7 resultados para Coumarins

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In order to explore the inhibitory mechanism of coumarins toward aldose reductase (ALR2), AutoDock and Gromacs software were used for docking and molecular dynamics studies on 14 coumarins (CM) and ALR2 protease. The docking results indicate that residues TYR48, HIS110, and TRP111 construct the active pocket of ALR2 and, besides van der Waals and hydrophobic interaction, CM mainly interact with ALR2 by forming hydrogen bonds to cause inhibitory behavior. Except for CM1, all the other coumarins take the lactone part as acceptor to build up the hydrogen bond network with active-pocket residues. Unlike CM3, which has two comparable binding modes with ALR2, most coumarins only have one dominant orientation in their binding sites. The molecular dynamics calculation, based on the docking results, implies that the orientations of CM in the active pocket show different stabilities. Orientation of CM1 and CM3a take an unstable binding mode with ALR2; their conformations and RMSDs relative to ALR2 change a lot with the dynamic process. While the remaining CM are always hydrogen-bonded with residues TYR48 and HIS110 through the carbonyl O atom of the lactone group during the whole process, they retain the original binding mode and gradually reach dynamic equilibrium.


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下载PDF阅读器利用多种柱层析方法,从法落海(Angelica apaensis)95%乙醇提取物中分离得到8个化合物.经IR、MS、NMR等波谱数据鉴定为氧化前胡素(oxypeucedanin,1)、氧化前胡素水合物(oxypeucedanin hydrate,2)、异欧芹属乙素(isoimperatorin,3)、白当归脑(byakangelicin,4)、白当归素(byakangelicol,5)、3'-O-acetylhamaudol (6)、(+)-9(Z),17-octadecadiene-12,14-diyne-1,11,16-triol(7)和9,17-octadecadiene-12,14-diyne-1,11,16-triol,1-acetate(8),其中,化合物6-8是首次从该植物中分离得到.我们对所有得到的8个化合物进行抗HIV活性分析,化合物1具有明显的抗HIV活性,其抑制合胞体形成的半数有效浓度(EC50)为1.6 ms/L,治疗指数(TI)为17.59.


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利用多种分离技术对文冠果种皮甲醇提取物的乙酸乙酯和正丁醇萃取部分进行分离纯化,根据理化性质和光谱数据鉴定结构,得到3个香豆素类化合物Ⅰ(臭矢菜素B)、Ⅱ(秦皮素)、Ⅲ(秦皮苷),其中化合物Ⅰ为首次从无患子科中分离得到,Ⅱ、Ⅲ为首次从文冠果种皮中分离得到.通过对HIV-1ⅢB诱导感染C8166细胞致细胞病变的抑制试验及对HIV-1ⅢB感染MT4细胞的保护试验进行抗HIV-1活性研究,结果表明,化合物Ⅰ具有较强的体外抗HIV-1活性,CC50>200 μg/mL,EC50为8.61~12.76 μg/mL,选择指数(SI)>15.67~23.23;对HIV-1ⅢB感染的MT4细胞具有一定的保护作用.


