46 resultados para Coligny, Gaspard de, seigneur de Châtillon, 1519-1572

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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(Zr65Al10Ni10Cu15)(100-x) Nb-x glass forming alloys with Nb contents ranging from 0 to 15 at.% were prepared by water-cooled copper mould cast. The alloys with different Nb contents exhibited different microstructures and mechanical properties. Unlike the monolithic Zr65Al10Ni10Cu15 bulk metallic glass, only a few primary bee beta-Ti phase dendrites were found to distribute in the glassy matrix of the alloys with x = 5. For alloys with x = 10, more beta-phase dendrites forms, together with quasicrystalline particles densely distributed in the matrix of the alloys. For alloys with x = 15, the microstructure of the alloy is dominated by a high density of fully developed P-phase dendrites and the volume fraction of quasicrystalline particles significantly decreases. Room temperature compression tests showed that the alloys with x = 5 failed at 1793 MPa and exhibited an obvious plastic strain of 3.05%, while the other samples all failed in a brittle manner. The ultimate fracture strengths are 1793, 1975 and 1572 MPa for the alloys with x = 0, 10 and 15 at.% Nb, respectively.


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The Peclet number is a useful index to estimate the importance of sedimentation as compared to the Brownian motion. However, how to choose the characteristic length scale for the Peclet number evaluation is rather critical because the diffusion length increases as the square root of the time whereas the drifting length is linearly related to time. Our Brownian dynamics simulation shows that the degree of sedimentation influence on the coagulation decreases when the dispersion volume fraction increases. Therefore using a fixed length, such as the diameter of particle, as the characteristic length scale for Peclet number evaluation is not a good choice when dealing with the influence of sedimentation on coagulation. The simulations demonstrated that environmental factors in the coagulation process, such as dispersion volume fraction and size distribution, should be taken into account for more reasonable evaluation of the sedimentation influence.


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The torsional impact response of a penny-shaped crack in an unbounded transversely isotropic solid is considered. The shear moduli are assumed to be functionally graded such that the mathematics is tractable. Laplace transform and Hankel transform are used to reduce the problem to solving a Fredholm integral equation. The crack tip stress fields are obtained. Investigated are the influence of material nonhomogeneity and orthotropy on the dynamic stress intensity factor. The peak value of the dynamic stress intensity factor can be suppressed by increasing the shear moduli's gradient and/or increasing the shear modulus in a direction perpendicular to the crack surface.


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A grating-lens combination unit is developed to form a scaling self-transform function that can self-image on scale. Then an array of many such grating-lens units is used for the optical interconnection of a two-dimensional neural network, and experiments are carried out. We find that our idea is feasible, the optical interconnection system is simple, and optical adjustment is easy. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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本文以中国不同年代主要的玉米品种为试验材料,深入研究了玉米品种更替过程中新老品种的生理生态特征和竞争力差异,分析了差异形成的原因并进行了理论探讨。 玉米新老品种竞争力差异的研究采用了单作和混作两种方式,设高低两个密度。生长过程中全面测量了生物量、形态、生理和群体指标,运用了生长分析的方法来研究竞争,整合了各水平参数来解释竞争结果,并用本研究数据检验了生长冗余理论。 玉米新老品种对比研究发现新品种的生理生态特征普遍优于老品种。这些优势不仅体现在较高的生物量积累、较大的籽粒库容和较强的再分配能力上,而且体现在高的叶面积指数、衰老过程中仍维持较高的叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和光合效率上,同时新品种的群体特性还具有更低的感病率和更少的无效分蘖。玉米新老品种竞争结果表明在混作条件下,相对总产量这一指标反映出新老品种间明显的互利效应,且这种效应随发育阶段而降低。新品种对老品种的相对竞争力则随着发育阶段波动,并且密度和发育阶段两因子对品种竞争力的影响有明显的相互作用。相对于新品种,老品种的确存在叶片和根系的生长冗余部分,但老品种并没有在混作竞争中获得明显的竞争优势,即玉米品种选育并不完全符合生长冗余理论,因此在理解植物竞争力方面仍需要其他层面更深入的探讨。 同时,玉米品种选育不完全符合生长冗余理论的结论在农学实践上并非毫无价值。因为新品种总生物量的提高,不仅增加了籽粒产量,而且增加了秸秆产量,提供了更多可利用的生物质资源。相对于仅仅关注粮食产量,综合利用中国农村巨大的生物质资源具有更重要的生态意义。


