109 resultados para CO(1010) SURFACE

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SmOx modified Rh(l 0 0) surfaces have been in-situ prepared by depositing metallic Sin and subsequently oxidizing under controlled conditions, and the interaction between the lanthanide oxide and transition metal has been characterized by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (HREELS) as well as thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). As evidenced, the adsorption of CO on the modified surfaces shows some different features to the original surface of Rh(l 00). The covering of SmOx blocks some sites on the surface and consequently suppresses adsorption of the typical CO species with an uptake at about 500 K, while a novel desorption peak centered at 260 K emerges in the CO TDS. Correspondingly, the XP spectrum exhibits a new C Is peak at 287.9 eV and 0 Is peak at 532.6 eV. The intensity of the low temperature peak varies with the coverage of SmOx, which shows an actual correlation to the perimeter sites of SmOx particles on the surface. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In situ IR measurements for CO adsorption and preferential CO oxidation in H-2-rich gases over Ag/SiO2 catalysts are presented in this paper. CO adsorbed on the Ag/SiO2 pretreated with oxygen shows a band centered around 2169 cm(-1), which is assigned to CO linearly bonded to Ag+ sites. The amount of adsorbed CO on the silver particles ( manifested by an IR band at 2169 cm(-1)) depends strongly on the CO partial pressure and the temperature. The steady-state coverage on the Ag surface is shown to be significantly below saturation, and the oxidation of CO with surface oxygen species is probably via a non-competitive Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism on the silver catalyst which occurs in the high-rate branch on a surface covered with CO below saturation. A low reactant concentration on the Ag surface indicates that the reaction order with respect to Pco is positive, and the selectivity towards CO2 decreases with the decrease of Pco. On the other hand, the decrease of the selectivity with the reaction temperature also reflects the higher apparent activation energy for H-2 oxidation than that for CO oxidation.


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The states of surface Co and Mo sites on nitrided CoMo supported on Al2O3 were studied by adsorption of CO and NO as IR probe molecules. Three IR bands at 2200, 2060 and 2025 cm(-1) were detected for adsorbed CO. These bands can be respectively attributed to the surface NCO species as a result of CO adsorbed on surface N sites, and linearly adsorbed CO on surface Co and Mo sites in low valence states. The addition of cobalt to the Mo nitride diminishes the band at 2200 cm(-1). This may be due to either the change of the surface structure of the supported nitride, or the formation of a new phase, CoxMoyNz, as suggested in the literature Kim et al., Catal. Lett., 1997, 43, 91 and Logan et al., Catal. Lett., 1998, 56, 165. Comparison of CO and NO adsorption on Mo2N/Al2O3 and CoMoNx/Al2O3 indicates that the presence of cobalt can promote the reduction and nitridation of Mo.


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The controllable synthesis of nanosized carbon-supported Pd catalysts through a surface replacement reaction (SRR) method is reported in this paper. Depending on the synthesis conditions the Pd can be formed on Co nanoparticles surface in hollow nanospheres or nanoparticles structures. Citrate anion acts as a stabilizer for the nanostructures, and protonation of the third carboxyl anion and hence the nanostructure and size of the resulting catalysts are controlled via the pH of the synthesis solution. Pd hollow nanospheres, containing smaller Pd nanoparticles, supported on carbon are formed under the condition of pH 9 reaction solution. Meanwhile, highly dispersed carbon-supported Pd nanoparticles can be formed with higher pH (pH >= 10). All catalysts prepared through the SRR method show enhanced activities for the HCOOH electro-oxidation reaction compared to catalysts reduced by NaBH4.


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With the large developments of the seismic sources theory, computing technologies and survey instruments, we can model and rebuild the rupture process of earthquakes more realistically. On which earthquake sources' properties and tectonic activities law are realized more clearly. The researches in this domain have been done in this paper as follows. Based on the generalized ray method, expressions for displacement on the surface of a half-space due to an arbitrary oriented shear and tensile dislocation are also obtained. Kinematically, fault-normal motion is equivalent to tensile faulting. There is some evidence that such motion occurs in many earthquakes. The expressions for static displacements on the surface of a layered half-space due to static point moment tensor source are given in terms of the generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method. The validity and precision of the new method is illustrated by comparing the consistency of our results with the analytical solution given by Okada's code employing same point source and homogenous half-space model. The computed vertical ground displacement using the moment tensor solution of the Lanchang_Gengma earthquake displays considerable difference with that of a double couple component .The effect of a soft layer at the top of the homogenous half-space on a shallow normal-faulting earthquake is also analyzed. Our results show that more seismic information would be obtained utilizing seismic moment tensor source and layered half-space model. The rupture process of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake investigated by using co-seismic surface displacement GPS observations and far field P-wave records. In according to the tectonic analysis and distributions of aftershock, we introduce a three-segment bending fault planes into our model. Both elastic half-space models and layered-earth models to invert the distribution of co-seismic slip along the Chi-Chi earthquake rupture. The results indicate that the shear slip model can not fit horizontal and vertical co-seismic displacements together, unless we add the fault-normal motion (tensile component) in inversions. And then, the Chi Chi earthquake rupture process was obtained by inversion using the seismograms and GPS observations. Fault normal motions determined by inversion, concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji where the surface earthquake ruptures reveal more complexity and the developed flexural slip folding structures than the other portions of the rupture zone For understanding the perturbation of surface displacements caused by near-surface complex structures, We have taken a numeric test to synthesize and inverse the surface displacements for a pop-up structure that is composed of a main thrust and a back thrust. Our result indicates that the pop-up structure, the typical shallow complex rupture that occurred in the northern bending fault zone form Fengyuan to Shuangji, can be modeled better by a thrust fault added negative tensile component than by a simple thrust fault. We interpret the negative tensile distributions, that concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji, as a the synthetic effect including the complexities of property and geometry of rupture. The earthquake rupture process also reveal the more spatial and temporal complexities form Fenyuan to SHuangji. According to the three-components teleseismic records, the S-wave velocity structure beneath the 59 teleseismic stations of Taiwan obtained by using the transform function method and the SA techniques. The integrated results, the 3D crustal structure of Taiwan reveal that the thickest part of crustal local in the western Central Range. This conclusion is consistent with the result form the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The orogenic evolution of Taiwan is young period, and the developing foot of Central Range dose not in static balancing. The crustal of Taiwan stays in the course of dynamic equilibrium. The rupture process of 2003)2,24,Jiashi, Xinjiang earthquake was estimated by the finite fault model using far field broadband P wave records of CDSN and IRIS. The results indicate that the earthquake focal is north dip trust fault including some left-lateral strike slip. The focal mechanism of this earthquake is different form that of earthquakes occurred in 1997 and 1998, but similar to that of 1996, Artux, Xinjiang earthquake. We interpreted that the earthquake caused trust fault due to the Tarim basin pushing northward and orogeny of Tianshan mountain. In the end, give a brief of future research subject: Building the Real Time Distribute System for rupture process of Large Earthquakes Based on Internet.


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The chemisorption of CO on a Cr( 110) surface is investigated using the quantum Monte Carlo method in the diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) variant and a model Cr2CO cluster. The present results are consistent with the earlier ab initio HF study with this model that showed the tilted/ near-parallel orientation as energetically favoured over the perpendicular arrangement. The DMC energy difference between the two orientations is larger (1.9 eV) than that computed in the previous study. The distribution and reorganization of electrons during CO adsorption on the model surface are analysed using the topological electron localization function method that yields electron populations, charge transfer and clear insight on the chemical bonding that occurs with CO adsorption and dissociation on the model surface.