14 resultados para CARBON BUDGET

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Although studies on carbon burial in lake sediments have shown that lakes are disproportionately important carbon sinks, many studies on gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface have demonstrated that lakes are supersaturated with CO2 and CH4 causing a net release of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. In order to more accurately estimate the net carbon source/sink function of lake ecosystems, a more comprehensive carbon budget is needed, especially for gaseous carbon exchange across the water-air interface. Using two methods, overall mass balance and gas exchange and carbon burial balance, we assessed the carbon source/sink function of Lake Donghu, a subtropical, eutrophic take, from April 2003 to March 2004. With the overall mass balance calculations, total carbon input was 14 905 t, total carbon output was 4950 1, and net carbon budget was +9955 t, suggesting that Lake Donghu was a great carbon sink. For the gas exchange and carbon burial balance, gaseous carbon (CO2 and CH4) emission across the water-air interface totaled 752 t while carbon burial in the lake sediment was 9477 t. The ratio of carbon emission into the atmosphere to carbon burial into the sediment was only 0.08. This low ratio indicates that Lake Donghu is a great carbon sink. Results showed good agreement between the two methods with both showing Lake Donghu to be a great carbon sink. This results from the high primary production of Lake Donghu, substantive allochthonous carbon inputs and intensive anthropogenic activity. Gaseous carbon emission accounted for about 15% of the total carbon output, indicating that the total output would be underestimated without including gaseous carbon exchange. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Net organic metabolism (that is, the difference between primary production and respiration of organic matter) in the coastal ocean may be a significant term in the oceanic carbon budget. Historical change in the rate of this net metabolism determines the importance of the coastal ocean relative to anthropogenic perturbations of the global carbon cycle. Consideration of long-term rates of river loading of organic carbon, organic burial, chemical reactivity of land-derived organic matter, and rates of community metabolism in the coastal zone leads us to estimate that the coastal zone oxidizes about 7 × 1012 moles C/yr. The open ocean is apparently also a site of net organic oxidation (∼16 × 1012 moles C/yr). Thus organic metabolism in the ocean appears to be a source of CO2 release to the atmosphere rather than being a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The small area of the coastal ocean accounts for about 30% of the net oceanic oxidation. Oxidation in the coastal zone (especially in bays and estuaries) takes on particular importance, because the input rate is likely to have been altered substantially by human activities on land.


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利用动态密闭气室法(Licor-6400-09),对锦州玉米生长季(5~9月)农田土壤呼吸作用动态及其影响因子进行连续两年的野外动态观测,分析表明,在植株尺度上,玉米地土壤呼吸作用存在明显的空间异质性,较高的土壤呼吸速率通常出现在靠近玉米植株的地方。玉米地土壤呼吸作用的日变化为不对称的单峰型曲线,最小值和最大值分别出现在6:00~7:00和13:00左右。2005年玉米生长季土壤呼吸速率均值为3.16 µmol CO2 •m-2•s-1,最大值为4.77 µmol CO2 •m-2•s-1,出现在7月28日,最小值为1.31 µmol CO2 •m-2•s-1,出现在5月4日。 植物根系生物量的分布格局是影响土壤呼吸作用空间异质性的关键因素。土壤呼吸作用与根系生物量呈显著的线性关系,而土壤湿度、土壤有机质、全氮和碳氮比对土壤呼吸作用空间异质性的影响并不显著。在土壤呼吸作用日变化中,土壤呼吸速率(SR, µmol CO2 •m-2•s-1)与10 cm土壤温度(T, ℃)均呈显著的指数函数关系 。在季节尺度上,参数α和β是波动的,玉米净第一性生产力(NPP, g •m-2 •d-1)和生物量(B, g •m-2)分别为影响参数α和β季节性波动的主导因素。鉴于此,建立了方程 用以模拟土壤呼吸作用的季节变化。土壤温度、NPP和生物量共同影响着玉米生长季土壤呼吸作用的季节性变化,它们共同解释了土壤呼吸作用季节变化的93%。 小时尺度上,土环中的根系生物量是影响土壤呼吸速率空间变异的关键因子,土壤呼吸速率与根系生物量呈线性关系 ;日时间尺度上,土壤呼吸速率与根系生物量线性方程中的参数α和β是波动,土壤温度是影响α和β波动的主导因素,于是得到方程 。季节时间尺度上,土壤呼吸作用可表达为 ,土壤温度、土壤湿度和玉米NPP共同驱动着玉米生长季土壤呼吸作用的时间变化和空间变异,它们可以解释玉米生长季土壤呼吸作用时空变化的74%。 通过建立土壤呼吸作用与玉米根系生物量的回归方程,对根系呼吸作用占土壤呼吸作用的比例进行了间接估算。玉米生长季根系呼吸作用占土壤呼吸作用的比例在43.1~63.6%之间波动,均值为54.5%。假定玉米果实和秸杆中的碳在收获期间没有从农田中转移走,2005年整个生长季玉米生态系统的碳收支为–1127.0 gC•m-2,碳交换速率在 0.52~-18.05 g C•m-2 •d-1 之间波动。玉米生长初期,玉米生态系统表现为C的弱碳源;玉米播种后35天一直到收获,玉米生态系统表现为碳汇。


