9 resultados para COLOMBIA. PRESIDENTE (2002-2006 : URIBE VELEZ)

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The resolution and classical noise in ghost imaging with a classical thermal light are investigated theoretically. For ghost imaging with a Gaussian Schell model source, the dependences of the resolution and noise on the spatial coherence of the source and the aperture in the imaging system are discussed and demonstrated by using numerical simulations. The results show that an incoherent source and a large aperture will lead to a good image quality and small noise.


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  氮素作为陆地生态系统生产力主要的限制因子,对生态系统过程的调控有着重要的意义。净氮矿化是有机氮素到无机氮素的转变过程,该过程决定了土壤氮素的可利用性。准确估计土壤的供氮能力可以为确定最佳施肥量和施肥时间提供理论依据,并将影响着土地的可持续发展和管理政策。氮矿化潜力N0被定义为在最适温度和湿度下,土壤氮素在无限时间内所能矿化的最大量。由于氮矿化潜力是土壤供氮能力很好的指示值,所以对氮矿化潜力的研究能够使我们更好地了解土壤的氮素矿化动态和其供氮潜力。   为更好地了解天然草原氮素矿化对全球氮沉降背景以及草原施肥管理模式的响应,我们从2000年起在内蒙古羊草草原开展了长期的氮素添加实验,分别设置对照(N0)、添加5g N•m-2(N1.75)、30g N•m-2(N10.5)和80g N•m-2(N28)四个氮肥添加梯度以及对照(control)、添加100g有机肥•m-2(O100)、添加500g有机肥•m-2(O500)、添加1000g有机肥•m-2(O1000)四个有机肥添加梯度。氮肥添加在相邻并同时进行施肥的两个生态系统类型中展开,即成熟羊草草原(A区,1979年围封)和退化的羊草草原(B区,1999年围封),有机肥添加也同时在与之相邻的C区中展开(C区的土地利用历史与B区一致)。 2002年和2006年,从A、B区中进行氮肥处理后的土壤取样;有机肥处理的土壤样品从2002年C区中获得。土样在最佳温度(25℃)和湿度(60%田间持水量(WHC))下进行了5周室内培养,并用阶段淋溶方法来测定氮肥添加和有机肥添加对土壤氮矿化动态的影响。   氮肥添加显著降低了土壤的pH值,但累积氮矿化量与土壤pH值、有机碳、全氮均没有显著的相关性。在两个区内,氮素添加都显著改变了土壤的累积氮矿化量。最高氮素处理N28相对应于最低的累积氮矿化量,而低氮素处理N1.75却使得累积氮矿化量最高。同时,在N0和N1.75处理中硝态氮的含量高于铵态氮,但在N28处理中却表现出相反趋势。实验还表明大多数氮素添加强度处理在A区比B区有更高的土壤累积氮矿化量。   有机肥添加也显著改变了土壤5周内的累积氮矿化量,并且累积氮矿化量随有机肥添加强度的升高而显著增加。培养5周末时土壤的累积铵态氮的含量与有机肥施加强度之间并没有相关性,但是累积硝态氮的含量有随着有机肥施加强度的上升而增加的趋势。   基于前5周土壤培养所得到的结果,我们选择了氮肥添加的N0,N1.75, N28处理以及有机肥添加的control、O100、O1000处理继续进行了长达15周的培养。培养数据与描述土壤氮矿化动态的一级动力学模型--first-order kinetics: Nm=N0(1-exp(-kt))拟合良好( R2=0.893~0.97)。无论是氮肥添加还是有机肥添加都显著增加了土壤的氮矿化潜力N0,并且N0随着氮肥或者机肥添加强度的增加而增加。对于氮肥处理的土壤来说, N0与氮矿化速率常数k之间反向相关,但是在有机氮处理的土壤中N0与k之间却没有相关性。总的结果显示,经有机肥添加的土壤比经氮肥添加的土样有着更大的氮矿化潜力N0值以及氮矿化速率常数k值,较大的k值暗示着土壤氮素较快的周转速率。


