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In many molluses, it has been found that Ca2+ signaling pathway is involved in the resumption of meiotic maturation in oocytes. To better understand the possible role of Ca2+ signaling pathway in regulating meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria, free extracellular Ca2+, A23187 (calcium ionophore), verapamil (calcium channel blocker), and trifluoperazin (calmodulin antagonist) were used to incubate oocytes or serotonin-induced oocytes by pharmacological methods. Results show that extracellular Ca2+ (50 similar to 200 mM) and A23187 (1 similar to 10 mu M) can stimulate the meiotic maturation. In addition, verapamil (1 similar to 100 mu M) and trifluoperazin (10 similar to 1,000 mu M) could inhibit serotonin-induced oocyte maturation. Therefore, Ca2+ is essential for the reinitiation of meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog. Moreover, an increase i [Ca2+]i can promote meiotic maturation.
花粉管是种子植物受精过程中的雄性生殖单位的载体,由于其生长依赖于胞内Ca2+梯度,并具有典型的顶端极性生长的特点,因而成为近年来研究植物细胞相互识别、胞内和胞外信号传导理想的模式系统。裸子植物花粉与被子植物相比具有萌发时间长、生长缓慢等特点。Ca2+在裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长中的作用机制目前尚不明确。本研究以裸子植物白皮松(Pinus bungeana)的花粉为材料,运用不同浓度钙通道抑制剂Nifedipine(Nif)处理,对其花粉萌发和花粉管生长进行了细胞学研究和蛋白质组学分析,以探讨Ca2+对白皮松花粉生长的调控机制,为进一步揭示裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长机理提供参考。 本论文首先研究了钙通道抑制剂Nif和Ca2+螯合剂EGTA对白皮松花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果表明,用Nif处理花粉后,花粉萌发和花粉管生长均受到明显抑制。经Ca2+荧光探针Fluo-3AM标记,对Nif处理后Ca2+在花粉管中的分布模式进行了观察,发现Ca2+在正常生长的花粉管中呈梯度分布,并在其顶端的荧光最强。与对照相比,处理后的花粉管荧光强度明显减弱,且顶端Ca2+梯度消失。通过EGTA漂洗后的花粉粒,在正常培养基上萌发率较高,但其生长速率受到抑制。由此说明了细胞壁钙库对花粉管生长的抑制效应显著高于对花粉萌发的影响,是花粉管生长的限速因子。同时外加钙调素还可逆转EGTA对其花粉萌发和花粉管生长的抑制。上述结果表明,白皮松花粉萌发及花粉管生长需要外源Ca2+的内流,以及胞内形成的Ca2+浓度梯度。 用FM4-64探针标记结果发现,正常花粉管中的胞吞作用主要发生在顶端和亚顶端区域,胞吞的小泡也集中分布在这两个区域。经Nif处理后,既不影响花粉管的胞吞过程,同时胞吞发生的位置也与对照相似,只是胞吞的小泡分散于整个花粉管中。电子显微镜观察表明,各种细胞器在白皮松正常生长的花粉管中分布与被子植物存在较大差异,例如前者无明显地分区现象,不具胼胝质塞。白皮松花粉管顶端和亚顶端的壁旁体与质膜融合现象频繁发生。花粉管经Nif处理后,线粒体出现不同程度的解体和液泡化,内质网液泡化和核糖体脱落,液泡大量聚集在花粉管顶端,壁旁体与膜融合现象减少,以及花粉管壁明显变薄等。此外,通过微丝特异性探针鬼笔环肽标记结果表明,正常生长花粉管的微丝呈长轴向排列, Nif处理后微丝断裂,其断裂程度与处理浓度有关。由此可见,外源Ca2+对花粉管的胞吞无明显抑制或促进作用,但对胞吞小泡重回收可能有影响。当胞内Ca2+梯度消失后,则明显抑制了微丝骨架的聚合,进而使胞吐作用减缓,高尔基体分泌小泡聚集,多种细胞器液泡化,引起花粉管顶端膨大,细胞壁变薄,继而抑制花粉管的正常生长。 运用免疫荧光标记技术显示,正常生长的花粉管壁含有纤维素、胼胝质、果胶质和阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白(AGPs),其中纤维素和胼胝质在细胞壁上呈均匀分布,而酸性果胶质只存在花粉管两侧壁上,酯化果胶分布于花粉管顶端。经过Nif处理后,胼胝质和酸性果胶质均在花粉管顶端累积,而AGPs和纤维素的分布却无明显变化。另外,傅里叶红外光谱分析结果也同样支持上述结论。通过花粉管壁蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析表明,Nif对细胞壁蛋白的合成也有较大的影响。 在花粉管的钙通道受到抑制后,应用蛋白质组学技术分析其蛋白质的表达图谱,通过双向电泳已分离出约1000个蛋白质斑点,经软件分析发现,除其中50个蛋白斑点外,大部分蛋白质的表达量均未发生变化。上述50个发生变化的蛋白斑点酶切后,再经过ESI-MS/MS鉴定和质谱数据库的搜索,共鉴定出28个蛋白,其中12个为上调蛋白,16个下调蛋白,根据其主要功能分为与代谢、细胞扩展、翻译后修饰以及信号相关的蛋白。经过Nif处理后,花粉管中碳水化合物代谢能力下降,ATP的产生受到抑制,参与细胞壁多糖合成及小泡运输的蛋白,如valosin containing protein(VCP)、reversibly glycolsylated polypeptide(RGP)、UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UDPGDH)和α-tubulin表达下调。另外,通过上述方法还鉴定出与丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶保守结构域同源的受体蛋白激酶等。 综上所述,白皮松花粉管钙通道受到抑制后,通过影响花粉管蛋白的表达,抑制微丝微管骨架的组装,致使胞吐速度变慢,花粉管壁酸性果胶质、胼胝质等多糖分布的变化及总多糖含量的减少,最终抑制了花粉管的正常生长。
从新几内亚核桃木的树皮中分离得到的吲哚类喹诺里西定生物碱10-Desbromoarborescidine A,因发现其具有阻滞钙离子通道的活性而倍受关注。10-Desbromoarborescidine A由A、B、C、D四个环组成,只有一个手性中心,是吲哚生物碱中结构较简单的一种,常作为此类生物碱全合成方法的模型化合物。但迄今为止,能高效而简便的实现手性10-Desbromoarborescidine A不对称全合成方法线路不多,大多数以不对称诱导的方式建立其手性中心,手性催化的方式仅有一例金属催化。从逆合成分析可知,Desbromoarborescidine A的全合成可以通过亚胺不对称催化还原进行关键的手性中心构建,而本课题组在之前的研究中通过手性有机小分子催化剂的发展,已将三氯硅烷氢转移还原亚胺发展成了一类简便实用、高效、高对映选择性并具有优良底物适应范围的不对称催化反应,我们希望以这一反应作为关键手段,发展一条Desbromoarborescidine A及其类似物不对称合成新路线。 根据我们设计的新路线,首先成功合成了其关键中间体,然后我们进行了关键的不对称催化尝试。用本实验室已有的高性能有机小分子催化剂虽得到了较好的对应选择性,但是产率很低。同时,为了验证整条线路的可行性,我们也用消旋的中间体进行拉通线路的尝试。但不幸的是,在脱除保护基时遇到了很大困难。尝试换不同的保护基,或改变脱保护基的顺序,都未能成功合成目标产物。