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Existing models of baroclinic tides are based upon the "traditional approximation'', i. e., neglect of the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation, leading to a well- known conclusion that no freely propagating internal waves can exist beyond the critical latitude and the wave rays are symmetric to the vertical. However, recent studies have contended that the situation may change if both the vertical and horizontal components of the Earth's rotation are taken into account. With the full account of the Coriolis force, characteristics of the internal wavefield generated by tidal flow over uneven topography are investigated. It is found that "nontraditional effects'' profoundly change not only the dynamics of internal waves but also the rate at which the barotropic tidal energy is fed into the internal wavefield. Discarding the traditional approximation, internal waves are proved to be able to generate poleward of the critical latitude, rays of which are no longer symmetric and the limiting values of ray angles become greater or less than 90 degrees, depending on the local latitude and the direction of ray. More importantly, in contrast to the predictions of models based upon the traditional approximation, a substantial conversion occurs in the situations when stratification is so weak that the buoyancy frequency is below the tidal one.


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We study quantum oscillations of the magnetization in Bi2Se3 (111) surface system in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. The combined spin-chiral Dirac cone and Landau quantization produce profound effects on the magnetization properties that are fundamentally different from those in the conventional semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas. In particular, we show that the oscillating center in the magnetization chooses to pick up positive or negative values depending on whether the zero-mode Landau level is occupied or empty. An intuitive analysis of these features is given and the subsequent effects on the magnetic susceptibility and Hall conductance are also discussed.


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In the framework of the effective mass theory, this paper calculates the electron energy levels of an InAs/GaAs tyre-shape quantum ring (TSQR) by using the plane wave basis. The results show that the electron energy levels are sensitively dependent on the TSQR's section thickness d, and insensitively dependent on TSQR's section inner radius R-1 and TSQR's inner radius R-2. The model and results provide useful information for the design and fabrication of InAs/GaAs TSQRs.


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We study the optimal teleportation based on Bell measurements via the thermal states of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXX chain in the presence of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) anisotropic antisymmetric interaction and obtain an optimal unitary transformation. The explicit expressions of the output state and the teleportation fidelity are presented and compared with those of the standard protocol. It is shown that in this protocol the teleportation fidelity is always larger and the unit fidelity is achieved at zero temperature. The DM interaction can enhance the teleportation fidelity at finite temperatures, as opposed to the effect of the interaction in the standard protocol. Cases with other types of anisotropies are also discussed. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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We propose a scheme to generate maximally entangled states (MESs) of multiple three-level atoms in microwave cavity QED based on the resonant atom-cavity interaction. In the scheme, multiple three-level atoms initially in their ground states are sequently sent through two suitably prepared cavities. After a process of appropriate atom-cavity interaction, a subsequent measurement on the second cavity field projects the atoms onto the MESs. The practical feasibility of this method is also discussed.


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We propose a method for uniformly calculating the electronic states of a hydrogenic donor impurity in low-dimensional semiconductor nano-structures in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory, and we study the electronic structures of this systems. Compared to previous methods, our method has the following merits: (a) It can be widely applied in the calculation of the electronic states of hydrogenic donor impurities in nano-structures of various shapes; (b) It can easily be extended to study the effects of external fields and other complex cases; (c) The excited states are more easily calculated than with the variational method; (d) It is convenient to calculate the change of the electronic states with the position of a hydrogenic donor impurity in nano-structures; (e) The binding energy can be calculated explicitly. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.