits and in random pathway, the dolomitization formed dendroid or speckled dolomitic areas. As the deposits came into subaerial environments, the meteoric fresh water migrated along the dendroid or speckled dolomitic area with higher porosity, and dissolution happened, which caused the rock became spongy or alveolate. In later time, after the strata came into phreatic zone, large clear blocky calcites grew in and filled the pores in the spongy areas. The dendroid and speckled structure were formed in this way, rather than composed of clots formed by coccoid cyanobecteria. The microbial fossils in Laolongdong section include two types. The first is the tube-like cyanobecteria in middle Bed 3, which are generally less than 1 mm in length, taper toward one end, and are internally filled by microspars. They are straight or sinuous, with micritic wall 0.005~0.01 mm thick. Since this kind of microbial fossils are abundant in middle Bed 3, this rock belongs to microbialite. The second type occurs in Bed 5 and lower and middle Bed 6. They are irregular globular in shape, generally 0.2 ~ 0.5 mm in size, with several outward progresses, and internally filled by one layer of needle-like calcite cements on the wall and the large blocky calcite in the inner space. According to their shape and preservation way, it is inferred that this kind of fossils were formed from some kind of bacterial colony. The bacterial colony may be cuticle in composition, since it has some hardness as it is indicated by its resistance to deposit loading. These organisms discomposed during diagenetic time, and formed good porosity. In later diagenetic time, these pores were firstly cemented by needle-like calcites and later filled by large blocky calcites. So, the bacterial colony promoted the formation of dendroid and speckled structures. However, they did not always form such structures. On the other hand, even though no bacterial colony or other microbes or any kind of fossils were present, dendroid or speckled structures can form. Bed 4 of Laolongdong section contains abundant gastropods but no microbial fossils, and is not microbialite, even though it is speckled. The top of Bed 6 is dendroid, but contain no microbial fossils, and is not micrbialite.