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植被和大气之间CO2通量的长期观测有助于理解陆地生态系统的碳循环及其控制机理,评价生态系统碳循环及其对未来气候变化的响应。本研究以中国北方克氏针茅草原为研究对象,以涡度相关法为主要技术手段,利用克氏针茅草原观测站碳通量的长期连续观测数据,探讨了环境因子在不同时间尺度上对克氏针茅草原光合生产力(GEP)、系统呼吸(Re)和净CO2交换(NEE)的影响,分析了克氏针茅草原碳通量的季节变化和年际碳收支动态。主要得到以下结论: (1) 温度和土壤水分是调控克氏针茅草原光响应曲线的关键环境因子。10-20oC是克氏针茅草原瞬时GEP的最适温度,15-20oC是日GEP的最适温度。GEP日总值随土壤水分的增加呈二次曲线关系,当土壤含水量(SWC)超过0.2 m3m-3时,GEP日总值不再增加。 (2) 克氏针茅草原Re同时受温度和土壤水分的控制。降雨脉冲对短期系统呼吸有激发作用。Lloyd & Taylor方程对Re的拟合效果好于指数方程。 (3) 克氏针茅草原表现出白天净碳吸收和夜间净碳释放的日变化特征,并且往往出现上午碳吸收强、下午碳吸收弱的不对称现象。降雨的季节分布通过SWC的季节变异间接影响克氏针茅草原NEE的季节变化。在日尺度上,NEE主要受温度和土壤水分的控制,10-20oC的空气温度有助于克氏针茅草原吸收CO2。在月尺度上,NEE主要受土壤水分的控制。 (4) 生长季的长度是决定克氏针茅草原源汇变化的关键因子。 (5) 克氏针茅草原的GEP、Re和NEE都具有非常明显的季节变化。冬季或干旱胁迫下量级较低,温暖和湿润季节的量级较高。干旱胁迫同时抑制植被的GEP和Re,对GEP的抑制强度更大,随着土壤水分的下降,不同尺度的NEE累积值逐渐向正值转变,即生态系统由碳汇转变为碳源。 (6) 克氏针茅草原2005年降雨量只有174mm,当年GEP和Re也是三年中最低的,只有101和169gCm-2yr-1;2006年降雨量为215mm,GEP和Re是三年中最强的,分别为149 和187gCm-2yr-1;2004年降雨量为297mm,接近多年平均,但大部分降雨发生在8、9月份,GEP和Re分别为141和190gCm-2yr-1。 (7) 克氏针茅草原在2004、2005和2006年碳收支分别为:49、68和37 gCm-2yr-1。未来全球气候的变暖可能对克氏针茅草原的碳汇功能产生负面影响,降雨的季节不均匀分布可能加强这种影响。


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在黄土高原子午岭林区,对油松人工林、白桦天然林细根生物量、比根长、根长密度和细根表面积的垂直分布特征,以及这些根系指标与土壤水分、土壤容重、氮素和有机质的关系进行了研究。结果表明,油松人工林细根生物量随土壤深度增加呈单峰曲线,白桦林细根生物量随土壤深度增加呈减少趋势;油松林大部分根系生物量集中分布在0—40 cm土层中,其中0—20 cm土层占37%以上,20—40 cm集中了41%以上;表层土壤(0—20 cm)具有较高的比根长、根长密度和细根表面积,而底层(40—60 cm)的比根长、根长密度和细根表面积最低。油松林土壤全氮和有机质含量垂直变化趋势相似,随土壤深度的增加而降低;硝态氮(NO3--N)均随土壤深度的增加呈单峰曲线变化趋势,而铵态氮(NH4+-N)随土壤深度增加呈先降低后增加的抛物线趋势。白桦林75%的细根生物量集中在0—20 cm土层,比根长、根长密度和细根表面积的垂直分布规律与油松林相似,表层土壤白桦林细根表面积是油松人工林的3.91倍,而20—40 cm土层白桦林细根表面积比油松人工林降低了33%。白桦林土壤全氮、有机质含量、NO3--N和NH4+-N垂直变化趋势与油松林相似。土壤水分、...