究其原因可能是由于吲哚的特殊性造成的,吲哚类亚胺与常规的芳香亚胺有较大的差异,其NH基团无论保护还是不保护,对与其2位相联接的C=N双键均有很大的影响,导致其不对称催化还原难以进行。另外,由于所设计的还原产物含有处在吲哚苄位的胺基,稳定性较差,造成保护基脱除困难。 烯胺C-亚磺酰化反应是本课题组最近发现的一个新反应,之前未见文献报道。本研究对该反应进行了反应条件优化和底物扩展,发现带Cbz,Ac,COt-Bu,CO2Et,Bz等保护基的一系列环状和非环状烯胺在亚磺酸钠、DMAc和MeSiCl3的共同作用下能高效高产率生成β-胺基烯基亚砜类新化合物,为合成多官能团化的烯基亚砜新化合物提供了一条简便实用的途径。 The main constituent of Dracontomelum mangiferum B1, indoloquinolizidine alkaloid 10-Desbromoarborescidine A, has drawn great attention due to its calcium channel blocking activity. Its molecular structure is relatively simple compared with the other alkaloids of the same type, which has only one chiral center, albeit with four cycles A, B, C, and D. This compound is often used as a model target for exploring different strategies for the total synthesis of indole alkaloids. Nevertheless, so far there still lack practical and highly efficient methods for the asymmetric total synthesis of 10-Desbromoarborescidine A. Most of the current available methods rely on stoichiometric asymmetric synthesis for the construction of the chiral center. There is only one example reporting utilization of asymmetric catalysis, but with transition metal complex as the catalyst. Our retrosynthetic analysis shows that catalytic asymmetric reduction of imine could be used as the key step for the construction of the chiral center of Desbromoarborescidine A. Since in the previous studies our group has developed the asymmetric reduction of imines by trichlorosilane into a practical and highly efficient and enantioselective method using newly designed chiral organocatalysts, we hope to apply this method to develop a novel synthetic route for the total synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A and its analogues in this study. According to the newly designed synthetic route, we first accomplished the synthesis of the key intermediates which was then examined for the critical asymmetric catalysis. The asymmetric reduction using the highly efficient organocatalysts, developed in our lab afforded high ee but poor yield. We tried different reaction conditions to improve the yield, but failed to get any good results. Simultaneously, to vertify the feasibility of the synthetic route we designed, we also tired to go through the route toward the racemic synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A. But unfortunately, protection and deprotection proved to be big hurdles. All the different protection groups and different sequences of protection and deprotection we tried failed to get us through the designed synthetic sequence and furnish the final product. Most likely, the indole part is the culprit behind the failures.The NH group of the indole, no matter protected or not, may impact the catalytic asymmetric reduction of C-N double bond connected with 2-C. Additionally, the reduction product we designed contains an amino group in the β-position of the indole, which may cause problems due to its instability. C-sulfenylation of enamines is a novel reaction discovered recently by our group, which has not been seen before in the literature. In this study, optimization of the reaction conditions and exploration of the substrate scope were further undertaken for this reaction, which reveal that a series of enamines with N-Cbz, Ac, COt-Bu, CO2Et protection groups could all undergo smooth C-sulfinylations with the comined use of sodium benzene sulphinate, DAMc and MeSiCl3, efficiently furnishing the β-amino vinylsulfoxide products in high yield, affording a practical and highly efficient methods for synthesis of functional vinylsulfoxides.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are emerging as fundamental players in the regulation of neural plasticity and in pathological conditions. Here we showed that lead (Pb2+), a well known neurotoxic metal ion, reversibly and concentration-dependently inhib
