32 resultados para C3 and C4 plants

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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A sensitive method for the determination of 30 kinds of free fatty acids (FFAs, C-1-C-30) with 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)-ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4,5-f] 9,10-phenan- threne (TSPP) as labeling reagent and using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and identification by online postcolumn mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source in positive-ion mode (HPLC/MS/APCI) has been developed. TSPP could easily and quickly label FFAs in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst at 90 degrees C for 30 min in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent, and maximal labeling yields close to 100% were observed with a 5-fold excess of molar reagent. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. TSPP was introduced into fatty acid molecules and effectively augmented MS ionization of fatty acid derivatives and led to regular MS and MS/MS information. The collision induced cleavage of protonated molecular ions formed specific fragment ions at m/z [MH](+)(molecular ion), m/z [M'+CH2CH2](+)(M' was molecular mass of the corresponding FFA) and m/z 295.0 (the, mass of protonated molecular core structure of TSPP). Fatty acid derivatives were separated on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column (4.6 x 150 mm, 5 mu m, Agilent) with a good baseline resolution in combination with a gradient elution. Linear ranges of 30 FFAs are 2.441 x 10(-3) to 20 mu mol/L, detection limits are 3.24 similar to 36.97 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, S/N 3:1). The mean interday precision ranged from 93.4 to 106.2% with the largest mean coefficients of variation (R.S.D.) < 7,5%. The mean intraday precision for all standards was < 6.4% of the expected concentration. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of > 0.9991. Good compositional data could be obtained from the analysis of extracted fatty acids from as little as 200 mg of bryophyte plant samples.Therefore, the facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC/MS/APCI analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitation of trace levels of short and long chain fatty acids from biological and natural environmental samples.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amino acids and peptides using the tagging reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS). The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent was replaced by 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCEOC. BCEOC can easily and quickly label peptides and amino acids. Derivatives are stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The derivatives showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z (M + H)(+) under electrospray ionization (ESI) positive-ion mode with an exception being Tyr detected at negative mode. The collision-induced dissociation of protonated molecular ion formed a product at m/z 246.2 corresponding to the cleavage of C-O bond of BCEOC molecule. Studies on derivatization demonstrate excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% are observed with a 3-4-fold molar reagent excess. Derivatives exhibit strong fluorescence and extracted detzvatization solution with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (10:1, v/v) allows for the direct injection with no significant interference from the major fluorescent reagent degradation by-products, such as 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethanol (BDC-OH) (a major by-product), mono- 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl carbonate (BCEOC-OH) and bis-(1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl) carbonate (BCEOC)(2). In addition, the detection responses for BCEOC derivatives are compared to those obtained with previously synthesized 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) in our laboratory. The ratios AC(BCEOC)/AC(CEOC) = 2.05-6.51 for fluorescence responses are observed (here, AC is relative fluorescence response). Separation of the derivatized peptides and amino acids had been optimized on Hypersil BDS C-18 column. Detection limits were calculated from 1.0 pmol injection at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, and were 6.3 (Lys)-177.6 (His) fmol. The mean interday accuracy ranged from 92 to 106% for fluorescence detection with mean %CV < 7.5. The mean interday precision for all standards was < 10% of the expected concentration. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9999. Good compositional data could be obtained from the analysis of derivatized protein hydrolysates containing as little as 50.5 ng of sample. Therefore, the facile BCEOC derivatization coupled with mass spectrometry allowed the development of a highly sensitive and specific method for the quantitative analysis of trace levels of amino acids and peptides from biological and natural environmental samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vegetation is very sensitive to climate change. Carbon isotopes in paleosol have been widely used to contruct the propotion of plants using C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways. δ13C of Loess organic matter were analyzed on the loess- paleosols samples from Jingchuan sections and Luochuan S4—S5 sequence. This paper presents a long carbon isotope time series, covering the last 600kyr. δ13C record of Loess organic matter in Jingchuan is correlated with marine oxygen isotope records. Basing on former research work, this paper discusses temperature, rainfall and P CO2 effect on δ13Corg value. In the interglacial periods, carbon isotope is more sensitive than other proxies and indicates several climate fluctuations. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Obtained δ13C composition from paleosols and loess sediments in Jingchuan range of -20.0‰ to -24.6‰, the maximum biomass of C4 is 35%, indicating a C3 and C4 mixed steppe with C3 dominated. C4 plant is not always expansion during paleosols periods. The minimum values of Jingchuan section appeared in S4 soil, and the vegetation was almost pure C3 plant at that time. δ13Corg value in S5-2 is also lower than loess in S5, reaching the minimum valus of S5 soil. 2. PCO2 variation has little impact on δ13Corg value in interglacial periods for the last 600kyr. The correlation between δ13Corg value curve and magnetic susceptibility curve as proxy of summer monsoon in general, means summer monsoon drive C4 plant expansion during glacial and interglacial. 3. The lowerδ13Corg values in S4 and S5-2 appear at Jingchuan and Luochuan, suggest origin from woodland or C3 grassland. Whatever vegetation it is, indicate strengthened East Asian summer monsoon and increase of precipitation. C4 plant percentage is lower in S5-1 and S1 which have stronger summer monsoon, than S0 and S2. And it also indicates increase of precipitation.δ13Corg values has not always non-linearity correlation with summer monsoon. 4. The maximum entroy spectral analysis of δ13C values of the last 600kyr indicates there is 21 kyr cycles in Loess sequence. It means that summer monsoon in the Chinese Loess Plateau also has the precession cycles like its origin low latitude.