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Food Sources of three filter-feeding bivalves from two habitats (intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas, mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. and subtidal cultured scallop Chlamys farreri) of Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao,China) were determined by fatty acid and stable isotope in analysis. Cultured scallop was characterized by significant diatom markets such as 16:1/16:0 close to 1 and high ratio of 20:5(n - 3)/22:6(n - 3), hence we assume that the scallop mainly feeds on diatoms. Fatty acid biomarkers specific to bacteria and terrestrial materials were also found in considerable amounts in scallop tissue, which suggested that there were Substantial bacterial and terrestrial input into the food of the species. Intertidal oyster and mussel, however, exhibited significant flagellate marker. 22:6(n - 3). and lower level of diatom markers. which indicated that flagellates are also part of intertidal bivalves' Planktonic food Sources: meanwhile, high level of Chlorophyta fatty acid marker, Sigma 18:2(n - 6) + 18:3(n - 3), suggested that Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta) seaweed bed supplied important food sources to intertidal bivalves. Additionally, result of stable isotope analysis showed that phytoplankton contributed 86.2 to 89.0% to intertidal bivalves' carbon budget; macroalga U. pertusa origin source had a contribution of MIX, to 11.0%, which indicated its role Lis in important supplemental food source to intertidal bivalves. From this study. it is concluded that the dietary difference of three bivalves probably relates to the different potential food sources in the scallop farm and intertidal zone in Jiaozhou Bay.


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Thus far, grassland ecosystem research has mainly been focused on low-lying grassland areas, whereas research on high-altitude grassland areas, especially on the carbon budget of remote areas like the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is insufficient. To address this issue, flux of CO2 were measured over an alpine shrubland ecosystem (37 degrees 36'N, 101 degrees 18'E; 325 above sea level [a. s. l.]) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, for 2 years (2003 and 2004) with the eddy covariance method. The vegetation is dominated by formation Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. To interpret the biotic and abiotic factors that modulate CO2 flux over the course of a year we decomposed net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its constituent components, and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Results showed that seasonal trends of annual total biomass and NEE followed closely the change in leaf area index. Integrated NEE were -58.5 and -75.5 g C m(-2), respectively, for the 2003 and 2004 years. Carbon uptake was mainly attributed from June, July, August, and September of the growing season. In July, NEE reached seasonal peaks of similar magnitude (4-5 g C m(-2) day(-1)) each of the 2 years. Also, the integrated night-time NEE reached comparable peak values (1.5-2 g C m(-2) day(-1)) in the 2 years of study. Despite the large difference in time between carbon uptake and release (carbon uptake time < release time), the alpine shrubland was carbon sink. This is probably because the ecosystem respiration at our site was confined significantly by low temperature and small biomass and large day/night temperature difference and usually soil moisture was not limiting factor for carbon uptake. In general, R-eco was an exponential function of soil temperature, but with season-dependent values of Q(10). The temperature-dependent respiration model failed immediately after rain events, when large pulses of R-eco were observed. Thus, for this alpine shrubland in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, the timing of rain events had more impact than the total amount of precipitation on ecosystem R-eco and NEE.


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To assess carbon budget for shrub ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, CO2 flux was measured with an open-path eddy covariance system for an alpine shrub ecosystem during growing and non-growing seasons. CO2 flux dynamics was distinct between the two seasons. During the growing season from May to September, the ecosystem exhibited net CO2 uptake from 08:00 to 19:00 (Beijing Standard Time), but net CO2 emission from 19:00 to 08:00. Maximum CO2 uptake appeared around 12:00 with values of 0.71, 1,19, 1.46 and 0.67 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1) for June, July, August and September, respectively. Diurnal fluctuation Of CO2 flux showed higher correlation with photosynthetic photon flux density than temperature. The maximum net CO2 influx occurred in August with a value of 247 g CO2 m(-2). The total CO2 uptake by the ecosystem was up to 583 g CO2 m(-2) for the growing season. During the non-growing season from January to April and from October to December, CO2 flux showed small fluctuation with the largest net CO2 efflux of 0.30 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1) in April. The diurnal CO2 flux was close to zero during most time of the day, but showed a small net CO2 eff lux from 11:00 to 18:00. Diurnal CO2 flux, is significantly correlated to diurnal temperature in the non-growing season. The maximum monthly net CO2 eff lux appeared in April, with a value of 105 g CO2 m(-2). The total net CO2 eff lux for the whole non-growing season was 356 g CO2 m(-2).