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干扰素(IFNs)是最早发现的具有广泛用途的一类细胞因子,IFN-α通过JAK/STAT信号途径调控机体一系列生理和病理反应。至今尚未发现类干扰素的小分子。我们前期研究发现天然产物毛蕊异黄酮可激活干扰素诱导的JAK/STAT信号途径。为发现类干扰素小分子、获得小分子探针,本课题拟建立成熟的JAK/STAT信号途径的筛选模型,合成毛蕊异黄酮及其类似物,研究这些化合物的构效关系,进而尝试通过共价键标记生物素或香豆素来直接研究它们与相关受体的作用。 从异香草醛出发经7步合成反应得到了毛蕊异黄酮。采用平行合成策略得到异黄酮类化合物;采用分支式合成策略,以取代苯乙酸作为合成砌块,获得具有与异黄酮类似结构的香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮。与分离得到的黄酮类化合物,构建了一个包括异黄酮、黄酮、香豆素、3-芳基喹诺酮在内的化合物库。 建立了包含IFN-α刺激反应元件 (ISRE)的荧光素酶报告基因体系,通过筛选化合物库中的化合物,发现异黄酮骨架为激活JAK/STAT信号途径必须结构、毛蕊异黄酮7-位酚羟基被取代后活性丧失。根据以上结果,对毛蕊异黄酮3′-位标记物的合成进行了初步尝试。 发现山茱萸科植物青荚叶(Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr.)有抑制蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酯酶1B(PTP1B)的活性。从其地上部分95%乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部分分离得到5个化合物,应用波谱方法及与已知品对照的手段鉴定它们为p-menth-2-en-1β, 4β, 8-triol (Z-1)、blumenol A (Z-2)、2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-五羟基查尔酮(Z-3)、洋芹素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-4)、木犀草素7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(Z-5). Interferons (IFNs) are one kind of cytokines with broad functions. IFN-α mediates series physiological and pathological changes of human body via JAK/STAT pathway. Untill now, no IFNs-like small molecules are discovered. In our preliminary experiment, the natural product calycosin has been observed to activate JAK/STAT pathway. Therefore, we establish a luciferase reporter gene system and synthesize calycosin and its analogues to reveal their structure-activity relationship (SAR). Besides, in order to prove that calycosin activates JAK/STAT pathway through IFN receptor, we attempted to tag it with biotin or coumarin by covalent bonding. Calycosin was synthesized from isovanillin via seven steps. Other isoflavones were obtained by parallel synthesis; coumarins and quinolones were prepared through divergent synthesis, using substituted phenylacetic acids as building blocks. Combing with natural flavones, a small molecule library was established. A luciferase reporter gene system, consisting of 5 copies of the ISRE (interferon-stimulated response element), was used for screening of small molecules from that library. We found that the core-structure of isoflavone was necessary, and if the 7-OH is substituted, the activity slumps. According to our observation, we tried to tag biotin or coumarin at 3′-OH of calycosin. The 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr. showed protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitory activity. Five compounds were isolated. On the basis of spectral data or by comparison with authentic samples, they were identified as p-menth-2-en-1β,4β,8-triol (1), blumenol A (2), 2′,3′,4′,5′,6′-pentahydroxychalcone (3), apigenin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (4), and luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5).


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本学位论文报道了作为传统藏药材广泛使用的西藏产雪莲花化学成分的研究。论文由五章组成,第一章是三种西藏产雪莲花的化学成分的系统分离纯化和结构鉴定;第二章为西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质及串联质谱联用分析;第三章提出了以HPLC和TLC为检测方法的雪莲花药材质量标准草案;第四章给出了对西藏产雪莲花挥发油化学成分的气-质联用分析结果;第五章概述了雪莲花的化学成分及药理研究进展。 第一章包括三个部分。第一部分报道了绵头雪莲花(Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz.)全草乙醇提取物化学成分的分离鉴定。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,从西藏产绵头雪莲花的乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定出15个化合物。其中11个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到,当中2个化合物系在凤毛菊属植物中首次发现。第二部分报道了水母雪莲花(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出15个化合物,其中1个为新化合物,另有4个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。新化合物结构通过质谱和一维及二维核磁共振等波谱解析方法及碱水解反应确定为巴豆酰基-高车前苷(M-7)。第三部分报道了三指雪莲花 (Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出7个化合物,其中1个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。 第二章也包括三个部分。首先是采用液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析方法,对7个西藏不同产地的三指雪莲花化学成分进行了分析,通过与标准品的 UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出14个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量测定。其次是关于八种西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析,通过与标准品的UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出15个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量检测。最后通过对八种西藏产雪莲花主要化学成分的多级串联质谱(ESI-MSn)分析,快速、灵敏地鉴定出10个黄酮和3个香豆素化学成分。 第三章同样包括三个部分。首先是以绵头雪莲花中主要香豆素成分东莨菪素和伞形花内酯为对照品,通过TLC定性检测和HPLC含量测定,草拟出较严谨的药材质量标准。