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Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler 1876) is an endangered and state-protected rare fish species in Qinghai Lake, China. To further understand the life history and distribution of this fish, five surveys were carried out in Qinghai Lake between 2002-2006. Results of these surveys indicate that fishes were predominantly distributed about 2 m under the surface. In July, significant differences in fish density were found between surface and bottom layers (P = 0.001), and/or between middle and bottom layers (P = 0.025). Fish density was the greatest in the surface layer. In August and October, no significant differences were found between the different layers, but the bottom layer had a greater fish density. Furthermore, there were very large differences among different zones in fish distribution density. Differences in horizontal distribution were not significantly correlated to factors such as water depth and inshore distance, possibly because of very low and uniform fish density. Feeding, changes in water temperature, over-wintering and spawning appeared to influence fish distribution. Hydroacoustic estimates of G. przewalskii biomass in Qinghai Lake increased significantly between 2002 and 2006. We attribute this increase to the management measures put in place to protect this species.


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川西亚高山针叶林是四川森林的主体,是长江上游重要的生态屏障。云杉作为亚高山针叶林人工更新的主要树种,已经在该地区形成了大面积的人工纯林。目前,许多云杉人工林分已经进入更新成熟龄,而这些人工林的持续更新却成为日益凸现的问题。探讨这些云杉人工林的自我更新潜力及云杉种子种群更新特点,可为培育后续森林资源提供科学依据。 本文以川西米亚罗亚高山60a云杉人工林为研究对象,并以该区域内相对稳定的植被群落——天然林为对照,采用种子收集器、土壤种子库筛选、室内外种子萌发实验及野外幼苗调查等方法,从异质性微生境的角度研究了种子雨下落之后,不同微生境对种子库、种子萌发、幼苗建立及分布这一前期更新过程的影响,得出如下结果: 1、通过对川西亚高山60a云杉人工林和天然林6年内种子雨雨量、形态特征、散步动态等的持续观测和综合比较可以发现,云杉林结实特点由于林木自身的特征存在着巨大的变动,2002年和2006年两个种子结实大年内,60a人工林种子雨强度分别达到1088.2 ± 52.3粒/m2和704.3 ± 48.9粒/m2,远大于天然林579.9 ± 28.9粒/m2 和507.5± 30.7粒/m2;且云杉林结实质量优于天然林。60a人工林结实量大,种子质量也最好,相对天然林来说对种群的天然更新以及群落的演替都有最大的贡献潜力。应该说,在川西亚高山云杉人工林的天然更新过程中,种源不是影响天然更新的因素。在种子结实大年里,达到更新成熟的云杉人工林有着优于该地区相对稳定植被群落——天然林的种源优势。至少在种子结实大年,种子供应不是该区域人工林天然更新的限制因子。 2、相对于天然林种子库,人工林种子库在种子萌发前能够有较多的有活力种子。虽然这其中有种子雨输入量有差别的因素存在,但两种林分种子库对种子的保存率的不同才是造成这种差异的主要因素。在人工林中,不同地被类型形成的微生境显著地影响了种子库中种子的密度、垂直分布。有地被物存在的微生境能够将种子雨的大部分截留在地被层中,成为幼苗出现的主要场所;同时不同的地被物对种子的保存情况存在显著的差异,苔藓和凋落物层能都较好地保持其中的种子,到种子萌发前,这两种种子库类型能分别为天然更新提供366.1粒/m2和302粒/m2的有效种子。从这点来看,林下地被物上的种子库能够为天然更新萌发阶段提供数量可观的物质基础。 3、种子的萌发和幼苗的定居是天然更新过程中种子库向幼苗库转化的关键环节。总的说来,米亚罗人工林区60a云杉人工林种子向幼苗的转化率十分低下,凋落物、苔藓、草本、裸地四种主要地被物以及天然林内种子/幼苗的转化率分别仅为2.22%、2.14%、0.57%、0.67%、1.05%。这种低的转化率成为云杉林天然更新的限制性因子。但在现有更新条件下,微生境对这一环节仍然显示出十分显著的影响,表现为凋落物和苔藓对现有更新的新幼苗的保存率高于其它类型及天然林。苔藓和凋落物在种子萌发,幼苗保存,以及幼苗分布上都要优于其它地被物类型;另外,微地形对天然更新过程的影响也很显著,凹立地上更适宜于种子的汇集、萌发和定居。 Subalpine coniferous forests dominate most parts of the forested areas in western Sichuan, and they are important ecological barriers in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Picea asperata is one of the keystone spruce species for re-afforestation after felling of the natural forests and there have been a total of ca. 13 000 ha of plantations dominate by this species established. Nowadays, many P. asperata plantations have reached reproductive maturity. However, continued regeneration becomes to an important problem in these plantations. Understanding their self-regeneration potential and the regeneration characteristics of seed populations in spruce plantations of these plantations can have some insights on the management of these plantations and the establishment of following forest resources. A subalpine 60a P. asperata plantation distributed in Miyaluo artificial forest area was studied in this paper, at the same time. Synchronously, a 150a natural spruce forest was studied as comparison. Using seed collecting traps, sieving method for soil seed bank, seed germination experiments and seedling investigations in the field, the effects of heterogeneous microsites on early natural regeneration processes after seed rain were studied, which included seed banks, seed germination, seedling establishment and distribution. The main results are as follows. 