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We measured the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) in an alpine meadow ecosystem (latitude 37degrees29'-45'N, longitude 101degrees12'-23'E, 3250 m above sea level) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau throughout 2002 by the eddy covariance method to examine the carbon dynamics and budget on this unique plateau. Diurnal changes in gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R-e) showed that an afternoon increase of NEE was highly associated with an increase of R-e. Seasonal changes in GPP corresponded well to changes in the leaf area index and daily photosynthetic photon flux density. The ratio of GPP/R-e was high and reached about 2.0 during the peak growing season, which indicates that mainly autotrophic respiration controlled the carbon dynamics of the ecosystem. Seasonal changes in mean GPP and R-e showed compensatory behavior as reported for temperate and Mediterranean ecosystems, but those of GPP(max) and R-emax were poorly synchronized. The alpine ecosystem exhibited lower GPP (575 g C m(-2) y(-1)) than, but net ecosystem production (78.5 g C m(-2) y(-1)) similar to, that of subalpine forest ecosystems. The results suggest that the alpine meadow behaved as a CO2 sink during the 1-year measurement period but apparently sequestered a rather small amount of C in comparison with similar alpine ecosystems.


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[1] The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau may play a significant role in the regional carbon cycle. To assess the CO2 flux and its relationship to environmental controls in the ecosystem, eddy covariance of CO2, H2O, and energy fluxes was measured with an open-path system in an alpine meadow on the plateau at an elevation of 3,250 m. Net ecosystem CO2 influx (Fc) averaged 8.8 g m(-2) day(-1) during the period from August 9 to 31, 2001, with a maximum of 15.9 g m(-2) day(-1) and a minimum of 2.3 g m(-2) day(-1). Daytime Fc averaged 16.7 g m(-2) day(-1) and ranged from 10.4 g m(-2) day(-1) to 21.7 g m(-2) day(-1) during the study period. For the same photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), gross CO2 uptake (Gc) was significantly higher on cloudy days than on clear days. However, mean daily Gc was higher on clear days than on cloudy days. With high PPFD, Fc decreased as air temperature increased from 10degreesC to 23degreesC. The greater the difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures, the more the sink was strengthened. Daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem (WUEe) was 8.7 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1); WUEe values ranged from 5.8 to 15.3 mg (CO2)(g H2O)(-1). WUEe increased with the decrease in vapor pressure deficit. Daily albedo averaged 0.20, ranging from 0.19 to 0.22 during the study period, and was negatively correlated with daily Fc. Our measurements provided some of the first evidence on CO2 exchange for a temperate alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is necessary for assessing the carbon budget and carbon cycle processes for temperate grassland ecosystems.


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Up to now, there have been few studies in the annual fluxes of greenhouse gases in lakes of subtropical regions. The fluxes of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) across air-water interface were measured in a shallow, hypereutrophic, subtropical Lake Donghu (China) over a year cycle, using a static chamber technique. During the year, Lake Donghu emitted CH4 and CO2; the average flux of CH4 and CO2 was 23.3 +/- 18.6 and 332.3 +/- 160.1 mg m(-2) d(-1), respectively. The fluxes of CH4 and CO2 showed strong seasonal dynamics: CH4 emission rate was highest in summer, remaining low in other seasons, whereas CO2 was adsorbed from the atmosphere in spring and summer, but exhibited a large emission in winter. Annual carbon (C) budget across air-water interface in Lake Donghu was estimated to be 7.52 +/- 4.07 x 10(8) g. CH4 emission was correlated positively with net primary production (NPP) and temperature, whereas CO2 flux correlated negatively with NPP and temperature; however, there were no significant relationships between the fluxes of CH4 and CO2 and dissolved organic carbon, a significant difference from boreal lakes, indicating that phytoplankton rather than allochthonous matter regulated C dynamics across air-water interface of subtropical lake enriched nutrient content. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although respiration of organisms and biomass as well as fossil fuel burning industrial production are identified as the major sources, the CO2 flux is still unclear due to the lack of proper measurements. A mass-balance approach that exploits differences in the carbon isotopic signature (delta(13)C) of CO2 Sources and sinks was introduced and may provide a means of reducing uncertainties in the atmospheric budget. delta(13)C measurements of atmospheric CO2 yielded an average of - 10.3 parts per thousand relative to the Peedee Belemnite standard; soil and plants had a narrow range from -25.09 parts per thousand to -26.51 parts per thousand and averaged at -25.80 parts per thousand. Based on the fact of steady fractionation and enrichment during respiration of mitochondria, we obtained the emission Of CO2 of 35.451 mol m(-2) a(-1) and CO2 flux of 0.2149 mu mol m(-2) s(-)1. The positive CO2 flux indicated the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem a source rather than a sink. The mass-balance model can be applied for other ecosystem even global carbon cycles because it neglects the complicated process of carbon metabolism, however just focuses on stable carbon isotopic compositions in any of compartments of carbon sources and sinks. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.