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Studies on lie-detection by western psychologists indicate that lying cues people usually hold are not in accordance with the real verbal and non-verbal behaviors that liars usually show. A cross-culture study carried out by C.F.Bond and its global research team finds that the commonest view held by people from 75 nations about lying behavior is that liars usually avert gaze, while study shows that gaze-aversion has no relation with lying. In Bond’s view, stereotype of the liar reflect more about common cross-culture values than an objective description of how liars behave. Different culture has its norms based upon which people judge whether a person is credible or not. As a nation of long Confucianism tradition, how Chinese view liars differently from people of other culture is the interest of this study. By a comparative study with that of Bond’s research, it is found that, in line with Bond’s finding, Chinese generally hold the same stereotype about liars with that of the westerners; but it seems that Chinese rely significantly less on gaze-aversion as a cue to lying, and they concern more about senders’ motivation and emotion. It is also found that confidence about their detection ability among Chinese is lower than westerners. A further study on different professions and their view about lying behaviors shows that people in law-enforcement and related professions generally hold a more accurate view toward how liars behave. Possible explanations to the above mentioned findings in view of culture differences, aspects to be improved in this study and direction of future research are discussed in the later part of the thesis.