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A systemic study was initiated to identify stage-specific expression genes in fish embryogenesis by using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technique. In this study, we presented a preliminary result on screen for stage-specific expression genes between tail bud stage (TBS) and heartbeat beginning stage (HBS) in gynogenetic silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). Two SSH plasmid libraries specific for TBS embryos and HBS embryos were constructed, and stage-specific expression genes were screened between the two stages. 1963 TBS positive clones and 2466 HBS positive clones were sampled to PCR amplification, and 1373 TBS and 1809 HBS PCR positive clones were selected to carry out dot blots. 169 TBS dot blot positive clones and 272 HBS dot blot positive clones were sequenced. Searching GenBank by using these nucleotide sequences indicated that most of the TBS dot blot positive clones could not be found homologous sequences in the database, while known genes were mainly detected from HBS dot blot positive clones. Of the 79 known genes, 20 were enzymes or kinases involved in important metabolism of embryonic development. Moreover, specific expressions of partial genes were further confirmed by virtual northern blots. This study is the first step for making a large attempt to study temporal and spatial control of gene expression in the gynogenetic fish embryogenesis.
诱导风信子(Hyacnthus orientalis L.)同一花被外植体上不同部位细胞分化花芽,从外源激素的作用和内探激素的变化探讨细胞脱分化启动的原因,研究了不同外源激素的组合下同一花被不同部位花芽分化的诱导频率:测定了花被上、中,下三部位切块离体培养前后的内源IAA和Z+ZR的含量;在此之前研究了GC-MS.MIM内标法测定微量植物材料内源IAA含量的可行性. GC-MS.MIM内标法是测定微量(0.5-1g)植物材料内源IAA含量的一种比较理想的方法,所需材料量一般为0.58.这一方法的材料前处理采用粗提液用C18Sep-pak柱初步分离纯化.HPLC进一步纯化,能获得纯度高的样品,且操作简便,省时省力. 风信子同一花被不同部位细胞均能分化花芽.当培养基中附加2.0mg/l Zeatin或2.0mg/16-BAP时,随着外探IAA浓度从0升高到10.0mg/l.捆胞分化花芽的部位从花被下部向上部移动。 离体培养前后同一花被上、中、下三部位内源IAA和Z+ZR含量测定结果表明.风信子同一花被内源IAA含量是上部最高,下部次之,中部最低,而内源Z+ZR含量从上向下依次增加;在附加不同外源激素的MS培养基上培养3天后,同一花被上,中、下三部位内源IAA和Z+ZR含量部有一定的变化。
克隆植物具有多种不同于非克隆植物的生长和繁殖策略。本研究首先综述了这些生长与繁殖策略之中,与我们的实验研究相关的尤其是对于去叶干扰适应策略的四个方面,包括克隆整合、克隆分株大小与密度之权衡( tradeoff)过程、碳水化合物贮备与利用、营养繁殖和芽种群(bud population)调节等。预测克隆植物选择什么样的对策以及某种对策发生作用的条件及程度如何,对克隆植物生态学研究者来说,将是富有挑战意味的课题。 羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin,) Tzvel.)是禾本科的一种多年生根茎型克隆植物,常常处于由放牧或刈割造成的去叶干扰( defoliation)的胁迫下。在我们的第一个实验(2002年)中,考察了去叶干扰和根茎切割( rhizome severing)是否影响根茎本身和分株地上部分的生长、以及营养繁殖芽的数量特征。同时我们检验如下的假设:直接受到去叶干扰的分株除了会受益于可能的补偿作用之外,还会受益于克隆整合作用,即与之保持根茎联系的未受去叶处理的分株将转移碳水化合物或养分给受去叶干扰的分株,使之得以尽快恢复光合组织。实验结果显示:单次去叶干扰影响根茎生长和芽的产生,而对地上部分的生长影响甚微。只有重度去叶干扰才显著影响营养繁殖芽的产生,而轻度去叶干扰作用不明显。所以,当去叶强度不大时,补偿作用机制将弥补植物由于去叶干扰而受到的损失。我们的实验并未检测到克隆整合的发生,可能的原因是本实验持续的时间不足够长或者是由于根茎中的碳水化合物贮备在去叶干扰发生后发挥了作用,缓解了去叶干扰对羊草分株生长及芽生产的所造成的冲击。 在第二个实验(200 3年)中,为了考查相继数次的去叶干扰是否能够启动羊草分株间的克隆整合,以及启动克隆整合所需达到的去叶干扰的频次,我们将实验样方设计为两部分:核心区( Core section)和外围区(Periphery section)。不同频次的去叶处理(0去叶,作为对照; 1次去叶;3次去叶;5次去叶)仅施加于实验样方的核心区。结果表明,经历3次和5次去叶处理的样方外围区的生物量及水溶性碳水化合物( wsc)含量均明显少于经历1次去叶处理及0去叶处理的样方外围区,这意味着克隆整合在3次去叶和5次去叶两种处理中发生了,而在其它两种处理中没有发生。此外,分株的大小一数目之权衡可能在基株(genet)水平上发生,因此,一个克隆植物基株,当部分分株受到去叶干扰后,将增加其分株数目,但优先增加未受到去叶干扰部分的分株数目。我们将羊草的这种行为视为克隆基株试图逃避干扰的“逃逸行为”( escaping behavior)。 同时在实验中,我们监测了实验样方核心区分株的wsc浓度,目的是查明羊草枝条与根茎中wsc浓度随时间的变化格局及其对去叶干扰的响应,意在发现羊草枝条地上、地下部分和根茎中wsc浓度的时间变化之间的联系。