其次是将绵头雪莲花、三指雪莲花和雪兔子作为一个药材看待,草拟了以东莨菪素和伞形花内酯的TLC检测为指标的药材质量标准。最后是针对水母雪莲花,以主要黄酮成分芹菜素-7-O-b-D-葡萄糖苷为对照品作TLC检测,并草拟出该药材的质量标准草案。 第四章报道了西藏产雪莲花挥发油的化学成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏法分别从八种雪莲花全草中提取挥发油,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分别从水母雪莲花、绵头雪莲花、槲叶雪莲花、云状雪兔子、拉萨雪兔子、小果雪兔子、雪兔子和三指雪莲花中分别鉴定出83、83、56、34、21、20、24和20个化学成分,分别占其挥发油总量的70.7%、76.0%、82.2%、55.4%、49.7%、70.4 %、76.2%和 76.7%。 第五章为综述,总结和概括了雪莲花的化学和药理研究进展。 The dissertation reports the investigation of the chemical constituents of the genus Saussurea. Quite a lot of species in this genus are traditional Tibetan medicinal plants, and hence have been widely used in traditional Tibetan medicine. This dissertation consisted of five chapters. The first chapter is on the chemical constituents of three Saussurea plants. The second section is about the analysis of chemical constituents of Saussurea plants using HPLC-MS and ESI-MS/MS. In the third chapter, we proposed quality-control standards for the Genus Saussurea based on TLC (thin layer chromatography) and HPLC. The fourth chapter is about chemical compositions of the essential oil from the whole plant of Saussurea plants. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea. The first chapter consists of three parts. The first part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Among them, eleven compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time, and two compounds were isolated from Genus Saussurea for the first time. The second part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea medusa Maxim. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase, reversed phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Five of them were isolated from this plant for the first time, and there is one new flavonoid glucoside which was identified as 6″-O-crotonoyl-homoplantaginin (M-7) based on the evidence of one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry analysis, and alkaline hydrolysis reaction. The last part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.. Seven compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. There is one compound which was isolated from this plant for the first time. The second chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of S. tridactyla collected from seven different places in Tibet using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn. Fourteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds, among which eight common peaks were quantified. In the second part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of eight Saussurea species using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn method. Fifteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds and eight main peaks of them were quantified. In the last part, we analyzed the chemical compounds of the above eight Saussurea plants directly by ESI-MS/MS. Thirteen major compounds, including 10 flavonoids and 3 coumarins were easily rapidly identified. The third chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we proposed a comparative high quality-control standard for S. laniceps, based on quality detection by TLC and quantity analysis by HPLC using two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin) as standard compounds. In the second part, in viewing S. laniceps, S. tridactyla and S. gossypiphora as the members of one family of medicinal herbs, we suggested a quality-control standard based on the TLC detection of the two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin). In the last part, we proposed a quality-control standard for S. medusa based on the TLC detection of its major component (apigenin 7-O-glucoside). The four chapter analyzed the chemical constituents of essential oil of eight Saussurea species. The essential oils were extracted from the whole plants of these samples with water stream distillation. By GC-MS analysis, we identified eighty-three compounds from S. medusa, eighty-three from S. laniceps, fifty-six from S. quercifolia, thirty-four from S. aster, twenty-one from S. kingii, twenty from S. simpsoniana, twenty-four from S. gossypiphora, and twenty from S. tridactyla respetively, which accounted for 70.7%, 76.0%, 82.2%, 55.4%, 49.7%, 70.4 %, 76.2% and 76.7% of the total essential oil, respectively. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea.