In our previous work, bone cell networks with controlled spacing and functional intercellular gap junctions had been successfully established by using microcontact printing and self assembled monolayers technologies [Guo, X. E., E. Takai, X. Jiang, Q. Xu, G. M. Whitesides, J. T. Yardley, C. T. Hung, E. M. Chow, T. Hantschel, and K. D. Costa. Mol. Cell. Biomech. 3:95-107, 2006]. The present study investigated the calcium response and the underlying signaling pathways in patterned bone cell networks exposed to a steady fluid flow. The glass slides with cell networks were separated into eight groups for treatment with specific pharmacological agents that inhibit pathways significant in bone cell calcium signaling. The calcium transients of the network were recorded and quantitatively evaluated with a set of network parameters. The results showed that 18 alpha-GA (gap junction blocker), suramin (ATP inhibitor), and thapsigargin (depleting intracellular calcium stores) significantly reduced the occurrence of multiple calcium peaks, which were visually obvious in the untreated group. The number of responsive peaks also decreased slightly yet significantly when either the COX-2/PGE(2) or the NOS/nitric oxide pathway was disrupted. Different from all other groups, cells treated with 18 alpha-GA maintained a high concentration of intracellular calcium following the first peak. In the absence of calcium in the culture medium, the intracellular calcium concentration decreased slowly with fluid flow without any calcium transients observed. These findings have identified important factors in the flow mediated calcium signaling of bone cells within a patterned network.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary vitamins A, D-3, E, and C on the gonad development, lipid peroxidation, and immune response of yearling rice field eel, Monopterus albus. A 6-wk feeding trial was designed according to an L-16(4(5)) orthogonal design, in which four vitamins, each at four supplementation levels, were arranged. Sixteen diets were mixed with the different vitamin levels and randomly assigned to 16 groups of fish. Increasing dietary vitamin E supplementation level significantly (P <= 0.05) increased the gonadosomatic index and lowered the serum content of malondialdehyde of rice field eel. Increasing dietary vitamin A and C levels also showed similar effect, but the differences were not statistically significant. Serum immunoglobulin M content increased significantly (P <= 0.01) as dietary vitamin C supplementation levels increased. The concentrations of calcium in bones showed significant (P <= 0.05) trend with vitamin D-3 and A supplementation levels, but the bone phosphorus content was not affected by the dietary vitamin levels.
The lipid layer membranes were fabricated on the glassy carbon electrode (GC) and demonstrated to be bilayer lipid membranes by impedance spectroscopy. The formation of incorporated poly L-glutamate bilayer lipid membrane was achieved. The ion channel behavior of the incorporated poly L-glutamate membrane was determined. When the stimulus calcium cations were added into the electrolyte, the ion channel was opened immediately and exhibited distinct channel current. Otherwise, the ion channel was closed. The cyclic voltammogram at the GC electrode coated with incorporated poly L-glutamate DMPC film response to calcium ion is very fast compared with that at the GC electrode coated only with DMPC film. Ion channel current is not dependent on the time but on the concentration of calcium. The mechanism of the ion channel formation was investigated.