在生长旺季,对照处理(即O去叶处理)的wsc浓度显著降低,这是由于植物在此时期的高生长速率和高呼吸速率所致;相比之下,其它经历去叶干扰的三个处理中羊草wsc浓度降低不如对照处理那么明显和迅速,甚至在高频次去叶处理中还有所上升,其原因大概是由于去叶而使叶面积减小,引起枝条的总呼吸下降所致。羊草枝条中最终的wsc浓度没有受到单次去叶处理的显著影响,却很可观地受到相继数次去叶干扰(3次和5次去叶处理)的影响。去叶干扰可能加速了碳水化合物在气温降低时自地上向地下的转移。枝条的地下部分wsc浓度比地上部分更稳定。在地上部分受到去叶干扰后,根茎中的wsc必然向上输出到地上枝条,而强烈的生长会消耗wsc,但可能的克隆整合(通常在相对频繁的去叶干扰条件下发生)将在一定程度上缓解这种wsc消耗。 在此实验中,我们还监测了羊草平均每分株所拥有的芽的数目,包括每分株分蘖节芽(tiller bud)数目和根茎芽(thizomatous bud)数目。从平均每分株芽数目的时间动态来看,各种去叶处理之间的差异程度不大,这主要是羊草在受到去叶干扰后补偿作用的贡献。与对照处理相比,受不同频次去叶干扰的三个处理的根茎芽具有相对于分蘖节的更强的增长优势。去叶干扰对根茎芽生长的促进作用大于对分蘖节芽的促进作用。我们认为这种反应是羊草克隆基株的一种逃避干扰的适应性努力,可视为一种“逃逸行为”,也可看作克隆植物觅养行为(foraging behavior)的一种特殊形式。芽的增长在中等频度的去叶干扰条件下最强,似乎同样符合中度干扰理论。有趣的是,特定频度的去叶干扰可能会造成芽种群中两大类型芽之间比例(根茎芽/分蘖节芽)的振荡现象(Oscillation)。 最后展望了对于羊草今后应继续开展的工作主要集中在两大方面:一是有性繁殖与无性繁殖之间在不同生境或不同干扰条件下的权衡关系;二是处于不同斑块对比度( patch contrast)的生境中的羊草克隆分株之问的生理整合,及其强度与斑块对比度的定量关系。
牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.),芍药科芍药属植物,是我国的传统名花,因花朵硕大、花色丰富、花型齐全而显雍容华贵、富丽端庄,“惟有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城”,深受人民的喜爱。人们在欣赏牡丹的过程中,一方面为其艳丽多姿而赞叹,同时又为其自然花期较短且集中而遗憾,“弄花一年,看花十日”,因此,如何通过栽培等技术措施使牡丹连续开花,一直是牡丹研究者探索的重要课题。近年,在对牡丹栽培的系统研究中,发现不同牡丹品种的花芽分化类型(数量、梯度)直接影响其开花数量和开花次数。为了有效地利用不同类型的牡丹,选育出更多的丰花、同株可连续开花的品种,服务于牡丹的产业化生产,本试验对4个牡丹品种群的135个品种进行了同枝条芽数的统计分析及花芽分化梯度的划分,阐明了花芽分化类型与促成连续二次开花的关系。初步测定了具有促成连续二次开花习性的牡丹品种‘High Noon’不同芽位腋芽内源激素的含量,揭示了牡丹同株连续二次开花过程中不同芽位腋芽内源激素的生理变化规律,为解决牡丹同株花期短、不能同株连续开花的难题奠定了理论基础。本研究主要结果如下: 1、牡丹花芽分化类型与自然开花的关系 通过对135个牡丹品种花芽分化数量和梯度类型的调查,将同枝条的芽数聚类为少(3-4)、中等(5-7)、多(8-10)三类;将花芽分化梯度划分为小、中、大三种类型。芽数类型和花芽分化梯度类型均与品种群有一定的关系。中原品种群中90%的品种属于芽数少的类型,47%的品种属于分化梯度大的类型;日本品种群中73%的品种属于芽数中等的类型,52%的品种属于分化梯度中的类型;法国品种群和美国品种群品种调查数量较少,但大多数品种属于芽数中等的类型,分别占80%和44%,分化梯度小的品种分别占调查总数的40%和67%。绝大部分品种的腋花芽因在枝条上着生的位置不同而有明显的异质性,上部芽顶端优势强,萌动率和开花率均高,芽数多的品种中、下部芽在春天自然开花季节常处于休眠状态。 2、牡丹花芽分化类型与促成连续二次开花的关系 花芽分化数量的多少与梯度的大小直接影响着开花次数。花芽分化数量少、梯度大的品种不建议直接用于同株促成连续二次开花栽培;花芽分化数量中等或多、梯度小的品种可以实现同株促成连续二次开花,10个试验牡丹品种中的中原牡丹品种‘如花似玉(Ru Hua Si Yu)’和美国牡丹品种‘High Noon’具有同株连续二次开花能力,且二次开花率达75%以上,两次开花品质均优良。 3、‘High Noon’不同芽位腋芽内源激素与促成连续开花的关系 通过测定美国牡丹品种‘High Noon’同枝条不同芽位腋芽萌动前期、后期内源激素含量,结果表明:萌动后期不同芽位腋芽的GA3、IAA、ZRs含量增加,尤其1位芽、2位芽含量增加显著;萌动后期ABA含量则随着芽位自上而下增加显著,可能是导致下部芽继续保持休眠状态的主要原因;萌动后期下部芽的ABA/ZRs配比增幅较高,说明ABA/ZRs配比与芽的生长与休眠关系密切。
The evolutionary relationships of species of Danio and the monophyly and phylogenetic placement of the genus within the family Cyprinidae and subfamily Rasborinae provide fundamentally important phyloinformatics necessary for direct evaluations of an array of pertinent questions in modern comparative biology. Although the genus Danio is not one of the most diverse within the family, Danio rerio is one of the most important model species in biology. Many investigations have used this species or presumed close relatives to address specific questions that have lasting impact on the hypothesis and theory of development in vertebrates. Largely lacking from this approach has been a holistic picture of the exact phylogenetic or evolutionary relationships of this species and its close relatives. One thing that has been learned over the previous century is that many organismal attributes (e.g., developmental pathways, ecologies, behaviors, speciation) are historically constrained and their origins and functions are best explained via a phylogenetic approach. Herein, we provide a molecular evaluation of the phylogenetic placement of the model species Danio rerio within the genus Danio and among hypothesized closely