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香豆素类物质是苯丙酸内酯(环酯)类化合物,绝大部分高等植物通过次生代谢途径都能合成。研究表明,香豆素类物质是花椒体内最重要的化感物质,系统研究香豆素类物质的作用机理有助于理解和最终解决花椒连作障碍。本文通过研究香豆素对几种植物种子特别是苜蓿种子萌发、苜蓿幼苗初级氮同化的影响,从生理生化角度揭示香豆素的作用方式,为花椒连作障碍的解决和化感作用机制的深入理解提供依据。主要研究结果如下:1. 研究了香豆素对6 种常见作物种子萌发的影响,并对一组数据采用4个不同的指标进行评价,对生物测定化感作用中存在的问题进行了讨论。结果发现1.0mM的香豆素对采用的6 种作物的种子萌发均表现出一定的化感作用,4 个指标的敏感程度依次为S (发芽速度)>AS(累积发芽速度)>CRG(发芽指数)>GT(最终发芽率)。种子萌发实验是化感作用研究中最重要、应用最广泛的生物测定方法之一,应根据不同的研究目的合理采用指标和实验方法。2. 采用培养皿试纸法进行种子萌发试验,研究了香豆素水溶液在苜蓿种子萌发过程中对其吸水、电导率及抗氧化保护酶活性的影响。结果表明,影响苜蓿种子发芽的香豆素浓度阀值为0.3mM。香豆素在1.0mM 的浓度下降低了苜蓿种子吸水阶段Ⅱ的吸水速度,使其外渗物质增多,电导率增大,并显著抑制了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,同时种子体内丙二醛(MDA)的含量显著增大。高浓度香豆素破坏了膜的结构、影响了抗氧化保护酶的活性是香豆素降低苜蓿发芽率的原因之一,也可能是影响花椒-苜蓿间作的关键因素之一。3. 不同浓度(0、25 μM、50 μM、0.1 mM、1.0 mM)化感活性物质香豆素对10 日龄苜蓿幼苗初级氮同化的影响的结果表明25 µM~50 µM 的香豆素加快了苜蓿幼苗对硝态氮的吸收。高浓度的香豆素导致苜蓿根系和叶片内可溶性蛋白含量降低、鲜重减小、地下鲜重/地上鲜重(R/S)的比值升高,根系中初级氮同化的关键酶硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酸胺合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性降低,叶片中NR、GS 的活性减低、叶绿素含量减少,而GDH 的活性升高。香豆素影响苜蓿幼苗氮代谢和氨同化的关键酶,导致体内养分的缺失是香豆素抑制苜蓿幼苗生长的机理之一。Coumarins are lactones of o-hydroxycinnamic acid, and are allelopathiccompounds that originate in the phenylpropanoid pathway. They are synthesized byalmost all higher plants. According to previous studies, coumarins were mostimportant allelochemicals in Chinese prickly ash. Systematically research of theeffect of coumarin could help to comprehend the continuous cropping impediment.The effects of coumarin on seed germination and primary nitrogen assimilation ofalfalfa were studied. The main results showed that:1. We compared four common germination indices (S, AS, CRG, GT)preciously calculated with the same date. The results showed that, at theconcentration of 1.0 mM, coumarin inhibited seeds germination. Among all indices,the S index was most sensitive, followed by the AS and CRG indices. Andsuggestions on the expression of bioassay results were also provided.2. At concentrations above 0.3 mM, coumarin inhibited seed germination in aconcentration-dependent manner. During seed imbibitionⅡ, coumarin at 1.0 mMsignificantly reduced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT),peroxidase (POD), while the content of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) in alfalfa seedssignificantly increased. The higher concentration coumarin destroyed structure ofmembrane and influenced activities of antioxidant enzymes, which might be one ofthe reasons that coumarin decreased germination rate of alfalfa, and one of the keyfactors influencing Chinese prickly ash-alfalfa intercropping.3. Alfalfa plants were exposed to different concentration of coumarin (0、25μM、50 μM、0.1 mM、1.0 mM) grown for 10 days on control medium. Coumarin, in the range of 25 μM~50 μM, significantly stimulated the net nitrate uptake.Increasing coumarin concentration led to a decrease of protein contents in theleaves and roots. The root to shoot (R/S) FW ratio was increased by increasingcoumarin concentration. Under high coumarin concentration, the activities of nitratereductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS) were repressed in the roots andleaves. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was inhibited in the roots, while enhancedin the leaves. Chlorophyll contents in the leaves were also decreased under highcoumain concentration. Coumarin decreased alfalfa growth by (i) nutritionaldeficiencies shown by the decrease of nitrate, (ii) lowered N compound synthesisvia inhibition of nitrate reduction and ammonium assimilation.