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对采自麻栗坡县的晋通马矮马各3匹的材料,所用20种限制性内切酶中,有16种可产生切点,平均每个个体获得56条限制性片段。与其它家畜家一不同,家马有高度的mtDNA多态性,6匹马均有自己独特的mtD-NA基因型,提示该地家马可能为多起源,至少有多重母系,这些母系可追溯到1~10万年前,与化石记载相一致。本次实验未找到将两种马区分开的特异性多态标记,这可能是同栖于同一生态环境中,相互交配,血液相融,而不是各自起源于自己原母系。由于所测样本数较少,尚不能得到区分两种马的一个统计学上的规律性来。云南地理地貌十分复杂,马的品种或类群较多,亦可能是多起源,其遗传多样性很丰富。因此,云南马是值得保护和重视的种质资源库。自80年代以来,动物线粒体DNA(mtD-NA)在群体遗传及进化生物学研究中起着重要作用,由于其组成序列简单,母体遗传,且不存在重组,所以是追踪母系血统的理想标记和能对漂移血统进行识别 ̄[1](Harrisonl989年).在家养动物中,对mtDNA多态性研究以前多在鸡、黄牛、猪中进行,它们的mtDNA多态频率相当低 ̄[2]。Marthew和Ryder(1986)的研究已涉及家马mtDNA种内特异性的情况.


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绿孔雀是国家I级重点保护鸟类. 在《Endangered Birds of the W orld-The ICBP Bird Red Data Book》(King, 1981)及《1990 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals》中均将其列为易危种. 在CITES中被列入附录2. 据文献记载:绿孔雀在中国分布于云南(郑作新, 1987)和西藏东南部(尹秉高等, 1993). 历史上云南东南部的开远、建水和文山县曾记载有绿孔雀分布(《云南通志》, 明隆庆六年, 1572). 现代著作中(彭燕章等, 1987; 郑宝责等, 1987; 张帆等, 1987; 杨岚, 1989, 1991; 文贤继等, 1995; 杨晓君, 1995)记录云南省东南部的蒙自、金平、绿春、河口、弥勒、建水、石屏等7个县有绿孔雀分布. 另据当地群众反映在滇西北迪庆州发现有绿孔雀. 作者于1995年4-6月、11-12月和1996年4-6月在以往对绿孔雀分布现状调查(文贤继等, 1995)的基础上, 对云南东南部和西北部绿孔雀的分布现状及保护情况又进行了调查, 本次调查对绿孔雀在上述地区的分布状况进行了核实, 为今后的生态生物学研究和保护工作提供了有关资料。


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通过构建依赖NADPH的乙酰乙酰CoA还原酶基因(phbB)的衣藻表达载体, 用石英砂VOTEX转化技术, 将phbB基因导入细胞壁缺陷的莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cc-849)中, 用含有10 mg/mL的Zeomycin的平板培养基进行筛选和实验室保持培养, 得到了表达phbB基因的转基因藻株. PCR和Southern blot结果显示phbB基因已整合到莱茵衣藻基因组中. RT-PCR与DNA杂交的检测结果显示, 导入的phbB基因在衣藻中具有转录活性.


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Khawia saurogobii n. sp. is described from the intestine of the cyprinid fishes Saurogobio dabryi and Saurogobio dumerili in China. The new species belongs to the Lytocestidae and is placed in Khawia because of its afossate scolex, vitelline follicles in the cortical parenchyma, uterus not looping anterior to the cirrus sac, gonopores separate but close together in distinct genital atrium, external seminal vesicle absent, and postovarian follicles present. The new species differs from other congeneric species by the shape of the body markedly tapering posteriorly from the end of the anterior third, the shape of the scolex that is very short and markedly wider than the neck, spatulate without incisions, but shallow superficial grooves, vitelline follicles and testes starting immediately posterior to the scolex, and an ovary with long, posterior arms bent medially, thus giving the shape of an inverted A.


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Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are now emerging ubiquitous contaminants due to their wide usage, persistence and toxicities. To investigate the bioaccumulative characteristics of HBCDs, sediments, Winkle (Littorina littorea), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) were collected from two streams near an E-waste dismantling site in China. and HBCD exposure test was then conducted on Chinese rare minnow. The concentration of HBCDs was 14 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments, 186. 377 and 1791 ng g(-1) lipid weight in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. gamma-HBCD was found to be the dominant diastereoisomer in the sediments (63% of total HBCDs). However, alpha-HBCD was selectively accumulated in the biotic samples and contributed to 77%, 63% and 63% of total HBCDs in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. Moreover, an enrichment of (-)-enantiomers of alpha- and gamma-HBCD were found in the winkle. The reverse results were observed in the crucian carp and loach. Similar observations of diastereoisomeric and enantiomeric composition were obtained in Chinese rare minnow with those found in the crucian carp and loach. These results indicate that the freshwater species from the streams are contaminated by HBCDs. alpha-HBCD can be selectively accumulated in organisms and the accumulative characteristics are enantioselective among species. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.