related species and genera. Our analysis is derived from data using two nuclear genes (RAG1, rhodopsin) and five mitochondrial genes (ND4, ND4L, ND5, COI, cyt b) evaluated using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. The family Cyprinidae is resolved as monophyletic but the subfamily Rasborinae (priority over Danioinae) is an unnatural assemblage. Danio is identified as a monophyletic group sister to a clade inclusive of the genera Chela, Microrasbora, Devario, and Inlecypris, not Devario nor Esomus as hypothesized in previous studies. Danio rerio is sister to D. kyathit among the species of Danio evaluated in this analysis. Microrasbora and Rasbora are non-monophyletic assemblages; however, Boraras is monophyletic.
Follicle consists of an oocyte and a lot of surrounding follicular cells, and significant interactions exist between the oocyte and the somatic cells. In this study, a novel cDNA has been screened from a subtractive cDNA library between tail bud embryos and blastula embryos in the protogynous hermaphrodite orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Its full-length cDNA is 821 bp, and has an ORF of 414 by for encoding a peptide of 137 aa, which shows 38%, 37%, 33%, and 33% homology with 4 putative proteins screened from zebrafish (Danio rerio). Conserved domain search in NCBI reveals a single C2 domain existing in the C2 domain superfamily proteins, and has only 7 beta strands in comparison with 8 beta strands of C2 domains in other C2 domain superfamily proteins. Artificial sex reversal, RT-PCR analysis and Western blot detection demonstrated ovary-specific expression of the C2 domain factor, and therefore the novel gene was designated as E. coioides ovary-specific C2 domain factor, EcOC2 factor. Moreover, predominant expression of EcOC2 factor was further revealed in grouper mature ovary, and its strong immunofluorescence signals were located between granulosa cells and oocyte zona radiata in grouper mature follicles. The data indicate that the novel EcOC2 factor might be a main component that associates between granulosa cells and the oocyte during oocyte maturation, and might play significant roles in regulating oocyte maturation and ovulation. Further studies on its developmental behaviour and physiological functions will elucidate the interactions between oocyte and the surrounding somatic cells and the underlying molecular mechanisms. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Seeds of Halophila engelmannii Aschers., that were collected in Redfish Bay, Texas, at weekly intervals from mid-May to mid-June 1986, began to germinate 3–4 weeks after collection. Most of the collections subsequently showed an increase in the rate of germination under increased light intensity and all had a stoppage of germination after transfer to darkness, indicating a light requirement to break endogenous seed dormancy. During the 5 weeks after seeds germinated, seedlings in soil culture produced a rosette of six leaves before the appearance of a rhizome bud in the axil of the third leaf. The first node of the rhizome produced a root and an upright shoot with a pseudowhorl of three to five leaves.
为诱导无芽黄精根状茎产生不定芽,选择不同的化学物质进行诱导处理。结果表明,GA3处理效果明显,选用0.4 mg/L的GA3浸泡25 min对黄精根状茎不定芽的产生和须根生长有明显促进作用,高浓度抑制其生长;1%硫脲浸泡处理对黄精无顶芽根状茎萌发新芽和须根有明显的抑制作用。