1. Through a 6-year long term investigation of seed rain intensities, characteristic, dispersal dynamics of 60a P. asperata plantation, we could concluded that the seed setting properties of 60a P. asperata plantation have a great variation for the characteristics trees. In the mast seed year of 2002 and 2006, the seed rain intensities of plantation was 1088.2 ± 52.3 seeds/m2 and 704.3 ± 48.9 seeds/m2 respectively, which were much greater than that of natural spruce forest (579.9 ± 28.9 seeds/m2 in 2002, and 507.5± 30.7 seeds/m2 in 2006). Furthermore, the quality of seed rain in P. asperata plantation was better than that of natural spruce forest. Contrasting with natural spruce forest, 60a P. asperata plantation has a greater potential on natural regeneration of P. asperata population and succession of community for the reason of greater seed rain intensities and better seed quality. We can confirm that seed source was not a limiting factor which influences the natural regeneration progress of P. asperata population distributed in subalpine mountain zone, at least in the mast seed year. 2. Contrasting with natural spruce forest, P. asperata population had more viable seeds in seed bank before the germination. Although the difference of seed rain intensities of two forests has effect on this phenomenon, the difference of seed conservation ability in two forests was the main factor. In the P. asperata plantation, the seed densities and seed vertical distribution pattern were significant effected by the microsites, which posed by different ground cover types. In other word, Microsite with ground covers can obstruct most seeds and keep them in ground cover layer from seed rain, and these ground covers would be the main site for seed occurrence. There was a significant difference about seeds conservation ability among these ground covers. Litter and moss could better conserve P. asperata seeds which distributed in this two covers. Seed banks exist in litter and moss ground cover types could respectively provide 302seed/m2 and 366.1seed/m2 for natural regeneration before the seed germination. From this point of view, we could conclude that ground covers can ensure considerable numbers of seeds for the germination process. 3. Seed germination and seed establishment are key steps that the seeds invert to seedlings in natural generation process. In sum, the seed/seeding transform rate in 60a P. asperata plantation distributed in Miyaluo artificial forest area is very low. the seed/seeding transform rates in litter, moss, herb, soil surface and natural spruce forest were 2.22%、2.14%、0.57%、0.67%、1.05%, respectively. The low transform rate become to a limiting factor of P. asperata natural regeneration process. However, under the existing conditions of natural regeneration, microsit still had significant effect on this transform. The states of Seed germination, new seedling conservation, and older seedling distribution in litter and moss were better than in any other ground cover type or natural spruce forest. In addition, the micro-relief has significant effect on natural regeneration process. Concave site was more suitable for seed collection, seed germination and seedling distribution.


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