A new set of experimental pressure drop data, collected aboard the Russian IL-76MDK, is reported for bubbly airwater two-phase flow in a square channel with a cross-sectional area of 12x 12mm(2). The present data are compared to several frequently used empirical models, e.g. homogeneous model, Lockhart-Martinelli-Chisholm correlation and Friedel's model. It is shown that the predictions of the models mentioned above are generally not satisfied. A new homogeneous model is developed based on the analysis of the characteristics of bubbly two-phase flow at reduced gravity. It is tested with the present data and other data collected by other researchers in circular pipes. Some questions related to the present model are also discussed. (C) 2002 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reliable turbulent channel flow databases at several Reynolds numbers have been established by large eddy simulation (LES), with two of them validated by comparing with typical direct numerical simulation (DNS) results. Furthermore, the statistics, such as velocity profile, turbulent intensities and shear stress, were obtained as well as the temporal and spatial structure of turbulent bursts. Based on the LES databases available, the conditional sampling methods are used to detect the structures of burst events. A method to deterimine the grouping parameter from the probability distribution function (pdf) curve of the time separation between ejection events is proposed to avoid the errors in detected results. And thus, the dependence of average burst period on thresholds is considerably weakened. Meanwhile, the average burst-to-bed area ratios are detected. It is found that the Reynolds number exhibits little effect on the burst period and burst-to-bed area ratio.
The diffusive wave equation with inhomogeneous terms representing hydraulics with uniform or concentrated lateral inflow intoa river is theoretically investigated in the current paper. All the solutions have been systematically expressed in a unified form interms of response function or so called K-function. The integration of K-function obtained by using Laplace transform becomesS-function, which is examined in detail to improve the understanding of flood routing characters. The backwater effects usuallyresulting in the discharge reductions and water surface elevations upstream due to both the downstream boundary and lateral infloware analyzed. With a pulse discharge in upstream boundary inflow, downstream boundary outflow and lateral inflow respectively,hydrographs of a channel are routed by using the S-functions. Moreover, the comparisons of hydrographs in infinite, semi-infiniteand finite channels are pursued to exhibit the different backwater effects due to a concentrated lateral inflow for various channeltypes.
The two-dimensional cellular detonation propagating in a channel with area-changing cross section was numerically simulated with the dispersion-controlled dissipative scheme and a detailed chemical reaction model. Effects of the flow expansion and compression on the cellular detonation cell were investigated to illustrate the mechanism of the transverse wave development and the cellular detonation cell evolution. By examining gas composition variations behind the leading shock, the chemical reaction rate, the reaction zone length, and thermodynamic parameters, two kinds of the abnormal detonation waves were identified. To explore their development mechanism, chemical reactions, reflected shocks and rarefaction waves were discussed, which interact with each other and affect the cellular detonation in different ways.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of supercritical CO2 turbulent channel flow has been performed to investigate the heat transfer mechanism of supercritical fluid. In the present DNS, full compressible Navier-Stokes equations and Peng-Robison state equation are solved. Due to effects of the mean density variation in the wall normal direction, mean velocity in the cooling region becomes high compared with that in the heating region. The mean width between high-and low-speed streaks near the wall decreases in the cooling region, which means that turbulence in the cooling region is enhanced and lots of fine scale eddies are created due to the local high Reynolds number effects. From the turbulent kinetic energy budget, it is found that compressibility effects related with pressure fluctuation and dilatation of velocity fluctuation can be ignored even for supercritical condition. However, the effect of density fluctuation on turbulent kinetic energy cannot be ignored. In the cooling region, low kinematic viscosity and high thermal conductivity in the low speed streaks modify fine scale structure and turbulent transport of temperature, which results in high Nusselt number in the cooling condition of the supercritical CO2.
The velocity distribution between two sidewalls is; M-shaped for the MHD channel flows with rectangular cross section and thin conducting walls in a strong transverse magnetic field. Assume that the dimensionless numbers R(m) much less than 1, M, N much greater than 1, and sigma
Validated by comparison with DNS, numerical database of turbulent channel flows is yielded by Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Three conventional techniques: uv quadrant 2, VITA and mu-level techniques for detecting turbulent bursts are applied to the identification of turbulent bursts. With a grouping parameter introduced by Bogard & Tiedemann (1986) or Luchik & Tiederman (1987), multiple ejections detected by these techniques which originate from a single burst can be grouped into a single-burst event. The results are compared with experimental results, showing that all techniques yield reasonable average burst period. However, uv quadrant 2 and mu-level are found to be superior to VITA in having large threshold-independent range.